Read An Indecent Proposition Online

Authors: Stephanie Julian

Tags: #Sports & Outdoors

An Indecent Proposition (36 page)

BOOK: An Indecent Proposition
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His sister didn’t really have friends. Not like he had Keegan. She’d always been a loner, prickly and cold to outsiders. Okay, to almost everyone who wasn’t Erik. By the time she’d dug herself out from under their mother’s thumb, it’d been too late.

“Yes. That’s what I want. If you have to pay him…well, I guess that’s how it has to be.”

“Katrina, what the hell—”

“Can you just do it, Erik? Please. Just…do it.”

He didn’t think twice. “Of course.”

“Thank you.” Another sigh, like she’d lost a weight off her chest. “Now, have you done anything with the information I found for you?”

His turn to sigh. “No, not yet.”

“What are you waiting for?”

Hell, he didn’t know. “What do you think I should do with the information, Kat?”

She paused. “Honestly…I don’t have a clue. I think you need to do whatever you think is best. If that means taking it to the police, then do it. But…I think Keegan’s right about one thing.” He heard the strain in her voice more clearly, knew how hard it was for her to even say his name after all this time. “Don’t let it obsess you again, Erik. You’ve started to come around to something of your old self. The good part of yourself. You’ve made such huge strides. Don’t let this set you back.”

“Why does everyone think this is going to send me off the deep end? Jesus, how crazy do you think I am?”

“I don’t think you’re crazy. I think you’re my brother and I don’t want to see you hurt any more than you were already. And I think it could be very easy for you to fall back into old habits.”

Kat’s voice had softened. It stunned him to hear that note of caring in her voice. “And what old habits are those?” he asked.

“The one where you hide yourself in the lab and pretend you’re so caught up in work when what you’re really doing is hiding from the rest of the world. You are not a monster. You are not hideous to look at. You are so damn lucky to be alive you should want to celebrate that every day.”

Kat went silent for several seconds as Erik held his breath, waiting for her to continue. Because she was right. He couldn’t come up with a decent argument for anything she’d said.

But this was how he’d lived his life for three years. He’d gotten used to it. Gotten comfortable.

And then Jules had agreed to their proposition and blown his safe world apart at the seams.

Now everyone wanted to gang up on him.

Maybe they’d all left it too late.

No, his state of affairs was no one’s fault but his own. He just didn’t know if he could fix it. Hell, he didn’t honestly know
to fix it.


He heard a vulnerability in Kat’s voice that threw him uncomfortably into the past. Before Kat had been able to protect herself from their mother’s sharp tongue.


“Are you—”

“I’m fine, Kat. Honestly. And you’re right. I’m just not sure I know how to be the person I was before.”

“You don’t have to be that person. Frankly, that person wasn’t always the nicest. And I know how that sounds, coming from me. I’m a royal bitch.” There was no missing the sarcastic bite in her tone. “Anyway, I should get going. Lots of work to do. Seems never-ending lately.”

Now she sounded exhausted. “When was the last time you had a vacation?”

“I don’t believe I know the meaning of that word.” Her tone was deadpan. “I’m almost surprised you remember what that is as well.” She took a deep breath. “Let me know about the other matter, okay? And I would really appreciate it if you wouldn’t say anything to anyone.”

“No problem. Hey, Kat?”


“You’re a much sweeter person than anyone ever gives you credit for.”

She snorted. “No, I’m really not. Talk to you soon.”

He hung up. He didn’t have a clue why she’d come to him, but he was glad she had. The more he thought about it, the more he realized how far into her shell his sister must have crawled.

Well, it seemed the Riley siblings had more in common than he’d known.

And apparently neither of them knew how to fix themselves.


* * *


Keegan hung up then navigated back to his favorites list to call Erik before he remembered they weren’t talking.


What the hell did they do now?

When he’d seen Jules’s name pop up on his phone, he’d answered before the second ring.

He didn’t care if he’d seemed over-anxious. He only knew he was damn glad she’d called.

When she’d asked to see him tomorrow night, he’d nearly pumped his fist in the air before he realized she meant she wanted to see
him tomorrow night because she was seeing Erik tonight.

His first thought wasn’t jealousy but relief that she’d at least agreed to see one of them.

His second thought was,
Oh shit, she’s making a choice.

He’d been chilled to the bone.

That was the only reason he could think of for her to want to see them separately.

Now he really wanted to talk to Erik.

He was on his feet before he realized it and had taken two steps toward the door before he stopped.

He should wait until Sunday. Until they’d both spoken to her.

If she chose Erik, he’d step away. It’d tear out a piece of his heart but he’d do it.

If she chose him… He’d do whatever it took to get the three of them back together.

And what if that’s not what she wants?

His mind went blank.

If she didn’t want them as a package deal… If she chose Erik…

Could he live with that?

He’d have to.

And he’d be happy for Erik. Even if it killed him.




Chapter Three


Jules took one last look in the mirror on the back of her bedroom door, made sure the cleavage on her plain black long-sleeved t-shirt was seductive but not blatant then ran her hands down the front of her jeans.

She wondered, not for the first time, if she should’ve worn something more…provocative.

Maybe a dress or at least slacks and a blouse.

She wanted to entice the man into bed but she hadn’t wanted to appear like she was trying too hard. Since she was cooking dinner for him at his house, a dress had seemed like overkill. And she didn’t really own any nice slacks that weren’t for work.

But she looked damn good in these jeans, and her t-shirt clung to her breasts like a second skin. Tonight, she wasn’t out to impress Erik with anything other than her cooking. And then she’d show him what he’d be missing if he and Keegan couldn’t get their shit together.

“Honey, didn’t you say you want to leave by 6:30?” her mom called up the stairs. “It’s close to quarter of seven.”

“I know. Thanks, Mom. I’m leaving in a minute.”

Stepping into her boots, she took a deep breath and headed down the stairs.

At 7:05, she parked her car in front of Erik’s home and gave herself a few seconds to breathe before she got out of the car.

He must have been waiting for her because as soon as she stepped out of the car, he opened the door and headed for her.

“I thought you might need a hand getting stuff into the house.”

His voice, with that distinctive rasp, made her thighs quiver every time she heard him. It was so damn sexy. She wondered if he knew it or if he could only hear the damage that’d been done.

“Thanks. There are a few bags in the backseat.”

By the time she rounded the back end of the car, Erik had already grabbed the bags and waited for her to join him.

The butterflies in her stomach took flight when he smiled at her. She’d grown to crave that smile. He didn’t do it nearly enough.

Please, please, please, let this turn out the way I hope.

Her lips curved into a smile and she had to make sure she didn’t trip over her own damn feet. That was the hold he had over her.

When she reached his side, he leaned down and kissed her cheek, the smooth, unscarred skin of his face soft against hers.

A nice, sweet, chaste kiss.

“I’m glad to see you.”

Jules shivered at the deep, husky growl of his voice and wished he would’ve gone in for the kill and kissed her like she was dying to kiss him. Lips open, tongues tangling, hands tearing at clothes.

Later, she promised herself.

Now, she just wanted to enjoy his company.

They made careful small talk as he led her into the house then through to the kitchen—the weather, her work, her mom—and carefully avoided anything that could lead to talk about Keegan or his sister.

Erik helped her as much as she’d let him with dinner. She’d planned for salad, chicken cordon bleu, and risotto. She’d put as much together at home as she could, including making the angel food cake for dessert, but she’d left some things for them to do together.

But Erik proved to be pretty inept in the kitchen, which made her laugh and made him smile.

By the time they were seated at the table to eat, though, they’d begun to loosen up. They somehow got on the subject of  superheroes and she was surprised to find out Erik collected them. X-Men comics, to be exact. Since he was a kid. And he loved to read. Neither of which they had in common. She was more into music and movies.

They did find common ground in television. Neither of them watched much of it.

When the dishes were stacked in the dishwasher, Erik asked her if she’d like to take their wine into the study and she realized they’d be alone together in the place where this relationship had started.

She nodded and followed him down the hall.

Instead of sitting on the couch, he went to the loveseat on the opposite side of the room.

Thank God. At least she wouldn’t fidget all night as memories of the first night they’d met flooded her brain.

Instead, she forced herself to sip at her wine, not just drain it in one gulp. “So I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about what I’m going to do with my life.”

His gaze snapped to hers. “And what have you thought about?”

She took a deep breath. “Continuing my education. I never went to college. Never had the money.”

His head cocked to the side, his gaze never leaving hers. “Sounds like you’ve made a decision.”

“Not entirely, no. I’ve always wanted to go to cooking school, but … Well, I’ve been looking into the CIA.”

His eyes narrowed for a moment. “I don’t think you’re talking about working for the government. Not that you wouldn’t look good in a black suit.”

She smiled. “No, not that CIA. The Culinary Institute of America. I used to dream about going after high school but we never had the money.”

“And now you do.”

Money he and Keegan had given her. He didn’t say the words aloud but she knew that’s what he was thinking.

He leaned back into the cushion, his gaze steady on hers. “When would you start?”

She sat next to him, trying to read his mind. An impossible task. She had no idea what he was thinking. “In the fall. If I get accepted.”

“I can’t imagine they’d turn you down. You’re too good.”

Her smile widened at the sincerity in his tone. “You can’t tell that on the basis of one meal.”

“True, but what you just made was amazing and Carol talks about you all the time. If she says you can cook, that’s high praise.”

The smile Jules gave Erik went straight to his cock, making it harden. “Nice to know she has faith in me.”

“She’s not the only one.”

Erik had total faith she’d succeed in anything she attempted.

It also meant she’d be farther away from him and Keegan.

Jules’ smile became sweeter. “Thank you.”

He couldn’t help himself. He leaned forward and kissed her.

He hadn’t meant to kiss the hell out of her. He’d meant for them to talk a little, to ease into the intimacy that had come so naturally between the three of them. Yes, they’d been together alone before but that had been different. Unexpected.

Before she’d arrived, all he’d thought about had been seducing her, getting her in bed, making love to her.

And after he’d accomplished that, he’d tackle the other stuff.

But she’d smiled and he’d pounced.

And when she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and kissed him back… Well, hell. He couldn’t resist her.

He didn’t
to resist her.

With a groan, he grabbed her and lifted her over his lap. Her knees parted and settled on either side of his as her fingers sank into his hair.

She gave a tug, setting his nerve endings to tingle. Then she massaged her fingertips against his scalp.

The sensation was incendiary. Lust outstripped his control and the hands he had on her waist yanked her closer, pressing her down against his already hard and aching cock.

He wanted to fuck her. Right here, right now. Just strip her bare and take her.

Christ, he wanted to. But doubts kept creeping in.

They should talk first. Right? Before they took this any further.

Reluctantly, he pulled away, forced himself to stop. To wait until she opened her eyes and looked at him. Really looked at him.

He recognized the glaze of passion in her eyes. He’d seen it before. He was greedy enough to want it all for himself. And that could be a major fuck-up on his part.

“Erik.” Jules put her hands on his cheeks and forced him to look into her dark eyes. “Don’t think right now. Just kiss me.”

Okay, he could do that.

He closed the distance between them and sealed their lips together.

Groaning when the tip of her tongue met his, he wrapped his arms around her back and pulled her tight against him. His cock throbbed at the contact, straining against the zipper of his jeans.

Shoving his hands under her t-shirt, he soaked in the warmth of her skin. It arrowed straight to the cold lump that had settled in his chest since the last time he’d seen her. When everything had gone to shit.

Desperation tried to urge him to go faster. He kissed her with a little more force, a little more aggression than he normally used. He’d always tried to be so careful with her before. Maybe more so than he’d ever been with anyone else.

Because no one else had ever mattered. Not like Jules.

His hands moved with a purpose now, stripping her shirt over her head and dropping it on the floor. Her lacy black bra looked like pure sin, pushing her breasts up and out, Instead of removing it, he left it there as a temptation. His lips landed on the pale mound of one breast.

He licked at the tiny freckles sprinkled across her skin, her fingers tightening in his hair. Following those freckles across her chest, with a short stop to press a kiss over her heart, he let his lips travel to her breast.

When he drew one lace-covered nipple into his mouth, he sucked hard and was rewarded when she sighed and trembled against him.

He was so intent on pleasuring her that he didn’t realize she was pushing him away.

Releasing her immediately, he looked up, into her eyes. But she wasn’t looking at him. Her gaze was focused down.

“Jules, what—”

“Take your shirt off. I want you naked.”

“Anything you want, sweetheart.”

He released his hold on her only long enough to yank his t-shirt over his head before he pulled her back against him..

The heat of her body soaked into his chest, straight through to his heart, beating at an ever-increasing pace. The lace of her bra subtly abraded his skin, raising goose bumps.

God, yes. This was much better.

“I want you to make love to me right here.” She smiled into his eyes. “I think this might be the only piece of furniture in this room we haven’t had sex on.”

“Then we definitely have to fix that.”

Grabbing her hips, he lifted her off his lap and set her on her feet before standing in front of her.

She must have read his mind because she had her hands on the waistband of his jeans before he reached hers.

Their hands tangled as they yanked and pulled fabric to uncover skin warm from exertion. And desire.

Jules moved at the same frantic pace, teeth biting into her bottom lip as she worked the button on his jeans. His hands slowed their glide up her arms then stopped as he watched her. Finally, she stopped too and looked up.

BOOK: An Indecent Proposition
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