Read Werewolf Breeding Frenzy Online

Authors: Sabine Winters

Tags: #gangbang, #double penetration, #werewolf erotica, #werewolf sex, #gangbang erotica, #breeding sex, #werewolf gangbang, #breeding erotica, #werewolf breeding, #breeding gangbang

Werewolf Breeding Frenzy

BOOK: Werewolf Breeding Frenzy
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Breeding Frenzy

Published by
Sabine Winters at Smashwords

Copyright 2013
Sabine Winters


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The moon rose above the trees, bathing the
forest in silver light, making everything beautiful and strange and
mysterious. It was only a sliver away from full, big enough to hang
low in the dark, star-studded sky, and Katarina couldn't take her
eyes from it.

The wind blew through the trees. She
shivered, clad only in a silky robe and nothing else, her nipples
pressing against the thin fabric. Katarina knew what was supposed
to happen, what she'd been told would happen, but she had no idea
what it would feel like.

It was the second full moon of the sixth
month – a blue moon. For the young women of her village, a blue
moon falling in the sixth month meant a time of fear and hope,
anticipation and waiting.

Because that night before the moon turned
full was the only time that the werewolves could breed, and one of
the women would be chosen for the privilege each time.

The older women always claimed it
a privilege, and the girl who
was chosen as the werewolves' mate was certainly treated that way.
She was given everything she could possibly need, kept from
working, fed good food and herbs meant to increase her fertility.
She would be cossetted and cared for through her pregnancy, and
respected for the rest of her life. The people of the village
treated her like a queen.

But all the girls knew that what she really
was, was a sacrifice.

When they had learned that the werewolves
would be breeding this year, the girls of the village had flown
into a frenzy. There was privilege and plenty of rewards that came
with being chosen as the mate, and some girls wanted that – but
other wanted anything but. Since only unmarried women were chosen,
there had been more marriages in the first half of the year than
there had been for two years before.

Katarina had watched it all with bemusement.
She didn't want to rush into marriage simply to avoid the
possibility of being selected for this task. She had no lack of
suitors – not with her beautiful auburn hair, green eyes, and
apple-red lips. But none of them seemed that serious. They only
hoped that she'd pick one of them out of an urge to avoid the

And she hadn't. There had been enough
unmarried girls by the time of the selection that Katarina had
considered her chances slim – and truthfully, she'd been relieved
by that.

They had been lined up, blindfolded, in the
inn's courtyard. Katarina knew what was meant to happen – the
werewolves' leader would inspect them and choose one, whichever one
he believed was the best suited to their needs. The most fertile,
the strongest. Not the most beautiful or the most talented – that
wasn't what the girls were needed for.

Some of the other girls, the ones who wanted
to be chosen, had worn perfumes or revealing clothing. Anything to
attract more attention. Katarina had worn her usual clothes, done
nothing special. She'd been nervous, of course, but she'd fully
expected to walk away with nothing more than an interesting
experience. Entire generations of girls grew up without a mating
year happening, after all, and even this time there would be only
one girl chosen.

Which was why she'd been so shocked when it
had been her.

Being treated so well had been pleasant
enough, but as the day of the mating approached, Katarina had
gotten more and more nervous. The last woman who'd been chosen,
years before, had died in childbirth – normal childbirth – not too
long ago, so she'd had no one to ask questions of. Matings were
rare, and lifespans weren't that long, not even here. Violence
might never touch the village thanks to the werewolves, but there
was still sickness and accidents and all manner of other

So Katarina had been alone with her thoughts
and what she could learn from the elders of the village, which
wasn't much. The women chosen for the mating were always sent into
the woods alone, and they rarely spoke of what transpired
afterward. Why would they? Marital relations of any kind were
private business, much less something like... like this, which was
mystical and strange and so very rare.

And now Katarina was alone in the night,
naked but for a thin robe, carefully walking deeper and deeper into
the forest.

The ground beneath her feet was cool and
soft, no sharp stones or broken sticks waiting to draw blood. The
looming trees, which might have been frightening on another night,
were only beautiful in the silvery light of the moon.

But as pleasant as the forest was, her
anxiety only grew.

Before her, the trees opened up into a
pleasant woodland glade. In the daylight, it would be the sort of
place a gaggle of maidens might go to gossip and pick flowers. At
night – at least on this strange, rare night – it was somehow
mysterious and seductive, drawing Katarina to it.

She stepped out from the trees, her bare feet
enjoying the feel of the grass. Carefully, she walked to the
center, where the moon shone down.

That was when they came out of the trees.

The werewolves looked like normal wolves, but
bigger, stronger. Their eyes gleamed in the moonlight, and when
their mouths open, sharp fangs glittered within. She lost track of
them, they moved so quickly and quietly. Were there five? Six?

They circled around her, and Katarina felt
her heart beating fast. It should have been terror she felt, she
knew that, but somehow... somehow it wasn't. Maybe it was the
potion they'd given her right before she left, maybe it was the
moonlight, maybe it was something else entirely. But whatever it
was, it meant that instead of fear, Katarina felt excitement.

One of the wolves passing in front of her
blurred, and then there was a man there. Tall and handsome, his
dark hair shadowing deep gray eyes, his muscles were defined and
strong like none of the men in the village – and she could see them
perfectly, because he wore nothing at all.

Katarina flushed deeply and averted her eyes.
Then she paused. Was there really a reason to look away, besides
her embarrassment? She was meant to breed with these men – these
werewolves. She ought to at least look at them.

She took a deep breath and looked up, taking
him in. All of him. His cock hung between his legs, large and real
and enough to make her draw in a quick gasp. Those gray eyes looked
back at her, steady but with a gleam of something else buried deep
within – lust? Could that be it?

Another of the wolves circling her blurred
into a man, this one with light hair, but just as attractive and
fit as the first. They'd have to be, wouldn't they, Katarina
thought distantly. If they spent their nights running in the
forest, living like wild animals, they'd naturally be in good

You chose a pretty one this time,” the
blond said. His voice was low, not directed toward Katarina but
toward the other man, the dark-haired one. He must be the leader of
the pack, Katarina thought. He looked to be only a few years older
than her, but that didn't matter. The wolves were immortal, dying
only by violence. That was why they could survive even with so few
mating seasons.

Pretty and fertile,” the leader said, his
eyes still on Katarina. “We'll breed her tonight, and there will be
a new addition to our pack before spring comes next

Katarina shivered. It all suddenly felt real.
She was here to be their mate, the mother to a new werewolf, to be
bred like an animal.

Are you afraid?” the leader said. His eyes
missed nothing, and he'd seen her shiver, all out of place in the
warmth of the summer night.

I... I don't know,” Katarina said, honest.
She should be, she knew, and some part of her was. But the rest of
her was excited, anticipatory. “I don't know what to

The blond laughed. “They don't teach you
humans anything these days, do you?” He stepped closer, and
Katarina looked up at him. “The pack will take you tonight. One of
us will get you with child, and you'll bear a new wolf to join our
pack. Simple, isn't it?”

The... pack?” Katarina glanced around,
taking in the two men, the wolves still untransformed. Were there
more of them in the trees, or were those only shadows? “All of

All of us,” the leader said. His eyes
darted to the blond, who moved behind Katarina in a quick motion.
Before she knew it, before she could stop him, he had ripped her
robe away. She gasped, standing naked before all of them, exposed.
Her hands fluttered up to cover her breasts, then down to hide the
cleft between her legs.

The leader laughed, low and rough. The sound
of it sent a shiver up Katarina's spine – a shiver of pleasure. She
shouldn't want this, she shouldn't be enjoying the way they were
all looking at her. She shouldn't be excited by the prospect of
mating with who knew how many werewolves.

But she was.

What a lovely view,” the blonde said. His
hands were on her now, strong and rough, sliding across her smooth
stomach from behind. “Don't hide. You were chosen, you're lucky.
You'll remember this night for the rest of your life.”

Katarina knew that was true. She also knew
suddenly that it wouldn't be a bad memory, not at all. Her hands
fell away, revealing herself to the wolves.

Another one blurred and changed to human, and
then another. More shapes slipped from the woods. How many were
there? And she'd be used by all of them? Katarina swallowed the
lump of nervousness and excitement in her throat. Her embarrassment
was slipping away, replaced by a newly budding desire.

I'll have you first,” the leader said. The
blonde let Katarina go, stepping away, and she took a deep breath.
She pushed her long auburn hair over her shoulders, eyelashes
half-lidded, and held out a hand to the werewolf in

Yes, my lord,” Katarina said. She accepted
this, accepted him, accepted what would happen. More than
acceptance – she
all of that.

He grinned ferally, a quick flash of teeth,
and then he was on her.

Pushing her to the soft grass, the werewolf
leader began to explore her body. He wasn't gentle or careful, but
his rough demanding caresses lit her desire far more than
gentleness would have. His hands seemed to be everywhere. His lips
were on hers, his tongue plundering her mouth, and she yielded to
him completely.

Katarina's blood seemed almost to be burning
within her with the heat of her desire. Though she'd felt inklings
before, all of a sudden it was full and complete. The forest glade
seemed to change into a bordello, an orgy. Was it more of the
werewolves' magic? The effect of their rare mating season? It
didn't matter. Whatever the reason was, Katarina wanted all of them
now. She wanted them working within her, fucking her, filling her
with their wild seed.

She gripped the werewolf leader, pulling him
closer in encouragement. He spread her legs roughly, settling
between them, and she saw that he was hard now. His stiff cock
pressed against her warm, wet pussy, ready to ravage her and fill
her, and she moaned.

Then he was thrusting into her. Katarina's
world exploded in pleasure. It was as if something she'd been
missing for years had been returned to her. There was no pain, no
hesitation – only desire and pleasure as the first werewolf claimed
her body.

The mating was about need, nothing more and
nothing less. He moved inside her, hard and rough, sending waves of
pleasure through her. Katarina knew it was only the first of many,
the leader deflowering the werewolves' sacrifice. And she wanted
more already, so much more.

He moved inside her, pressing rough kisses to
her face and shoulders, biting softly sometimes. His thrusts became
harder, and she moaned, feeling pleasure rocket through her. His
hard cock seemed to fill her completely, touching spots she'd never
felt before.

The other wolves began to howl. Their leader
thrust into her once more, then again, and then he released inside
her. His hot cum filled her, and another wave of pleasure went
through her at the sensation – the hot sticky wetness inside her.
It was perfect, it was what she wanted and what she was here

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