Wendy's Wild Wolves [Shy River Pack 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

BOOK: Wendy's Wild Wolves [Shy River Pack 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Shy River Pack 1

Wendy's Wild Wolves

“Love me, love my parrot.”

Wendy Roberts loves that silly bird—despite its rude and insulting comments. It’s been part of her family since before she was born, and these days it’s her closest companion. She’s never even questioned its ability to communicate. Parrots are intelligent creatures, right?

Donovan Taylor and Sogarn Stormmaker both hate that damn bird.

The lovers have been stuck on this mountain, in wolf form, protecting the feathered fraud for the past forty-four years. They’re almost relieved when trouble finally arrives.

Yet, when Wendy puts herself in the line of fire, they can’t ignore it. They’ve watched her grow into a beautiful, intelligent, determined woman and there’s no way they’re leaving her behind.

But now Wendy is about to learn to be careful what she wishes for. Royal fugitives? Deliciously sexy shifters? Wild conspiracies? Maybe, just maybe, that’s more excitement than she’d hoped for…or is it?

Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Shape-shifter

27,267 words



Shy River Pack 1






Rachel Clark

writing as

Bec Adams










Siren Publishing, Inc.


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IMPRINT: Ménage Amour




Copyright © 2013 by Bec Adams

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First E-book Publication: March 2013


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Wendy’s Wild Wolves
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Shy River Pack 1



Copyright © 2013








Nearly sixty years ago…


Sogarn walked into the bedroom just as Donovan dropped the towel. They’d seen each other naked hundreds of times, but lately Sogarn found his eyes drawn to the big man. Why? He didn’t really know, but it was getting harder and harder to avert his eyes and shield his thoughts.

Fuck. They had the perfect life. A little over ten years ago Sogarn had found Donovan severely injured after a brutal attack from bandits. He couldn’t really explain why he did what he did next, but they’d been best friends ever since.

The bedroom still smelled of sex even though the woman they’d shared had left long ago. He glanced at his best friend again, and again tried desperately to shield his thoughts. Why was he suddenly finding himself physically attracted to his best friend? It had never happened before, not with any man, so why him and why now?

Sogarn turned away, careful to keep Donovan out of his line of sight, but as he passed the mirror he caught a glimpse of Donovan’s long, thick cock, and the thoughts that passed through his brain were nothing short of scandalous.

Donovan’s head snapped up to meet Sogarn’s eyes. Caught, he couldn’t look away.

“Tell me you didn’t just think that.”

Sogarn swallowed hard. It was no use denying what he’d just thought. Ever since he’d changed Donovan into a werewolf, they’d shared an unexpected mental link, so Donovan would know that any denial he voiced was horseshit. Sogarn had no choice but to try and explain.

He turned to face Donovan, making eye contact with difficulty.

“I’m sorry. I cannot explain it. Maybe my thinking is simply not clear.”

Donovan shook his head. “It’s more than that,” he said quietly. “You’re attracted to me. Why?”

“I don’t know why. I don’t even understand why I’m suddenly lusting after another man, but I just can’t rein in the emotions.”

Donovan took a step toward him, his cock growing harder, bobbing against his rippled abdominal muscles as he moved. Sogarn managed to control the urge to step back, but that may have been because he was already half a step from the mirror and basically had nowhere to go. Still naked, Donovan stopped only inches away from Sogarn’s now-shaking frame. This was just a little too close to the fantasies that had been interrupting his sleep of late.

“You want me.”

Sogarn shook his head in denial even as his cock grew harder.

Donovan placed his palms on the mirror, effectively locking Sogarn between his naked body and the hard surface, but without actually touching him.

“You want me,” he said again. “Admit it. Say it out loud.”

“I don’t want you,” Sogarn denied angrily. “I can’t want you. I…”

“It’s okay,” Donovan said as he stroked a finger down Sogarn’s face. “I want you, too.” Donovan’s low, soft voice weakened Sogarn’s knees, but his words turned his world upside down. Instead of being offended his best friend was grinning at him, but Sogarn was still having trouble processing all that this meant.


“Because you love me, and because I love you, and because we should follow our hearts.” Donovan lifted a hand away from the mirror and cupped Sogarn’s cheek. “And because I can give you what you need.”

Sogarn’s knees almost gave out. He’d always been the dominant partner in any relationship. When he and Donovan had first met, he’d been happy to protect the newly made werewolf, but lately he’d found himself wanting to experience that feeling of helplessness and trust that the women they invited into their bed found when they both made love to her.

“I know,” Donovan said quietly. Before Sogarn could find his voice, Donovan wrapped an arm around his waist and pulled him hard against his strong body. The guy was huge, massive and muscular, and even though Sogarn had never felt inadequate beside Donovan, he was surprised at his own willingness to submit to the man’s wishes.

“It’s okay,” Donovan mumbled against his lips right before plunging his tongue into Sogarn’s mouth, invading his space, stealing his air and his sanity. Sogarn wrapped his arms around the big man and held on as Donovan kissed him savagely, the passion explosive and uncontrolled.
“I’ve wanted to do this for a very long time,”
Donovan said telepathically, not breaking the incredible kiss.

Sogarn’s cock pressed so hard against the material of his pants that he could almost visualize the little dents the coarse material would leave. Donovan chuckled even as he bit him, licking at his lips and then thrusting his tongue hard to the back of Sogarn’s throat. Donovan’s hands found the fastenings of Sogarn’s pants, managing to untangle the clothing without jamming his stone-hard cock in the process.

Sogarn sighed in relief as his erection sprang free, but his respite was short lived when Donovan’s massive hand wrapped around him and squeezed. Sogarn’s knees did give way this time, and he felt himself wobble just before Donovan lifted him, turned, and dropped him onto the bed.

“Stay,” Donovan ordered as he grabbed the legs of Sogarn’s workman’s pants and pulled them off his feet. Embarrassment gripped him for a moment, and he grabbed his shirt to pull it lower to cover his hard-on. Donovan fell forward onto him, pinning him to the bed with his weight. He grabbed Sogarn’s wrists in a fierce grip and forced his hands over his head, pinned them down with one hand, and pushed his shirt up and off him with the other. Sogarn had always known that because of his age, strength-wise Donovan would be no match, but until this moment he hadn’t realized how much stronger the werewolf had grown.

Donovan nipped his jaw as he growled low in his throat. “Keep them there or I will tie them in place.”

Liquid fire surged through Sogarn’s veins. The very thought of being tied down, helpless, not required to make decisions or choices, appealed far more than it should have. He tried to keep that thought to himself, but Donovan dropped a hand to Sogarn’s ass, caressing him lovingly as he spoke.

“Oh, Sogarn, it makes perfect sense. You’re responsible for so much. You spend every night protecting me and every werewolf and human around us. No wonder you need some downtime.” Donovan eased off him, moving to stand beside the bed. “Do you trust me?”

“Of course.” The words came without hesitation. Sogarn had always trusted Donovan, had always known he could rely on the younger wolf to support him in any situation. Even now at the cusp of a dramatic change in their relationship, Sogarn knew that Donovan would protect him, exactly the same way Sogarn would protect Donovan.

Donovan smiled and then turned to the wardrobe. He rummaged through a couple of drawers until he found what he sought. Turning back to Sogarn, he held up the leather restraints they’d bought recently. They hadn’t had a chance to use them yet—the woman they’d imagined using them on had been absent of late—but he suddenly felt even more excited thinking of himself in the restraints instead.

BOOK: Wendy's Wild Wolves [Shy River Pack 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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