Billionaire Romance: Spencer's Torment (A Seductive Alpha Billionaire Romance Book 2) (11 page)

BOOK: Billionaire Romance: Spencer's Torment (A Seductive Alpha Billionaire Romance Book 2)
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It had been two weeks since I’d moved in with Spencer and honestly, the transition had been much smoother than expected. Living with him had been everything I’d ever dreamed of, but part of me felt like maybe it was
perfect—like it was only a matter of time before everything exploded in my face and I just kept waiting for the bubble to burst. But it never did.

The only negative was that I was starting to go stir crazy, considering I rarely left the house—doctor’s orders. I’d been seeing a therapist and she thought it best that I take baby steps and not expose myself to such triggering environments until I was more mentally equipped. And I had to agree, even as boring as my life was nowadays—especially with Spencer being gone to work all day. There was only so much reality TV a girl could take, after all.

I shut the TV off and pulled myself up off the couch. My bruising and soreness were almost completely gone and I was finally starting to feel like myself again for the most part—at least physically. I stretched and made my way outside to the mailbox, thinking maybe some fresh air was just what I needed.

As I walked down the long driveway, taking in all the summer greenery and the sunny, bright blue sky, I thought about how far Spencer and I had come in the past few weeks.

Ever since our talk about Lauren that night, things had been much better and we were both making progress when it came to healthy communication.

I had to admit I was shocked to find out that everything Calvin had told me about Lauren had been true and it had been a surprise to Spencer as well, considering that meant his own brother had murdered his wife in cold blood. But we had sorted through all that with the help of a few counseling sessions and I felt like the past was finally put to rest as much as it could be.

Immediately after that initial conversation, Spencer had called the police station to inform them that he had new information regarding Lauren Ford’s unsolved murder case from 2002. He was put on hold and passed around numerous times until finally he was able to speak with the proper department.

After he’d relayed all the details to them, we thought for sure they’d thank him for the lead and get right on it. But, no. They acted like it wasn’t a big deal at all and that they could give a shit less.
Our tax dollars at work
, I’d thought to myself.

In fact, the detective he spoke with had simply said, “Alright. You’ll get a report in the mail when and if the case gets closed. Since the suspect is deceased already it’s highly unlikely that we’ll be able to prove anything, but thanks for the tip.” And he hung up. Without even waiting for a response.

“Are you fucking kidding me? These assholes bent over backwards trying to prove that it was me back in the day, but yet when I finally present
with the
murderer, they don’t even fucking care!” he’d spat, punching in the phone number for Agent Crawford, head of his security and surveillance department at Ford Enterprises.

He had been the one coordinating with the police about the details of my abduction case and Calvin’s death. Spencer had wanted to be sure that the body wasn’t disposed of or tainted in any way so that Calvin’s DNA could be tested against the crime scene evidence as a match.

Agent Crawford reassured him that Calvin would be held responsible for what he’d done, even if it was post mortem. “Lauren’s memory deserved to be at peace,” he’d said. And so did Spencer. And it looked like maybe, just maybe he’d finally be able to have that.

That night, after he’d gotten off the phone with Crawford, Spencer tossed and turned for hours before finally getting up out of bed.

As I laid there wondering if he was okay, I heard that familiar, hauntingly sad piano melody swirling through the house and I couldn’t keep the tears from slipping down my cheeks as I thought about Lauren and the horrible way her life had been taken from her and how easily that could have been my story, too. And as I cried, I said a little prayer for her spirit, that wherever she was she was at peace and that Calvin’s DNA would be a match so that we could all finally have some closure.

So why, then, did my heart sink when I opened the mailbox, only to find a large, thick envelope from the Crystal Cove Police Department? As I pulled it out, examining the thickness, I realized it had to be the results of Lauren’s murder case and my stomach did a nervous flip.

I was ashamed to admit that a part of me—the insecure part—wanted to dispose of it. After all, Spencer and I had been getting along so well and it seemed as though maybe we were finally moving past,
the past—
I was worried that this would only stir things up again and cause us problems.

But I knew I couldn’t do that. I had to tell him and just hope for the best. He deserved to know and I just prayed that no matter what happened, our relationship was stronger than a memory.




That night when Spencer came home, I was standing over the stove cooking dinner. He had always insisted that I didn’t have to do the cooking—that in the past he had just hired a chef to make his meals, but it was something that I always enjoyed doing for him and he seemed to appreciate it. Besides, I wasn’t working. The least I could do was cook the poor man some dinner.

“Mmm. What smells so good?” he asked, coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist, nuzzling his face into my neck.

I smiled and rolled my head to the side, giving him easier access. “Fettucine alfredo,” I replied, carefully stirring the pot of sauce as it simmered.

“My favorite,” he growled into my ear, causing me to squeal in delight. Then, he kissed up and down my neck and across my jaw line as if he couldn’t get enough of me. Not that I minded. I’d missed him. Well, I missed him every day, but today was especially lonely.

“I love you,” I said, turning my head to kiss him on the lips, stroking his cheek and facial hair with my free hand.

“I love you, too,” he replied, winking at me. Then, with a smack on my ass, he turned around and walked over to the counter to set his briefcase down and to look through the day’s mail.

My body tensed as I felt him sorting through each piece and I could immediately sense when he’d found
the envelope
—the energy in the room shifted, the air sucked out like a vacuum as he inhaled sharply.

I braced myself for his reaction, but he didn’t say anything, so I turned to look at him.

Spencer was standing there at the counter, staring blankly at the large, rectangular envelope in front of him marked ‘Crystal Cove Police Department’ in the upper left hand corner.

“Would you like some privacy?” I offered, but he shook his head silently. Then, without any further hesitation he calmly stuck his finger through the opening on the side and ripped it open, careful to avoid the actual documents inside.

I turned back around to stir the sauce some more and then turned it off so it could thicken up a bit before I added it to the noodles, keeping myself busy so it didn’t seem like I was hovering or trying to be nosy—even though I kind of was.

I heard him unfold the paperwork, examining the contents. After a few moments, I heard a sob and Spencer collapsed into a heap on one of the bar stools at the counter, burying his face in his hands. His shoulders shook from the sheer force of his sobbing and I wasn’t sure what to do.

I froze because I’d never seen Spencer so…emotional and I had to admit a part of me felt
. I had thought we were past all this, but apparently I had been wrong. Regardless of how I felt, though, I tried to put myself in Spencer’s shoes—after all, he’d just been informed that his dead wife’s murder case was unsolvable.

I tiptoed over to him, placed a hand on his shoulder and whispered, “I’m sorry, Spencer. At least you tried. You did everything you could do.”

He looked up at me, then, tears streaming down his face and with a smile, he said, “No, Emily. It’s over. It’s finally over,” as he pulled me into him as tightly as possible.







The next morning, as I came downstairs to see Spencer off to work with a hearty breakfast (our ritual) I noticed he wasn’t in his usual seat at the table. Instead, in his place there was a colorful bouquet of flowers and a note.

I smiled to myself as I walked over, leaning my head down to smell the gorgeous stems he’d picked out and then snatched up the note, clutching it to my chest before finally opening it up.

              It read:


My Dearest Emily,


              I know this is short notice, but I was hoping I could convince you to join me on an adventure. It’s a beautiful day for a spontaneous trip, don’t you think? If you agree (and you better!), Oliver is waiting for you out front and your bag is already packed and loaded into the trunk. All that’s missing is you.

              So what are you waiting for? Oh, right. You’re still in your pajamas. ;) Well, get dressed. But hurry, our flight leaves at 9:00 a.m.


See you soon, beautiful.





I squealed out loud, jumping up and down. Then, I glanced at the clock.
It was after 8 a.m. already and if we were gonna make it through security and bag checks, I’d have to really book it.

I ran upstairs and threw on a cute sundress from my new Spencer-selected wardrobe, along with a pair of pretty wedge sandals. Hopefully we were headed somewhere warm, otherwise I was gonna freeze. I glanced at myself in the bathroom mirror and wished I had time to put on makeup, but luckily my bruising and swelling had virtually disappeared at this point and I looked decent enough without it, so off I went.

I typed in the alarm code and grabbed my purse, latching the front door behind me. I double checked that everything was locked up tight and then turned and saw Oliver waiting for me at the curb, his familiar town car a sight for sore eyes. “Oliver!” I shrieked and ran down the stairs towards him, throwing my arms around him.

“Well uh…hello, Miss Prescott,” he said, smiling warmly. “I’m so happy to see you in good spirits and doing so well,” he patted my back awkwardly.

I could tell that Oliver was happy to see me, but he didn’t seem like the touchy-feely type so I cut it short and stepped back. “Likewise,” I said with a smile.

“Now,” he said with a sweeping gesture as he opened the car door for me, “I’ve received very strict instructions that I’m to take you straight to the airport—no extra stops. And…you’re to be wearing this,” he said, pulling out a silk blindfold.

“Uh…okay,” I said nervously, an image of Calvin’s evil, smiling face flashing into my mind. But I took it from him anyway. My therapist would tell me that this was a perfect opportunity to face my fears—and she was right—but it didn’t make me any less nervous. Logically I knew that it was just Oliver and I was only going to meet Spencer, but it was still scary as hell.

“Would you like for me to put it on you?” he offered politely.

“No, that’s okay. I’ve got it,” I said with a tight-lipped smile and climbed into the backseat. As Oliver closed the door behind me I took a deep breath and wrapped the blindfold around my head, tying it loosely enough that it didn’t feel restricting, but so that my vision was still obscured.

As we drove to the airport, I couldn’t help but feel a buzz of excitement in the pit of my stomach.
A surprise vacation?
I hadn’t been on a vacation in…years and I’d
been surprised with one. I smiled to myself, wondering where the heck we were going and a wistful sigh escaped my lips.

Spencer Ford, you never cease to amaze me
, I thought. Suddenly the town car came to a gentle stop and I heard Oliver get out of the driver’s seat and pop the trunk, pulling out my suitcase and setting it on the ground beside the car. Then, he came around to open my door for me, taking my hand in his to help me safely out of the car.

As I stepped out, I noticed the absence of
Airports were full of hustle and bustle and incredibly busy—there were always people yelling, cars honking, planes taking off, flights being called—but I didn’t hear any of that.

I stood, waiting expectantly for further instructions and Oliver said happily, “Alright, Miss Prescott. This is where I leave you. Enjoy your vacation!” I could hear the smile in his voice, but I was still nervous that I would be alone and
without him.

I nodded and he walked back to the car, got in and drove away. I was all alone now. My knees started to shake from nervousness and my throat tightened.
What was going on?
Suddenly I felt a large presence approaching and I bit my lip to keep from freaking out.

“Emily,” I heard Spencer’s calm, soothing voice in front of me. “It’s okay. It’s just me,” he said, placing his hand gently on my arm.

My breathing slowed back to a normal pace and my shoulders relaxed.

“That’s my girl. Are you ready?” he asked, taking my hands in his.

“Yes,” I whispered, my excitement coming back.

“Okay, take off your blindfold.”

I reached up and lifted the silk tie from my eyes, immediately noticing the huge grin plastered on Spencer’s face. Registering the confusion on my face, he stepped to the side. And that’s when I saw it: a private freaking
“What?!” I shrieked, jumping up and down. “Spencer, are you serious? We’re flying in

He nodded, his smile getting even wider. 

“Holy shit!” I exclaimed, raising a hand to my mouth in shock. “Is this real life?”

Spencer tipped his head back and laughed a deep, vibrating laugh. “Yes, this is real life. Are you ready to go?” he asked, reaching for my hand.

I nodded, unable to speak. I was still in awe of the fact that I would be riding on a private jet to a surprise vacation. Then I remembered, “Wait! My suitcase.” I turned around, but it was already gone.

Spencer smiled at me. “The crew already loaded our baggage. I promise you’ll have everything you need,” he winked. “Do you trust me?”

“Yes,” I said. And I meant it whole heartedly.

“Okay, then. Let’s do this!”




I had tried for basically the entire length of the flight (twenty-three hours and ten minutes, to be exact) to get Spencer to crack. But it was no use. He insisted on our destination being a surprise—and it was killing me.

Finally, just as the sun was setting the next day, I looked out over the crystal blue waters of the ocean and saw a small, but beautiful island in the distance. “Spencer, look!” I pointed out the window excitedly. It was the only piece of land I’d seen for hours.

“Mmhmm,” he purred as he flipped through a magazine, appearing disinterested.

“There’s an island,” I explained. “With a house or something. Or maybe a hotel. I can’t tell from here, but isn’t that cool?”

“It’s a large home,” he said casually, still staring down at the page he was reading.

I gawked at him, confused as to how he would know that. And then it hit me: “Wait…is that…are we going to that island?!” I shrieked, bouncing in my  seat.

Unable to fake it anymore he looked up and started laughing, nodding his head enthusiastically. “Yes, I guess I can tell you now. It’s the island of Indah—which is Balinese for ‘scenic beauty.’ Oh, and it’s completely private save for a handful of very discreet staff.  The island is ours to do whatever we wish,” he replied casually, his voice silky and thick.

my God!” I still couldn’t actually believe this was happening. It felt like a dream, but as the jet positioned itself towards the island, descending down onto the runway (yes, this island had its own freaking runway!) I knew it was really happening. As the tarmac got closer and closer, I examined the island from above and decided its name was quite fitting; there were lush tropical trees and flowers in bloom everywhere, along with a private and pristine black sand beach. Not to mention, the house was absolutely breathtaking—complete with an infinity pool and hot tub. “It’s beautiful,” I breathed, fogging up the window.

Spencer laughed softly. “It looks like you both have that in common, then,” he winked. Then he said, “I’m glad you approve,” and he took my hand in his, stroking gently with his thumb as the plane touched down.

BOOK: Billionaire Romance: Spencer's Torment (A Seductive Alpha Billionaire Romance Book 2)
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