Read Whispers of Night: 1 (Immortal Embrace) Online

Authors: Erin Simone

Tags: #Erotica

Whispers of Night: 1 (Immortal Embrace) (5 page)

BOOK: Whispers of Night: 1 (Immortal Embrace)
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“My brother would go to her. No, he wouldn’t either. He’s changed too. No longer happy like he once was.” A stabbing pain gripped his heart.

He sat down at his desk. He hoped his brother was well. Their relationship had never been the same after he became a vampire.

Memories of that fateful night surfaced, plaguing him. Vampires had been prowling London streets, hunting for unsuspecting victims. It seemed they were everywhere. Trying to keep them from completely infecting the human race was a full-time job. He hadn’t worried much about his brother since he’d believed Christian had left the Pool of London.
I shouldn’t have let my guard down.

His world had come crashing down around him when he stumbled upon a Rogue feeding off a large male. He stabbed the wretched vixen through the chest with a wooden stake only to discover, as the fiend became ash, that its victim was his own brother. The irony of it never left him. He had saved his brother only to watch him suffer his fate. They were both frozen in time, never to age or die.

Christian accepted his new state but resented Dane for it and avoided contact with him. His brother was moody and guarded. The old Christian was gone. He ran their London headquarters. It was just as well. Dane missed him though.

He turned his attention back to the monitor and noticed Jenny was inspecting one of his favorite art pieces. She ran her fingers along the figure’s smooth surface. The way she slowly traced the stone evoked a powerful physical response. Blood filled his shaft and he sucked in a lungful of air as pleasure rolled through him. She gave her back to him and he growled in frustration as he studied those sumptuous curves and long, willowy legs. Was it truly all biology or a chemical reaction to one’s makeup, like it was in a human but stronger? He supposed that made sense.

What are you thinking about?
He ran his finger down the monitor, wishing it were her instead of the hard, cold screen.

He needed to unravel this mystery. It was torture, wonderful, exquisite torture and the urge to bury himself deep inside her channel gnawed at him.

Why her?
How did his vampire makeup instinctively know she was the one?

He would need to find out more about this intriguing young woman. Who was she? Where did she come from? What were her interests, goals and dreams? Did she have a family and what were they like?

His driver appeared, exchanged pleasantries with the girl and then escorted her to the elevator, where she disappeared from view.

Damn, I have to see her again.
He frowned.
I guess that means breaking your own cardinal rule.
He picked up his phone and dialed the office.

“This is Mr. Voss. I want to speak with Jack Martin.” He waited. “Hi, Jack. I need you to run a background check for me on a new hire. Her name is Jenny Harlon. No, there’s no problem. Let me know what you’ve found out and get back to me as soon as possible.” Dane hung up the phone.

He pressed an intercom button on his desk and a voice answered, “Yes, Mr. Voss.”

“Have my other driver bring a car around for me, will you?”

“Is everything all right, sir? It’s rather early for you to be going in,” the male replied.

Since when did I need to start explaining my actions to staff?
“Is there a problem?”

“No sir.”

“Good, then tell my driver to use the black Range Rover with the tinted windows. I’ll meet him in the garage in about five minutes.” He wasn’t about to give anyone an explanation. It was his decision.

“Yes sir.”

Dane never deviated from his schedule but today was an exception. Today he was going to find out more about the young woman who, it seemed, was fated to be his.

Ta’breyian had warned him long ago such a female would eventually come into his life but he’d dismissed this notion as nonsense. His mentor also cautioned him not to allow his primal side to come forth because it would unleash a strong possessiveness and the drive to claim her would be hard, if not impossible, to resist. The only way to avoid a connection would be to keep his distance and break off all contact. He didn’t like the idea of anyone having control over his emotions. But maybe his friend was wrong?

* * * * *


Jenny sat at her desk in a daze.
Did that really happen?
She stared absentmindedly at her computer screen. How was she ever going to get through the workday after an experience like that? Dane Voss was going to be a hard one to get out of her head. Mister tall, dark and dreamy…

Yup, I’m screwed.
His image was going to haunt her for the rest of the day, and perhaps longer.

She logged into her computer and noticed a slew of emails from clients and a stack of work in her in-basket. It was time to forget about this morning and focus on work instead. Her job would be a good distraction. She sat in on a meeting, returned several calls and was about to begin a letter when her phone rang.

“Voss International, this is Jenny Harlon speaking, may I help you?”

“Miss Harlon.”


“Do you have lunch plans today?” a familiar sexy voice asked.

“Excuse me—who’s this?” Her fingers trembled as she tried not to drop the phone.

“Did you enjoy your breakfast this morning, Miss Harlon?”

Jenny covered the speaker on the phone as she got up to close the door.

“Are you still there?”

“Y-yes, I’m here.”
Great, I sound like a stuttering idiot.

“You did not answer my question.”

“It was delicious. Thank you, sir.”

“Please, call me Dane.”

He mentioned that before, crap.
“I’m sorry, I meant to say Dane.”

“Are you free for lunch?”

Why would he want to take her to lunch? Her heart pounded wildly as she tried to find her voice.

“Miss Harlon, you’ve grown quiet on me again.”

“I don’t know what to say.” She chewed on her bottom lip. Developing feelings for this guy might not be a good career move.

“Say yes.”

“Why?” She became suddenly wary. Men were hard for her to trust, especially the rich ones.

“Do you have a problem going to lunch with me?”

“No sir.”

“If you call me sir one more time, I will take offense.”

“Then stop calling me Miss Harlon.” She paused, realizing her tone was sharper than she had intended. Not good.

“What would you like me to call you then?” He hesitated.

“If we’re going to be on a first-name basis, then call me Jenny.”

“Very well, Jenny, come up to the eighty-second floor. See you in a few minutes.”

Is it lunch already? Lord, where did the time go.
“Uh—okay.” Jenny hung up.
Oh shit. The president of this company invited me to lunch?
Jenny hyperventilated, trying to decide if she should escape out the back door or go upstairs and have lunch with the guy.

She took the elevators to the top floor and entered a beautifully decorated lobby. A man with silver hair greeted her and gestured for her to follow him.

“He’s through there, Miss Harlon.”

“Okay, thank you,” Jenny replied nervously.

The room was massive, with a desk on one side and a large conference table on the other. A sitting area with two comfortable leather couches sat in front of a cozy fireplace. Behind reception was another wall of glass with another breathtaking view. A strange film covered the windows and shaded the room.

How strange. Is he sensitive to light or something?

“I hope you like angel-hair pasta.”

Jenny’s mouth dropped opened.
No, but you can serve me a piece of you for lunch. He’s freaking hot!
He had changed into a pair of jeans that hung low on his tapered waist. A white short-sleeved t-shirt clung to him, accentuating every square inch of his well-defined arms and chest. He reminded her of one of those fitness models on the cover of a health magazine.

“Err…pasta’s great.” She gulped.
Food’s the last thing on my mind.

“Come, take a seat.” He gestured to the seat across from him.

“Okay.” She swallowed hard as she sat down.

“So, Miss Jenny, what would you like to drink? I have soda, bottled water and iced tea. I also have alcohol if you prefer a glass of wine with your meal.”

“Bottled water would be great, thanks.” She placed a linen napkin on her knees and stared at her food, not sure what to say. The guy was gorgeous and it was hard to make eye contact with him without staring like a moron.

“Here you go.” He opened her bottled water and set it next to her plate before taking a seat across from her. She quickly realized there was no food in front of him.

“Where’s your lunch?” She stared at him nervously.

“I’m working with a trainer at the moment. He’s put me on a strict diet. No carbs.”

Could he be any more perfect?
“We could’ve had salad. I don’t mind really.” The pasta was kind of heavy and with her stomach doing pirouettes it didn’t sound very appetizing. Nothing did.

“It is fine. Go on and eat.” He smiled warmly, disarming her further. He folded his hands on the table. “So, Jenny, I am curious. Tell me about yourself.”

“What would you like to know?” She twirled her fork in the pasta while butterflies continued to flutter, making it impossible to eat. But she didn’t want to be rude.

“Where are you from? We’ll start there.”

Darn, why’d he have to ask me that?
“Boston,” she whispered.

“I’ve been there before. It’s nice. Did you grow up in Boston?” He raised an eyebrow.

Cheeky bastard.
“No, I went to college there.”

“Oh, which college did you go to?”

“I graduated from Northeastern last spring.”
Please don’t ask me about my family.

“That’s a very good school. Your parents must be very proud of you.”

Damn, he’s good.
“I wouldn’t know,” she sighed, finally taking a bite.

“Why, are your parents deceased?”

Shit, he’s not giving up.
“No, we don’t talk anymore. It’s a long story.” She set her fork down. Her appetite was gone.

“Sounds like I hit on a bit of a touchy subject.” His gaze fixed on her.

“It’s not something I want to discuss with anyone. How about you, do you have family here in the states?” she asked, trying to deflect his line of questions.

“No, my family lives in England—London to be exact.” He crossed his thick biceps over his magnificent chest.

“Your accent’s nice.” Jenny peered into his eyes.
Why did I say that?

“You have a very nice accent too, Miss Jenny.” He studied her.

He’s probably thinking I’m nothing but a simple country girl.
“My Southern twang makes me stand out, especially here in New York.” She frowned.

“I gather that bothers you.”

“It does,” she said. “I’m like a round peg in a square hole if you catch my meaning.”

“I find it hard to believe you don’t fit in.” He smirked.

My, aren’t we a little arrogant.
“Someone like you probably would find it difficult to see it from my point of view.” She had the urge to stick her tongue out but didn’t.

“I didn’t mean to offend you. Are you done eating?” he asked.

“Yes,” she replied as he got up and removed her plate. Then, instead of sitting across from her, he took the seat next to her.

“You seem intimidated by me.” He reached for her hand and caressed her knuckles with the pad of his thumb.

Oh god, what’s he going to do now?
“It’s hard not to be.”

“There’s no need.” He moved closer and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. Her breath caught. She was drawn to this intriguing male but who wouldn’t be? His cologne was inviting, clean, its aroma intoxicating. The urge to get even closer was tempting.

“You smell nice, Mr. Dane.” She blushed. “I’m sorry, that was a really unprofessional thing for me to say.” She tried to put a little distance between them by scooting her chair back but he seized her wrist. His eyes glowed with barely restrained need. Her heart raced at the idea of him wanting her. Could she be imagining it?

Her body responded to his sudden nearness like a magnet. His lips were so close. Was he going to kiss her? She wanted him to. His gaze bored through her. His touch was like a gentle caress as he held the nape of her neck and closed the distance between them. He brushed his lips against hers, softly at first, and paused.

“I shouldn’t do this,” he half-whispered, half-groaned.

She sucked in air, taking in that wonderful scent. Her pulse was racing at an alarming rate. She wanted to experience more of his tempting flavor. On impulse, she opened her mouth to him, and his tongue swept inside without hesitation. She moaned, her arms slipping around his neck.

The kiss deepened as it grew in intensity. Neither one of them could break away. Heat coursed through her, powerful and enticing. Moisture pooled between her thighs and desire coiled in her belly, ready to spring.

BOOK: Whispers of Night: 1 (Immortal Embrace)
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