Read Wolves at the Door (MMM) Online

Authors: Marie Medina

Tags: #gay, #paranormal, #wolves, #paranormal erotic romance, #menage, #erotic romance, #anal, #gay erotica, #multiple partners, #light bondage, #rimming, #mmm, #gay erotic romance, #wolf shifters, #marie medina, #wolves at the door

Wolves at the Door (MMM) (2 page)

BOOK: Wolves at the Door (MMM)
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Shit,” Steven said. He
held his hand up and saw the blood. “If you guys can get me home,
I’ll call a tow truck.”

You can do that
tomorrow,” Patrick said. The man looked down at him and took a deep
breath. He held it a moment and then let it out, and Steven could
have sworn the guy sighed. “Your ankle will make it hard for you to
move around. You can stay with us. We’ll push your car into our
driveway so no one will hit it.”

That’s really nice, but I
can’t let you do that,” Steven said.

We’re doing it anyway,”
Patrick said, grabbing one arm and nodding for Aiden to

Something about Patrick discouraged
Steven from arguing further. “All right,” he said as he tried to
get back to his feet. They put him back in his car.

Patrick nodded his head at the
steering wheel. “Steer for us. Brake with your other foot if you
need to. It’s pretty level the first hundred feet, so should be

Steven nodded and steered as the two
guys pushed his car. Both men had brown hair, and in the glow of
the overhead light in his car, Steven had seen that Patrick had
very bright green eyes. They were built very well, their muscles
obvious as they pushed the car. Steven felt bad they were pushing
his muddy car in such nice clothes. They’d obviously been out for a
romantic evening. Steven cast his eyes down, feeling bad about
ogling them. He’d never persuade them to introduce him to any gay
friends if he acted like a sleaze, checking out obviously
unavailable men. Moving here was about starting over, away from his
backwards family and his narrow-minded community. Steven knew he
needed to count his blessings and make friends first before
worrying about his dick.

Patrick came back around and helped
him out of the car. The man smelled so good that Steven had to
force himself not to take a deep breath. Patrick, however, seemed
fond of taking deep breaths. He took two very deep ones as he
helped Steven to their car.

Just sit tight,” Patrick
said before closing the door.

Steven smiled and sat back, trying to
stretch his ankle to see how bad his injury truly was. He heard the
two men whispering, but he couldn’t make anything out. They both
got into the car quickly, turning back to look at him at the exact
same moment.

You okay?” Aiden

Steven nodded. “Yes. I’m

When the car began to move, he lowered
his eyes again. He couldn’t help feeling self-conscious. He was
injured and had mud smeared on his clothes, and he suspected he had
ruined a romantic evening.




It’s a good thing we went
with my instinct,” Patrick said, turning back to look at Steven
again. “I usually want dessert, but something made me skip it

Really?” Steven

Patrick nodded. The young man in their
backseat was not a shifter, but his scent still got Patrick’s blood
going. Bringing in a non-shifter was by no means taboo, and since
their pack would produce no children anyway, it hardly mattered.
Steven seemed very shy, but it was possible he was only
self-conscious because of the situation.

Outside the car, Patrick had whispered
to Aiden that their new neighbor was “perfect”. Aiden had blushed
and shaken his head, saying he didn’t want to freak out someone who
lived so close. Patrick had kissed him quickly, telling him not to
worry. Aiden might need convincing, but Patrick suspected Steven
would be open to exploring if he knew Aiden and Patrick were
interested in more than a few fucks.

Yeah, but tonight I just
wanted to head home,” Patrick said. “And I’m glad we did. You might
have been out there a long time or somehow injured yourself worse.
It’s pretty safe out here, but still, anything could have

I’m very grateful,”
Steven said. “I smashed my phone when I fell, so I couldn’t have
gotten help unless I’d been able to get all the way back to my
place to use my work cell.”

Aiden turned to look at Steven and
then at Patrick before turning his eyes back to the driveway.
“You’d have really hurt yourself trying to do that. It is a good
thing we came along.”

Patrick reached over and squeezed
Aiden’s knee briefly. “We’ve been meaning to drop by anyway. There
are only four houses on the entire stretch here on this side of the
mountain, so we all like to keep in touch. The Davenports live at
the end of the road where it dead ends. They have three children
and two big dogs. Mrs. Wood lives closer to the highway. She’s
eighty-two, so we all keep an eye on her.”

It seems very peaceful
out here. It’s exactly what I wanted.” Steven winced and

We’ll get you fixed up
right away. We can at least get your foot elevated and put some ice
on it,” Aiden said. “I work from home, so I can take you to your
doctor tomorrow, if it’s bad enough.”

I don’t have one yet, but
just a walk-in clinic would be fine,” Steven said, wincing again as
the car stopped.

Patrick didn’t like seeing Steven in
pain. “We can take you to our doctor,” Patrick said. “He’s
wonderful. And cute.” He winked at Steven, seeking to confirm what
he sensed about Steven’s sexuality.

Steven laughed nervously and smiled.
“So I bet that means he’s not single.”

Patrick smiled. “Nope. Very married.
And straight.”

Steven sucked his bottom lip into his
mouth. “Too bad.” He sighed. “Okay, I’m gonna get this out there. I
came from a small town, so no one accepted me being gay. And I mean
no one. Not a single one of my friends and no one in my family. I
was treated like shit and stayed because I had a good job. I saved
every penny and jumped at the chance to transfer out of

Patrick wanted to climb into the
backseat and kiss Steven, but he didn’t. Instead he got out quickly
and opened the back door to help Steven out. When Steven took his
hand, Patrick said, “Things are very different here. It’s not
perfect, but we’ll be able to introduce you to lots of people. You
can call on us for anything.”

Steven smiled. “Thanks. That’s good to
know.” He blushed a little as he let Patrick help him up the steps
and into the house.

Patrick watched Aiden pulling the car
into the garage. He gave Steven a friendly squeeze. “I’m glad we
met you tonight, Steven.”

I am, too.” He blushed
again, so Patrick helped him to the hall bathroom instead of
pressing further.

I’ll bring you some
clothes. You look about Aiden’s size. Dry off and get out of those
wet clothes. I’ll find something for you to sleep in.”

Thanks,” Steven said as
he lowered himself to the toilet. “This is so nice of you

Don’t mention it. Just
call for me if you need help.” He pointed at Steven’s foot. “Try
not to put any weight on it, so you don’t make it worse or

Steven nodded and pulled his shoe off.
“I’ll be careful. I already tried walking on it, and that was
stupid. I’ll stay put.”

Patrick went into the bedroom and
found a pair of pajamas for Steven and then brought them back. The
young man was stripped to the waist and drying his hair. When
Steven pulled the towel away, he looked adorable, his hair sticking
out everywhere. Patrick couldn’t help smiling as he handed him the
pajamas. “Here you go. These should do.”

Thank you.” Steven took
them and put them by the sink, and then he began unbuttoning and
unzipping his jeans, not even waiting for Patrick to leave, which
sent a thrill through Patrick.

Need some help getting
them down and over your ankle?” Patrick asked, loving the lack of
shyness. As much as Steven had blushed before, Patrick hadn’t
expected this.

Steven nodded. “Yeah, I think so. It’s
pretty swollen, and it’s starting to hurt more.”

Patrick knelt right away. As an alpha,
he was the protector and caregiver. He loved taking care of Aiden
in any little way he could. He really liked that Steven didn’t
hesitate to ask for help. He smiled, thinking of how Steven also
had not hesitated to unzip his pants. Perhaps he sensed the pull,
too, already feeling at home with them.

They got the jeans off with only a few
pained hisses from Steven. Patrick remained on the ground. “Do you
need dry boxers? Those look a bit wet on the right

Steven blinked down at him, as if he
had just realized he was mostly naked. “Um … I can just go
commando.” His cheeks flamed. “Oh, gosh, guess not actually, since
these aren’t my pajamas. Geez, sorry.” He bit his lip, which made
Patrick want to lean up and bite it as well.

No worries.” Patrick
chuckled. “I’ll get you a clean pair. We have lots of new packs
because our moms buy us underwear every Christmas and every
birthday, too.” He jumped up to give Steven a moment to

Steven had the flannel pajama top on
when Patrick came back. “Here you go,” Patrick said. “I’ll let you
handle that privately. I usually know a guy a lot longer when I
take his pants off, so I should draw the line on my inappropriate
behavior now.”

Steven shook his head vehemently. “No,
I wasn’t thinking. I was cold, and my ankle was throbbing. My brain
was not accessing societal conventions properly.” He gave Patrick a
brief smile. “It’s all on me. You’re fine, really, and thanks for
the help.”

No problem.” He winked.

On that note, Patrick closed the door,
smiling to himself. Not accessing societal conventions properly? He
really liked Steven’s sense of humor. Aiden wouldn’t like the
flirting, but he could get over it. They wouldn’t get to have their
romp in the woods now, but they’d had an intense lovemaking session
in the shower earlier, and to Patrick, the feeling Steven gave him
more than made up for missing out this one time. He couldn’t wait
to get Aiden alone so he could find out if his lover had
experienced the same reaction to Steven’s scent and

Chapter Two


Aiden handed Steven a steaming mug of
cider and then went back into the kitchen. Patrick stood pouring
cider for them, but he stopped and pulled Aiden into a slow

Can’t you feel it? Smell
it on him?” Patrick licked Aiden’s ear. “I want him between us. I
want to watch you two pleasure each other.”

He’s injured, Patrick!”
Aiden whispered with a frown.

Patrick rolled his eyes. “I don’t mean

Aiden pulled away and gazed toward the
door. Lying to Patrick would never work. “He does smell good.
Right. I want to touch him. I want to take care of him the way you
take care of me.” He looked back into his lover’s eyes. “And I want
to see him suck you. Watch him take your cock.” Though he knew he
shouldn’t let himself get worked up, he couldn’t help

Patrick’s eyebrows shot up. “Then stop
resisting. We can start courting him. It won’t scare him off. He’s
very attracted to us. Can’t you smell that, too?”

Aiden nodded. Steven’s scent and body
language made it very clear he was attracted to both of them. “Even
if it intrigues him, he might get the wrong idea. I don’t want him
to think we go around seducing men to have threesomes.”

Patrick placed cinnamon sticks in
their ciders and smiled. “You want some real romance, don’t you?”
He kissed Aiden’s cheek tenderly. “I love you, my sweet little

I love you, too. I just
want to be careful and go slow.”

Patrick blew on his cider and handed
the other mug off to Aiden. “All right, baby. I’ll try to be good.”
He went back into the living room.

Try? Oh god.
Aiden followed right away. Patrick loved bending
the rules, and though Aiden trusted him, he didn’t want to give
Patrick any more chances to flirt too obviously. He stopped short
as he entered the living room because Patrick was down on his knees
in front of Steven. After a few seconds, he realized Patrick was
only examining his ankle, but his assumption of inappropriate
activity had both frightened and aroused him.

Aiden moved around to the loveseat
opposite them and sat down. Steven looked up at him and smiled, a
slight blush on his cheeks. “He’s got great maternal instincts,”
Aiden said, hoping some of the sexual tension would

Patrick unwrapped the bandage partway
and then rewrapped it, adjusting and tightening it. Then, he kissed
Steven’s leg right above the bandage. He maintained eye contact
with Aiden as he did this, but then he turned to Steven, whose
mouth hung open now. “I’m a bit of an alpha. I like being the one
who takes care of others.”

Steven nodded, still looking stunned.
“I see.”

Aiden sat forward to say something,
but Patrick turned his gaze back to him quickly. “He’s not going to
run away, Aiden.”

Patrick inched up on the couch beside
Steven. “I know I’m forward, but it worked on Aiden all those years
ago.” He stroked Steven’s cheek. “He and I are together, and
nothing will ever change that. But we like you, and it is clear you
like us, too. I don’t want you to leave tomorrow without knowing

BOOK: Wolves at the Door (MMM)
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