Billionaire Romance: Spencer's Torment (A Seductive Alpha Billionaire Romance Book 2) (9 page)

BOOK: Billionaire Romance: Spencer's Torment (A Seductive Alpha Billionaire Romance Book 2)
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The next morning when I rolled over in bed, I was shocked to find Spencer still lying next to me, a huge smile plastered on his face.

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and yawned, stretching a long, satisfying morning stretch and then said, “Well, this is a surprise.”

“Long night,” he teased with a wink.

I blushed and hid my face in my hands. I wasn’t sure why, but talking about sex just made me feel…awkward. I mean, I was an
, but sometimes it just felt like something I should be embarrassed about.

“Uh uh,” Spencer groaned and peeled my hands back. “I want to see that beautiful face of yours.”

I laughed and rolled my eyes as he planted a kiss on my lips.

“I love you so much Emily Anne Prescott,” he whispered as he brushed my hair back.

“I love you, too Spencer…wait! I just realized I don’t know your middle name.”

He sighed and then said, “Do I really have to tell you?”

I nodded, “It’s only fair. You know
full name. Besides, I do live with you now
we’ve slept together. All things considered, I’d say it’s about time.”

“Fine. Dean. My middle name is Dean.” The expression on his face was one of pure discomfort.

I rolled it around in my head and then said, “Hmm. Spencer Dean Ford.” After thinking it over for a moment, I decided, “I like it! It’s very regal. Sophisticated.”

He smiled a half hearted smile and said, “Yeah, I guess.”

I didn’t understand why he hated it so much, but I figured it wasn’t worth pushing the subject and I just let it go. “So…” I said, changing the subject. “I was thinking I’d go to the townhouse today and pick up some of my things, maybe pack up. I really need more of my clothes and toiletries.”

Spencer frowned and said, “I didn’t tell you?”

“Tell me what?”

“I hired a personal shopper to stock your closet. You have an entirely new wardrobe ready to go. Clothes, shoes, pajamas, lingerie, jewelry…it’s all there,” he motioned to a door over by the master bathroom. There were so many rooms and doorways around here it was hard to keep track of everything—not to mention I hadn’t really had a chance to explore the house much yet.

My eyes lit up and I jumped out of bed to go investigate.

Spencer laughed and said, “What? You don’t believe me?”

As I reached for the doorknob I said, “No, it’s not that. I’m just surprised and excited. Plus, I’m curious what type of clothes you told them I liked.”

Spencer watched from the bed as I ooh’ed and ahh’ed over everything I found. He (or the personal shopper—whoever), had excellent taste in clothes and shoes. I couldn’t find a single item I disliked and I felt like a kid at Christmas. He had even had his interior decorator stylize the closet—which was actually more like the size of my
back at the townhouse—to make it “me.” There was a huge floor to ceiling mirror, opulent rugs and even a sitting chair and vanity. “Wow,” I breathed.

“Do you like it?” he called.

I came back out into the bedroom and said, “Spencer, I looove it! It’s all so amazing. Thank you.”

“Good. I wanted it to feel more like ‘home’ to you here. Now there’s no need to go get your old stuff, right? You have everything you need here,” he smiled.

I sidled back up to the edge of the bed and leaned down to give him a kiss. “Spencer, it’s not about all that. It’s just…I feel like I owe it to Bridget—and our friendship—to at least go by there and update her on everything that’s happened and why I’m moving out. She’s my best friend,” I explained, hoping he could understand it. “Besides, my phone is still over there, along with my purse. I kind of need that stuff,” I said with an apologetic smile.

Ever since the whole incident at the club in LA, Spencer had had some sort of grudge against Bridget. And I was pretty sure she wasn’t his biggest fan, either, but the air needed to be cleared whether they wanted it to be or not.

Spencer stared at me without saying anything and just nodded.

“So I was thinking…maybe you should come with? I could use the extra muscle and I think it would do us
some good to talk things over,” I tiptoed carefully with my words, unsure of how he’d take it.

He stared at me and I smiled back at him, throwing my hands together in a pleading gesture.

“Fine,” he sighed. “I’ll do it for you. But only because I love you.”

I jumped up and down with excitement and kissed him on the lips. “Yay! Thank you. This will be good.”

“Maybe you should call her first, though. She might not even be home,” he said, trying to sound innocent.

“Nope. She’ll be there. I texted her yesterday from my mom’s phone to let her know I was coming by and  that I’d like to see her. So we’re good to go,” I said, patting him on the top of his head with a smile.

He just rolled his eyes, causing me to laugh.

I skipped over to the closet and threw on the most casual t-shirt I could find and the jean shorts I had worn the day before, along with a pair of sandals and then made my way to the bedroom door.

As I did, Spencer was climbing out of bed and walking in the direction of the bathroom to get ready for the day. His face was as scruffy as I’d ever seen it. Normally he was fairly clean cut, with maybe a five o’clock shadow sometimes—but over the course of the past few days a full-blown beard had appeared and I had to admit, I liked it. There was just something about it that drove me crazy.

He was almost to the bathroom when he noticed me staring. “What?” he asked, an embarrassed look  flashing across his face.

“Nothing,” I said in a sing-song voice. “You just look…sexy,” I finished, biting my lip.

“Oh, do I now?” he groaned and then started coming towards me.

“No!” I screamed playfully. “We don’t have time for this,” I said as I ran out the door and shut it behind me, putting distance between us.

I could hear his deep laughter on the other side as he made his way back towards the bathroom.

I smiled to myself, happy that things were starting to feel somewhat normal again when out of nowhere, my mom’s face appeared right in front of me.

, mother!” I yelled, clutching a hand to my chest.

“What?” she asked innocently. “Is everything okay?”

“Well, it was, until you scared the crap out of me,” I said accusingly as I tried to catch my breath.

“I’m sorry, sweetheart. I didn’t realize I was so scary lookin’,” she said with a fake pout.

I rolled my eyes. “Stop it. I was just distracted and you caught me off guard. That’s all. What time is it?”

“It is…,” she looked down at her watch—one of the few people left on the planet who still owned one—and said, “10 a.m.”

I groaned. I was supposed to be at Bridget’s like half an hour ago and I hated to keep her waiting. Besides, I wasn’t sure how I was going to entertain my parents at the same time.

“What’s the matter, dear?” my mom asked with concern.

“I’m supposed to be at Bridget’s right now. I need to go pack up some of my stuff and let her know what’s going on,” I said sheepishly. “I totally forgot. Did you guys wanna come with?” I offered.

“Oh, that’s okay, sweetheart. Your father and I are headed home today. Our flight leaves in a few hours. I was just coming up to gather the rest of our things,” she gestured to the suitcase in her hand that I’d completely overlooked.

“Oh,” I said with a frown, surprised at how disappointed I was that they were leaving already. Under normal circumstances I would have been sick of them already, but I felt a childish pull within me to keep my mom close to me.

“I’m sorry, sweetie,” she said grabbing my hand in hers as we walked towards the stairs. “We’d love to be able to stay longer, but your father has to get back to work. You know how demanding his construction schedule is,” she explained.

I nodded. “Yeah, it’s okay. I’m just surprised is all. I thought we had longer,” I said as we met my dad in the kitchen.

“There she is!” he exclaimed when he saw me. “Good morning, pumpkin. How’d ya sleep?” he asked, his furry eyebrows raised expectantly.

I blushed, wondering if they’d heard Spencer and I last night. I really really hoped not. “I slept great,” I replied with a smile. Considering the house was so big, I figured we were safe, but I avoided eye contact, just in case. “How about you guys?”

“Oh, Em! This place is top notch. That bed slept like a dream. Really. I mean, it felt like we were on a cloud,” he laughed, slapping his knee as if it was the funniest thing he’d ever heard himself say. “Spencer should start his own hotel.”

I nodded, embarrassed at how much they were gushing about how fancy everything was here and I was thankful that Spencer hadn’t arrived downstairs yet.

“So,” I said, changing the the subject. “Mom tells me you guys are leaving today?”

They glanced at each other as if they’d been caught stealing cookies from the cookie jar.

“Uh, yep. That’s right. When duty calls,” he said with a shrug and shake of his head.

“Right. Well, I’m glad you guys came. I wish you didn’t have to run off so soon, but I’m thankful I got to see you, at least,” I said. And I genuinely meant it. I was going to miss my parents. Even if they were a couple of weirdos.

“Good morning, good morning!” Spencer said as he rounded the corner, his beaming smile greeting each of us.

He was dressed more casual than he did when he was at work (no suit and tie), but he still looked so perfectly put together that it was almost a sin.
he’d kept the beard. Mmm. I looked him up and down and he grinned wickedly at me, sending my heart into overdrive as I thought back to our lovemaking session from the night before.

“So,” he said, turning to my parents. “What’s this I hear about you two leaving?”

My mom and dad both nodded and my dad replied, “Yep. We’re off. Gotta get back to Shady Oak today. Work stuff,” he explained. “But we wanted to stick around long enough to tell you two sleepyheads goodbye.”


Spencer replied, “Sorry to hold you two up. I know how crazy that airport situation can be.”

My dad scoffed, “Tell me about it. Speaking of, we’d better hit the road,” he said as he stood up from the bar stool.

My mom nodded and came to give me a hug goodbye. “I love you, my sweet sweet girl,” she whispered in my ear and squeezed me tight.

I fought back tears as she pulled away and said, “I love you, too mom.” Then I gave my dad a huge hug as well. The strongest hug I could muster. “Love you, daddy,” I whispered.

“I love you, too, pumpkin,” he said and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Then he turned to Spencer and stuck out his hand, the natural gesture between two men who weren’t the sappy type. “Spencer,” he said, nodding. “Take care of my little girl for me.”

Spencer clasped hands with my dad and said, “Of course I will, sir. You have my word. She’s my number one priority.” And I could tell that he meant it.

As they stepped back from each other, my mom pulled Spencer into a hug and said, “Spencer, dear you are welcome at our home,
I mean it. Don’t you two be shy.”

Spencer laughed and hugged her back, “Thank you, Mary. I appreciate that.”

Finally, my mom stepped back and said, “Well
appreciate the generosity you’ve extended to us. We are truly grateful. And Emily Anne is so lucky to have you.” She smiled at the two of us knowingly.

“Okay, okay. I’m gonna gag,” I joked, sticking a finger down my throat. “We gotta get to Bridget’s. We’re already late,” I said, ushering everyone towards the door.

Spencer set the alarm code and we all stepped out onto the front porch and my parents made their way down to the driveway and climbed into a cab that was waiting to take them back to the airport.

As they pulled away, Spencer and I waved to them from the porch and I couldn’t help but wonder if this was the start of something new. I could feel a shift happening—a rebirth, of sorts—and I wondered what the future would hold for us. Before I could think about it too much, though, Spencer cleared his throat.

I turned and raised my eyebrows suggestively at him, “It’s just you and me now, hot stuff.”

He laughed and said, “Don’t tempt me, because I so want it. And I would much rather do
than what we’re about to do.”

I turned on my heel and strutted towards the Escalade, putting on my best show.

A groan escaped his lips and he called out to me, “Are you
we have to go?”

I flashed a smile at him and said, “Yes, Bridget’s waiting. But if you’re good, there’ll be a reward in it for you.”

Spencer contemplated this thought for a split second and then jogged down the steps excitedly. “Did somebody say the word, ‘blowjob’?”

BOOK: Billionaire Romance: Spencer's Torment (A Seductive Alpha Billionaire Romance Book 2)
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