Read Wicked Night Before Christmas Online

Authors: Tierney O'Malley

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #Romance, #Contemporary

Wicked Night Before Christmas (7 page)

BOOK: Wicked Night Before Christmas
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"Well, then we'll have the best Christmas present ever."

Amy laughed and gave her a high-five. “You are so naughty. So we're supposed to pick a wish and make it come true for whoever hung it."

"Yup. Well, I pick this one.” Cara unhooked the small folded piece of paper and opened it.

Amy followed suit. “Wow, this is easy. A bird cage. How about yours?"

"A Starbucks Home Barista. Crap! That's expensive."

"Put it back and pick another one."

"That's cheating, Amy. I suppose this is better than one wicked night. All I have to do is go to Starbucks and buy one."

"Yup. You don't have to get hot and sweaty."

Amy and Cara burst out laughing. On their way back to the auction table, through Cara's peripheral view, she saw Lucas. She turned, but he didn't stop walking. He disappeared among the crowd.

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Chapter Four
* * * *

Smiling, Rochelle moved her body with Lucas in sensual rhythm while the crowd sang along with the most stupidest song ever,
Feliz Navidad.
Why the hell would they want to sing in Spanish? She bet they didn't even understand the lyrics. This wasn't she wanted. A warm and soft bed was what she had in mind for a great night. Not this. So full of crap. Whoever thought of selling cakes as a way to raise money should be shot. She felt like she already gained ten pounds just thinking about a slice of cake. It had been so long since she had one. And the row of delicious looking desserts on the table was a temptation she didn't need.

She looked at her watch. Ramon said he'd call back.
He better. That ass
. If she hadn't threatened him with snitching him to the feds, he wouldn't have agreed to help with her plan. What a bastard.

Her ankle throbbed so badly, Cara couldn't stand anymore. She and Amy danced for hours and now her foot screamed from pain. The McLeods were having so much fun. Lucas's parents saw an old acquaintance and had been chatting their night away. Rochelle and Lucas were in the middle of the dance area. The two looked ready to gobble each other's faces. She bet they would have, too, if no one were around. Amy met Steve and the two were now dancing in the moonlight.
Snowflakes of Love
echoed in the night. Sitting alone at the table, watching love arc around her, her heart ached as much as her foot. She should just go back to the cabin, rest her foot and take Tylenol PM.

She waved to Amy hoping to get her attention, but her friend was busy laughing with Steve. Cara sighed. Well, she supposed it would be okay to leave without letting Amy know. Her friend would only insist that she walk her back to the cabin no matter how much fun she was having. Yeah, she'd go now and call Amy's cellphone when she returned to the cabin.

Ambling her way back to village's main road, she hugged her coat tight around her. The farther she got from the Wish Tree, the less people she saw walking around. It was almost two in the morning and the whole village was still alive. Stores were still open, restaurants filled with customers to the brim. Everyone seemed happy, enjoying the night one would think it was already, Christmas. She wished. As it happened, she'd have to wait a few more days before she could go home. Back to Seattle where she belonged. For now, she would just have to endure the pain from watching and hearing Lucas and Rochelle flirt with each other.

The only light left at the McLeod cabin was the porch light. Cara tipped the small clay pot then ran her fingers underneath to find the house key. She found it buried in the small pack of dirt. Wiping her hand on her ski pants, she unlocked the door. She was about to step inside when someone touched her elbow. Instinctively, she pulled her arm and swirled around.

"Easy, Cara. It's me."

"Karsen. Sheez! You scared me. What are you doing here?"

"Following you."


"I should think it's obvious. May I come in?"

"The McLeods are not here. I don't think—"

"I know they're not here. That's why I followed you.” Karsen pushed the door open, grabbed her wrist and dragged her inside.

Her heart thumped harder against her chest when she heard the lock click into place. “Karsen, what are you doing?"

"Doing my job, darling."

"What job?"

"To get rid of you."

Cara's legs began to fold beneath her. If it weren't for the console table she grabbed hold of, she would have collapsed on the floor. “Why?"

"Nothing personal, darling. Just doing my job."

Oh god, he's going to shoot me. I will bleed. I hate blood. Think Cara, think. Don't panic
. “Can I turn this lamp on? I can't see."

"Sure. At least you'll see a handsome face before you go, eh?"

Cara didn't think he looked handsome right now, but kept the thought to herself. “So, you have a boss telling you what to do. You're a runner or a lackey or a boy doing your master's bidding."

"Shut the fuck up. Don't make me rethink about what I'm going to do with you. I like you, Cara and I don't want you to suffer. But if you won't keep your mouth shut, I might just bleed you dry, watch you die slowly. Do you want that?"

"No. Do you mind telling me what I did wrong? I think I deserve to know."

"You did nothing wrong really. But the bitch wants you out of the way. She asked Rivera for help and threatened him that she'll go to the cops if he didn't give her this one favor."

Cara shook her head. What Karsen said didn't make any sense at all. “I'm sorry, but I don't know any Rivera. Who is this bitch who wants me out of the way?"

"Miss Washington, Rochelle Luna. The loony bitch is jealous of you. She figured when you're gone, Lucas McLeod will love her instead of you."

"Lucas loves me?"

"Cara, don't tell me you are that fucking blind."

Oh my god.
“Rochelle asked Rivera to get rid of me. So he hired you to kill me because Rochelle wants me dead."

"That pretty sums it up. Rivera will do this one favor for her and it'll be her turn."

"Turn for what?"

"Rivera hates bitches. He doesn't have time for them. Rochelle is not only a bitch but also a pain in the ass. When you're in pain, what do you do?” Karsen's eyes brightened as if the thought of killing excited him.

"And what do you get in return?"

"Everything a man like me wants in life. Money, young and untouched pussies, vacations reserved only for the rich."

And a place in hell, she wanted to add but thought better of it. “Earlier, when I fell. You didn't just happen to be there. You were following me."

"Yes. But your boyfriend came back for you. If it weren't for that prick, I could have been back in Florida enjoying a fresh wannabe Miss Universe. Now turn around."

Where the hell did Cara go
? Lucas looked around. Last time he saw her she sat alone at the table. Fishing his cellphone out of his coat pocket, he dialed Amy's number. His sister answered after the third ring.

"Hey Sis, have you seen Amy?"

"No. She said she'd sit down for a bit. Her foot is sore."

"Where are you?” Lucas started walking toward the ladies bathroom.

"Over by the coffee stand. Is Cara missing?"

"No. She probably went home. I'll find her. I'll call you."

Standing by the ladies bathroom, he peeked in. The bathroom was empty. He called Cara's name. No answer.

Walking as fast as he could, he headed back to the cabin. The sound of a snowmobile had him turning around. The vehicle passed him then turned around to stop in front of him.

"Sir, need a ride?"

The driver was the medic he met when he went searching for Cara at the Devil's Jump. The cabin was just walking distance from the town center. But if he could save a minute from riding the snowmobile, why not. “Yes."

A few yards away from the cabin, the medic received an emergency call. Lucas understood. “I can get off here. Thanks, man."

"No problem.” The medic turned the snowmobile around with its siren on and took off.

The only part of the house that was lit was the receiving room. He remembered turning all the lights off. So someone was inside. Instinct had Lucas checking the tracks on the fresh snow. Two sets of boot prints were visible. Cara wasn't alone.

Did she leave the center without telling anyone because she and whoever was inside planned to rendezvous here? Impotent rage and jealousy had him kicking the hard snow. It hit and knocked one of the dwarves his mother placed on the walkway. He bent to straighten the dwarf when he glimpsed movement. Stepping closer to the window, he saw Karsen with his gun pointing at Cara.
What the fuck
! The adrenalin to charge in, to smash Karsen's face with his fist, surged in his body. There was the slim chance Karsen would miss Cara, but he wouldn't take it. Years of training had him using his good sense instead. He circled the cabin and used the side door. Using his Dyno Kwik lock pick he carried in his pocket, he managed to open the door without making a single noise.

Lucas kept his eyes on Karsen. He listened while Karsen talked. The fucking pig was Rivera's runner. When he told Cara to turn around, he made a quick decision. He moved in, gun drawn, pointing at Karsen.

"Drop your gun, Karsen.”
Damn, damn.
He'd been in a situation like this before, but never, not even once had he felt like this—scared. So many different scenarios started running in his head. What if he hadn't noticed her gone? She'd be dead by now.
Focus, Lucas. She's still here. Focus
. “I'll blow your fucking empty head off to feed to the pigs, Karsen. Lower your gun."

"Ah, the dashing hero. Good, two jobs in one night. This'll be good. You, dickhead, are the one going to lower your gun. But if you don't want to see her pretty face anymore then don't."

"No Lucas. He'll shoot you."

"You okay, Cara?"

"I am fine Lucas. He's not. He's shallow and evil and not even handsome."

"Shut the fuck up.” Karsen aimed his gun higher. The barrel pointed directly at Cara's heart.

"Take it easy, Karsen. Let's talk. You shouldn't do this. Testify against Rivera and I promise you protection and less time in jail."

"Ha! Couldn't get anything from Rochelle? Isn't that why you're clinging to her like a leech hoping to suck out information from her? Oh yeah. You're not a slick Agent, you know. Rochelle told us everything she knows about you in exchange for a hit. She's a fucking cocaine addict. Now throw your gun on the floor, Lucas. I am done talking."

"No! Lucas, don't do it. Hey, cabbage head. Have you seen Paris in winter? Take a look."

Before he could understand what Cara was about, she grabbed the snow globe sitting on the table and threw it at Karsen. But she wasn't quick enough. Karsen fired. The sound of Karsen's gun and his reverberated around the cabin, shaking the glass windows and rattling the chandelier.

Karsen's body crashed on the coffee table breaking the glass bowl of nuts. Cara remained standing, her face pale and eyes wide staring at him. “Cara, love.” He rushed to her side in time before she hit the floor. And then he felt something sticky. Cara's blood.

"Lucas,” Cara mumbled his name and then closed her eyes.

Lucas felt the moment Cara lost consciousness. Her body sagged. “Oh my god, Cara. Cara!"

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Chapter Five
* * * *

Stars glittered like sequins on the dancer's dress while the moon shared its subtle glow illuminating the water down below. Cara stood outside the veranda with her arms around her midriff as she listened to the sound of water kiss the snow covered shore. The Puget Sound looked mysterious at night, like a black charcoal painting hiding its meaning.

Her arm itched again. A sign that her small bullet wound was healing. She couldn't believe it was only two days ago when she was close to dying. Lucky. Yeah, that she was. Karsen's aim had shifted when Lucas shot him on the right shoulder. If he hadn't...Well, no need to dwell on a nightmare. Karsen wouldn't follow her again and with Rochelle locked up she had nothing to worry about. She hoped the DEA could flush Rivera out and stop his drug and prostitution trafficking.

She couldn't believe Rochelle would hire someone to have her killed because of love. Love. Such simple word and yet powerful enough to weaken even a man, to blind anyone to do things deemed stupid, like throwing a snow globe at a man holding a gun. Stupid or not she'd do it again. When she saw Lucas lower his gun a fraction, she acted. She would have taken Karsen's bullet rather than see Lucas get shot. She loved him that much.

Too bad though, she never got to thank him. At the hospital, Amy told her Lucas couldn't see her because of the investigation. Her parents, who flew back from Italy, drove her back to Seattle. Although they insisted they stay with her, she refused. She had enough coddling to last her a lifetime. Now here she was, alone on Christmas eve.

Like last year and the year before. The cold wind blew, nipping her skin. She decided to go back inside. She was closing the sliding glass door when two quick raps sounded outside her door. Cara looked at the clock. It was eleven thirty at night. Who would come knocking at this hour?

Please don't tell me Rivera sent another hoodlum to kill me

Holding her breath, she looked through the peephole. Lucas stood on the other side wearing a Santa hat.

"Are you going to open the door or are you going to just stare at me through the peephole."

Cara opened the door wide and stood aside when Lucas walked in carrying a shopping bag. “What are you doing here? It's late."

"I know. Nice pajamas."

Cara groaned. If she had known he would stop by she would have worn her nightgown instead of an old oversized gray t-shirt that reached the middle of her thighs. “Thanks. My favorite. Really comfy."

"I bet. Cold in here."

"I was outside a minute ago. Love the hat."

"Thanks.” He opened the Nordstrom shopping bag. “Here, got to wear your own."

"Raindeer's antlers. Way cooler.” Cara put on the headband. “How do I look?"

"Good. I bet you'll look better if you add this. Come here."

BOOK: Wicked Night Before Christmas
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