Wicked: Whispering Cove, Book 3 (11 page)

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When he still hadn’t shown up a few minutes later, she dug her cell phone out of her purse and punched in his number. Will didn’t answer. It went straight to his voice mail. He was always in some damned important meeting. She resisted the urge to leave him a message she might regret, closed the phone and tossed it back into her bag.

Once she’d reserved the room, Amy had spent the last few hours in eager anticipation and careful preparation, showering and shaving, buffing and slathering on the scented lotion Will had given her for Christmas. She’d blow-dried her hair into a fluffier, sexier version of her no-nonsense bob and went a little more dramatic on the makeup. Would Will even notice?

She rarely took the time—rarely
the time—to spend on herself. She worked a full-time job, in addition to being a mom and a cook and housecleaner and a wife. Troy and Eva always needed help with homework and rides to dance and soccer practice. Then there was laundry and dishes and all the other household chores. Who had time to be a sexy woman anymore? But unfamiliar excitement had tingled in her stomach as she put on the lacy bra and panties she’d picked up after she dropped off the kids with her parents for the night.

Amy finally got tired of waiting in her car, listening to the drumbeat of the rain on the roof. This was supposed to have been an erotic rendezvous, dammit. The thrills of anticipation she’d felt driving over were slowly morphing into sparks of anger. She stepped out of the car and cold rain trickled down her neck before she could duck under her umbrella. She slammed the door as hard as she could and made a mad dash across the well-lit parking lot.

She shook out her umbrella after stepping into the small foyer. The elevator ride up to the third floor was quick and smooth. There was a coat closet just inside the waiting room. Amy left her coat and umbrella there and then turned to look around the small room. It was quite elegant, not sleazy at all. The deep beautiful colors were probably supposed to be sensual and decadent, but they just seemed dark and oppressive to her. Or was that what her marriage had become?

Tears prickled at her eyes, but Amy refused to let them fall. He wasn’t really late yet. She glanced at her watch. Yes, dammit, he was.

Things aren’t always what they seem…and that can be a really good thing.


Blue Moon

© 2011 Mackenzie McKade


Two years ago Samantha Dawson had everything she wanted—a close family, a promising career, and a man she loved. Until the fateful night before her oldest sister’s wedding, a night of celebration and too much alcohol that tore her world apart. Devastated, she fled Oregon for Phoenix.

Now she’s home for her little sister’s wedding, and just her luck, the best man is her ex-boyfriend. Worse, no one involved in that ugly night seems to want to let the past die an ugly death.

Kyle Ackland has no memory of the events that destroyed his life, but he’ll never forget the woman who set his body on fire. Sam’s emotional barriers are as solid as the Cascade Mountains, but he’s determined to chip them away one sensual kiss at a time.

Yet even if he succeeds, what’s left of their love could crumble under the weight of past sins…and present secrets.

Warning: Contains betrayal, lies, and reacquainted love that sizzles the words right off the page.


Enjoy the following excerpt for
Blue Moon:

The party was in full swing by the time Kyle saw Sam descend the stairs. Each step she took made his heart beat faster. The short black dress she wore flowed and caressed each curve. A waiter with a tray of champagne walked in front of him. He grasped a flute, his fingers curling tight around the glass, when what he wanted was to touch her, just once more. He took a drink, his hungry gaze focused on four-inch stilettos that made Sam’s legs look long and slender. Smooth legs that had tightened around his waist as he slowly made love to her. His cock twitched, coming alive.

Unconsciously, he moved forward, meeting her at the bottom of the stairs. Her cautious gaze met his, but his heart wouldn’t tell his mind what to say. Strained silence hung between them then she glanced away—the precious moment lost.

Eyelids drifting down, he inhaled the sweet scent of wildflowers that followed her as she walked past him. And he fell in love all over again. With renewed determination he opened his eyes, searching the room.

Like a predator stalking his prey, he watched her weave in and out amongst the crowd. Occasionally, she stopped and spoke to an old acquaintance. More than once her musical laughter filled the air and he swore he’d go mad with need. No one existed, but her—him—together. When she drifted out of his sight, he quickly moved until he could look upon her beauty.

The sudden clench of fingers digging into his arm jerked his attention around. Frowning, Brad leveled his glare on him. “Let it go.”

Kyle shook loose of his friend’s unfriendly grasp. “Can’t.” Brad didn’t know what he was asking of him.

“Man, you’ve got to.” He adjusted his glasses. “I won’t have you ruining this night for Jennifer or hurting Sammy. This shit’s got to stop. Maybe it would be best if you let her go.”

Disbelief widened Kyle’s eyes. “Let her go? Are you fuckin’ kidding me?”

“Can’t you see you’ve lost her—”

“Is something wrong?” Jennifer glanced from Brad to him. She slipped beneath Brad’s arm as it folded around her shoulders. He pulled her closer into his shelter, before planting a kiss atop her head.

“No. We were just discussing Italy. Kyle thinks he’s going to join us.”

“Kyle!” Jennifer’s giggle had an innocent air to it, sweet, just like the woman. As her cheeks reddened, Kyle couldn’t dispute she was the perfect woman for Brad. Releasing an exasperated breath, Kyle knew he couldn’t let his infatuation with Sam ruin this occasion for his friends.

Forcing a smile, he tweaked Jennifer’s nose. “I was pulling your fiancé’s leg. I just wanted to make sure you two lovebirds didn’t lose sight of the business end while you were over there.”

“We won’t,” she promised. “Dance with me, Brad?” The dreamy expression in her eyes as she stared up at her soon-to-be husband made Kyle’s breath catch. Sam had once looked at him like that.

Over her head, Brad shot Kyle a warning glare. “Of course, sweetheart.” Hand in hand, they walked away.

Until now, Kyle hadn’t even heard the music softly playing outside on the patio. And he’d lost track of Sam.

Shuffling through the crowd, he followed the slow cry of a woman’s voice as she sang about love lost. When he stepped onto the patio he realized it was Cathy singing. Her willowy figure swayed with music. Her eyelids shuttered as if she felt every note.

Then he saw Sam.

Wrapped in the embrace of an old school chum, she laid her head on Troy’s chest. Their closeness made the hair on Kyle’s neck spike with jealousy. The sonofabitch had always had a crush on Sam. Without thinking, he marched onto the dance floor. Troy was whispering something about her intoxicating perfume smelling like wildflowers when Kyle tapped on the man’s shoulder. Troy’s expression of shock was nothing compared to Sam’s, but he veered aside and Kyle stepped in, taking his place. Just the caress of his hand against hers and the heat in the small of her back made his heart take flight.

When he shuffled his feet, hers stood firm. He dipped his head, his mouth above her ear. “You don’t want to make a scene. It’s just a dance, Sam, nothing more.” But if he had his way it would be much more.

Without a word, she followed as he led, but she wasn’t happy. It was in her rigid backbone, the lightness of her touch. As if she thought her hand would burst into flames if she held on to his.

Ignoring her discontent, he held her closer, let the feel of her take him away to another place, another time, where she loved him and everything was right with his world.
. She felt so good in his arms, next to his body. Desire burned hot across his flesh. The need to be naked, skin to skin, buried deep inside her warmth, her haven. The urge was so strong he thought he’d go mad.

Instead, the song ended and so did his chance as she jerked out of his arms. Like flickering blue flames, the fire in her eyes danced over him, teasing his rising hormones. Damn, she was gorgeous when aroused, even if it was hatred for him that drove her. Her body shook with silent fury.

“Don’t ever do that to me again.” Low and brittle, her whisper was filled with years of bitterness. With a snap of her shoulders, her silky mass of blonde hair whipped across his face, stinging as she spun around and disappeared amongst the throng.

The breath in his lungs locked. If she didn’t care, would she react so vehemently toward him? Could it be that she still loved him? The barest of possibilities sent his senses soaring.





Nikki Duncan





He’s sailed the seas for adventure…and found the sexiest one back at home.


Whispering Cove, Book 3

Danica Kent, MD, has settled into her new role as a small-town doctor. She caters to her Whispering Cove patients, especially the rum-drinking, poker-playing, town grandfathers who have their hands in a bit of everything. But when one of those patients brings her face-to-face with her high school crush, the work she’s done to reinvent herself falters.

Braydon Mitchell sails around the world writing freelance magazine articles. With no desire to settle down, he’s successfully avoided his grandfather’s pleas to come home...until now. Returning out of worry for the old man’s health, Braydon finds old friends in town for their high school reunion. And something he hadn’t expected. Danica, the awkward teenage geek who’s all grown up—and filled out in
the right places.

From their first touch, erotic sparks make Braydon want everything he isn’t built for—small-town stability, a strong woman’s love, family. And Danica wonders if Braydon has dropped anchor for good…or if her lover will be gone with the next tide.


This book has been previously published.


Warning: Sweet, stunning, single doctor seeks strong, sexy sailor for sailing, snuggles and plenty of batten-down-the-hatches and hold-on-tight lovin’. Meddling grandfathers can please butt the hell out.

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They cannot be sold, shared or given away as it is an infringement on the copyright of this work.


This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.


Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

11821 Mason Montgomery Road Suite 4B

Cincinnati OH 45249



Copyright © 2012 by Nikki Duncan

ISBN: 978-1-61921-168-1

Edited by Sue Ellen Gower

Cover by Lyn Taylor


All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


Original Publication: 2011

Samhain Publishing, Ltd.
electronic publication: July 2012


Table of Contents


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five


About the Author

Look for these titles by Nikki Duncan

Also Available from Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

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BOOK: Wicked: Whispering Cove, Book 3
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