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Authors: Ambrielle Kirk

Wolf's Touch (9 page)

BOOK: Wolf's Touch
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Arianna took one look at his throbbing erection and grinned. The things he was capable of doing to her had her pussy clenching again in anticipation. She rolled over onto her hands and knees. Pushing her hips back, she pressed her ass against the thick length of him.

“Fuck me like this,” she demanded.

He bent over her and pushed in just past her opening.

She moaned, and pressed her eyes closed, bracing herself.

“You make demands, but are you prepared to accept?” He teased her earlobe with the tip of his tongue.

She rotated her hips, wishing that he’d give her more. “I know what I like.”

He speared her, burying himself to hilt.

She screamed as the pain cut through her body, and clutched at the headboard in front of her.

Jayson wasted no time as he pounded into her with intense determination. He filled her, stretching her to accommodate this throbbing cock. The tempo of his strokes changed from quick and powerful into long and deliberate. He gripped her hips and titled them up for maximum penetration. His testicles tightened and slapped against her. She pushed her hips back meeting him thrust for thrust. Her core tensed and a second climax began to build like a bundle of nerves.

“Jayson,” she called out.

Let go.”

She came again, arching her back as what felt like fireworks shot through her. Icy hot sensation pulsed through her body throughout her climax. Jayson was relentless, riding her through the peak and deliberately quickening his thrusts to keep her in a state of elation.

Spent, she leaned forward and pressed her face into the pillows. Her clit still throbbed uncontrollably begging for another release. Jayson pulled out, and then placed the crown of his cock at her anus. She bit into her bottom lips, bracing herself once again. He kneaded her ass and kissed the back of her neck. His dampened forehead rested in the middle of her shoulder blades.

Jayson pushed into her, slowly and carefully. The pleasure-pain ripped through her as he buried himself as deep as her tight canal would allow.

“Ah, Arianna, how could I have lived without you and without this?”

He moved within her, in and out, with even unified thrusts. Each drive into her ass sent her closer and closer over the edge. His fingers played with her clit as he worked her toward ecstasy.

His cock plundered her ass repeatedly. She gripped at the headboards and took him deeper still.

Suddenly, he stiffened and pressed his mouth to her shoulder. He wanted to bite her. His wolf wanted to claim her. He held back, just as he’d done hundreds of times before—just as she’d requested.

His hot seed splashed within her, and a fiery sensation forced itself through her veins and cells, reaching the surface and skating across her skin. Jayson’s serum took her into a third climax, and she joined him at mountain’s peak.

They both collapsed on the bed of rumpled sheets and clothing and stared into each other eyes, just as the evening sky folded away making way for nightfall.

Chapter Ten


All six members of the Council were present for the emergency meeting called by Devin Caedmon himself. They were seated at the round conference table in the Alpha’s meeting hall waiting as the minutes ticked by on the grandfather clock hanging on the wall.

Jayson had a bad feeling about this. It was not like Devin to call them together just for a group chat.

Aiden, who’d just arrived, took off his vest and hung it on the hook near the door, then carefully placed his firearm on the corner table next to it. He walked over to Devin’s bar and helped himself to a shot of Vodka before taking his seat across from Blake.

“I thought you’d laid off the liquor, man,” Blake joked.

“It ain’t so easy with the type of shit I deal with on the daily,” Aiden responded.

Blake and Aiden had become close buddies ever since they’d come from another disbanded pack to join the Caedmon’s. They were all there for each other when help was needed. And they all had occupations and lives outside of the Council.

Devin Caedmon entered the room, and Jayson looked down at his watch. It was four p.m. on the dot. Devin was a stickler for being on time, and had never once been late to any event. Jayson couldn’t say the same about himself until serving under Devin’s rule. It only took one slip-up and tardy to a Council meeting to make the Alpha mad. Jayson had been set straight, and from there on out, he’d been on time—for everything.

“It was brought to my attention that we have yet another threat against us,” Devin said, as soon as he took his seat.

The man didn’t waste time, that was for sure.

“What kind of threat?” Aiden asked.

“It’s indirect, but the outcome will affect us all,” Devin said, and then turned to his brother, Dawson.

“I was approached by a group of outsiders,” Dawson stated. “Zeldano’s followers.”

Jayson narrowed his eyes, and his ears perked up. “I know where this is going…”

“I was told that a certain member on our Council has something that belongs to him,” Dawson continued.

“This is something I should have addressed with utmost attention earlier,” Devin said. “And for that, Jayson, I apologize. There are other matters…it has not been announced officially yet, but Tamara is pregnant.”

The table grew silent.

“How is she?” Nick, the Alpha’s Second-in-Command, who hadn’t said a word until now asked.

“She has not been doing well. It’s her first trimester, which is to be expected, according to her nurse. I fear that most of her ailment stems from being human and carrying my offspring.”

“Tamara will pull through,” Nick reassured him.

“With bed rest, the nurse assured me that she would,” Devin replied.

“I’m sorry, Devin,” Jayson said. “The time was just not right.”

“It’s not your fault. You are more than an advisor to me. I treat you as my brother. We’re all in this together. I will do what is necessary to help you,” Devin said.

“What exactly is going on?” Blake asked. “What does Zeldano think we have?”

“Yeah,” Dawson said, sitting back in his chair. “Would you care to elaborate, Jayson?”

Jayson sighed. “We’re receiving threats because of me. As you all know, Arianna Klein is my mate. Everyone in this town knows that she’s refused me for over a decade.”

“Yeah, and?” Blake frowned. “You’re not the first wolf with a mate who likes to be chased?”

Dawson frowned at Blake. “Do you even know who the Klein’s are?”

“Who doesn’t? They’re one of the Caedmon human branches. ” Blake shrugged. “It doesn’t make them any better than we are.”

“When Arianna was born, her father made an agreement for an arranged pairing,” Jayson continued. “The contract would unite two prominent bloodlines and possibly form one of the most lucrative investment firms in the world.”

“What a mess,” Aiden said slowly, and dropped his face in his palm.

“A mess, indeed,” Jayson agreed. “One that I did not see coming.”

“You’re going to sit back and let Zeldano use your mate?” Nick asked.

“Fuck no,”
Jayson replied, quickly.

“Why haven’t you claimed her already?” Nick asked, again. “Wouldn’t that have solved the problem? Zeldano can’t take what you’ve already claimed.”

“I told you,” Jayson said between clenched teeth. “Arianna doesn’t want to be mated.”

“It wouldn’t have solved anything.” Devin leaned forward. “Are any of you listening? This arrangement was made when Arianna was born.”

“How can an agreement trump what should be?” Blake asked.

“The agreement was made before Jayson could have ever laid claim to Arianna. With the way the Caedmon laws were written, the arranged pairing would stand.”

Blake threw up his hands. “This is insane! Does Arianna want this?”

“From my understanding, she doesn’t want anything to do with Zeldano,” Jayson answered. “Arianna is loyal to out Pack, despite her father’s dealings. Even she can see the treachery in all of this.”

“Why hasn’t she told Zeldano to shove it?” Blake asked.

“I wish it were that easy.” Jayson thought back to the suitcase full of money, he’d delivered to Mr. Klein. He could only hope it was the solution for getting Arianna out of this mess.

“My intuition tells me it won’t be,” Dawson said. “Zeldano’s men specifically told me that you had something he owned.”

Jayson’s body grew hot and he thought the veins in his neck would literally pop from the steam blasting through them. “Arianna is mine. I may not have claimed her yet, but no other man will while I am still alive.”

“We can’t risk another threat on our community,” Dawson shot back. “After Darius, I don’t know how much more our small town can take.”

“Can’t this deal be broken? What can we do?” Nick asked.

“There is one non-life threatening way in which the agreement can be broken.” Devin rose from the table, walked over to the bar, and filled a glass with ice.

The room remained silent.

“Pay Zeldano off,” he finally announced.

“I’ve already delivered the money to Klein for that purpose,” Jayson replied.

“Then you’re one step ahead of the game.” Devin turned around, with glass of Scotch in hand. “Let us all hope Zeldano accepts.”

“And if he doesn’t?” Dawson chimed in.

“Jayson will have to choose when that time comes.”




Arianna sat back in the sofa next to Tamara’s bed and watched as Nurse Whitney checked her vitals. From the expression on her face, she could tell the Alpha’s mate was a little anxious. Any mother would be worried about the health of her unborn child.

Arianna had only been here a few hours, and within that time frame Tamara had rushed to the bathroom to puke several times. She almost felt sorry for her, but knew all this would eventually pass. From what she’d heard from all her previously pregnant female cousins and relatives, the first trimester was the worst. Carrying a wolf’s offspring couldn’t have been an easy feat.

The nurse slipped an armband on Tamara Caedmon’s wrist, and pumped it with air. “With Selene’s help, I was able to access most of your medical history.”

It was Tamara’s second checkup with the nurse. Devin had been unable to attend because of an emergency Council meeting. Tamara had asked them to join her in the room with the nurse.

Tamara’s best friend, Selene, stood at the foot of the bed and wrung her hands together. Her sister-in-law, Elisa, was also in the room sitting on the window sill with a journal and pen.

Tamara looked worriedly at the nurse. “Did everything look okay?”

“You have a clean medical history. Other than the broken arm you had three years ago, everything looked great.”

“Broken arm?” Selene gaped. “You never told me about that.”

Tamara looked at her friend and frowned. “Not something I want to really remember.”

“Oh,” Selene replied.

Something in Tamara’s past always worried her. Selene seemed to understand, but Arianna didn’t want to intrude.

“Your blood pressure is within normal range.” Nurse Whitney made some notes on her pad. “How is your back?”

Tamara lifted herself into a sitting position with the help of the nurse. “My lower back is killing me. It’s like something is sitting on it.”

“That is to be expected,” Whitney replied.

“I hate being held prisoner in this room.”

Whitney smiled and looked around. “Looks like sanctuary to me. Sixty inch television. California King bed. Downy pillow and mattress. Room service from the Alpha, himself…I’d trade any day.”

Tamara laughed, and Arianna and Selene joined in.

“In a week or two, you’ll have reached your second trimester. We can gradual add in more activity, like walking,” Whitney assured her.

“When do we get to see everything on the ultrasound?” Elise moved away from the window and came to join them next to the bed. At just ten years old, she resembled a Barbie doll with her bouncy brown curls and rosy lips. She had only the slightest resemblance to her half-brother, Devin.

“In two weeks.” Nurse Whitney smiled. “I’ll be back with the machine…and we can hear the heartbeat better.”

“I can hear loud and clear,” Elsie declared.

“A nurse in the making?”

“I’d love to be a nurse.” Elise’s smile turned into a frown. “But it’s not in the cards.”

Elise seemed very mature for her age. Other ten year olds were interested in fashion, music, and hobbies like ballet and jewelry making. From what Arianna had learned about Elise today, the young girl was more interested in science and the elements.

“No one knows what the future holds,” Whitney replied.

“May I?” Elise looked at Tamara, and held her small delicate hand over the baby bump.

Tamara took the child’s hand and placed it on her belly. Elise pressed an ear to her abdomen.

“Sounds like music,” she whispered. “I can’t wait to be the Godmother.”

“Are you ready?” Selene asked. “You’ll have your hands full.”

“Yes, I know.” Elise grinned.

“Elise, tell me what you see? Please…” Tamara said.

“Are you sure?” Elise lifted her head, but left her hand on Tamara’s belly.

“It’s either now or in two weeks,” Tamara pleaded. “I don’t think I can wait two whole weeks.”

“Triplets,” Elise said. “There are three heartbeats.”

They all gasped in surprise, and a wide grin spread across Tamara’s face.

“Are you sure?” Tamara’s eyes were wide and bright.

“Have I ever been wrong?” Elise asked.

“You are certainly something else, young lady,” Whitney exclaimed.

“Elise is special,” Tamara said, squeezing the child’s hand.

Arianna smiled.

Tamara would give her mate something that Arianna would probably never be strong enough to have herself. A legacy would continue because of it. Devin Caedmon’s offspring would be born very soon. The thought of new life being created and such a divine gift given to a special couple warmed her heart.

For a while, it served to take her away from her own crisis, but this moment of enrichment could not erase what would eventually transpire with her.

BOOK: Wolf's Touch
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