Gay for Pay: An All Cocks Story (All Cocks Stories) (Volume 1) (11 page)

BOOK: Gay for Pay: An All Cocks Story (All Cocks Stories) (Volume 1)
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“Wow. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you truly smile. So, tell me, what has you so happy this fine morning?” Linc joked.


Chris turned slightly to face him and answered his question with one word, “You.”


Linc’s smile vanished, replaced with a scowl. “Listen Chris, I’m sorry about yesterday, I didn’t plan on kissing you and I certainly didn’t plan on you running off like that. But I don’t want to be just some experiment for the bi-curious guy that…” Chris silenced Linc by placing his hand over his mouth.


“Let me talk for a minute before you go off on me, okay?” Chris didn’t remove his hand until Linc gave him a short, quick nod.


“We could sit here all day and act like we are living in a cheesy romance novel full of angst and miscommunication. But that’s not how I roll Linc. There are no sparkly vampires here, well, okay maybe one, but seriously… neither of us are going to play the girl in a relationship so let’s just go ahead and skip all the tip toeing, tap dancing bull shit and get right to the point.” Chris took a breath while Linc stared at him like he’d just lost his damn mind.


Laughing slightly, Chris continued, “Did I freak out when you kissed me? Yes I did. But it wasn’t because I didn’t want you to kiss me Linc, because I really did, and I really liked it at first. But then I thought about Amanda and that guy that was banging you in the bathroom the other night and I got really confused.”


“Wait, what? What guy and what bathroom?” Linc looked utterly confused. “And vampires, we seriously need to have a discussion about the books you read and the movies you watch, but first, what the fuck are you talking about? Who do you think was banging me in the bathroom?!”


Chris’s brow creased in confusion, “Last weekend at the bar, I thought… you and the big guy.”


Linc threw his head back and laughed then, “Did you not hear me the next morning when I came back to your place? Your night turned out better than mine. We can talk about bathroom sex and sparkly vampires later, focus for me, let’s talk about the part where you said you wanted me to kiss you and go from there.”


“Okay then, just shut up and let me get this out, okay?” Chris paused before continuing. He took both Linc’s hands in his and faced him directly, but he couldn’t meet his eyes. Still, he went for it, just lay it all out there and see where the pieces fell, right.


“I loved Amanda with all my heart, and when she died she took a piece of my soul with her. I thought I was supposed to spend my life in misery, alone and adrift, sort of like penance for my crime. But then I met you and I started to have feelings I’d only ever felt with her and to be honest, it was not only confusing but it scared the living shit out of me. I thought I was betraying her on some level and I thought I didn’t deserve to be happy after what I did.” Chris didn’t even realize he was crying until he felt Linc’s fingers graze his cheek. He looked up at him then and all he saw was understanding in those gorgeous brown eyes.


“And then I was having these feelings toward you that I couldn’t explain at first. But if I’m being honest, I’ve been attracted to you from the start, I just didn’t want to accept those feelings then. And then seeing you with that guy the other night at The Monster, I was fuming, and that confused me even more. Jesus Linc, I was seeing red, I wanted to tear you away from him but I was so confused by those feelings. I’ve always considered myself to be straight, but since coming here and opening myself up to other possibilities, seeing the life Victor, Andrew and Mattie lead and how in love and happy they are. It makes me question myself and where I want to be. Fuck, is any of this making any sense?!” Chris shouted, running his hand through his hair and fisting the too long strands in his grasp.


Linc grabbed both Chris’s hands in his and pulled, getting Chris’s attention, but Chris’s eyes remained trained on the steps he sat on. “Look at me Chris.” Nope. “Please! Look at me!” Linc didn’t shout but the command in his voice made Chris slowly raise his head and meet Linc’s intense stare.


“I’m scared too Chris. It’s hard for me to trust anyone with my heart after my ex. But as scared as I am to open up and let you in, I know that I have to. Hell, I think I already have. When you ran away from me yesterday it hurt Chris, I won’t lie. But being here with you right now, you opening up and sharing all your feelings with me makes me think that whatever this thing is between us deserves an honest effort on our parts to see where it goes.” Linc pulled Chris a little closer to him and moved their joined hands to his hips, unwrapping his fingers and resting Chris’s there. Then Linc reached up, cupping Chris’s face with his hands, still warm from being held tight in Chris’s grasp, and slowly leaned in, giving Chris time to pull back if he chose to.


Chris just closed his eyes and waited for the soft touch of Linc’s lips on his. The kiss was gentle and hesitant at first, much like the kiss yesterday. But when Linc’s tongue darted out and swiped Chris’s lips, he opened wide and let him in. Their arms snaked around each other tightly as the kiss grew more intense, angling their heads to allow each other full access to the warmth of their open mouths. Linc pulled back and smiled, but stayed wrapped in Chris’s arms when they heard a throat clear behind them.


“Really boys, if you’re going to fuck each other out here on the porch, wake me first, I’ll grab the camera,” Andrew joked.


“They better not! They have a shoot tomorrow!” Victor’s loud voice travelled out to them through the open kitchen door, followed closely by raucous laughter. Chris turned to see who it was and there in the doorway stood Andrew with Mattie and Jordan’s heads peeking out at them, bodies hidden by the door frame.


Chris turned back to Linc, “Well, I guess it’s a moot point to suggest we keep this on the down low until we figure out where it’s going.”


Linc laughed, “Yeah, you’ll soon figure out that there are no secrets inside these walls; even the windows have ears.”


They stood to follow Andrew and the giggling twosome into the house, but Chris paused for a minute at the bottom of the stairs. His life was about to change, irrevocably. He thought after the accident that he would never be whole again, but being here with Linc and all these guys that were making him feel again was changing that narrow perspective.


Linc reached the door then stopped, turning and holding his hand out to Chris, “You coming?”


And right then he knew that he would follow Linc just about anywhere.



~ Chapter 10 | Threesome ~


On the second floor of the house on the west side was a guest room with two large bay doors that opened to the bay side view of the house. This was the room they were shooting the threesome in, but for now, they were getting set up for the shoot and doing the still for the site and the DVD. Victor had decided that after this shoot was wrapped and in the can, they were going to compile a DVD with several other scenes that the three of them had shot and include the threesome as the finale.


Andrew and Mattie moved the large king sized, four poster bed into the middle of the room, opening the bay doors so that the sun shone inside catching the off white tones of the bedding and curtains, making them shine in the natural light. There was a slight breeze blowing in, picking up the curtains and making them dance in the air. Kris lay on his back on the bed with a mountain of pillows under his head wearing only a pair of loose fitting jeans, unbuttoned but not unzipped, one knee raised up, hand under his head. Gabe lay on his stomach half on the bed, half draped over Kris in a pair of white Calvin Klein boxers. His head was on Kris’s stomach and he looked up at the camera Andrew held, smiling shyly. Linc stood leaning up against the post in the corner, directly by Kris’s head. He too wore a pair of loose fitting jeans that hung low on his broad hips, unbuttoned but not unzipped, and his toned arms where crossed at his chest. He looked down on the two men in the bed with a gaze that was equal parts want and appreciation.


Kris just lay there with his eyes closed, smiling, as the camera tick ticked away, Andrew moving around to the foot of the bed to shoot stills at different angles. “Okay you can relax for a minute boys; I need to move the light over here because it’s too bright for this angle,” Andrew said as he put his camera on the foot of the bed and moved over to the light stand.


Linc took that moment to lean down on the bed and stretch over to Kris, stealing a quick kiss. When Andrew turned back around he quickly grabbed his camera to capture the image. What he got was a raw picture of Kris still lying across the bed on his back, but he had
reached up and grabbed Linc by the back of the neck, he was looking up at him smiling. Linc was leaning on both hands over the side of the bed, looking down at Kris and smiling. And beautiful Gabe was holding his face in his hands, elbows on Kris’s stomach, just watching. His legs were up in the air behind him, feet crossed at the ankles. It was one of those unscripted absolutely beautiful moments that were so rare in the porn industry, that Andrew couldn’t help but snap the picture.


“Guys,” Andrew whispered, drawing their attention. As soon as they turned their faces his way he snapped another before they all scrambled back to their original poses, getting ready for another series of shots.


They were usually given something similar to a script for the bigger production scenes, but Andrew and Victor decided they would just suggest things and push the three of them in the right direction for this one. “The three of you together have this sort of simplistic, raw beauty and I want to capture the more natural aspect of that beauty. So just go with the flow and if you need to stop and ask questions, it can be edited out later so don’t feel the pressure to make it perfect, that’s not what this shoot is about,” Andrew had assured them the morning of the actual shoot.


The premise for the video was going to be three men in a relationship enjoying some down time together at a private resort. Kris, Linc and Gabe walked down by the docks hand in hand, laughing and joking while Andrew filmed. When they shot their individual opening monologues, some of that would play over the scenes of them walking and having breakfast together. When they finally made it into the bedroom Andrew told Linc to grab a cup of coffee and go out on the porch, pushing Kris and Gabe toward the bed.


“Okay Linc, you are out on the porch, you just woke up and you don’t want to wake up Kris and Gabe, so you grab a cup of coffee and go out to watch the sunrise. Kris and Gabe, strip down to your briefs and climb in bed. I want you to lay on your back Kris and Gabe, you lay your head on his chest and then slowly wake up and then wake Kris up with a blow job. Then when you hear the sounds of love making Linc, smile and slowly come back into the room, still drinking your coffee, rub on your cock as well and then we will go from there. If I don’t like something you guys are doing I’ll stop and we’ll redirect from there. We good?” Andrew asked as he looked around at the three of them.


Three heads nodded in agreement and Andrew called action.




Gabe slowly opened his eyes, blinking the fake sleep out of them, turning and peering up into Kris’s closed eyes. He smiled as he slid his hand up to Kris’s bare chest, gently rubbing the tip of a finger over Kris’s nipples, then tracing his hair line back down south. He made a production of rubbing and caressing Kris’s skin before placing his small body in between Kris’s legs and running his fingertips just under the elastic of his briefs. Kris couldn’t help the involuntary shudder at the feeling of Gabe’s hands so close to his cock. Gabe traced the line of Kris’s cock through the briefs with his lips before sliding the material down and repeating the motion, sans the cloth.


When Gabe circled the tip of the plump mushroom head with the tip of his tongue, Kris slowly blinked his eyes open, running his fingers through Gabe’s long, beautiful blonde hair, putting it back behind his ear so he could watch. From that moment on there was no Andrew, no camera; Kris and Gabe were lost in the sensations and the feelings of touching each other. Kris tried to keep a slow pace of fucking Gabe’s mouth, waiting for Linc to come join them, but goddamn he was taking too long, and this was feeling so good! He let out a strangled moan, hoping Linc would take the hint and get his ass in the bed, now.


Linc heard the noises coming from inside the room and froze. He knew this was just a shoot; they were doing a scene and nothing more. But for a reason he couldn’t even explain, knowing that Gabe, sweet, pretty little Gabe had his lips wrapped around Chris’s cock right then made him think about walking in on Lance with Kory. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, pushing away the memories of walking into the home he shared with his ex, opening their bedroom door and finding Kory deep throating the man he loved, in the bed they shared.


“Get it together Lincoln, what is wrong with you?!”
he whispered to himself. When he heard a loud moan that faded into a gasp he pushed himself off the banister and headed into the bedroom. As Andrew had instructed, he sipped from his coffee cup, rubbing his hand over his limp cock, thankful that would cover his less than enthusiastic approach.
“Look at me Chris, look at me and see me, just me,”
he thought to himself as he drew nearer to the bed where Gabe was indeed deep throating his man. Linc’s silent request was granted when Kris not only looked up at him and smiled, but reached for him as well.


Leaning over the bed, Linc captured Kris’s mouth in a fierce, possessive kiss that conveyed ownership. Kris gasped into his mouth and Linc cringed, not knowing if the gasp was pleasure from the kiss or from Gabe’s mouth that was devouring Kris’s cock right at that moment. Taking control of not only the scene, but both men, Kris grabbed Linc with one hand and pulled him down onto the bed, while grabbing a hand full of Gabe’s hair and pulling the lithe man up his body, taking his mouth in a demanding kiss.

BOOK: Gay for Pay: An All Cocks Story (All Cocks Stories) (Volume 1)
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