Read Woman Beware Online

Authors: Tianna Xander

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Erotic, #Fiction, #Science

Woman Beware (6 page)

BOOK: Woman Beware
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His cock grew harder when she arched against him, pressing her mound tighter against his erection.

“Gods, Lena,” he said as he put a small amount of distance between them—so small, his lips brushed hers as he spoke. “I don’t know if I feel this way because I’m beginning to care about you or if it is something the Fates designed.”

She opened her eyes and met his gaze. “Does it matter?” she asked, breathless. “Aren’t the Fates supposed to be responsible for everything that happens to everyone?” She pulled back a bit, her gaze shifting to his lips that were still wet from their kiss. “I mean—” She paused to lick her lips. “If they’re
designing our lives, why should we feel uncomfortable about what’s happening just because we
for a fact that they’ve orchestrated this?” Reaching up, she brushed his hair back with a smile.

He smiled down at her, reached up and, in turn, smoothed her hair back before palming the back of her head. “I don’t give a damn why I feel this way.” He searched her gaze for any uncertainty. He smiled. “You don’t either. Do you?”

She slowly shook her head, reached up and pulled his head down to hers. “I stopped caring before you returned from the city.” She rested her hand on the center of his chest. His heart still hammered in reaction to their kiss and his skin prickled with awareness at her touch. No woman had ever stirred him so completely.

“I had a long time to think while you were gone.” Her hand traveled lower.

He sucked in a shuddering breath as her fingers moved over his stomach, down between her legs to his hips and covered his hard shaft. She had already given him more pleasure in the last few minutes than all of the women he had been with before her. What she did now, nearly made his eyes cross.

Gritting his teeth, he struggled to maintain control. Reaching down, he grasped her hand. “Don’t.” He smiled to reduce the sting of what she must perceive as rejection. “Not yet.” Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath. “I don’t want to do this here.”

Taking her hand, he led her from the main room. He planned to lead her down the hallway to the bedroom but found that she didn’t move fast enough. He tried not to look at her on the way to the bedroom. One more look at her hard nipples straining against her top would have had him pulling her down to fuck her hard and fast on the floor. Scooping her up in his arms, he bolted down the hall, into the bedroom and locked the door—just in case.

“In a hurry?” Lena asked with a smile when he set her in the middle of the bed. She shifted her gaze down to the bulge in his pants and grinned.

“Hell, yes. I’m in a hurry.” Reaching down, he grasped the hem of his shirt and ripped it over his head. “Tell me if you’ve changed your mind.” He rested his fingers against the waistband of his pants. “What do you say, sweetheart?” Artu watched as her gaze shifted from his chest to his face.

“That’s a pretty cool tattoo you have there on your chest.” She tilted her head, looking at it for a few seconds.

“It is the mark of the defender.”

“What do you mean?” Her brow furrowed as she continued to stare at it.

“This marks me as Priska’s defender. When I age and the power eventually passes to another, the mark will fade. Until then, I wear it as a proud reminder that I, alone, defend this world.”

“Well, whatever it is, it’s rather unusual.” Getting on her knees, Lena reached up and rested her hand against it. Sparks flew between them, from his mark to her fingers and back again. “Ow! What was that?” She jerked her hand back.

“I don’t know.” Artu frowned. “That’s never happened before.” Reaching out, he grasped her hand and looked at it, checking for burns. “Your hand looks fine. How does it feel?” He brought her hand to his mouth and kissed her palm. “There. All better.” He smiled.

“Yes,” she said, returning his smile. “All better.” She pulled her hand free and cautiously rested it against his chest again. “I can feel your heart beating beneath my fingers. “Let’s see if I can speed it up.” Lena looked up at him with a sexy smile as she leaned closer and flicked his nipple with her tongue.

Artu sucked in a deep breath. “You’re playing with fire, Lena.” He reached up and thrust his fingers through her red hair when she did it again. His cock grew harder and jerked in response.

“I can’t wait to sink my cock deep into your tight cunt.” He grinned when she looked up at him through wide eyes. “Does that shock you?”

“No.” She shook her head, a slow grin curving her full lips. “It turns me on.” Reaching up, she curled her fingers around his neck and pulled his head down to hers. “Now, kiss me and let nature take its course.”

He slanted his mouth over hers once again. Her soft lips melded to his as he held her in his arms. Warmth stole through him as he held her close. Covering her breast with one hand, he stroked the nipple with his thumb. She arched into his touch with a soft moan.

“Please, Artu. I need you to do more than kiss me,” Lena said as she pulled her shirt over her head, revealing a lacy bra that did little to hide the tiny pink tips of her breasts.

She threw her blouse to the floor before reaching for her pants. She unbuttoned them and pushed them to her hips then looked down with a frown. With a sigh, Lena pulled her pants up long enough to stand and remove them. She turned her attention back to him as he stood before her still half dressed.

“Well?” she said raising a brow. “Are you going to just stand there?”

“Hell no.” Artu growled low in his throat. “I plan to fuck you until you scream.”

“Talk is cheap, Artu.” She gave him a half grin and raised her brow.

Hell, he hoped she meant that as a challenge, because he was damn sure taking it as one. Picking her up, he dropped her on the bed, wasting little time as he followed her down, to rest between her legs. Wedging his shoulders between her thighs, Artu stared at her glistening folds for a moment before lowering his head.

“I can’t wait to taste this pretty little cunt of yours.”

Chapter Thirteen



Lena fisted her hands in the silken comforter as Artu lowered his head. She felt the warmth of his breath on her thighs. She sucked in a deep breath when she felt the moist warmth of his tongue stroking her nether lips.

He pulled her labia apart and lifted his head. “Has anyone told you that you’re beautiful, baby?” He blew on her exposed clit. Shards of delight shot through her, and she gasped. “I love the way you’re little pink cunt glistens for me.” Leaning forward, he swiped her clit with his tongue, making her jump. “And you taste exquisite.”

Her entire body heated at his words. “Stop complimenting me. I don’t deal with it well.” She didn’t. Very few people ever complimented her, and she never knew what to say to them. Thank you just seemed wrong, somehow.

“Then, I shall do this instead,” Artu said just before he sucked her clit into his mouth.

Lena gasped, her thighs involuntarily closing around his head as her body stiffened. She’d had men do this to her before. Hell, she’d had it more than a few times, but none of them did it the way Artu did. He was a master. It was as though she was a rare instrument and he a musical prodigy. The man managed to play her body like a maestro.

Slowly, Artu forced her thighs apart and came up for air. “It’s a good thing I’m difficult to kill. You wouldn’t want to suffocate me, would you?” he asked as he looked up at her, his lips and chin covered with her thick cream. Lowering his head back toward her flesh, he gave her clit one long, slow lick. “Do you like that?” he asked with a chuckle when her hips jerked.

“You know I do, dammit,” she replied, her breath coming in short gasps. “Stop teasing me and make me come.”

He sucked her clit into his mouth and chuckled again, sending tingling vibrations through her clit that made her hips jerk again.

Lena bit her lip. She wanted to beg him to make her come, to demand it, but she was afraid that whatever she said would cause him to tease her that much more. He seemed to get a kick out of it.

Again, he suckled her clit, his mouth and tongue driving her closer and closer to the edge of what, she was certain, would be the best orgasm of her life. She moaned when he thrust two of his fingers into her wet pussy while he suckled her clit. She groaned again when he worked his fingers in and out of her slick channel. It wasn’t until he inserted a third finger and pressed up against her stomach that Lena knew she was close. The need she felt built and built until the pleasure became almost unbearable. Finally, finally, Artu began to hum. The added vibration shoved her over the edge of the abyss. Lena threw her head back and screamed out her release.

Aftershocks shook her as Artu crawled up her body. He stopped at her stomach for a moment, worshipping her navel with his tongue before moving up to pay homage to her breasts, suckling first one then the other. He didn’t move again until after he had her mewling with desire again.

Crawling further up her body, he reached up, cupped her head between his hands and took her mouth in a passionate kiss. Cream slid from her channel, coating her thighs as his tongue tangled with hers.

Lena’s heart swelled as he kissed her. She never imagined she would be lucky enough to feel this way for someone. Oh, she had wanted to. For years, she had wanted to feel this way. However, every relationship she ever had ended with her man leaving or with her leaving.

Never had she felt this happy. Never had her heart sang with joy the way it did now. Now, she knew why the Fates sent her here. She belonged with this man as surely as she loved him. And she did love him, more than she could have possibly imagined.

“Wrap your legs around my waist, baby,” Artu said against her lips. Tenderly, he pressed little kisses against her eyes, nose and mouth. “I can’t wait to sink my cock into your wet cunt.”

Bending her knees, Lena spread her thighs, lifted her legs and wrapped them around Artu’s waist. Lena whimpered. She couldn’t wait either. Just thinking about it was driving her insane. She wanted him more than she had ever wanted any man. “I can’t wait either, Artu.” Reaching up, she thrust her fingers through his hair, pulling him down for another deep kiss.

He responded by plunging his tongue deep into her mouth, while he moved to better position himself between her legs.

“Fuck me, Artu. Please.”

Lena wriggled, squirming beneath him as she attempted to help him press inside her empty pussy. “God, Artu, don’t tease me now. Please. Don’t tease me now.”

She thrashed her head on the thin pillow and squirmed some more when he merely chuckled. Her skin prickled with awareness, her body trembled with need. Skimming his shoulders with her palms, she reached behind him, lightly scoring his back with her nails.

Lena couldn’t believe the emotions that kept washing through her as she looked up into his beautiful sea-blue eyes. As much as she wanted her family, her home, her car, she wanted this more. She wanted Artu more.

Her fingers tightened on his shoulders, her nails digging into his flesh as he pressed into her.

“God, you’re big, Artu.” Lena panted as he continued to work his shaft deeper inside her. “I don’t know if I can take you.”

“It’ll fit.” He chuckled. “Why do women always think it won’t fit?” Lifting his head, he grinned down at her. “Don’t worry about that, love. I’m sure that you’ll think I’m not big enough in short order.”

“Hey!” She reached up and pulled his ear. “I’ll never think you’re anything short of perfect, mister.” She lowered her lids and grinned. “After all, you
my hero.”

“And you, my little illegal alien, are my dream come true.” He grunted when he seated himself fully inside her. “Gods, you’re wet and tight, baby.”

Lena could do little more than gurgle when he pulled out and thrust back in. She felt so full. When he pulled back out, his cock dragged across nerve endings she never knew she had.

Again, she could feel herself on that road to orgasm. Only this time, she would not go alone. If she had her way, she would never go alone again. She would take Artu with her every time.

She stared up into his eyes and smiled. “You were right, Artu. You fit. Now that you have that massive hard on inside me, fuck me. I need it. I need you more than anything right now.”

Lena now knew that she loved this man with every bit of her heart. It felt as though she always had and always would. She needed Artu. She needed him to love her, passionately. She needed him to fuck her hard and fast. Moreover, she needed him to do it now.

Tilting her hips, Lena tightened her inner muscles, making him groan and bite his lip. It was all she could do to keep herself from screaming at him, demanding that he fuck into her hard and fast.

Something inside her must have called out to him, telling him exactly what she needed. After his fourth slow thrust, he paused, looked deep into her eyes and smiled as he rammed into her fast and hard. He drove himself into her one forceful thrust after another.

Tightening her legs around his waist, she grasped his upper arms and pulled herself up, helping him fuck into her.

After a few minutes, Artu pulled her legs up over his shoulders, changing the angle of his powerful thrusts.

Every stroke dragged against her already-sensitive nerve endings, driving her closer and closer to another orgasm. Closer and closer she got as he thrust into her over and over. When he reached between them and thrummed her clit, it was all Lena could do to keep herself from screaming through another earth-shattering climax.

Artu joined her, his powerful thrusts became faster and erratic as he threw back his head and growled through his own violent release.

Lena closed her eyes and groaned. She felt as though he just might have killed her with ecstasy. She still rode the waves of her own climax, feeling the repeated rush of euphoria as he came inside her, filling her with liquid warmth.

Artu gazed down at her, his eyes filled with concern. “Are you okay?” He asked, pressing a tender kiss to her temple. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

“No.” Lena shook her head with a smile. “You were wonderful. It was wonderful.” She panted in an effort to catch her breath as she spoke. He’d completely worn her out, but he hadn’t hurt her a bit.

BOOK: Woman Beware
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