Read Cadet: The Academy Online

Authors: Commander James Bondage

Tags: #bdsm, #bondage, #slavegirls

Cadet: The Academy (6 page)

BOOK: Cadet: The Academy
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The Colonel looked at the little blonde
suffering on the platform. She stared back at him, desperately
pleading with her eyes. “Yes, Captain, I think it is a fair and
appropriate response to the offense.”

Jodie shook her head in hopeless despair and
made a gobbling sound. It was obvious that she would never be able
to endure ten more hours of agony. Robin could not hold back the
tears that now filled her eyes as she watched her new friend’s

“Now, if one of you brave girls offered to
take her place, I don’t think Cadet Lawrence would object,” the
Captain said suddenly, looking up at the little blonde. Jodie
viewed the other cadets through pale blue eyes now filled with
unendurable suffering, making sounds that they could not interpret.
Powers jabbed his thumb into the button on the box again, launching
his victim into the bizarre, hopping dance again, and reviving the
weird gurgling sounds.

“Enough, Sergeant,” the Captain said. “Take
the clip from her tongue, and we’ll hear what Cadet Lawrence has to

Powers stepped close to the girl and squeezed
the clamp on her tongue, releasing it.

“Please, Captain, Colonel, I’m sorry, I
apologize, please let me down…” she babbled desperately.

“I want you to answer a question, cadet,” the
Captain cut in. “If one of your classmates is willing to take your
place for the rest of the night, will you agree to let her do so?
That is the only way you are getting down tonight.”

She turned to face the silent rows of cadets.
No one spoke up. There was not a single volunteer to take her
place. The little blonde closed her eyes and let her head drop to
her breast in exhaustion or despair.

“What,” asked the Captain, in mock surprise
“no volunteers?”

Robin wished that the ground would open up
and swallow her. She was ashamed to discover what a coward she was.
to be brave enough to take the little cadet’s
place, to save her and show the evil Captain and that old sadist of
a Colonel that she was strong enough to sacrifice herself, but she
just could not. She was too weak to face ten hours of agony on that

“Cadet Lawrence, do you truly wish to end
this punishment?” Captain Wagner asked.

“Sir, yes I do, please, I’ll do anything,
sir,” Jodie quickly.

“Will you get down on your knees, sincerely
apologize to Colonel Miles and to me, and thank Sergeant Powers for
providing this correction?” he asked.

“Yes, sir!” the girl shouted. “The second you
release me, sir.”

“Will you cheerfully and without reserve,
service Sergeant Powers and me sexually right here in front of your
classmates…” he looked at Miles, who nodded, “…and then accompany
Colonel Miles to his quarters, to serve him tonight in any way he
desires?” he asked.

Lawrence did not hesitate. She was utterly
drained, all her reserves gone. “Sir, I will do anything, whatever
you ask, whatever Sergeant Powers asks without reservation. You can
use me any way you want. I will go with the Colonel, and serve him
like a cheap whore, if you
let me down.”

“Then you may remove the clamps and release
the cadet, Sergeant,” Captain Wagner announced.

Powers talked to the girl quietly while he
fiddled with the clamps. “I hope you like taking it up the ass, you
smart little cunt, ’cause I got ten inches in my pants that you’re
gonna ask me to bury up there,” he jeered.

Robin, who had felt so strong and brave back
in the auditorium when she rose to confess insubordination, was now
crushed. She felt a sick feeling in her stomach when she realized
that the Captain could have just as easily chosen her to be where
Jodie was now. The blonde’s defeat made her spirits sink lower than
she could ever remember. If they could break down a courageous girl
like Jodie Lawrence so easily, she had no chance to resist them
when her time came. Her only hope was to somehow get out of this
nightmarish Academy, but she did not know how.

The little cadet’s apology was painful to
watch. She begged the Colonel’s pardon for her disrespectful and
insubordinate attitude, calling herself stubborn, stupid and
ignorant. She thanked the Captain for ordering her torture, blessed
him for showing her mercy, and thanked Sergeant Powers for
correcting her. At the end, she crawled to the Captain’s feet and
pressed her lips to his boot, then did the same for the Sergeant,
who smirked at her nastily.

The Captain put the cadets at parade rest
before he and the Sergeant began to ravish Jodie’s fresh, young
body, saying, “We’re probably going to be here for a while. Relax,
watch and learn, cadets.”

The Captain quietly interviewed the girl, and
discovered that the nineteen-year-old had only copulated one time,
as a going away present for her boyfriend when she enlisted. She
had never attempted oral or anal sex, and was clearly terrified of
what the two men might do to her.

Sergeant took the first turn, ordering her to
kneel near the edge of the platform, with her knees wide apart, and
masturbate in front of the platoon. She was so nervous and touched
herself so gingerly that it took a long time for her to even become
lubricated. The impatient Sergeant bent down to whisper something
in her ear and point to the cables that swung slowly back and forth
on the crossbar. Jodie nodded emphatically and began fingering her
slit in earnest. In a few minutes, the girl’s eyes were closed, her
mouth a little open, and her fingers working furiously on her
engorged clit. She panted as she neared her climax, but she was not
permitted to finish. Sergeant Powers pulled her hand out of her
pussy a few rubs before she climaxed, and placed her on one hand
and knees, keeping the girl’s arm pinned behind her back to hold
her in place. She groaned in disappointment, and cried out when
Powers twisted her arm savagely, and crudely demanded she raise her
ass up to be fucked.

Powers pulled his cock out of his pants with
one hand, while maintaining his control over the little cadet with
the other. He looked like some repulsive primeval beast when he
knelt behind the weeping blonde and brutally entered her delicate
vagina. She cried out as he repeatedly roughly drove into her, and
again as soon as he sensed that she was about to climax and pulled
out. Captain Wagner, who had been watching all this time, now
approached the little beauty suffering at the hands of the beast.
He demanded that she open her mouth to accept his rod, which was so
erect that it was practically standing straight up. His cock was a
little longer than Powers’, Robin guessed, although perhaps not as

“Don’t let me feel your teeth, cadet,” he
warned as he slowly inserted his organ into her open mouth, “unless
you want to find that that there are worse things than the cables
and clamps.”

Her eyes widened at this threat, and she
nodded to indicate her acquiescence, unable to talk because her
mouth was already filled with his rigid meat.

“All the way in now, cadet,” Wagner said,
holding the back of her head and pressing deep into her throat,
while the girl’s eyes bulged as if they were about to start from
her head.

Sergeant Powers chose this moment to put the
head of his cock, which was already slippery from its visit to the
girl’s pussy, at the entry to Jodie’s rear hole, and shove it
abruptly into that tiny hole. She squealed and jerked her head up.
Captain Wagner slapped her viciously on the face, saying “No,
cadet, don’t move until I come.”

The two men began to pump her steadily. The
Captain came first, beginning to shoot off in her mouth, and then
pulling his cock out to spatter her sweet face and golden mane with
scummy jets. Jodie’s head fell forward, as if she lacked the
strength to hold it up any longer.

Powers had incredible stamina. He took
Jodie’s hips in his hands, and drove his cock deep into her ass and
out again like some deranged sex machine. As he thrust, he talked
to her. “Do you like it this way, cunt? How does my dick feel up
your little ass? You want some more, bitch?” and so on. He finished
buried deep inside her, pulling her limp body close to him as he
called her a fucking cunt, a filthy whore and similar names. When
he released Jodie, she flopped forward onto the concrete,
unconscious. Robin and some of the other cadets exclaimed
involuntarily, wondering if the brutal assault had killed their

Captain Wagner quickly knelt down next to
her. He put his ear to her mouth, then lifted one of her eyelids
and peered in closely. He rose, pulled his phone from his pocket,
quickly punched a number and spoke urgently for a minute, then
snapped the phone shut.

The Colonel, now clearly alarmed, approached
the platform and called the Captain over. They talked in whispers,
but the conversation took place right in front of Robin, so she was
able to overhear snatches of what the Captain, who was facing
towards her, was saying.

“…still alive, no thanks to that… I called an
ambulance. They should be here in…I
tell that gorilla…
General Cafferson himself… got to be more careful. I agree, sir…”
The whispered conversation abruptly ended when the tires of a white
emergency vehicle ground up the gravel road to stop next to the

The Captain gathered the motionless girl’s
body in his arms and jumped down to place her carefully on the
stretcher inside the ambulance. He motioned for the paramedic to
come close, and whispered rapidly in the man’s ear. The paramedic
nodded, jumped the back of the truck with Jodie, and pulled the
doors shut. The ambulance promptly pulled off. Wagner and Miles
stared after the departing vehicle anxiously.

“Cadets, you will return to your barracks to
await orders,” the Captain announced. “Platoon dismissed!”

Robin immediately went to the Captain,
closely followed by the rest of the cadets. “How is Jodie, sir?”
she asked. “Is she going to be all right?”

“She’s going to be fine,” he said, looking
off in the direction the ambulance had taken, his face pale. He
turned to look at Robin and the other cadets crowding around him.
“Now all of you return to your quarters!” he roared. The cadets
fled back to their barracks.

The cadets were gathered in little groups
around the barracks, speculating in discreet tones about the Jodie
Lawrence’s horrendous punishment, her condition, the nature and
severity of her injuries, and the Captain’s apparent state of
near-panic, when they heard the thumps of two sets of boots
mounting the wooden stairs to the door. They sprang to attention
and saluted when they saw a perspiring Sergeant Powers enter,
followed closely by the Captain. Powers went directly into his room
without looking at them. Captain Wagner sketched a hasty salute at
the cadets, and muttered, “As you were,” and quickly followed
Powers into his room, slamming the door behind him.

For the next twenty minutes, the silent
platoon listened awestruck as Captain Wagner chewed out his platoon
Sergeant. The thin walls of the internal partition did not prevent
them overhearing virtually every word Wagner thundered at his
erring subordinate. His command of invective was rich, vivid and
varied; he never repeated himself once while describing his opinion
of Powers’ personal habits, ancestry and future prospects in the
Army. “Oversexed anthropoid” and “asinine baboon” were two of the
milder terms.

“These cadets are Cafferson’s special pets,
Sergeant Peabrain,” he said at one point. “He checks the progress
of each one every week. If that cadet dies, I may be cashiered, the
Colonel may have to take a forced retirement, but

you‘ll be
to draw a firing squad.” There was a soft
murmur in the room when the cadets heard for the first time about
the seriousness of their comrade’s condition.

Captain Wagner concluded by relieving the
Sergeant from duty and giving him fifteen minutes to clear out of
the barracks. He was ordered to report to the unassigned NCO
barracks, and to remain there until Cadet Lawrence’s condition was

“If she survives, and there’s no permanent
damage,” the Captain concluded grimly, “I
be able to get
you a post to the penguin census in Antarctica instead of the term
in Levenworth you deserve.” They saw the Captain emerge suddenly
and walk out of the barracks without a glance at the cadets,
slamming the door behind him. Ten minutes later, Sergeant Powers
emerged, took one look at the silently staring platoon, and
departed without saying a word. None of them ever saw him

The assault on Jodie Lawrence had a strange
sequel. Her injuries, a small tear in the wall of her upper colon
and the consequent rupture of an adjacent vein, were repaired by
the Regimental Surgeon that afternoon before the loss of blood
became critical. Two days later, Robin and Steph were summoned from
the barracks and taken to the infirmary by Captain Wagner.

“Before you go in to see her, you should know
something,” he said. “She doesn’t seem to have any memory of how
she ended in the hospital. You’ll soon find out for yourselves. If
you want to go ahead and tell her what Powers did to her…”
Powers and you
, Robin thought fiercely) “…I can’t stop you.
If you cadets want my head on a platter, you’ll get it. There’s no
way I can keep this story quiet, unless the platoon

“Why the fuck should we, Captain?” Robin
snarled. “Why
we have your head to pay for what
you did to Jodie?”

“Two reasons,” he replied, holding up two
fingers. “One, it won’t change what happens to you cadets. Your
training will go forward exactly as before with a new company
commander. Second, you will have to describe the whole incident to
Lawrence, and
will have to live with it for the rest of
her life. How do you think that would affect her? Right now, she
doesn’t remember a thing.”

BOOK: Cadet: The Academy
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