Read Cadet: The Academy Online

Authors: Commander James Bondage

Tags: #bdsm, #bondage, #slavegirls

Cadet: The Academy (5 page)

BOOK: Cadet: The Academy
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“We just have to get word to somebody in
Washington,” the brown-haired girl said. “General Cafferson would
never let them get away with this crap if he knew,” she said,
referring to the Chief of the General Staff.

“I wouldn’t be too sure about that, Gwen,”
Jodie replied. “From what I hear, this Academy is his pet

Before anyone else could offer an opinion,
Powers popped out again like a jack-in-the-box and shouted, “Lights
out, cadet cunts!”

“Sweet dreams, cadet cunts,” Jodie whispered
as they went to their beds.


Chapter Four: Duty, Service, Country


After breakfast in the huge, nearly empty
dining hall, the cadets returned to their quarters to find Kim Lee
had rejoined them, a little worse for wear. Her classmates quickly
caught her up on the previous night’s developments. She disposed of
her old uniform, and donned a set of cadet fatigues that someone
had put aside for her. Sergeant Powers glared at her as if he
suspected that she had been goldbricking, but all he said to her
was, “Glad you could take the time to join us, cadet,” before he
moved on.

The cadets were given a total of fifteen
minutes to make their beds, straighten up their personal areas and
themselves (including shining their boots), and sweep and clean the
entire barracks, including the showers and latrines; and police the
grounds outside. Powers suggested that they select a cadet officer
to organize the work, as he had no intention of assigning jobs in
the barracks. He promised that if the work were not done to his
satisfaction, the entire platoon would be put down for demerits. He
patted his swagger stick meaningfully when he said this.

The platoon unanimously elected Jodie
Lawrence. She quickly assigned the work, and then made personally
certain that there was nothing for Powers to complain about during
the inspection.

After inspection, they marched to a brick
building that looked much newer than any of the ramshackle wooden
structures they had seen so far. Powers explained that this was the
school where they would learn Military Science, “…if you cunts are
capable of learning anything,” he added gratuitously. The school
was huge and rambling, and was obviously intended for more than the
thirty of them. Powers led them into an enormous auditorium. Robin
estimated that the room could seat more than five hundred people.
They were directed to fill the center sections of the first two

Standing on the proscenium stage, waiting for
the cadets to file into their seats, were two men. One they had
already met: their Company Commander, Captain Wagner. The other was
an older man, tall and lean, with thinning white hair, a bushy
white mustache and watery blue eyes, wearing the eagles of a full
colonel on his shoulder straps.

When the cadets had settled in, the colonel
cleared his throat and began to speak into a microphone on a stand
before him.

“Welcome, cadets, to the National Women’s
Military Academy at High Point,” his amplified voice boomed from
the overhead speakers. “I am the Cadet Commandant, Colonel Lester
Miles. My job will be to help you to become the female officers
that our country will need in the coming years. You cadets will be
the pathfinders for hundreds, thousands of your sisters who will
someday pass through this Academy; the first of many who will train
here and win commissions as officers in our armed services. Each of
you will become a cadet advisor for a group of new cadets when the
first full class enters the Academy in the spring.

“The motto of the United States Military
Academy is ‘duty, honor, country’.
motto is adapted
from that one: it is ‘duty,
, country’. You have been
selected as the best of the best to be in this first group, the
First Platoon of the “A” Company of the Women’s Cadet Regiment. The
success or failure of this unit, you thirty cadets, will go far in
determining the future of the whole idea of women officers.”

He paused, looking them over thoughtfully. “I
want to tell you a little about the officer training program of
which you are now a part. This Academy is the special project of
the Chief of the General Staff, General Cafferson, who will be
following the progress each cadet in this group,
you of the First Cadet Platoon, ‘A’ Company of the Cadet Regiment.
Each one of you was individually approved by General Cafferson
himself for appointment. The General wants this Academy to succeed,
and he wants
to succeed. Unlike his predecessor, who did
not believe that females had a place in the American military,
General Cafferson has the strongest possible faith in the unique
abilities of women. This Academy was designed to harness those
gifts. When you are commissioned upon graduation, you will each be
assigned as a personal aide to a combat officer of
brigadier-general’s rank or higher, or the naval equivalent

“You will therefore receive training in every
aspects of modern warfare, logistics, electronic warfare, space
weapons, drone systems, strategic planning, everything, in short,
that your general or admiral will need you to know to be able to
function efficiently as a member of his staff. Your test scores
assure us that each of you will be able to complete the course of

Colonel Miles paused again. Robin had the
feeling that she was about to discover the reason for the unusual
nature of this military academy. “But you were not chosen for
brains alone. No, you will also be serving a second role, as
important as the first. You will be your general’s
aide. You were each selected for your youth and sexual
attractiveness, because you will be required to satisfy your
general sexually, in every particular, whenever called upon to do

At this, several of the cadets blurted out,
“No! I’m not a whore! We won’t!”

Captain Wagner moved to the front of the
stage. “Silence, cadets!” he shouted in a voice as hard as steel.
The room fell still. “This is disgraceful conduct. The
insubordinate cadets who have demeaned themselves by their
interrupting the Commandant will now identify themselves for
discipline. If they do not do so, their fellow cadets shall report

There was a dead silence, during which the
cadets exchanged glances, then drew themselves up and looked
defiantly ahead. Robin had not said anything, but she thought that
the cadet next to her had. She had no intention of turning her in,
or any other member of the platoon.

The Captain looked at Colonel Miles, then at
the cadets and nodded. “Very well. In that case, the entire platoon
will receive five strokes each of administrative correction
immediately after the completion of orientation.”

The Colonel cleared his throat, and Captain
Wagner turned to look at him. “Are you certain five strokes are
quite sufficient for the offense, Captain?” he asked pointedly.

“No, Colonel, on further consideration, ten…”
The Colonel cleared his throat again. “…fifteen strokes, is the
very least I can assign for such conduct.”

The Colonel nodded. “I must agree, Captain,”
he said.

As Robin considered what fifteen strokes of
Sergeant Powers’ crop on her ass was going to feel like, she heard
a high, clear voice behind her call out fearlessly, “I was the one
who spoke, sir. Punish me.” The astonished Robin turned to see who
had the courage to take the platoon’s punishment on herself. She
saw little Jodie Lawrence standing at attention, looking Colonel
Miles straight in the eye.

The Colonel returned her gaze evenly. “What
is your name, cadet?” he asked.

“Cadet Jodie Lawrence, sir,” she

“Cadet Lawrence, do you mean to tell me that
you were the
cadet to interrupt in that insubordinate
manner?” he asked. “I am certain that I heard several voices.”

“Yes sir, that is exactly what I mean,” Jodie
responded promptly. “It was me, and nobody else but me.”

Robin was unable to sit quietly any longer.
She rose to her feet, and she spoke without knowing what was about
to come out of her mouth. “You should punish me, Colonel, sir, not
Cadet Lawrence. I was the one.”

The two officers turned their heads to stare
at her in amazement. Before either one could react to Robin’s
confession, another sweet, high voice to her right said, “I was the
one, sir, punish me, not them.”

It was as if a dam burst. For the next thirty
seconds, the great hall echoed with a hubbub of girlish voices as
the entire platoon began to call out confessions and volunteer for

“Attention!” bellowed the red-faced Sergeant
Powers at his most deafening volume. Their military training took
over, and girls obeyed, straightening up to stand as silent and
motionless as statues, with shoulders thrown back, chests forward
and their delightful titties prominently displayed, outlined in
their skin-tight fatigues.

“I must apologize for my cadets, Colonel,”
Captain Wagner said. “It seems that rather than listening to their
Commandant, they want to play games. With your permission, sir, I
ask to suspend the orientation so that I can accommodate them

“If you had not asked permission, that would
have been my order to you, Captain,” the Colonel replied. “I think
you must handle this issue expeditiously.”

“Cadet Lawrence, front and center,” the
Captain ordered. Jodie made her way past her motionless classmates
to the end of the row, and then walked down in front of the stage
to stand directly below Captain Wagner.

“Cadet, it is your claim that you were the
one and only insubordinate cadet, that you the only one deserving
of punishment?” he asked.

“Yes sir, Captain,” she replied in a steady
voice. “I was the one and the only one. There wasn’t anybody

“Sergeant Powers, will you escort Cadet
Lawrence to the discipline bars outside her platoon barracks, and
see that she has an opportunity to enjoy the cable clamps. I will
give you ten minutes and then I will bring the rest of the platoon
to join you.”

“Yes sir,” Powers said, coming to the little
cadet’s side. He opened the Velcro loops at the sides of her belt
with a ripping sound. “Cadet, place your hands in the belt cuffs,”
he ordered. The girl put her hands at her hips, and the Sergeant
quickly tightened the closures around them.
Now we know what the
belt is for
, Robin thought.

“Now march,” he ordered, whacking her across
her firm bottom globes with his stick. She yelped, and then quickly
moved off. Powers followed close behind her, plying his baton on
her ass. They heard the blows echoing in the hall until the door
closed behind them, but Jodie did not make a sound after the first

The Captain and the Colonel said nothing for
a long time after that, and an ominous silence seemed to settle on
the silent auditorium. At last, Wagner glanced at his watch and

“I believe Sergeant Powers must have Cadet
Lawrence ready for us, Colonel,” he said. “Would you care to
accompany the platoon to witness the disciplinary procedure?”

“Thank you, Captain. I believe I will,”
Colonel Miles replied.

The Captain took them out of the hall, and
paraded them back through the maze of buildings to their quarters.
Before “B” barracks was in sight, they heard a scream. It was kind
of scream that rips at the throat of the screamer, that shocks the
mind of the hearer. It was a primitive, animal sound. Robin could
not believe that a human throat could make such a noise. It sounded
as if it had been ripped from the throat of some suffering,
mindless beast.

Wagner turned to the Colonel. “It sounds like
Cadet Lawrence and Sergeant Powers are ready for us, sir.”

The cadets marched in time behind their
company commander, following him around to the side of the barracks
until he brought them to a halt before a concrete block platform
that had metal poles and crossbars looking vaguely like exercise
equipment fixed in the top. He formed them into two lines facing
the platform.

On the platform they could see two figures,
one much larger than the other. The smaller one was Jodie Lawrence.
Her fatigue top had been opened to expose her breasts, as had the
closures on the front of her pants, exposing her blond bush and
pubic triangle. Her wrists were still confined at her sides by her
belt. A pair of thin cables ran through a series of pulleys
attached to a metal crossbar directly over her head, and then down
to attach to her nipples with metal clamps. Even more horribly,
Robin saw that another cable ran down between her legs,
disappearing inside her pussy. Jodie’s mouth was open, and a fourth
cable was fixed to her tongue, pulling it grotesquely out of her
open mouth.

A smiling Sergeant Powers held a box through
which the ends of all four cables passed. An orange extension cord
ran from the box to an electrical outlet on the outside wall of the
barracks. Powers had the cables pulled up so that the little
blonde’s tits were pointing almost straight up and her hips were
thrust lewdly forward in an effort to relieve the pull on her
suffering clitoris, to which the lower cable was clamped. She
looked at the cadets with wild eyes. It seemed to Robin that when
Jodie’s eyes met hers, for a split second she seemed to be trying
to tell her something. The contact suddenly ended when Sergeant
Powers pushed a button on the box he held, grinning nastily as did

The blonde cadet screamed hideously again and
jumped up and down like a spastic marionette.

“There’s a nice charge lighting up her cunny
and tits, girls,” he gloated. “She doesn’t seem to like it.” He
released the button, and the blonde ceased her mad, hopping

“Now, Cadet Lawrence has offered to take the
punishment by the entire platoon upon herself,” the Captain told
the assembled cadets, all of whom braced at attention, silent tears
wetting their faces as they witnessed the Calvary of their gallant
classmate. “Since she is taking on a burden for so many others, her
punishment must be substantial. She must remain as you see her
until dinner, at 1800 hours,” he consulted his watch, “which is
nine hours and forty minutes from now….” He faced Colonel Miles,
“…if that seems appropriate to you, sir.”

BOOK: Cadet: The Academy
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