When Dreams Come True (The Star Series Book 1) (2 page)

BOOK: When Dreams Come True (The Star Series Book 1)
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Lissa shook her head, trying to focus on what everyone else was saying; she’d hoped she hadn’t missed anything important. Lucky for her, they were looking at the menu and making small talk. She had no idea where to look so she picked up her menu, but her face went red again. Will Martin…
was sitting right next to her. As if being in Los Angeles talking to a studio executive about the final stages of turning her book into a movie wasn’t surreal enough, there she was having lunch with a movie star she had a crush on. Somehow, almost amazingly, she managed to get through ordering the lunch and the general small talk without sounding like too much of an idiot.

It felt strange looking at him while he was talking. One reason she felt so drawn to him was that it didn’t matter if it was a movie role or if he was being interviewed; it always seemed like he was totally in the moment and focused on the other person who was talking to him. It was almost as if a bomb could go off next to him, but he’d never break eye contact, never lose that focus on the other person. She never expected to be on the other end of it, and especially not sitting two feet away from him. He put her at ease, telling stories about his different film roles or just general life stories, making him appear more human and less the big movie star.

“So, Melissa,” He leaned his chin in his hand, turning his body toward her. “I must say I’m very interested in your writing.”

“Really?” Why did her voice pick right then to squeak? She’d been playing it so cool! Well, as cool as she could.

He smiled at her. “Yes, really. I love how you give the reader just enough information so they can fill in the blanks with their own imagination.”

“Well, for me,” Lissa started, fiddling with the edge of the tablecloth. “I was a reader first, and I always skipped over the paragraphs which held too much information. Or when something was mentioned later on in the book I’d say to myself that was all wrong, because it wasn’t how I imagined it. I
the readers of my books to be able to fill in the blanks. They can really make the characters or settings any way they want to. I give them the basics, and they can do the rest. They get to pick the general shape and colors of my creation, which I think makes the story more personal to them.” She shrugged, blushing again. “There were times in my life when reading was my escape. I’d play the whole thing out in my head, with me as the heroine of course. I’d be able to go and do things I’d never be able to do in real life. I just hope I’m able to do that for others.”

“That’s why I’ve always loved to read. There’s something quite wonderful about getting lost in a story, isn’t there?” He waited for her to nod. “And your villains, darling, they are magnificent. Really, such depth, such psychosis. Tell me, this one we’re talking about for the movie, how did you come up with him? What else can you tell me about him?”

She knew the only way she’d be able to get through the lunch was to get into her writing and talking about her stories. This was her passion, this was what she knew. If she could get lost in the story of telling him about them, she might be able to forget who he was.

Lissa took a deep breath, knowing instinctively she needed to lay it all out there. “It was actually you.”

“Me? Now I’m really intrigued. I want to know everything.”

“I was surfing the internet, looking for inspiration, and there you were at one of the superhero conventions, dressed as the villain.” Lissa narrowed her eyes, wanting to get the words just right. “How you commanded the room, how you walked and moved. The power which came from you completely inspired him, and my villain was born. I wanted to make him completely crazy, yet there was something sexy about him. I wanted people to be conflicted about him. That’s actually what I try to do with all of my villains, male or female. In one way or another, I want my readers to be both drawn to and repulsed by them. I want people to wonder about their neighbors, their co-workers, and the people they pass on the streets. We are all hiding secrets, but what if theirs happened to be they killed people, a lot of people, horrifically?”

Will smiled at her. “I read the proposed script and then had to read the book. You did a good job transitioning from the book to the movie, by the way, but as always, the book was better.” His smile overtook his face.

He liked it. He read my book, and he liked it.
Lissa was in shock and for a minute wasn’t sure what to say. “Thank you. Ummm… so, yeah, that was how he was ‘born’ and then I filled the others around him.”

“Some of the situations or things you have him doing, how exactly do you come up with that?”

Lissa fiddled with her napkin. “Well, I don’t scare easily. I’m one of those people who is always first in line to go through the haunted houses and the guys are screaming and hiding behind me. I don’t get grossed out in movies that often, because I know it’s all fake. So, I think of a situation and keep playing with it, adding more and more until I feel that would be too much to put in a book, and I back it off a step or two. I know that way, most people who read it will be scared or creeped out. It’s always a delicate balance between too much and too little.”

He leaned toward her and dropped his voice to a whisper. “I have a confession to make. I have read all of your books.”

She couldn’t help herself; she leaned in a little closer to him. “Did I hear right? You’ve read all of my books?” Surely she had to be mistaken.

With twinkling eyes, he nodded.

“Wow. Why?” Really, Will Martinsson had read
of her books. He’d even read her sex scenes. Her face went red again, thinking about some of what she’d written and there she was sitting next to
, talking about her books.

“Because they are very good. They kept me on the edge of my seat, or laughing. You’ve got quite a sense of humor there. You know us Brits; we love a good bit of dry humor.”

His eyes were an amazing shade of blue and he didn’t hold anything back. Being that close, she could see every emotion in his eyes; there was nothing he could hide. She had to control herself not to prop her chin in her hand and sigh while looking at him like some lovesick school girl.

She looked down again. “Thank you.”

He tipped her chin up, and her heart fluttered like a little bird caught in a trap as she locked her gaze with his. “You don’t take compliments well, do you?”

“No.” She gulped.

“You’d better get used to it. You’re good, this script is good, and your other books are good. You could have a long career in Hollywood, if you want. Always remember to enjoy today, especially the compliments. Take them, hold them close, and do what you do best. This isn’t the easiest of towns, and it won’t always be hearts and flowers, but remember it’s your talent. Just keep doing what you do best and you’ll be fine.”

When he let go of her chin and leaned back, it was as if the restaurant came roaring back to life. The noise of the other diners surrounded them and they were no longer in their little bubble. Blinking, she looked over at Angelica who was deep in conversation with Sam. It was like no one had noticed the moment they had. Thinking it all had to be in her head she took another drink of her water, needing something to do. She was thankful when their lunch arrived.

Lissa’s stomach was in knots and she knew there’d be no way she could eat anything. Taking small bites and pushing the rest around her plate, she thought she was fooling them. Since the meeting was about her book and movie, most of the questions were directed toward her, or questions Angelica asked of Sam. Either way, she had to pay attention and talk.

During a lull, Will leaned over to whisper in her ear. “You’re not eating.”

She started to look down and stopped herself, deciding to ride it out. After all, having lunch with him could be the only time she ever had a chance to spend any kind of time with him. She leaned over to whisper in his ear. “I’m too excited to eat.”

Softly he chuckled, his breath tickling her neck. “Nothing ever stops me from eating, but I must tell you, I’m also a bit excited.”

“Really? Why?”

“I shouldn’t tell you this, since you’d have me at a great disadvantage, but I want this part. Out of all of your characters, this is the one I want to play. There’s also the fact you left the ending open.” He heard her suck in her breath. “I’m right, aren’t I?”

She could hear the excitement in his voice. “Yes. I’m planning another book, where he is released from the facility, completely rehabilitated, or so they say. He wants to ruin their happily ever after.”

“I knew it.” His breath came harder on her neck. “Knowing how he was in this one, I can’t wait to see what you have in store for him with the next one. Tell me.”

His scent was so intoxicating she was willing to give him anything to stay that close to him. Again having an intimate moment with him surrounded by so many people. “I can’t. I don’t have it all worked out yet.”

“Well, I can understand that.” He pulled away from her and pulled something out of his pocket. “Here.” He lifted her hand and turning it over, placed a card across her palm. Closing her fingers around it, he gave her a little squeeze. “Don’t lose that. You’ll keep me informed, right?”

“Sure. Yeah, I can do that.” She didn’t want to be a complete dork and open her hand, but she suspected it was a way to get a hold of him, most likely email. She wanted so badly to do a happy dance, but she was trying to be all professional and like she took lunch meetings with famous actors in Los Angeles all the time. Acting like a groupie would totally blow the image.

They spent the rest of the lunch talking about the movie and the possibility for more. She thought it was going well, and then Sam said they were going to be drawing up contracts for her first series. She knew she didn’t have to worry; Angelica knew what would be best for the both of them and she’d make sure they got the best deal. Besides, they had the basics down with this one.

When dessert was delivered, Lissa felt that she might finally be able to relax and enjoy some food. The lemon-raspberry cheesecake was one of her favorites and she couldn’t decide between that and the chocolate mousse. Somehow, Will must have seen her looking at his dessert and when he offered her a bite she almost fell off her chair. The world famous movie star was holding his fork out for her to take a bite of his mousse. What if she was reading him wrong and he was expecting her to take the fork from him and feed herself? Or should she just lean in and take the bite? He waved it closer to her.

Very carefully she moved forward, afraid she would miscalculate and stab herself in the cheek. She tentatively took the bite, trying not to think about how the fork was just in his mouth. She closed her eyes as it melted in her mouth, trying not to moan at the decadent taste of it.

“More?” his soft, sexy, deep voice asked.

Oh, God, yes. That and you, spread all over me.
“No, no, it’s your dessert. I’m fine.”

“It’s just you looked like you were thoroughly enjoying it.”

“I was.” She needed a drink of water and took a sip.

He pushed his plate toward her. “Who am I to deny a woman her pleasure?”

Not sure she’d heard him right, she wasn’t paying attention to what she was doing and ended up choking on her water. Her face turned red as she coughed and she was sure everyone was, once again, staring at her. Once Angelica’s hard pounding on her back had gotten her coughing under control and she could talk again, she pushed the plate back to him. “Really, mine is good. Please, have yours.”

They finished their dessert and it was time to leave. He was right there pulling her chair out when she was ready to stand, a hand on her elbow. She was wearing heels and it was nice to be able to wear them and still be shorter than his six-foot-two. As they walked out together, he kept his hand on the small of her back and guided her off to the side so they could wait together for the valet to bring their cars around. Angelica had driven, but since she and Sam were deep in conversation about ten feet away, it was nice to have a few private moments with Will.
It may be my only one, ever.
Deciding to let him know how much she appreciated it, she wanted to come clean.

Once again, the two of them were in a bubble. She turned so she could look at him. “Thank you.”

“For what, darling?”

“Making me feel so comfortable. This whole thing.” She waved her hand around. “It isn’t something I normally do. You made sure I didn’t make a complete dork out of myself.”

“So, you’re saying you were a partial dork today?” he asked, smiling.

She couldn’t help it; she smiled back at him as she reached up and put her hand on his arm. “Actually, I was on my best behavior. I’d have to say I was only about ten percent dork, and most of that was internal conversations.”

“I look forward to seeing if I can bring out more of the dork in you.”

“Be careful what you wish for.”

“What’s life without a bit of dorkiness?”

“A life less dorkful? Dorkless? Void of dork?”

He threw his head back and laughed. She couldn’t help it when she joined him, all of her tension leaving her body in that one shared act of laughter.

“Ahhhh, Melissa Loring, I look forward to working with you.”

“Me, too.”

“Wonderful. Will you be on set, or don’t you know yet?”

“I should be, based on what we’ve asked for in the contract.”

“Excellent. Now, about that whole superhero convention I was part of. Do you like superhero movies?”

Lissa bounced on her toes in excitement. “Oh, yes, I do. My friend, she’s also my personal assistant, she’s here with me, and we watch them all the time.”

“You know part of the reason I’m in Los Angeles right now is because the premier for the next installment of the superhero movie is tonight..”

“Hannah and I were wondering if we’d have time to squeeze in going to the movies while we were here, or if we were going to have to wait until we got home. We’ve been counting down the days.”

“I could get the two of you in to the premier tonight.”

“Get out. No way!” She stopped herself from punching his shoulder just in time.

BOOK: When Dreams Come True (The Star Series Book 1)
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