Alien Warrior (Zerconian Warriors Book 1) (8 page)

BOOK: Alien Warrior (Zerconian Warriors Book 1)
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“You did this? Swore to love and cherish another?”

“No, we never got that far. But I was going to.”

“I am glad you did not,” he told her fervently. “Or I would never have found you.”

“I don’t think our marriage would have lasted anyway. He was kind of a jerk.”


“He was lazy, self-centered and egotistical.”

“What do you mean, it wouldn’t have lasted? Is it not for life?”

“It’s supposed to be. But a lot of people separate when things don’t work out.”

He looked so shocked she had to smile.

“Bit different from where you come from.”

“Yes. Once we are fully mated, you can never leave me.” He stared at her intently. “Our bodies will crave each other. We will find it hard to be apart for any length of time. Eventually, I hope we will come to truly care about each other. Maybe even love one another. I know that sounds odd, considering your mating ritual is the other way around.”

“Yes, it does. But it’s kind of nice to know that you won’t ever leave me.”

“I won’t. It is my role to care for you. Our women are very protected.”

“I figured that,” she said dryly. “Oh, I had a question. What is a minder?”

“Before a female finds her mate she has a minder, someone who looks after her. Usually her father. Once she finds her mate, her care falls to him.”

“Sounds smothering. I won’t be treated like a child, Dex.”

“Believe me; I don’t see you as a child.” His gaze glowed amber.

She bit her lip worriedly. “What about the fact that you’ll live much longer than I will? How old are you?”

“I am ninety-eight.”

“Jesus.” She gazed at him in wonder. He looked like he was in his mid-thirties. “I’ll be lucky if I live to a hundred, Dex and then I’ll be old and wrinkled.”

He looked thoughtful. “I don’t know. We will worry about that later.”

“It really is for life, isn’t it? Mating?” It was scary, yet it also gave her a sense of security she hadn’t felt since her mother’s death.

“Yes.” He hugged her tight. “You are the most important thing in my world.”

“I thought when you left that you might have changed your mind.”

He tipped her face up and kissed her gently. “Never. I have you now. I’m never letting you go.”

Chapter Six


Zoey awoke in a rush of heat, her breasts swollen, her tender nipples brushing against the long shirt she wore. Moisture coated the tops of her thighs and she let out a low whimper of need.

She opened her eyes. Where was she? What kind of kinky dream had she been having? Beneath her, the mattress moved. What the hell? Since when did her mattress vibrate?

Awareness rushed through her and she sat up, glancing frantically around as everything from the last few days ran through her mind.

Where was Dex? Had he left her again?

“Oh crap,” she groaned as her clit throbbed, a spasm of need engulfing her body. “Dex!”

“Mate? Are you all right?” Dex rushed into the room, his face concerned.

“It’s growing again. It hurts.”

They’d climbed into bed together last night, but both of them had been so exhausted that Dex had declared they needed rest first.

Sex later.

Not that he’d said those exact words, but that had been the gist of it. Not terribly romantic.

“Where did you go?” she asked.

“I was giving orders to Koran. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have left you.” His face was filled with regret.

“It’s okay. But I, uhh, I don’t think we can wait much longer.”

His eyes glowed amber.

“What does that mean?” she asked as he slipped onto the mattress beside her. It was still vibrating beneath them. She wasn’t entirely sure she liked the idea of having sex on this thing while it floated around the room.

“What does what mean, mate?” he asked as he dropped kisses on her face.

“Hmm, that feels good.” The intensity was fading, a soft, warm glow of arousal replacing it. “Your eyes. When they turn amber, what does it mean?”

“It means I want you. Badly. Our eyes change color during strong emotions.” He kissed down her neck to where it met her shoulder, nibbling and licking in turns at that sensitive spot. “Amber for arousal. Red for anger. Blue for sorrow. Purple is happiness.”

He leaned up to look down into her eyes. “You’re certain you want this?”

She remembered his reaction to her accusation that he was forcing her.

Zoey licked her lips. “Yes. I want you.”

She glimpsed a grin of satisfaction on his lips before he swooped down to capture her mouth with his. A storm of need grew from within as he kissed her. Dex licked at the seam of her lips until she parted them, allowing him entrance. Every swipe of his tongue, each movement of his mouth pushed her higher and higher.

She clasped her hands on his shoulders, holding on tight, needing him to anchor her. Dex sat back, breathing heavily, his legs cradling her hips as he watched her intently.

“Wow.” She touched her lips gingerly. “Just wow.”

“That’s good?”

“Yeah, it’s good.”

He chuckled. “Place your hands above your head.”

“Why?” she asked suspiciously.

Dex stared at her until she obeyed him. He said some words in his own language and something warm and soft slipped around her wrists. Immediately, she tried to draw her hands away from the mattress but found she couldn’t move them more than an inch.

“Dex?” she asked nervously.

“Relax,” he told her soothingly. “I would never do anything to harm you. The masic is simply going to hold you still while I do a little exploring.”

Oh, hell.

He grabbed the top of her borrowed outfit and ripped it straight down the middle. He spread the sides of it apart as though unwrapping a present. For the longest time, he simply stared down at her.

Well? Did he like his present? Or did he wish she’d come with an exchange voucher?

“I know I’m carrying around a few extra pounds. My thighs are a bit chunkier than usual and I could stand to do some stomach crunc—”

Frowning, he placed a hand over her mouth. “Do not. You are perfect.” He lifted his hand away from her mouth.

“If you say so,” she replied doubtfully.

“I do. In fact, you need to gain back the weight you lost over the last few risings.”

“I really don’t,” she countered, but he ignored her, his attention fixated on her breasts, which she kind of figured was her best feature.

“These are by far the most wonderful breasts I have ever seen.”

Zoey peered down at her breasts. Sure, they were okay. But wonderful? That seemed a stretch.

“How many breasts have you seen?” Maybe he didn’t get out much.

“Oh, thousands,” he said absentmindedly, reaching down to brush the palm of his hand over the very tip of her nipple.

Zoey arched up with a gasp. “Thousands? In real life?”

He looked away from her breasts for a moment to give her a puzzled look. “How else would I see them?”

“Movies.” She shivered as he cupped her breasts, pushing them together. He lightly brushed his thumbs over her nipples. God, she was so ready for him. It was embarrassing how much she needed him.

Her clit pulsed as she subtly tried to rub her legs together, wanting some ease for the overwhelming lust swamping her.

“What are movies?”

The confusion in his voice was like a cold splash of water. Zoey gaped up at him. “You don’t have movies?”

“I don’t know, my own. Perhaps if you tell me what these movies are, I might know what you talking about.” He kissed down her chest and around first one breast then the other. His lips brushed over her sensitive skin.

“A motion picture? Actors? Scripts, action, comedy, romance?” Her voice grew desperate as he just grew more and more confused.

“Oh God, what have I done? Your people are backward.”

“Zerconia is one of the most powerful and advanced planets, far more so than Earth,” he replied, offended. “These movies cannot be important or we would have them.”

They were important to her. Dex took her nipple into his mouth, sucking strongly and suddenly her disappointment was swamped by pure bliss. He flicked her nipple with his tongue, using his fingers to play with her other nipple.

He bit down on her nipple and she jolted, shocked by the sudden pain. Zoey opened her mouth to tell him off when he soothed the abused nipple with his tongue and she melted into a pool of warm, gooey satisfaction.

Dex shifted to her other nipple, circling the areola with his tongue, teasing her until she growled at him.

“Something wrong, my own?”

“Touch it,” she demanded.

“Like this?” He slowly ran his tongue over her nipple and she arched up with a groan. “Or like this?” Her nipple disappeared into the warm, wet confines of his mouth. Flashes of lightning sizzled through her body and she bit down on her lip to stop herself from begging for more. “Or did you want me to do this?”

He lightly bit her nipple then tugged on it. Echoes of pleasure screamed through her body as her clit throbbed.

“Oh God,” she groaned. “Please fuck me.”

Dex raised his eyebrows. “But we’ve only just started.”

“No, no, no,” she countered. “I can’t last much longer. Don’t torture me, Dex.”

Zoey could hear the desperation in her voice. Dex must have heard it as well as he reached up and cupped her cheek.

“Shh, my own. I would never push you further than you could endure. I am going to take good care of you. Always.”

She got the feeling he wasn’t just talking about sex. Warmth filled her. She didn’t need someone to take care of her. She’d been taught that she needed to look after herself, to stand on her own two feet.

But sometimes it might be nice to have someone to lean on.

Dex continued down her body, licking and nibbling in turns. Her body tingled; need washing over her in unrelenting waves. When he got to her panties, he paused.

“These need to go.”

“Well, yeah.” Duh, unless he intended to have sex some other way. Wait, he didn’t, did he?

“Dex?” she asked, slightly alarmed.

“Yes, my own?” He grasped her panties and ripped them.

“Hey!” she cried, temporarily distracted. “Do you need to rip everything I own?”

“You don’t need them.”

“You’ll be buying me more, buddy. I hope you can afford to keep me in panties.”

He threw away the scraps of lace. “You do not need to worry about buying more of these. Zerconian women do not wear them.”

They didn’t? They went commando? She wasn’t sure how she felt about that but right now she had something more pressing on her mind.



“You do have sex the normal way, right?”

He watched her as he placed kisses along the top of her mound.

“What is normal?”

Oh shit, what if he didn’t? How else could he have sex?

“You put your penis is my vagina, right?” Damn, she sounded like a sex educator.

“Penis? Vagina?”

With an exasperated sigh, she nodded down at her mound. “Vagina or pussy.” Then she nodded at his crotch. “Penis or cock.”

“Yes, I will be putting my
in your
. Interesting words. You may use them when we are joining.”

“Thanks,” she said sarcastically. “I try to use those words as little as possible.”

“I will also be putting my cock here.” He ran a finger over her lips before pushing it inside her mouth. “Suck.”

She sucked on his finger, watching as his eyes glowed bright amber with arousal. He drew his finger out slowly.

“And here.” With his wet finger, he reached down between her legs and pushed his finger between her ass cheeks.

“Ahh, I don’t think so,” she said nervously even as her body heated.

He pressed his finger against her asshole. “I can smell your arousal, my own. Are you sure you’re not interested in having me take you here?”

“I’ve never had sex that way.”

“Don’t worry, I would prepare you properly first. You know I’d never hurt you, right? I’ve made mistakes, I’ve said things I wish I could take back, but I would never harm you.”

“I know,” she told him. “You just wish I was a Zerconian female rather than a weak, silly Earther.”

He groaned and kissed her nipple. “I’m sorry for my words. I was angry.”

“It’s true, though. I’m not the sort of person you imagined you would end up with. And this is forever.”

It both terrified her and filled her with a sense of security. Although she still wasn’t totally sure she believed him when he said he would never leave her.

“No, you’re not. But although it was initially a shock, I am thankful for finding you.”


He kissed her. “Really. I am not like the other males in your life. I will never leave you, Zoey.”

He’d said her name. Such a simple thing yet it told her he was willing to listen to her.

Dex kneeled between her legs and quickly shed himself of his vest, exposing his impressive chest.

“Yikes,” she said, openly running her gaze over him. “You really know how to catch a woman’s attention.”

He grinned. “Your attention is the only one I’m interested in catching.”

When he put his mind to it, he really could be charming. Grasping hold of the top of his form-fitting pants, he pulled them off. She could actually feel her jaw drop as he revealed his thick, erect cock.

“Well? What do you think?” he asked as he took hold of his cock, running his hand up and down the thick shift.

“That is definitely not going in my asshole.” It was freakin’ huge. She’d watched porn, she knew what big was.

This was massive.


She peered up to find him frowning down at her.

Great, Zoey. Probably not the reaction he was hoping for.

“Uhh, you’re hairless down there.”

“That’s offensive to you?”

“No. No, not at all. You know, it’s nice to have a man that keeps himself nicely groomed down there.”

“Zerconians do not grow hair down there.”

They didn’t?

“Dex? I’m really not sure this is going to work. I mean, you’re huge.”

“I am?” A smug look crossed his face. Men. Didn’t matter where they came from, they all liked to know that their junk was impressive. “Don’t worry, it will fit.”

“How do you know?”

“Because you are my mate. The other half of me.” He kissed along the top of her mound, stirring her need once more. “Trust me.”

Trust him? It wasn’t about trust. It was about her not wanting to be split in fucking two.

Dex pushed her legs apart and lay between them. He parted the lips of her pussy, then blew his breath over her wet folds. She shivered as her clit reacted, her pussy clenching with need.

He took one long, slow lick of her juices. His tongue felt warm against her folds and she moaned at the sensation. With his thumb, he flicked her clit while his tongue continued to lap over her entrance.

BOOK: Alien Warrior (Zerconian Warriors Book 1)
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