Wilde For You (The Wilde Sisters Book 3) (3 page)

BOOK: Wilde For You (The Wilde Sisters Book 3)
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When Sage wasn’t meeting with the doctor or a client, she was arranging meetings and researching party ideas. There were so many websites and apps that had an abundance of ideas, which made her job even harder. Nowadays most people were cutting corners by planning their weddings, business meetings, or other events by themselves, with the help of the Internet.

Sage had to market herself in a way that showcased what she could offer and the Internet could not. Her phone calls to Lucy Smith were mostly left unanswered, so she had no idea what the woman had in mind for the party she was working on. The budget could be in the hundreds or tens of thousands. Sage had to treat every client like they were her only one.

Meeting clients for dinner or drinks on a Friday night was just as typical as any other evening. And meeting a potential client for dinner at a quaint restaurant in the Old Port was habit as well. Angelo’s wasn’t upscale. More of a date place. The atmosphere romantic, low candles burning in fat wine bottles, and classic Italian music filled the air. Often her clients wanted to taste the menu, get a feel for the ambiance of a restaurant before booking their party there.

Sage arrived ten minutes early, allowing herself time to read any last minute emails or texts, and checked in with the hostess.

“I have a reservation. Sage Wilde. I’m a few minutes early. Should I wait at the bar?”

The hostess looked down at her podium. “Your dinner companion is already here, Miss Wilde. Please follow me.”

Punctual. She already liked Ms. Smith. Only the person sitting at her table wasn’t British. And wasn’t a woman.

“Seriously? You’re crashing my meetings again?”

Luke’s hair looked freshly cut, cropped close to his scalp and neat. His eyes brimming with laughter, not the least bit ashamed. “Hardly.” He picked up her hand and kissed her knuckles. “You look beautiful.”

She didn’t think her navy pantsuit was beautiful. Her silver Manolo Blahniks with fuchsia stiletto heels, however, were stunning. Luke’s eyes hadn’t left hers, so he surely hadn’t noticed them.

“Luke, it’s lovely running into you again, but I’m meeting a client in a few minutes. You’ll have to leave.”

The hostess stood awkwardly between them. Luke didn’t seem to be bothered by her. “Lucy couldn’t make it, so I’m here in her place.”

“What? You…you sabotaged my meeting?”

“Thank you, Haley; we’ll let you know when we’re ready to order.” He dismissed the hostess and pulled out a chair for Sage. “Please, sit. I would have ordered you a drink but I wasn’t sure what you preferred.”

“Nothing. I prefer to meet with my client.”

Luke pulled out his chair and sat close to Sage, his knees casually bumping against hers. “I’m meeting in her place.”

“Really? And what will we be meeting about, Mr. Riley?”

“My mother’s sixtieth birthday party. I believe Lucy already told you that.”

So maybe this was for real. Since his brothers and sisters were all adopted, most likely they had different last names as well. “Why didn’t you call me instead?”

“I believe I did. Quite a few times. And you never returned any of my calls. Not a very effective way to run a business.”

“I…You never said you wanted to discuss business. You implied…I thought…”

“You assumed.”

“Yes, well.” Sage picked up her water and scowled. Once again Mr. Sex-on-a-Stick had the upper hand. Very well. She could be professional about it. Pulling out her iPad from her bag, she clicked on to her favorite app and started a new spreadsheet while she talked business.

“Do you have a date in mind?”

“I do.” He stared at her, his dimples pronounced on his chiseled face. Was it hot in here? Her palms were sweaty while gooseflesh had taken over her arms and chest.

“A date on the calendar for your mother’s party.” She tapped her screen, opening and closing apps, trying to look busy so he wouldn’t notice the slight shake in her hands. Must be a side effect of the possible pregnancy.

“My mother’s birthday is February 15th. I was thinking the weekend before or after.”

“Valentine’s Day is very busy, and overpriced. I suggest the 17th.” She typed in the date. “What is your budget?”

“I have no idea. How much does something like this usually cost?”

Figures. Typical man. “It can cost as much or as little as you’d like. Do you have an estimated number of guests who will be attending? A venue idea? Theme? Location? Anything?”

“I’m thinking low-key. Just family. Probably at her house. Potluck style.”

Sage put her iPad down and sighed. “So what do you need me for?”

“Because I’m a guy and I don’t know how to plan these things and you’re good at it.”

“You have sisters. Ask them for help.”

Luke tipped his head back and laughed. “You obviously haven’t met my sisters. Well, Rachael would be great, but she’s in California. Lucy, though, she’s more useless than me.”

“The British one?”

At least he had the decency to look embarrassed. “Yeah, she’s not quite British. More so just a pain in the ass.”

“And it was your idea to have her call me?”


“I’m not sure if I should be flattered or calling for a restraining order.”

Luke’s face softened and turned serious. “I’m sorry, Sage. I guess I crossed the line. I shouldn’t have pushed.” He stood and tossed a few bills on the table. “I…I won’t bother you again.” He took off before she could figure out if she wanted him to stay or not.

It wasn’t until he left that she felt alone. He’d confused the hell out of her, yet she had the urge to help the poor guy out. Luke was nice, not a creep like Mr. Barrows. The man obviously had no clue how to plan a simple party for his mother. The least she could do was help him out. As long as she had the upper hand, knew where she stood, she could handle the sexy firefighter.

Taking out her phone, she unlocked her screen, scrolled through her recent calls and hit redial.

“Hello, Lucy? This is Sage Wilde. I’m sorry our meeting tonight didn’t work out, but I’d like to schedule another. How about Monday morning at ten at
The Sweet Spot?
It’s a bakery in Portland. Please call or text to let me know if the time and location work for you.”

Within minutes she received a message back:


I’ll be there.


Whether she’d be meeting with Luke or his sister, she didn’t know. Either way was fine with her.









Chapter Three





After finishing her cranberry scone and her second cup of coffee, Sage sent off a few emails to clients and closed her laptop. Damn that stupid, sexy fireman and his sister and her tardiness. Sage Wilde did not like to wait around for people.

The bell on the door to
Sweet Spot
chimed as another customer entered. Sage glanced up and quickly looked away from the site of the troubled girl who’d entered the shop. The girl went up to the counter and spoke quietly with the teenager who was working the register this morning. Sage stood and slid on her coat.

“Sage Wilde?” The girl had shockingly pink hair, too many piercings, and a dog collar around her neck. Her thin body looked ridiculous in torn mesh stockings, combat boots, and a black fatigue coat.

Homeless or on drugs, for sure, and what would this girl want with her? “Yes, that’s me.” Sage clutched her keys in her hand, ready to claw at the woman if she tried to pickpocket her.

“You’re not what I expected.” The woman made herself comfortable at Sage’s table, taking off her coat.

“Excuse me?”

“You’re not Luke’s type.”

“Again, excuse me?” How did this woman know about her and Luke? Not that there was anything between her and the man.

“You seem a little…not like him. Luke usually goes for the church girl types. That’s all.” She shrugged and wrapped her hands around her coffee.

Realization set in. “Are you Lucy?” The other woman nodded. Definitely not what she expected in Luke’s siblings. Granted, they were all adopted so she didn’t expect them to look alike. Sage pulled her arm out of her Burberry coat and slid back to her seat. This conversation would be interesting. She didn’t want to sound too curious about Luke Riley, however, she did want to know why he got up so abruptly from dinner. And why he called her to help with a simple family birthday party.

“So Friday night didn’t go well?” Lucy put her elbows on the table and rested her chin in her palm, as if the two of them were longtime friends having a normal girl chat.

The woman was odd. “We picked a date, but Luke didn’t have any details regarding guests, venue, food, etcetera. I was hoping you or your sister could help give me ideas as to what your expectations are for your mother’s party.”

At the mention of her sister, Lucy dropped her hand and averted her eyes. “I don’t think Rachael will be able to help much and I’m sort of…new to the family. Luke is the best one to plan this shindig.”

The Riley siblings were confusing the hell out of her and the last thing she wanted to deal with was family drama. “Look, Lucy. I’m sure your mother is a wonderful woman and will appreciate whatever you and your brothers put together for her. I don’t think you’ll be needing my services.” Sage stood, put on her coat, and picked up her bag. “Have a nice day.”

The girl snorted at Sage’s departure, bringing Sage to a complete halt. “Is there a problem here?”

“You’ve got a stick up your butt, lady. I don’t know why Luke’s so hung up on you.”

“I beg your pardon, but I don’t have a ‘stick up my butt.’ I have a business to run. I don’t appreciate you and your brother wasting my time.”

“Geesh, you’re dense.” Lucy took another casual sip of her coffee. “My brother has the hots for you and is using this party as an excuse to hook up.”

“So why did he walk out on me before dinner was even served?”
She didn’t mean to let that slip.

“He what? You must have really pissed him off. He’s been in a pretty shitty mood all weekend.”

“I didn’t do anything to piss him off. Your brother is as odd as you are.”

Instead of being offended, Lucy laughed. “Luke’s as straight-laced as they come. He’s a guy. He has a penis. He thinks with it. A lot. But he also has a good heart.”

Even more confused than she had been when Luke walked out, she rubbed her forehead. Her phone beeped, signaling her next appointment. “I have to go. I hope everything works out for your family.” Sage left the bakery before she gave into temptation and asked more questions about Luke.

He so wasn’t worth her time.






“You did what?” Luke shouted at his phone as he hit his head on the back of his couch. How dare Lucy set up a meeting with Sage? God, he was already humiliated enough after walking out on her the other night.

“Dude, I was doing you a favor.”

“Seriously, Luce?” Luke grounded his teeth and counted to ten. “How the hell was this a favor? What were you thinking?”

“Hey, the lady had your panties in a twist. I wanted to meet her. See what kind of woman knocked Luke Riley on his ass.”

“I barely know the woman. We had dinner once. We’re not compatible,” he lied. “So leave it alone.”

“She’s definitely interested. She didn’t text me because she wanted to plan Mom’s party. She wanted to see you.”

“She said that?” Damn, now he sounded like a middle schooler.

Lucy laughed. “Not in so many words. Women can tell these things.”

This time Luke laughed. “You’re telling me you have woman’s intuition? You’re the least ladylike person I know.” Luke knew the offhanded comment wouldn’t offend her. Still, he softened his response. “But you could be if you stopped hiding behind this punk disguise.”

“Whatevs. Gotta run. You owe me.” Lucy hung up before Luke could reply.

He felt like a total ass. First for stalking the woman. When she’d joked about the restraining order, it was like an old roll of film playing through his head of all the lawyer and courtroom visits his parents had over the years. Each foster child who entered the Riley home, whether it was for a few weeks, months, years, or forever, came with his or her share of baggage. And then there was the current restraining order Rachael had out on Dylan. If he made Sage feel uncomfortable, he’d leave her alone, no matter how much it pained him.

Second for walking out on her at dinner. Sage hadn’t done anything wrong and he probably hurt her feelings. He wasn’t usually that kind of guy. Knowing an apology was in order, he dialed her number and waited for her voicemail to pick up.

“Hi…It’s ah…Luke Riley. Look, I wanted to apologize for the other night.” Luke paced his living room. “I don’t want you to think I’m…well, I don’t want to um, hound you or make you feel uncomfortable. So if you don’t want to see me again, I get it. No hard feelings. I’m sorry. Really. I never meant to…I just…yeah. Anyway. Thanks for listening.” He hung up and tossed his phone on the couch.
What an idiot.

Could he sound any more immature? Sage Wilde was an educated, sophisticated woman and Luke was…well, he barely got his high school diploma and signed up for the military because he had no other career aspirations. After one long tour, he realized he was more a hometown boy than a soldier. Thankfully firefighting seemed to fill his need for adrenaline and kept him busy. He’d never be of Sage’s caliber.

Not that he was scum. No one was as low down and dirty as Rachael’s ex-boyfriend, Dylan White. The restraining order seemed to be working, and, according to his sister, the past few months had been better.

The last thing Luke wanted to do was make a woman feel unsafe. If he’d freaked Sage out, it would be something he could never forgive himself for.

Luke’s job was to protect people. Rescue them from harm, not make them run from him. Needing to get some frustration out, he changed into his workout gear and headed for the gym. A few rounds in the boxing ring at The Warehouse would loosen him up.






God, she hated telephone tag. She hung up before leaving a message. Hearing Luke’s voice made her smile. The man was nervous. Not that she cared. Much. She wasn’t looking to date the guy. Go a few rounds playing mattress gymnastics, yes. So Luke thought he was coming on too strong. Well, in a way he was.

His charm and witty personality were not something Sage was accustomed to. Sage dated dignified men who brought her to nice restaurants, ordered bottles of wine, discussed business, spreadsheets, Wall Street, brought her back to their places so they could have sex and then she went home. No harm. No foul. She didn’t do emotions and feelings.

Luke, however, was different. He talked about family with a warmth in his voice that nearly touched Sage. The man was relationship material. House, two kids. Family dog.

Sage wanted nothing of the sort. A house would require maintenance and yard work, which would take time away from work. A house had multiple bedrooms that should be filled up with children. Sage definitely didn’t want kids. She didn’t mind carrying one for a few months for her sister, but sleepless nights? Disgusting diapers? Toys in every nook and cranny? No. Not her thing.

And a dog? Gross. Hair. Smell. Poop in the yard. Nope. Not her thing either. And she’d bet her next contract that Luke Riley had a dog, a house, and a dream for a few brats running around.

Sage absently rubbed her belly. Not because of any maternal instinct. Nope. Definitely not her thing. She only hoped she was pregnant so her sister and brother-in-law could have their dream. That’s what Sage did. She planned other peoples’ dreams. And she was damned good at it.

Giving in to temptation and feeling a tad horny, she called again, this time leaving a message.






He had a split lip, but it was worth it. Sparring with Blake always made him feel better. It wasn’t often his brother was in town, usually just Thanksgiving and Christmas, and when he visited, they often spent time at the gym. Blake immediately picked up on Luke’s foul mood and teased him voraciously about it. Something Luke would have done if their places were reversed, but he was in no mood for the taunting.

Using his towel to mop his sweat, he thought about Sage. Again. Damn, the workout did nothing to clear his mind or settle his libido. He picked up his cell phone to check the time and noticed one new message. Without looking at who it was from, he clicked on the icon and put the phone to his ear.

A sexy, sultry voice filled his head. “Hi, Luke. First, no need to apologize. You’re nowhere as creepy as Robert Barrows. Kidding. Anyway, secondly, why don’t we reschedule? I’m sure I can come up with something that will suit your…needs. I’ll be home by seven tonight. Why don’t you come over and we can…plan your party.” She rattled off her address and hung up.

Luke swallowed and headed to the locker room. If he read between the lines, Sage was asking him over for more than a business meeting. He needed to take a cold shower. Stat.




“I wasn’t sure if you’d show,” Sage said as she opened the door to her condo less than an hour later. Damn, she looked sexy. No business suit and killer heels tonight. Instead she wore butt-molding yoga pants and a tight T-shirt. No part of her body was left to the imagination. Her clothes fit her like a second skin, and Luke was ready to rub her all over.

“Um, yeah. I got your message,” he said nervously as he shuffled his feet. She stayed in the doorway, inviting him in with a nod of her head. His big frame couldn’t fit through the door without brushing against some part of her body. His elbow decided on its own will to rub across her chest. “Excuse me,” he muttered, covering up his moan.

“Can I get you a drink? Beer? Wine?” she asked as she walked past him, skimming his arm with hers.

“Yeah. Sure. I’ll take a beer if you have one.”

He followed Sage through a sparsely decorated living room into the kitchen, which was even more sparse. The countertops were bare, no knick-knacks, junk mail, or any sign that she actually cooked here.

Was it his imagination or was she stroking the beer bottle? Sage licked her lips as she picked up an opener and popped the top. A smoldering look darkened her eyes as she brought the beer to her lips and slowly exposed her tongue, gently licking the rim. Her mouth opened wider as she brought the bottle to her mouth and then she froze.

Deer in the headlights frozen. Her mossy green eyes locked on his for a few heartbeats before she lowered the bottle to the counter and abruptly turned her back. Luke took advantage of her turned back and adjusted himself.

“I hope Shipyard is okay? I don’t have much of a beer selection anymore.”

She fumbled in the cabinet for a glass, opened the fridge, and poured herself a glass of iced tea. The sexual tension that was in the air dissipated as she opened and shut the oven door, then banged open and closed the fridge while getting out vegetables for a salad.

“Can I help?”

“Nope,” she said, her back stiff as she destroyed an innocent cucumber with her knife.

“I’m pretty handy around the kitchen.”

“I bet you are.”

What the hell was that supposed to mean?

BOOK: Wilde For You (The Wilde Sisters Book 3)
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