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Authors: Lauren Fraser

Yielding for Him (3 page)

BOOK: Yielding for Him
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Shock made her head snap back. She pushed away from his chest and gaped at him. What the hell was he talking about? He couldn’t be serious.

Who asked their friend to fuck their girlfriend? People didn’t do that in real life. Even people as powerful as Donovan James.

He had to be joking—there was no other explanation.

“Yeah, sure. He supplies his cock, we’ll supply the place,” she joked.

“So you thinking my place or yours?”

“You’re serious?” she asked. How the hell could he be serious? This was Donovan, Mr Über-male Alpha Dog. There was no way he’d honestly let anyone else touch her. Heck, he’d practically torn the valet a new one when he’d stared at her too long at dinner the other night.

“Dead serious.”

She rolled her eyes. “Yeah, right. Come on, Van, quit fucking around.”

“I’m not fucking around, Lis. I want Jason to join us this weekend. One night, that’s all. It doesn’t mean anything other than sex.”

“Right, and Jason will just be all over that idea.” She snorted.

Van stared at her pointedly. “He’s a guy, of course he’ll be interested.”

She tried to process just what he was suggesting. “But why would you want him to? I mean I get what’s in it for me. I don’t know why you’d want to.”

“Jay and I’ve had threesomes before.” He shrugged. “And I’m not going to lie, it was hot.” He stared at her, his dark brown eyes heated with desire. “I think it would be even hotter with you. I’m more in tune with you than I’ve ever been with anyone else. Because of that I could make this fantasy better for you then you ever dreamed.”

Oh boy. Damn, why did he have to make it sound so darned appealing? She couldn’t honestly be considering this. But she was and it sounded amazing.

She chewed her bottom lip and stared back at him. “And you’d be okay with some guy touching me?”

The muscles in his chest flexed. “No, I wouldn’t be cool with some guy touching you,” he growled. “But we aren’t talking about some guy. We’re talking about my best friend. I trust him.” He stared at her, passion and jealousy glazed his eyes. “If any other guy ever touches you I fucking rip them apart.”

She shivered. Damn it. That whole Neanderthal thing shouldn’t turn her on but it did.

Shifting her weight on his lap, she tried to clear her clouded brain. How was she supposed to think when his cock was getting hard against her thigh, and he was doing that seductive caressing thing on her back?

“I’ll call Jason and set something up,” he told her.

“Van, I don’t think that’s such a good idea.”

“I wasn’t asking, Lisa.”

She cursed herself as moisture pooled in her panties at the commanding tone of voice. There it was again, that whole caveman thing. That so should not turn her on. She was a modern, confident woman. She made decisions that potentially impacted the success or failure of major charity organisations every day. She loved being in control. So why the hell did the idea of Van taking control of her sexual desires feel so unbelievably sexy?

Pissed with herself, she stared back at him defiantly. “Don’t you think you should ask?”

His sexy lips curved up in a cocky grin. “Not really. You said you’d do anything I asked to have me back this fundraiser idea. This is what I want.”

“I thought that was what the whole sex against the window was about.”

He chuckled, the deep rich sound so unbelievably masculine it made her nipples bead. Damn him.

“No, sweetheart, that was for you.” He cupped the back of her neck and pulled her close. Their lips were just a breath away from each other. “But then again this will be all about you as well. Trust me, Lisa, this is one fantasy you don’t want to live your life without experiencing.”

Goosebumps pooled on her skin. No, she didn’t want to live her entire life without having experienced it. But was it worth it? Would Donovan really be asking her to do this if he were serious about her? Was this a test and if she said yes it would forever relegate her to the position of fling, never someone he could get serious about? She stared at his face, trying to access what the right answer was.

“So, you guys have done this before? How often?” she asked.

He shrugged and looked away.

Well, that wasn’t good. “Is this something you do with everyone you date?”

“Of course not,” he muttered.

“Okay, so why me? Why now?”

He rubbed his face with his hands. “Lis, this is supposed to be fun. Hot. It’s not supposed to be something you analyse to death.”

She ran her fingers through his hair. He closed his eyes and a shudder ran through him. There was no doubt in her mind that Donovan loved her. Going on pure instinct, she pressed her lips to his gently. “If this is something you really want to do then call Jason.”

A huge smile split across his face. “You sure?”

The excitement she saw in his eyes assured her she’d made the right choice. Over their months together Donovan had pushed her, challenged her, dared her to accept every part of him, somehow this felt like the same thing. She didn’t understand why he felt the need now but she had to trust that what was between them was real and would survive anything. Including kinky sex. Hell, they’d done a pretty good job testing the waters so far and it had only made them stronger. She had to believe this would be the same.


When the door snicked shut behind Lisa, Van leant back in his chair and crossed his arms behind his head. A self-satisfied smile slid across his face. He was going to enjoy this.

He took out his phone and punched in a number from memory. After three rings it picked up.

“What the hell are you calling for in the middle of the day? You need me to bail your sorry ass out of jail?”

Van chuckled. Shit, he’d missed Jason. “Not today I don’t, besides, I’m the only one of us who’s ever had to bail the other one out of jail.”

Jason snorted. “Campus rent-a-cops hardly count, smart ass. So seriously, what’s up?”

“It’s time.”

“Time for what?” Jason asked.

“With Lisa.”

“No shit?”

“No shit.”

“Jesus. Wow. You sure? She’s not like the other ones.”

Now that was an understatement. Lisa was unlike any woman he’d ever known. Beautiful, smart, self-assured and so damned sexy he could hardly see straight. “I know.”

“You sure you want to introduce this into the mix?”

Did he? Yeah, he did. Over the years he’d shared several women with Jason but until Lisa the women had always been casual. They’d never shared a woman either of them honestly loved before.

It wasn’t like it was something he needed to do regularly but he’d be lying if he said he never wanted to do it again. He got off on the whole thing. Not just the sheer amount of pleasure he knew they could give a woman together, but oddly the rush of controlling the whole situation gave him a high he didn’t experience any other way. He ran a hand across his face. The stubble that was already starting to form rasped against his palm.

“Yeah, I’m sure.”

“Then I’m in.”

Donovan chuckled. “Like there was ever any doubt.”

Jason’s laugh rumbled back. “What? She’s hot.”

“That’s what I told her.” With the decision made, tension he hadn’t even known he’d felt suddenly eased from his shoulders. “So Friday night?”

“Works for me. What time?”

“Seven or so.”

“‘K, what do you need me to bring?”

In the past they’d played with Jason’s vast array of sex toys but that wasn’t what he wanted with Lisa. It wasn’t about all that. This was about her. Them.

“Nothing. According to Lis, all you need to bring is your dick.”

Jason coughed then made an odd snorting laugh sound. “Jesus, I love that woman.”

Van found himself smiling in return.
Yeah, me too.
Instead of saying it out loud, he said, “Friday night, seven o’clock. Oh, and for the record, when was your last check-up?”

“Couple weeks ago,” Jason replied. “And yeah, before you ask we’re still good.”

“Really? Slow month?” he teased.

“Fuck you,” Jason muttered.

“Nah, but Lisa’s eager to help you out there, so don’t be late.”

He hung up the phone and the sun shining through the window caught his eye. Lisa’s handprints were clearly outlined on the glass. She’d been amazing, wild, uninhibited. His cock pulsed against his fly. Friday night couldn’t come soon enough.

Chapter Three




Lisa looked around the living room of Van’s penthouse apartment. The almost seven-thousand-square-foot apartment had the most amazing views of the city and Vancouver Harbour. She loved having coffee on the deck overlooking the water. It was so calming and soothing. But tonight nothing about the apartment seemed peaceful.

She warily eyed the two men. How could they look so damn comfortable? Every nerve in her body was screaming.

Unfortunately she wasn’t entirely sure if they were screaming in fear or anticipation. What if Donovan was wrong and this screwed up everything? There was a
difference between talking about a fantasy and playing it out in real life.

Her hand shook as she picked up her wine glass from the table. Van’s fingers closed around her thigh.

“Relax, nothing happens that you don’t want.” His eyelids lowered to half mast as he slowly caressed her body with his stare. His nostrils flared. He cupped the back of her neck and pulled her closer to him. The heat of his breath against her neck sent a shiver down her spine.

“But we both know how much you want this, don’t we?” he asked.

She flicked a look over at Jason lounging on the other sofa with a cold beer in one hand and an amused smirk on his face. Damn it, yes, she did want this. But the jerks could at least act like they were excited about the prospect instead of sitting there like they were ready to watch Monday night football.

Donovan swept her hair off the side of her neck and wrapped the strands around his hand, anchoring her head in place. “Relax.” He raked his teeth down her neck and she arched her back.

How the hell was she supposed to relax when he did that? Her nipples beaded tightly against the silk of her blouse. She should have worn a bra.

The clinking of a glass on the table drew her attention across the room to where Jason had set down his drink. He extended his arm along the back of the couch, the flex of his jaw the only indication he wasn’t completely at ease.

Donovan ran his tongue up her neck and slowly sucked her earlobe into his mouth. With his left hand he eased the top button of her blouse. “What do you say we let him have a little preview of what he’s in for?”

He quickly opened the remaining buttons and pushed the purple silk off her shoulders. His head dipped and a second later she felt the hot, hard pull of his mouth on her nipple. Her breath caught in her throat.

Jason cleared his throat, drawing her attention to him. The calm, casual friend was gone. In his place was a predator. Every muscle in his body was coiled and alert.

She gulped at the raw desire reflected on his face. When Donovan had suggested this idea she’d thought he’d have to talk Jason into it. But now looking at him the attraction was obvious. How had she never seen it? What if this screwed up their friendship?

Her nerves reared their ugly head again. “Are you sure this is a good idea?”

Donovan’s rich deep laugh rumbled against her chest. “Trust me.” He glanced over at his friend. “Rein in the lust there, big guy. You’re scaring her.”

Jason’s tongue slid out and glided across his full bottom lip before a carnal smile curled across his mouth. “I’ve imagined this a lot of times but I’ve got to say…” He paused and let his gaze linger on her breasts. “My fantasies didn’t do you justice, Lisa.”

“You’ve fantasised about me?”

“Uh, yeah, and then some.”

Oh-oh, that couldn’t be good. How could this just be a one-time deal if Jason fantasised about her? She chewed her bottom lip and looked over at the man she loved. Donovan cupped the back of her neck.

“Trust me, okay. It’s all right.”


“Lis, this wouldn’t work if he wasn’t attracted to you, right?”

“I guess not,” she murmured. But there was attracted and then there was
and what Jason was saying was definitely the second option, which just spelled trouble.

Van shook his head. “Stop worrying, sweetheart. Jason is like a brother to me, I’d trust him with my life. More importantly, I trust him with you. The fact that he cares about you is just going to make this that much better for you. But believe me. He knows if he ever touched you without me being here, I’d kill him.”

Jason chuckled. “And then he’d use all those millions to find a doctor to resurrect me just so he could kill me again.” Jason stood up and knelt down on the floor beside her. “Look, Lisa, yes, I’m attracted to you, I’d have to be dead not to be. But believe me, I know the deal. This is sex, that’s all, and truthfully that’s all I need it to be. I’m not built for anything else and Van knows that.”

The two men looked at each other and something passed between them. Some secret look, a message, a communication that she couldn’t even begin to understand.

“You sure?”

“Positive,” Jason told her. He glanced at the other man. “Van and I’ve been friends forever, so honestly, I’ve always known there was a good chance he’d ask me to join you two. So, it’s kind of hard not to fantasise about it when I know it’s a good possibility.”

That’s true
. Hearing that information, how he’d assumed it was a done deal, should have made her feel less important but it didn’t. Somehow it eased her concerns. He was right. How could he not have fantasised about it? Heck, she’d fantasised and there was no way in hell she’d ever thought it might be a possibility. If she’d known?

Oh boy, that would have been a whole other issue. Ever since Van had thrown the offer out there she hadn’t been able to think of anything else.

Donovan leant back against the sofa. “Take off your clothes,” he ordered.

Lisa’s eyelids drifted shut and she took a deep breath as an arrow of heat shot through her body directly to her core. She could feel the moisture in her panties. Lord, that demanding tone of his got her every time. She opened her eyes to find Van looking back at her with a knowing look in his eyes.

BOOK: Yielding for Him
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