Read Winds of Heaven Online

Authors: Karen Toller Whittenburg

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

Winds of Heaven (8 page)

BOOK: Winds of Heaven
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Her lips pursed in a line of irritation. “Thank you. It’s the latest style for those times when a man walks uninvited into your bedroom.”

“What’s the style when he’s invited?”

Hitching the coverlet higher, she glared at him, vacillating between annoyance and sensual awareness. “If you don’t know the answer to that question, Nick,” she challenged, “maybe you should ask Alex for some pointers.”

Immediately Nick’s expression grew stern, and he scanned the room with ill-concealed impatience. Kylie watched, mystified, as he walked to the dresser, lifted the rose she’d placed there, and turned to face her.

“This is the reason I barged
into your room.” His voice was low but unmistakably determined as he dropped the yellow rose into the trash receptacle. “You may as well understand right now, Kylie, that nothing is going to happen between you and my cousin. No wager, no relationship—nothing is going to happen with Alex. Do you hear me?”

“Loud and clear,” she snapped. “And now I’d like to hear why you feel this chauvinistic display of authority is necessary. Are you afraid that with my help Alex might gain a little authority of his own? Maybe even pose a threat to your job?”

“Job?” Nick asked with a puzzled lift of his brows. “What does my job have to do with this?”

“Alex said enough about the situation for me to know that the two of you are involved in some executive power struggle. But if you think for one minute that I’m—”

“Kylie, this has nothing to do with my job or Alex’s. I want to be sure you have no plans to change his mind about women in general and blondes in particular.” Nick’s gaze held hers with unyielding strength. “I won’t allow it.”

Her own determination rose to meet his. Nick might as well understand right now that she had no intention of following this or any other order from him. “If that’s what I want to do, Nick, then you won’t stop me from doing it.”

He drew in his breath sharply. “Kylie, we are going to be lovers, and once that happens, you won’t have the time or inclination to think about Alex or any other man.”

Kylie grappled with his words. “We?” she whispered hoarsely. “As in you and me?”

“We,” Nick clarified. “As in you and I.
are going to be lovers.”

Her lips parted on a stunned gasp. “You must be out of your mind,” But her thoughts reeled in dizzy circles, already considering the idea. Nick as her lover? One part of her rejected his statement as nonsense, as an attempt to dominate her. But another part of her trembled with the knowledge that he wanted her, for whatever reason. “You
out of your mind,” she repeated.

“We’ll just have to see what happens, won’t we?” His lips curved in a confident smile. “I think I’d better leave before it becomes necessary to prove to you that I’m quite sane.” He walked to the door, then turned. “On second thought, this has all happened rather suddenly. Maybe we both need some proof.” He advanced toward her, purpose in every movement.

Kylie took one step back and hugged the coverlet to her like a security blanket. But it offered little protection when Nick placed his hands on her bare shoulders and pulled her into his arms.

She struggled with the shivers of anticipation that cascaded down her spine.
This is a time for resistance,
she told herself sternly as his lips brushed hers and lingered with irresistible softness. With a will of its own her mouth moved beneath his, accepting his touch and denying her caution. Kylie wondered vaguely why she didn’t break free of his hold, but somehow that seemed the wrong way to meet this new and unexpected challenge.

His hand traced caressing circlets across her back as he reluctantly raised his head. “Soon, Kylie,” he murmured. “Soon.”

By the time he reached the doorway a second time, she had rediscovered her voice and a subdued measure of irritation. “I’m not impressed by these—these caveman tactics, Nick.”

His dark eyebrows arched in skeptical amusement. “I guess I’ll have to try a different approach then, won’t I? Good night, Kylie. Try not to dream of me.” With a soft click the door closed behind him.

His words echoed through her thoughts like a tantalizing melody. An irritatingly persistent melody that wouldn’t go away.
Try not to dream of me.
Not a chance now that she wouldn’t.

Over and over, as she undressed and ran a bath, his words came back to her.
We’re going to be lovers.


Her mind conjured up images of Nick’s virile strength possessing her body. Her fingers curled into her palms as she wondered how his bare skin would feel against hers. Smooth, she thought, but with a texture that would excite and stimulate her senses. His lips would explore her, discover her in a thousand sensual ways. Nick would be a tender, sensitive lover, and she would be—

Kylie began to hum tunelessly to dispel the images. She must be out of her mind to consider it at all. No matter how attracted she was to Nick, she had to remember the dangers he presented. He was used to being in control of situations and of people. If she let herself get involved with him, he’d try to mold her to his will, take charge of her life, all the things that she’d promised herself would never happen to her again.

It had taken too long to achieve the confidence and self-assurance she now had; she wouldn’t let Nick threaten her newfound independence. Not that she had any idea how she’d manage to resist his appealing lopsided smile, but she’d find a way. And somehow, even if she had to stay awake all night, she wouldn’t dream of him either.

Closing her eyes, she sank up to her chin in the warm water of the bath. It promised to be a very long night.


Chapter Four


In the days that followed, Kylie told herself that the scene in her bedroom had been an absurd dream, a ridiculous flight of imagination. For a week and a half, Nick did nothing to discredit her theory. In fact, she often thought he couldn’t possibly have been more charming.

During the training sessions and over dinner Nick was courteous, attentive, and friendly. He was businesslike and professional during the evenings, giving her information on the plant and employees. But always the evenings ended as the grandfather clock in the hall chimed eleven, ended with a cordial good-night that would have restored the faith of the most anxious mother. In every way Nick proved himself a perfect gentleman, and Kylie vacillated between feelings of confused relief and irrational pique.

It wasn’t fair, she decided on Thursday morning as she listened to the expectant hum of voices in the cafeteria-turned-auditorium. She should be concentrating on the morning’s lecture or any number of other important things, but her thoughts centered increasingly on Nick.

Day and night he was a tiny paper cut in her mind, an annoying ache that simply wouldn’t leave her alone.

“Here’s the data sheet you wanted.” Stephanie extended the page for Kylie’s inspection.

Blinking aside thoughts of Nick, Kylie scanned the list and nodded. “Can we have copies for everyone by tomorrow—early?”

“No problem.” Stephanie looked over the crowded room, her blue eyes seeking and hopeful. “He’ll be here today, Kylie. I made a point to remind him this morning.”

Kylie knew there was only one “he” who rated that wistful note in Stephanie’s voice. Alex had a perfect record of absence at the sessions, but his secretary seemed certain that would change at any moment.

It wasn’t fair. Kylie returned to her original conclusion as she gathered together her notes and approached the podium. Stephanie wanted Alex here, and Kylie wished Nick was anywhere else. Placing her notes on the stand, she looked to the back of the room.

He was there, of course, in the same chair, in the same corner of the room that he occupied during each and every session, impeccably dressed and looking impossibly handsome. In the artificial light his hair glinted like the patina of polished wood. His dark brows were a shadowy emphasis over eyes of indeterminate expression. Distance made the contours of his face indefinite, but she knew the chiseled lines by memory, knew how they firmed with determination and gentled with laughter. He caught her glance and smiled.

You and I are going to be lovers, Kylie.

Right on cue his words were in her mind again. Just as they always were when he smiled at her or touched her hand in a casual way that somehow didn’t seem casual at all.

She focused her attention on the assembled employees. “Good morning. It’s time to begin.”

As an interested hush fell over the room Kylie shoved Nick to the far corners of her mind and paused to let her confidence build. Here at least she knew she was in charge. Despite Nick, despite Alex, despite numerous little problems the seminar was going beautifully, and that fact alone was sweet satisfaction.

“Today I’m going to present some suggestions on setting realistic goals and the positive steps you can take toward achieving them. Then we’ll divide into discussion groups. Any questions? Good, let’s get started.”

The morning sped to a hurried lunch, consisting of salad, a soft drink, and a perusal of the afternoon training material. It was past three o’clock before Kylie, with Stephanie at her side, opened the door of her tiny office and sank into the only chair.

“Sorry I can’t offer you a place to sit.” Kylie kicked off her navy leather pumps and wearily massaged her feet. “My request for another chair must have gotten hijacked on its way to your office.”

“It’s probably buried somewhere on Alex’s desk. I’ll check before I leave, even though I don’t look forward to seeing the paper work that’s accumulated since this morning.” Stephanie wrinkled her pert nose. “It’s nice to feel needed, but sometimes I think he really couldn’t manage without me. In the office, anyway.”

“Alex certainly depends on you to keep his life running smoothly.”

“Oh, he depends on me all right, but for all the wrong reasons.” Stephanie leaned against the desk and traced fingertip designs on the top. “I never intended to be a—a fixture in his life. When I first started working for him, it was different. But now he seems to think I’m just part of the office equipment. Something for his convenience. He takes advantage of me, you know.”

Kylie did know, but she simply nodded since Stephanie didn’t give her a chance to speak.

“I’ve always hoped that one day he’d realize he....” Stephanie let the thought drift into a pensive silence ending with a half-embarrassed smile. “Do you mind if I take home your notes from today’s session? I’d like to look over them again, if it’s all right.”

Hesitating just long enough to catch up with the change of subject, Kylie retrieved the notes and handed them across the desk. “Be my guest if you’re sure you want to spend your evening that way.”

“Oh, I do. I want to learn as much about assertiveness principles as I can.” Stephanie paused for a thoughtful moment. “Kylie? Do you really believe in setting goals and working toward them?”

“Yes, of course. It’s the only way to achieve the things you want.”

Stephanie looked at the pages in her hand as if she’d just discovered a wonderful secret. “I’ll bet you set personal goals, too, don’t you? I mean, things you want for yourself. Like a new car or a different job or—well, you know,

Suddenly wary of the resourceful gleam in the blue eyes, Kylie tempered her response. “Almost anything, personal or not, requires planning and taking some positive action toward getting it.”

“The same principles apply, don’t they?”

Kylie hesitated. “Basically, yes. But—

There was a rough knock on the door, and Nick stepped into the office. The room seemed to shrink as his presence filled it. In the space of a heartbeat Kylie noticed everything about him: his long legs, which carried him with lithe grace; the effortless fit of his jacket over his powerful shoulders and arms; his dark hair, combed, then tousled by his careless fingers; his expressive brows, which slanted a greeting her way; his gray eyes, reflecting a smile that accentuated that mesmerizing cleft in his chin. The scent of him tickled her senses, and she nestled more securely into the chair.

“Hello,” she said, ignoring the disgraceful flutter in her throat.

“Good afternoon, ladies.” Nick advanced into the room and seated himself on the corner of the desk closest to Kylie. She felt the brush of his trouser leg whisper against her nylon-clad calf, and a current of sensation swirled leisurely through her. Against her will she lowered her gaze to the source of the delicate sensation; she knew he was watching, for his lips twitched with a smile.

“Is this a private party,” he asked, “or may I join you?”

“Considering that you’re already settled in, please do join us.” Kylie made a pretense of smoothing her stocking before she looked up. “Take your shoes off and make yourself comfortable. Stephanie and I were just discussing the lavish furnishings of my office.”

Nick sent a cursory glance around the cubicle. “Nice. You have a real flair for life’s basics, Kylie. A desk, chair, and pencils. You’ve really done wonders with this room.”

“Why, thank you, Mr. Braden. Just think what I could do if I had, say, another three weeks?” Extra time for the seminar was a dead issue, but Kylie liked to remind him now and then that he wasn’t giving her a fair chance.

Nick gave a doubtful shake of his head. “I don’t see how you could improve on this. What do you think, Stephanie?”

“I think I’ll plead the fifth amendment,” Stephanie answered lightly, “before you decide I should redecorate my office.”

Nick’s chuckle tugged a response from Kylie. As their eyes met to share the lighthearted teasing the sheer force of his masculinity sent a jolt through her. The room seemed to become suffocatingly close and then to expand oddly.

A movement from Stephanie restored perspective. “Thanks for the use of these, Kylie.” Stephanie lifted the notes for emphasis. “I’d better check in with Alex.”

“Well, finally,” Alex drawled from the doorway, immediately gaining everyone’s attention. His appearance was immaculate, from the tip of his leather oxfords to the careful styling of his blond hair. “Do you know I’ve been all over the plant looking for you?” He gave Stephanie a mildly reproachful look. “The training session ended thirty minutes ago, and there’s some correspondence on my desk that has to be mailed tonight. Do you think you could manage to get it done before midnight?”

BOOK: Winds of Heaven
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