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Authors: Mocha Lovan

Tags: #General Fiction

What My Eyes Can't See (14 page)

BOOK: What My Eyes Can't See
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Come to find out, his boys had been going around asking questions about me behind my back. Checking up on me like the FBI or some shit. I don’t appreciate being spied on. Whether Shay put them up to it or not, it’s still a no-no in my book. Erica told me about it all not too long ago. I didn’t mention it to Shay, because it would have just started an argument. Our relationship had been in harmony and it wasn’t worth risking over what the next female said.

“So what’s up for tonight, girl?”

“You tell me, because I'm down for whatever. I was thinking about making a few coins down at the Mark, but if you have something better up your sleeve that's fine too,” Taniyah replied.

“The Mark sounds like fun... It’s been a while, but I think I can do it.”

“Ain’t nothing to it but to do it,” Taniyah laughed. “Girl you know you don’t need to make no money,” she said and rolled her eyes at me. She was laying on the edge of the bed looking up at me, while I checked my body out in the mirror.

“True that, but I want to get out and shake a little something. The Mark is right up my alley. We need to go shopping. Everything you got in your closet is played and all of my shit is at Erica’s. I want to hit the floor wearing the flyest shit tonight.”

“Oh bitch, you got jokes. But it’s good if you’re treating.”

“What happened to the key you had for Erica’s spot? I’m down to go borrow some of her shit with her missing-in-action ass.”

“Girl, she been took that key from me over some little bullshit.”

“Oh well, we don’t need it anyway. Let’s go!”

Taniyah and I hadn’t chilled like this in a minute and it was time. To keep Shay out of my business, I made a cash withdrawal from the bank, instead of using my plastic. I took three bands out of the bank, just to piss Shay off. He will definitely wonder what I needed the money for.

Niyah and I bought some dope stripper outfits and heels; some for now, and some for later. It really doesn’t cost that much to get an outfit, but I wanted to go all out. We got our teeth whitened, full-face makeup, pedicures and the whole nine yards. We spent more getting ready than half the females in there will make by the end of the night. Taniyah’s crazy ass got the shoes made with the tip slot built into the sole. I couldn’t stop laughing about that. She wanted to get the pants with the ass out, but I had to veto that notion. I didn’t care about no tip slot, just as long my joints were pink and on point. I only wore pink shoes when I danced. The color of my feet was dope in pink heels, and my toenail polish always offset my tattoo, which I kept glittered up. Ever since I learned how to work the 7-inch platform heels, my shoe game has been vicious. I drove the foot fetish niggas crazy. After we shopped, we went out to eat at this cool lil chill spot where the rich white men go, just in case Niyah wanted to turn a trick before the night started. We barely ate; we mostly eyeballed the men in the room and gossiped. Nobody caught her eye so after we finished our apple martinis, we headed back to Niyah’s to get dressed.

Niyah was standing in front of the mirror butt-ass naked, putting on her makeup. She turned around to peep my new outfit. Holding eyeliner in one hand, she looked me up and down and said, “Dang girl, your hips and ass got bigger. You and Shay must be getting it in on the regular. I told you that all that dick riding is good for your shape.”

“I know, right? When I get high I can’t stop riding, but he ain’t complaining,” I said and shook my hips from side to side, sticking my tongue out at her. Then I thought about Shay for a brief moment. “Fuck Shay!” I hollered spontaneously.

We laughed so hard and talked about the good times we had chilling with Erica. “Remember how I would take stacks out the account and live it up, getting high as hell? Partying behind Shay’s back. Sort of like today.” I started laughing.

“Erica’s fast ass always tried to be the first one to leave us for the first cool trick. That has always been one hot to trot heffa,” Taniyah commented.

“Still at the end of the day, I really miss Erica. I wish she was here,” I said.

“Me too girl, but one monkey don’t stop no show,” Taniyah said, as we laughed together loudly and slapping high fives.

After that, we got dressed and headed to the Mark. Everybody was looking at us as if we were on the red carpet. Not just the men; the women couldn’t keep their eyes off us either. We looked good and we knew it. I couldn't strut any harder than I was, and compliments about my hips didn’t make it any better. I felt like the baddest bitch. I swung my hair from right to left; since it was all mine, I felt like flaunting it. My curls were silky and bouncy as ever. As we walked around back to one of entrance doors, I could see some random niggas sitting in a car, hollering at us to come talk. I barely even glanced their direction as we kept walking.

“Hey boo,” I said to the bouncer and gave him a half ass hug, as he squeezed my right ass cheek then smacked it. I held out a piece of gum that I had ready out for him, and he took it. His breath never smelled good and apparently, I was the only one that cared.

“You sho is looking good, shorty. Umph…umph…umph... you coming to dance tonight? If so, don’t forget to put something on the house tonight,” he flirted, as he took the gum from my hand and popped it in between his big, ashy lips.

“You know I ain’t never put nothing on it. Not about to start tonight,” I said, as we kept walking right past him. I didn’t even look back to engage him any further,

“You heard what I said, with yo’ fine self.”

“Yep, and you heard what I said...” I retorted as I kept walking.

“Girl, I will be back,” Taniyah said, and headed in the other direction to avoid the conversation with the bouncer.

While Taniyah stayed up front talking to some miscellaneous dudes, I went to the back to see who was dancing for the night. Nobody ever really hated, but tonight these females had big attitude problems. They were back there in the dressing room, eyeballing everything I pulled out of my bag, maybe because all my stuff still had the tags on. I rolled my eyes at them and got dressed. It always took me a while to get dressed, because I like to put on a real outfit. It was fun to really have clothes to take off, instead of just two shoestrings wrapped around me, like some females do.

Then one female I met previously, tried to speak with a dry ass, “Hey-ey.”
She could have kept that hey to herself,
I thought. I pretended not to hear her, as I bent down to strap on my heels.

Then Taniyah walked up to me. “Girl, pop this right quick,” she said, handing me a blue dolphin. “I already popped two and I’m about to bump one of these lil hoes out of their spot tonight.” Taniyah was real cool with the house mom, so Taniyah could bump a bitch whenever she wanted to. Most of the time females are late, so it’s not that hard to do, especially since we have been some of the main attractions.

I popped my pill and headed straight to the bar. I didn’t want to talk to any men right away tonight, but on my way to the bar, several tried to stop me for lap dances. Although I loved to give a good lap dance, I still made my way to the bar without giving in to the temptation. I could feel my pill starting to kick in as I ordered a double shot of Hennessy, and I chatted a little with the bartender who still remembered me from before. She made it a point to get me caught up on all the gossip I had missed. Telling me about a girl getting banned for body odor. They think she tried to dance with a yeast infection in progress and shit like that. So much had gone down at the Mark since I hadn’t been here; it wasn’t even funny. Here I was, just dancing at the Mark for fun when some of those females didn’t have a choice. I almost felt bad, but then I realized that I was high; euphoria took over and I stopped caring instantly.

Taniyah came hollering unnecessarily over the music, “Bitch, we going up next. Hurry up and drink that shit.” Pulling me by the arm, she shouted, “Let's get this coin right quick.”

What did she mean by we? I wanted to come out by myself first, but whatever.
I could tell when Niyah was rolling, because she would get super ready for any and everything. If I wanted to rob a bank right now, she would say the same shit…
Come on bitch; let's get this coin right quick
. I’m like I can’t with her, it’s too funny.

We walked through the back for one more face check before we hit the stage. As I leaned in close to the mirror and rubbed my glossy lips together, I noticed my phone ringing off the hook. It could only be one of two people and I didn’t want to talk to either of them. I put my phone on silent, gulped the last of my Hennessy, sat the shot glass down and headed for the stage.

I was high as shit. The baby ballers or some low-key businessmen must have been in the house because dollars was everywhere, more than usual. Even though I hadn’t danced in months, I was still slaying. The pole was my new best friend at that moment. I couldn’t get enough of the glares from the men and women. Taniyah brought out her toys, so she could really put on a show, pulling beads out of her pussy. Shit, if I didn’t have every man’s attention in here, then he must have been gay. Taniyah twerked her ass off too. The last time I looked at her, she was popping on a handstand with a head between her legs and taking the nigga’s money at the same time.

When our show was over, it took a minute to get all the money up off the floor before we headed to the back to lock our shit up. Taniyah always talked shit while she picked her money up, because she felt like it would detour anyone from trying to take any off the top; it never did though. Everybody had their motherfucking hand out.

When we got to the lockers, I could hear one of the dancers say, “I think y’all might be the freakiest dancers in here tonight. I’m glad I already went on before you guys did. I wouldn't want to follow that act.” A few of the haters was smacking their lips at her comment. Taniyah and I looked at each other and laughed. We both knew it was true.

We slayed the pole and if I were them, I would probably hate too. I mean it was certainly understandable, because they could never measure up to us two…we were dime pieces. It was evident that we were the baddest bitches in the club that night, or any other night for that matter.

I circled back around and gave out a few lap dances. Then I saw Taniyah signal to me from the VIP section across the room. I walked over to her, where she was sitting with two men that appeared to be too classy to be visiting the Mark.

The man sitting alone patted the seat next to him as a gesture for me to sit with him. A fine ass white man, he was suited and booted from head to toe, and smelled so good. His fingernails were manicured; his skin was tan as if he had recently been somewhere tropical. His hair was short, almost bald, but black and bold in color, which made his pretty brown eyes stand out. He had to be around thirty, with a chest like a god.

I was staring so hard that I almost tripped in my 7-inch clear heels with the hot pink glitter soles. I cleared my throat a little and tried to sound sexy and not thirsty. “What’s up, Ni?”

She was so high that she either didn’t hear me or just didn't answer. I could see the second gentleman whispering in her ear, as she giggled in a sexy way and lined the rim of her glass with her fingertips. As I went to sit down by the first man, who was obviously some type of rich model, Taniyah finally looked my way.

“Sacaria, this is Alex. Alex, this is Sacaria.”

Alex lifted my hand to his mouth and kissed it. “Hi Sacaria, it’s very nice to meet such a beautiful woman.”

“Thank you,” I said, as Alex passed me a drink he had just poured from one of the bottles sitting on the table.

“No, let me thank you for allowing me to share a moment of your time,” Alex said, in a sexy, yet very masculine tone.

He had an accent that almost made me cream right there in my seat.

“Would you like to sit with me for a while, and possibly return with me to my room later tonight? I don’t mean to offend you, Sacaria, and if perhaps I have, please excuse me for being rude.”

“No, it's okay. I’m not offended.”

“Good, because I have plenty to offer you,” he said, as he pulled out a few bands and sat them on my lap; he then leaned forward and sniffed a few lines off the table. He then gestured with his hand for me take part, so I did.

Alex just sat there for minute, looking at me, but not speaking. Looking into Alex’s eyes made me almost feel like giving him his money back, but I didn’t. I could see thirsty dancers walking by trying to be nosy. A few tried to approach us, but Alex waved his hand to the bouncers, who quickly rectified the situation.

Alex handed the bouncer a few hundreds and turned back towards me.

“So now, where were we my beautiful maiden? Uh, yes... will you allow me the pleasure of enjoying your company tonight?”

“Sure babe,” I replied. I was pretty sure that I knew what he wanted.

“Splendid, then you will not be dancing the rest of the night?”

“Of course I will,” I replied, and before Alex could say another word, I stood before him and started to dance.


Chapter 14

here in the hell could Sacaria be? I have been ringing her phone off the hook. I drove around earlier, trying to find her, but nobody answered the door to her Mom’s house. I even tried to call Taniyah, but she didn't answer her phone either. I guess Sacaria’s still upset, but I thought for sure that she would be ready to talk to me by now. If for nothing more than to cuss me out or slap my face.

I wanted her to be with me when Jasmine came by with the baby. This is a family matter, and Sacaria is my family. I thought it would be appropriate to have Sacaria here as my future wife, if she will still have me. There is no turning back now, so I guess I gotta do this alone.

My nerves felt bad and I needed a drink, so I opened up my last bottle of Effin. Before I knew it, I was about six shots up and I feeling nice. I turned on
and sat back in my lounge chair. I must have dozed off, because hours had passed; I checked the clock for the umpteenth time and still no Jasmine. She had already called late in the first place, but this shit was getting ridiculous.

BOOK: What My Eyes Can't See
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