Alien Warrior (Zerconian Warriors Book 1) (12 page)

BOOK: Alien Warrior (Zerconian Warriors Book 1)
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“No. I think I used up all my luck when I found you.”



Zoey studied the shuttle sent to collect them. She sighed. Part of her wanted to stay here. Although she couldn’t communicate directly with the Lyonans, they were a kind, welcoming people. She had enjoyed the two weeks they’d spent here as they waited rescue. Even Dex had been more relaxed and at ease.

“Time to go home.” Thor stepped up beside her.

“Yeah, I guess.”

“Don’t look so happy,” he teased. “It won’t be that horrible, Zoey.”

“So you say.”

He squeezed her shoulder and stepped up to the shuttle, greeting the navigator. They’d discovered that the Teargan battleship that had attacked them had been overtaken by Coizils, who had killed all those on board.

Dex had actually apologized for not listening to her. She’d gone speechless with shock.

“Ready, my own?” Dex walked up and wrapped his arm around her.

“Yep,” she replied. “All set. I’ve said goodbye to everyone.” Except for Giz. The little creature had disappeared as soon as they’d rescued Dex and she hadn’t seen him since.

With one last look around, she took hold of Dex’s hand. “Let’s go.”

Dex didn’t move. “You know, I really thought I’d imagined him.”

“What?” she asked, glancing over to where he was looking. “Giz!” Zoey raced towards the strange looking animal, ignoring Dex’s protesting yell. She pulled the animal up into her arms.

Giz brushed his whiskers against her cheek, purring quietly in her ear.

Zoey knelt, placing him on the ground as Dex approached. Giz stared up at him and growled.

“It’s okay. He’s a good guy,” she told Giz, who continued to look suspicious. She gave Giz another hug.

Dex placed his hand on her shoulder, causing Giz to growl again.

“Easy, boy,” Dex told him firmly. “Come, Zoey. We have to go.”

Regretfully, she stood up and turned, following Dex. There was a rustling behind her and she turned to find Giz standing right there.

“Umm, Dex, I think he wants to come with us.”

Dex frowned. “I’m sorry, Zoey, but he can’t.”

“Why not?” He’d be at least one friendly face.

“Because he belongs here. We don’t know anything about him.”

“I know he helped me.”

Dex looked down at Giz. “No.”

Zoey crossed her arms over her chest. “Yes.”

“Zoey, he’s a wild animal, he’d hate being on a ship. We don’t even know if he can survive on Zerconia.”

He was right. Damn it.

“Stay here, Giz,” she told the little creature, who looked up at her sadly. “I know. I wish you could come as well.”

This time she didn’t look back as she followed Dex onto the shuttle and settled into her seat. Dex squeezed her hand. “It will be okay.”

Less than an hour later, Zoey settled herself into their new quarters on the large battleship sent to rescue them. Apparently, their trip to Zerconia was going to be delayed while they tracked down the other escape shuttles.

She was kind of relieved.

As soon as they’d arrived, Dex had left her to head to the bridge. She sighed, sitting on the side of the bed. It was silly, but she felt lonely and abandoned.

“Come on, Zoey. Cheer up,” she muttered to herself.

What was that noise? She could hear a scratching noise. Were there mice on board? She wandered around the room, searching for the source of the noise. Finally, she opened the door and a furry body leapt at her, pushing her off her feet.

“Giz!” she cried out. “How did you get here?”

He brushed the side of his face against hers.

“Dex is going to be pissed.”

He made a snuffling noise.

“Yeah, you’re right. What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.”

Suddenly, she didn’t feel quite so alone.

“Giz, I think this could be the start of a beautiful friendship.”





Did you enjoy Alien Warrior? Then look out for Alien Lover coming in October, 2015.

Here is an excerpt:


“Ooh, must be good shopping this way, Giz.”

Giz snuffled as he happily munched away on the snack food she’d bought him.

“Milady, we need to head back to the ship,” Macon insisted.

“Not on your life, buddy. I’m just getting started.” Zoey moved towards the crowd of people. “What is going on? Is it some kind of auction? I love auctions.”

She clapped her hands in glee before Jaxal moved in front of her, blocking her path. “We cannot go this way, milady.”

“Why not?” she asked, trying to peer around him. “It doesn’t look like a private auction. I might find more bargains.”

“More?” Macon asked, looking alarmed.

“Oh, what are you moaning about? It’s not like I made you carry all the bags.” They’d paid to have her shopping delivered to the ship at the end of the day.

Both men looked pained.

“Milady, the Crown Prince would not approve of you attending this auction,” Jaxal stated.

“The Crown Prince disapproves of anything that involves fun. I’m going to that auction and the only way you can stop me is to pick me up and carry me. Go on, I dare you. But let me first remind you how unhappy the Crown Prince will be if you touch his mate.”

Either way they were probably screwed and she felt slightly guilty about that.

But only slightly.

After all, how much danger could there be at an open auction? Other women were attending and they didn’t have guards.

As they hesitated, she moved around and swiftly strode forward. She could sense their disapproving presence behind her, but they didn’t say anything as they moved forward with the crowd.

As they got closer, she could feel the buzz of the crowd. Everyone was excited and maybe a little bit nervous. She squeezed her way through the crowd until she got closer to the stage. Glancing behind her, she saw that Macon and Jaxal didn’t have any problems getting through.

The upside of being built like Rambo on steroids.

Giz snuffled in her ear. The auctioneer stepped out, dressed in a bright yellow suit. His stomach protruded out in front of him, so large in comparison to his short stature that he looked as though he should topple forward from the weight of it

“Welcome! Welcome to our auction today! What a great day you have chosen to join us.”

Thank God he spoke Standard.

“How does this work?” she asked Macon. “Do I need to sign in?”

He stared down at her incredulously. “You will not want to buy anything at this auction, milady.”

Both he and Jaxal looked extremely uncomfortable.

“Honestly, it’s just an auction. No need to get your knickers in a twist.”

With an irritated sigh, she turned back as the auctioneer wound down.

“Here is our first specimen.”

Zoey’s jaw dropped as a large male led out a tall, thin woman with bright purple hair. Her arms were caught behind her by a rope. The muscular man held the other end.

But it wasn’t her hair or even the rope that had Zoey gaping in shock. It was the fact that the woman was stark naked.

“What-what kind of auction is this?” she asked Jaxal. He had to bend down to hear her as the crowd went wild, calling out lewd remarks.

“It’s a slave auction, milady.”

She swallowed heavily, feeling ill. “We’re not in Kansas anymore, Giz.”

Giz snuffled softly in her ear. Zoey watched in horror as the female was sold off to a well-endowed woman, who was rather scantily dressed.

“What did she buy her for?” she asked, as the poor, naked woman was led off.

Macon scowled. “That is something we will not tell you.”

No, but she could guess. “I think I want to go now.”

Her guards looked hugely relieved and she didn’t blame them. “Umm, there’s really no need to tell Dex about this, right?”

Both men gave her incredulous looks. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. Never mind.” She turned away as the auctioneer started up again. She kept moving through the crowd, determined not to turn around, knowing that poor naked female was going to haunt her dreams.

Zoey really didn’t need to add to her nightmares.

“Now here is a specimen that is truly rare. A fully-functional, healthy male Earthling in the peak of his sexual maturity.”

She paused then turned. A human?

“Milady, we must keep moving.” Macon placed a hand on her lower back and Giz snapped at him, growling.

Ignoring them both, she stared up at the male on the stage. Sure enough, he looked human. He attempted to stand tall, his naked body pale and small next to the huge male behind him.

Even from here, she could see how frightened he was and who could blame him?

“Milady?” Macon asked, keeping his distance this time.

“How many credits do you have?” she asked, a plan forming.

Dex wouldn’t like it, but by the time he found out it would be too late.


BOOK: Alien Warrior (Zerconian Warriors Book 1)
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