Worth The Shot (The Bannister Brothers #2) (6 page)

BOOK: Worth The Shot (The Bannister Brothers #2)
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Her lips on his skin sent shivers of sensual bliss coursing through him. This was a bad idea. Such a bad idea.

She peeled open his shirt, exposing his chest and circling his taut nipples with her tongue. He tipped back his head, letting loose a low moan of pleasure.

He should stop this. Stop this right now and just go back downstairs to the party.

Addison stepped back.

Thank goodness. She’d come to her senses.

She narrowed her eyes in wicked enjoyment and with slow deliberation pulled the sleeves of her dress down her arms. She pulled the cell phone from her bra and set it on the dresser. Then, with a slight wiggle, she slid the dress over her hips, and it hit the floor.

Oh. Shit.

Addison stood before him wearing nothing but the sexiest red lace bra, tiny lace panties, and her red stiletto heels.

And that was it. All reason or rational thought seeped out of his brain like liquid through a sieve. All he could focus on was her. And how fast he could peel her out of all that red lace.

Addison took a few steps back, sat on the edge of the bed, and crooked a finger toward him.

This was such a bad idea. Such. A. Bad. Idea.

He should just walk away. She’d be pissed, but he’d still have a career, and a shred of self-control.

He lifted his foot to walk away, but his damn traitorous foot took a step toward her instead. Then another step.

He knelt in front of her, reaching his arms around her waist and pulling her toward him. He ran his fingers slowly up her back, across her shoulders, and slid her bra straps smoothly down her arms. He tugged the cups down, releasing her full, ripe breasts. Dipping his head, he sampled first one breast, then the other.

She sighed. A soft, sexy sigh of pleasure and contentment. A sigh that said she’d been waiting all day to have his lips on her breasts.

He teased her nipples with his tongue—circling, tasting, sucking—drawing out her want and need. Her back arched and she gripped handfuls of the purple bedspread as he tormented her with his mouth.

His hands slipped over her waist, his fingers skimming under the lace panties, until he cupped her butt in his hands. Squeezing and caressing her ass, he lifted his head, laying a trail of hot kisses up her throat until he reached her lips.

Taking her mouth, he kissed her, hard—with fever and passion. With a want and need that he’d never felt before.

She kissed him back, moaning against his mouth as her hands went to his belt and yanked it loose. Her fingers worked the zipper free, and she pushed at his pants.

Gripping her waist, he pulled her closer to him, until she bumped against him and wrapped her long legs around his waist. Rubbing against him, the friction building until he thought would die. Like literally have a heart attack right here in her bedroom and die.

And it would be the sweetest, most perfect death.

She stopped, pulled back, gasping for breath. “I want you, Bane. Right here. Right now.”

All he could do was nod. He swallowed. “Yes, okay. I’m good with that.”

She laughed, the sound light and playful. The she released his hips from between her legs, rolled over, and crawled up the bed—giving him the most exquisite and erotic view that he could imagine.

Reaching for the nightstand table, she pulled open the drawer and tossed him a gold foil-covered condom.

He narrowed his eyes at her. “I thought you said there were no boys allowed in here.”

She rolled over, holding herself up by her elbows, and flashed him a naughty grin. “There weren’t. I never had boys in my room. But I knew I would have a
in here tonight. So I planned ahead.”

He grinned back. “You naughty little vixen.” Holding the foil wrapper, he crawled up the bed, trapping her beneath him. “Were you planning this?”

He flipped her over, back onto her stomach, and loved the little gasp of excitement she made.

Brushing her hair aside, he kissed her shoulders, her neck, down the center of her back. Releasing the clasp of her bra, he pushed the straps aside, and slid his tongue down her spine.

Grasping the edge of her lace panties, he slid them slowly, tortuously down her legs and threw them to the floor.

Straddling her legs, he paused to enjoy the view of her naked body. And he knew that he wasn’t letting her go.

She squirmed beneath him, which only rubbed her delicious ass against him, and excited him further. Her body was a flawless playground for his hands, his lips, his tongue. He tasted, nipped, and licked as he explored her generous curves, learning what made her moan and cry out with desire.

Her long hair fell in dark waves around her head, and he buried his face in this silken strands. Her hair smelled amazing. She smelled amazing. The perfume she wore was dark and exotic and created visions of satin and silk in his mind.

Unable to hold out any longer, he flipped her over. Her eyes were dark, smoky with desire. He leaned down, kissed her—a soft, tender kiss filled with sweetness and feeling.

He brushed her hair from her face and looked into her eyes. “I know it’s crazy. I probably shouldn’t even say this because we just met, but I like you. I mean, I really like you. Beyond all reason and rational thought.”

She smiled up at him. “I like you, too.”

“When I met you, it was like this chemistry, like instant attraction. But then I talked to you, spent time with you, got to know you—and you stole my heart. I want you like nothing I have ever wanted before, Addison Cavanaugh.”

“I feel the same way. Against everything in me that tells me I shouldn’t like you this much, shouldn’t care about you, I still do. We did connect on the plane. I felt it, too. You told me that story about your family and the Christmas tree picnic, and it touched my heart. I think I really fell for you then.”

She smiled up at him, a smile full of tender emotion. “And now I’m lost. I’m yours. Only yours.” She dug her fingers into his hair, holding the sides of his head as she pulled him down for another kiss. Her voice was soft, but urgent. “I’m yours. So take me.”

Heart pounding, adrenaline coursing through his veins, he ripped the foil package open, covered himself, and sank into her delicious warmth. Wrapping her in his arms, he held her against him, reveling in the feel of her long legs wrapped around his waist.

Knowing that she still had on those sexy red heels, and
those red heels, was enough to send him over the edge.

He moved with her, falling into a rhythm. Time fell away, and it was only the two of them, wrapped in each other’s arms, wrapped in desire and need and tender emotion. Their pace increased until she cried out, her fingers gripping his shoulders, and sent him over the edge.

Cradling her to him, he kissed her sweetly, lovingly, trying to convey the depths of his feelings in his kiss.

She touched his cheek and grinned. “That was amazing.”

He laughed and collapsed on the bed next to her. “Yes, I would have to agree.”

Sitting up, her hair falling along her bare back, she looked like a goddess. “But we’d better get back to the party before my dad misses us.”

Her words were like a splash of cold water to his face.

Holy shit. The party. Her dad. His freaking coach.

He slid off the bed, scrambling for his pants and yanking them on. He dressed quickly, tossing her the lace bra and panties. “Your dad will kill me if he finds us up here. He could kick me off the team, decide not to accept the trade. Shit. We’ve got to get back downstairs.”

She hurriedly pulled her clothes on, wriggling the dress into place and tucking her phone back into her bra. “It’s okay. We haven’t been gone that long. I’m sure no one has even missed us. And it’s not like anyone would know what we were doing.”

Yeah, right. He took in her kiss-swollen lips, the red rash against her chest from his scruff of beard, her messy hair, and the overall just-been-laid satisfied look on her face, and he knew he was screwed. And not in the good way.

Not in the amazing mind-blown way that he’d just been screwed, but in the “his career might possibly be over” kind of way.

Addison stepped into the adjoining bathroom and quickly ran a brush through her hair and swiped at her smudged eye makeup. “Okay, I’m good. We’ll go down the back stairs, then I’ll use the downstairs powder room to freshen up and meet you back in the living room by the fireplace.”

“Okay.” He’d used the mirror above her dresser to redo his tie and straighten out his jacket. He leaned down, gave her a quick, hard kiss, then opened the door of the bedroom.

Peering out of the room, he saw the hall was empty, and they hurried out and down the stairs. She gave him a wink and a grin, then disappeared down another hallway. He made his way through the kitchen, grabbing a beer as he rushed through, and took a huge swig just before he stepped back into the main room.

The noise of the party had risen to a festive level as the champagne had flowed, and Christmas carols played through the speakers strategically placed around the room.

He pressed into the throng of people, trying to make his way casually across the room. The room was warm, and he’d finished the beer quickly. Stopped several times by people that wanted to chat, it took him fifteen minutes to make his way to where Addison stood by the fireplace.

But she wasn’t standing there alone.

McDouche was standing next to her—and way too close—and he had his meaty hand wrapped tightly around her arm. Bane couldn’t tell what he was saying, but he could see the intimidating expression on Trent’s face and the look of frustration on hers.

What the hell?
Anger erupted inside of him, and his hands tightened into fists as he crossed to where they stood.




Chapter Four



Addison tried to pull her arm free. “Trent, let go of me. You’re hurting my arm,” she said between gritted teeth.

“I just want to know what’s going on with you and this new guy.” Trent squeezed her arm tighter.

“It’s none of your business.” She tried to sound tougher than she felt. He was really starting to hurt her.

“It is my business. Because you’re with me.”

Okay, this guy was really starting to piss her off. And her anger was powering her bravery. “I’m not with you. I told you that. We’re done. I don’t know why you can’t get that through your thick head. Are you so full of yourself that you can’t imagine a woman not wanting to be with you?”

“We’re done when
say we’re done.” His eyes were cold, and he gripped her arm tighter, pulling her closer to his chest. “And what you do reflects on me. Like when you go shaking your ass in front of the new guy on the team. How’s that supposed to make me look?”

Seriously? This was all about
. And how
would look. What an asshole.

This was the reason. The reason she’d instigated The Rule. The reason she didn’t date hockey players.

She looked up. Oh shit.

Another one of those hockey players was heading her way, and he looked
. Bane’s face was set in a hard expression of anger and his fists were clenched at his sides.

Oh no. Her dad had told him no fighting.

They’d already broken the instructions of no women. Twice.

She couldn’t let Bane get in trouble for something else because of her. She had to do something. And right now.

Calling up her courage, she twisted her arm and tried to break free of Trent’s grasp. “I don’t care how it makes you look. I don’t care about you at all. We are finished. Through. Get it? And by the way, I can shake my ass in front of anyone I want to. Now let go of my arm.”

Trent’s eyes were full of fury as he looked down at her, his mouth set in a tight line.

“She said to let go of her arm.” Bane clamped his hand down on Trent’s shoulder. A barely contained rage seemed to simmer just under the surface of his words.

Trent turned to Bane, his expression ranging from fear to annoyance to disdain. He was a bully, and bullies were only tough until someone bigger stood up to them. And Bane was definitely bigger. He stood several inches taller than Trent, his shoulders were broader, and his muscled arms were definitely bigger, especially the way they were flexed and held out from his sides.

Trent dropped her arm and pushed her back against Bane. “Fine. You’re welcome to my sloppy seconds. The bitch is not worth it anyway.”

“Yeah, she is.” Bane said the words seconds before his fist came up and plowed into Trent’s face. A horrible crack sounded as Trent’s nose broke, and blood splattered across the fireplace mantel.

“You asshole,” Trent yelled, blood dripping down his face. He charged at Bane’s chest, but Bane easily knocked him away.

Bane grabbed his hair and in one swift movement had turned and put Trent in a tight headlock. He spoke low and menacing into Trent’s ear. “Real men do not use their strength against women. Don’t you ever lay a hand on a woman again, especially Addison Cavanaugh. In fact, I don’t want you to even look at her. If you see her coming, you get out of her way.” Bane tightened his grip on his neck. “You understand me, big man?”

“Yeah. Whatever.” Trent’s words were garbled. “I told you she’s not worth it anyway.”

Three of the Blueshirts rushed up and grabbed Bane, pulling him off Trent. “All right. Let him go. You made your point,” one of the guys said. “Save it for the ice.”

Bane dropped his arms but got in one more menacing threat. “I mean it.”

A small crowd of partygoers had gathered to watch the fight. It had all happened so fast. Addison stood to the side, blood splattered on her dress, too stunned to move.

Shit. Oh, shit. She had to get Bane out of here. Her dad was going to be so mad.

She grabbed Bane’s arm. “Let’s get out of here. Go cool off.”

He let her pull him toward the front door, seemingly unaware of the people staring at them.

Outside, the air was brisk and cold. She shivered against the night air and probably a little from the violence that had just erupted in front of her. She’d been around hockey her whole life, so she’d seen plenty of fights. But it was different when it was in your living room.

And when you were the reason it started.

Bane pulled off his coat and wrapped it around her shoulders. He hugged her to him and dropped a kiss on the top of her head. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for that to happen. He had his hands on you—I could see he was hurting you—and I just saw red. I wanted to tear him apart.” He pulled back. “Are you okay?”

She nodded and pulled the edges of his jacket around her. “Yes. I’m fine. Thank you. No one’s ever punched a guy for me before.”

“Well, that guy deserved it. And more.”

She shivered again. “Aren’t you freezing?”

He took a step back from her, stamping his foot against the snow in the grass. “Nah—I’m a hockey player—we’re used to being cold.” He looked down at the blood on his knuckles and wiped it on his pants. He gestured to the blood on the corner of the jacket. “I don’t think I’m getting my deposit back on this tux anyway.”

She smiled and shook her head. Damn, he was cute.

Before she could say anything else, the front door opened, and her father came storming out. The look on his face told her he was beyond pissed.

“What the hell is going on?” Her dad brushed past her and yelled at Bane.

“Dad, it wasn’t his fault. He—” She tried to take a step closer, but her father held up his hand.

“Addison, stay out of this. I’ve already heard what happened from half of my houseguests.” The fury in his voice was nothing compared to the anger that was in his eyes as he glared at Bane. “My
. Did you hear me? People that I invited to my home. For a Christmas party. Not to witness an arrogant little shit bust the nose of one of my players and get blood on my wife’s carpet.”

Bane hung his head. “I’m sorry, sir. You’re right.”

“You’re damn straight I’m right. What the hell is the matter with you?” He was standing toe to toe with Bane, shouting in his face.

“I don’t know. My temper got the best of me. If you would just let me explain.”

“No. I don’t want to hear your explanation. It’s probably bullshit anyway. I gave you a simple set of instructions, but apparently they weren’t simple enough. You couldn’t even make it twenty-four hours. Hell, you couldn’t even make it to the end of your first day.”

“But, sir, if you would just let me—”

The coach shook his head, the anger in his face almost palpable. “I don’t have to let you do anything. I offered to look at you because your coach is a friend of mine, but I don’t need this kind of disruption and a troublemaker like you on my team. All I asked was that you keep it under control. No booze, no women, no fighting. It wasn’t that hard.”

The coach glared at Bane. “I said no booze, and yet I can smell the alcohol on you.”

“I wasn’t drinking tonight. It was one beer.”

Coach Cavanaugh held up his hand, cutting off any response. “I don’t want to hear excuses. I don’t want to hear justifications. All I want to hear is a simple yes or no.”

Addison watched as Bane tried to stuff down his frustration. “This is ridiculous.”

The coach’s voice was steely. “Were you drinking? Yes or no?”


“Did you get in a fight?”

“Yes, but—”

“No. I said I don’t want to hear it. Yes or no? Did you get in a fight?”


“Then that’s it. You’re done. I gave you a chance and told you all you had to do was keep your nose clean. Keep it under control. You haven’t even made it to the ice. Haven’t even made it one day. I don’t need that kind of nonsense on my team. I don’t need you on my team. You’re done.”

“Are you serious?”

“I’m completely serious. It’s over, Bane. You’re gone.”

This was getting way out of control. She had to do something. She had to stand up to her dad. Bane needed her, and she needed to do this. For herself.

She took a deep breath and stepped in front of Bane. “Dad, stop.”

Her dad’s eyes narrowed. “Addison, I told you to stay out of this. This is none of your concern.”

“Actually, it is my concern. Bane slugged that guy because he was protecting me. Trent Hadley is a complete asshole. He had a hold of my arm and wouldn’t let me go. He was the one making a scene. Bane was just standing up for me.”

Her dad looked from her to his possible new player.

She thought his expression was softening a little. “Dad, I mean it. Trent was physically hurting me, and Bane saved me. He didn’t punch him until after he said I was a worthless bitch.”

The coach glanced at Bane. “Is that true?”

Bane nodded and stepped forward, next to her. “Yes, it’s true. And I’m not sorry. I’m sorry that it happened in your home, and I owe an apology to you and your wife for that. But I’m not sorry I did it. If he walked out here right now, I’d punch the son of a bitch in the nose again.”

Addison’s heart swelled. She knew Bane shouldn’t have been fighting, but she loved the way he stood up for her. She slipped her hand into his and squeezed it.

The majority of her dad’s anger had slipped away. She had done it. She’d stood up for herself. And for Bane. And now her dad would let him stay on the team. Or at least give him a chance to prove his worth.

She watched her dad’s face and saw the instant that she’d made her mistake. Saw the split-second reaction when his gaze fell on their joined hands. Oh shit.

She pulled her hand away.

But it was too late.

“What the hell is going on here?” The coach’s fury was back, and this time she could see the veins sticking out in his forehead as he scowled at Bane. “Are you shitting me right now? I almost forgave the fighting. Addie almost had me convinced you were a stand-up guy. But this is utter bullshit. What part of
no women
do you not understand? Did you think I somehow meant that my own daughter was excluded from those instructions?”

“It’s not like that.”

The coach cut off Bane’s explanation, practically spitting his next words at him. “All I want is a yes or no. Are you—involved—with my

Addison held her breath.

Bane nodded. “Yes.”

Coach Cavanaugh stared at him as if in utter disbelief. Then he raised his hand and pointed down the driveway. “You’re done. This is over. I want you out of my sight. Get off of my property now. And you’re on the next plane back to Colorado.” He shook his head in anger and disgust. “Let your coach deal with you. I’m through.”

He stormed back to the house, yelling at the valet as he passed, “Get him his car. He’s leaving.”

The valet grabbed a set of keys and took off running to find Bane’s car.

Addison stood frozen, still in shock over what had just happened. She glanced at Bane. He looked like he’d just been sucker-punched in the gut.

He ran a hand over his head. “I can’t believe it.”

Addison tried to take his hand, but he pulled it away. “I’m sorry.”

“I’m sorry, too.” He looked down at her, despair in his eyes. “I really like you, Addie. But this just isn’t gonna work. We tried, but there are just too many things against us.”

What was he saying?

“Look, I understand if you need time to cool off. Time to think.” But not time to walk away. Not time to end this. Not before they ever really got a chance to start.

“I don’t need time. I need hockey. In the span of two minutes, my career just went down in flames. Do you understand that? If my coach doesn’t take me back, my freaking career is over.”

The valet pulled up with Bane’s rental car, left the engine running, and handed Bane his keys.

Bane pulled a hundred-dollar bill from his pocket and handed it to him. “I’d appreciate you not saying anything to the press about what you saw here tonight.”

The valet held up his hands. “I don’t want your money, Mr. Bannister. I’m a huge fan of you and your brother. I would never say anything to get you in trouble or make you look bad.”

Bane smiled and stuffed the hundred in the kid’s pocket. “Thanks, buddy. I appreciate that.”

The valet grinned and hustled back to the valet stand.

Addison felt like her heart was breaking. Bane was one of the good ones. A guy that cared about his mom. That was nice to fans and stood up for women. She couldn’t believe what he was saying. “Bane, come on. We can talk about this.”

The smile fell from his face—replaced with a look of steely resolve. “No. There’s nothing to talk about it. I was stupid. I let my concentration slip. Let you get under my skin. I don’t know why I thought I could have both. I’m sorry. I can’t do this. I need to put all of my focus on saving my career. If I even have a career to save. I’ve got to put all of my energy and attention on my game.”

BOOK: Worth The Shot (The Bannister Brothers #2)
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