Read An Indecent Proposition Online

Authors: Stephanie Julian

Tags: #Sports & Outdoors

An Indecent Proposition (39 page)

BOOK: An Indecent Proposition
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And when his doorbell rang at a minute past six-thirty later that day, he’d managed to forget the phone call completely and put Erik out of his mind.

So he could completely focus on Jules.

Who looked absolutely stunning in a figure-hugging blue shirt with some kind of design swirled all over it and a pair of jeans that made her legs look five miles long.

She held bags in her hands and had a smile on her lips that he wanted to kiss.

He took the bags instead.

“Come in. It’s damn cold out there tonight.”

Her smile twisted, as if he’d said something funny, but he had no idea what that would have been.

“Feels like snow,” she said, as he closed the door behind her then followed him through the kitchen.

“A little snow would be nice around this time of the year.”

She cocked her head at him. “Do you ski?”

“Not in years.” He set the bags on the counter. “Erik and I used to—”

“Used to what?” Reaching into the bags, she started to withdraw ingredients, but she turned to give him an encouraging smile. One that didn’t quite meet her eyes, he noticed.

“We used to go to Vermont to ski every winter. Before.”

Nodding, she continued to unload the bag. “So you haven’t gone in at least three years. That’s a shame. There are some decent slopes in the area. Maybe you’ll want to try those.”

He almost said he’d love to but Erik wouldn’t go. And it wouldn’t be the same without Erik.

“Sure. Do you ski?”

“Nope.” Her smile widened. “Never been. Snow is really pretty when you’re watching it fall from inside the house. But that means it’s really cold outside. And I love to be warm.”

She’d be warm if she stayed between him and Erik.


He needed to get his head together, needed to concentrate solely on Jules.

So that’s what he focused on while he helped her make dinner and while they ate. She didn’t bring up Erik again and they stuck to safe topics that never got boring. At least not for him. Anything Jules had to say was something he wanted to hear.

Especially if she’s moaning my name as I fuck her into an orgasm.

He had an erection all through dinner. Luckily, the table hid it because he didn’t want her to believe all he thought about was nailing her to the bed. Or the wall. Or on the table.

Of course, he’d take any of those places if it meant he could have her.

Because, holy hell, he wanted her so fucking much.

By the time they were finished eating, he needed a moment alone so he told her to take the wine into the great room and he’d meet her there after he cleaned up.

She didn’t argue, just grabbed the bottle and their glasses and headed off. He watched her walk away until he couldn’t see her anymore. The sight of her ass in those tight jeans made him salivate.

He filled the dishwasher without a care for how the dishes were stacked, and he drew it out as long as he could.

But he couldn’t stay away from her for long. She was like an addiction.

He found her standing by the window, looking out into the dark. He didn’t know if it was coincidence or not that she was staring in the direction of Erik’s house.

She turned as he stopped next to her.

“Thank you for dinner.”

Her smile made his cock swell. “Thanks for being my sous chef.”

“I’m glad you’re here tonight. I’ve missed you.”

Her smile became a little more natural as he said exactly what he was thinking. It got him in trouble more often than not but, damn it, he meant it. He didn’t want her not to know.

“I’ve missed you too. That’s really the main reason I wanted to see you tonight.”

He controlled the urge to pick her up and carry her to his bedroom. “But it’s not the only reason you wanted to see me tonight.”

She held his gaze. “No, it’s not.”

Taking a deep breath, he prepared himself for whatever she was about to throw at him. “So what’s up?”

Now her gaze slipped and she stared back out the window. “I’ve been thinking about what I want to do with my life.”

The hair rose on the back of his neck and his heart rate increased. “And have you made a decision?”

“I’ve been thinking about culinary school.”

Which would take her away from him and Erik. “Is that what you want to do?”

She sighed. “What I want is to have my own restaurant, and I know if I study at a good school, I’ll be a better chef.”

Couldn’t fault her logic. “Sounds like you’ve got a plan.”

“Oh, I’ve always had a plan.” Her lips twisted in a wistful smile. “I just never thought I’d have the means.”

And now she did.

“I understand Carol relies on you quite a bit.”

“I love working for Carol. Most of the time.” Something passed over her expression, something bitter. “And I love to cook. But…”

“But what?”

She sighed. “I don’t know that I would ever be able to make a go of a restaurant here.”

“Why not?”

“Because there are people here who would love to see me fail.”

He’d take care of anyone who dared screw with her. “Like who?”

A shrug. “A few of the girls I went to high school with, for starters.”

“Why would they care?”

“Because they’re mean, sarcastic bitches who don’t know when to shut up.”

The saccharine tone of her voice made him wince. But he heard something else in her tone that made him wonder… “Did something happen? You worked today, didn’t you?”

She nodded. “A bridal shower.”

His gaze narrowed. “Did you know the bride?”

Another nod. “A few bridesmaids and I went to school together.”

“And they said something to disturb you.”

She blinked. “I should be used to it by now.”

“Used to what?”

“To being their target of choice.”

Angry heat gathered low in his gut. “How long has this been going on?”

She shrugged like it didn’t matter. “Since high school, really. I wasn’t part of their clique. My mom didn’t make enough money. I didn’t wear the right clothes. Yada, yada, yada. Just not good enough in their eyes. And then I made the mistake of going out with one of their ex-boyfriends and I was a marked woman for the rest of senior year.”

“That sounds like hell.”

“Isn’t high school hell for everyone?” Her laugh didn’t hold much amusement. “I know for a fact Allison’s father was screwing around on her mother and had at least one illegitimate kid so I’m sure her home life was pretty crappy. She’s pretty much still a bitch, though.”

“Are you talking about Allison Terre?”

His brain started to replay the message she’d left him, filtering it through what he now knew. That bitch. That reference to not meeting women in his circle took on a whole new meaning.

Jules’s eyebrows raised. “Yes. Do you know her?”

“Unfortunately. Her father’s firm serves as our lawyer.”

And I’m going to make damn sure her father knows it’s all his daughter’s fault when I fire their ass.

A pause. “Have you dated her?”

“No.” He grimaced. “But not for lack of trying on her part. I believe she struck out with Erik as well. We have much better taste in women.”

There, that made her smile. “You just made my entire day.”

With a sinuous move, she swung her leg over his thighs, wrapped her arms around his shoulders, and kissed him.

Like she was starving for him. Like she’d missed him. Almost as much as he’d missed her.

Christ, he’d missed having her in his arms. Missed the feel of her body pressing against his. Every curve was a temptation that made him want to run his hands all over her. Preferably while she was naked.

For now, he’d be content with this.

He let her kiss him, let her control the action because, as much as he wanted to take over, he didn’t want to give her any reason to back away.

For several minutes, all they did was kiss. Her lips moved over his, her tongue tangled with his, as her hands roamed his shoulders and chest.

He kept his hands locked to her hips as she rolled her pelvis until her denim-covered pussy rubbed against his crotch.

Groaning, he tightened his hands as he fought the urge to make her rub against him harder, faster.

He didn’t want her to go faster than she was ready, didn’t want to do anything to make her pull away.

But after a few minutes, she did, just far enough to touch the tip of her nose to his. “When are you going to learn I’m not fragile? I won’t run because you’re a little rough during sex. Haven’t you figured out yet that I like it?”

He hadn’t wanted to hope.

Heat raced through his blood. “Stand up and strip.”

His voice held a distinct growl, making her lips quirk up at the corners for a brief second before she maneuvered back to her feet, hands on her hips.

She raised her eyebrows at him. “Make me.”

Lust fired at her dare, making him suck in a sharp breath. The look she gave him was pure provocation.

If she wanted to play this game, he wasn’t about to say no.

In the back of his head, the niggling doubt that they were stealing this time alone together kept intruding. The more he tried to ignore it, the more he knew it was right.

Just accept it and enjoy her.

Pushing off the couch to his feet, he stared down at her. He liked the way she turned her head to look up at him. Liked how her gaze then made a leisurely inspection of him from head to toe.

Barely holding on to his control, he reached for the hem of her shirt with both hands then pulled it over her head with a jerk. Her hair spilled back around her shoulders, the ends curling over her breasts and brushing against the purple satin cups of her bra.

That would stay for the moment because it looked fucking awesome against her skin.

Next, he reached for her to bring her to her feet then reached for her jeans, flicking open the button, yanking down the zipper then forcing them down her legs.

She’d taken off her shoes when she’d arrived. They sat by the door where he hoped they stayed all night.

“Step out.”

She hesitated just a second before she complied.

Her panties matched the bra and made him want to go to his knees so he could rip them away with his teeth. But then he didn’t want to damage them because he really wanted to see them on her again.

Actually, he wanted to fuck her while she wore them so every time she put them on, she’d remember this night.

BOOK: An Indecent Proposition
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