Gay for Pay: An All Cocks Story (All Cocks Stories) (Volume 1) (18 page)

BOOK: Gay for Pay: An All Cocks Story (All Cocks Stories) (Volume 1)
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Lance held his hands up again, placating the pissed off Vampire that glared down at him. “Wait! I just wanted to talk to Linc, I don’t want any trouble, promise.” Lance actually looked scared as he backed into the bar.


“It’s okay Victor, I’ll talk to him,” Linc said as he grabbed Victor’s arm and pulled him away from Lance. It took some convincing, but finally Linc got Chris to go with Victor promising he’d be there in five minutes. Turning back to Lance who stood there holding two shot glasses with a green liquid in them, Linc crossed his arms over his chest. “You’ve got five minutes.”


Lance tried to hand one of the shots to Linc, he shook his head. “Speak.”


“I miss you Lincoln.” Lance said the words so quietly Linc could barely hear him, he mostly read them on Lance’s lips.


Jaw clenched, Linc spoke through clenched teeth. “I told you not to call me Lincoln. You no longer have the privilege of using my real name. And I’m not going to have this conversation with you again Lance, there is no us and I don’t really fucking care what you miss. You should have thought about that when you were out sticking your dick in any ass that moved!”


Linc turned to go. “Wait, please Linc, can we be friends then? I don’t want to lose you entirely.” Lance was pleading with him, and Linc was a little taken back by the honesty he thought he heard in the words. He stood and stared at Lance for several uncomfortable moments.


“I don’t know Lance; I honestly don’t think I owe you anything. But I’ll think about it. Now, I’m going back to go join my friends, if you’ll excuse me.” Linc turned to leave, but not before Lance shoved the shot glass into his hand. Before he could down the contents, a group of rowdy guys walked in between them so Linc took the opportunity to exit and go find Chris. But he still held the shot in his hand.


Lance leaned back against the bar, downing his own shot and smiling. Now all he had to do was wait for Linc to drink his shot. The two pills he’d dropped into the glass would surely be enough to at least disorient Linc, and as soon as he was separated from his friends and that bastard Chris, Lance would make his move.



~ Chapter 17 | Unredeemable ~


Chris was rocking on his heels, watching the crowd that came and went through the VIP section, growing more and more anxious with each passing minute that Linc didn’t join them. He was about to go find his boyfriend when Linc came into view and quickly made his way over to Chris with a couple of beers and something green in his hand. Chris wrapped his hand around the back of Linc’s neck and pulled him toward him, kissing him fast, but thoroughly, staking his claim. Linc laughed and handed Chris one of the beers, sitting the shot down on the table. “What the hell is that?” Chris asked.


“A Midori Kamikaze, its Lance’s favorite shot. He ordered them for us but I didn’t want to toast to anything with him so I split, still had it in my hand when I made my getaway,” Linc said, still laughing.


“You don’t want it?” Mattie asked, leaning forward and picking up the glass. Linc shook his head and Mattie smiled, downing the shot in one pull. “Oh, yummy!” he shrieked.


It didn’t take long for the shot that was intended for Linc to work its way through Mattie’s much smaller body. One minute he was fine. Laughing and joking with Gabe about something, then the next he couldn’t catch his breath. Mattie reached for the water bottle Victor had gotten him, but he couldn’t grip it and it fell to floor at his feet. Andrew turned to Mattie and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. “You okay Mat?” he asked, his voice was trimmed with concern. It seemed to take a great deal of effort on Mattie’s part to simply turn his head and look into Andrew’s eyes.


Whatever Andrew saw there scared him because he yelled out Victor’s name and grabbed Mattie by the arms. Tears were rolling down Mattie’s cheeks but he didn’t, or couldn’t speak, in fact, his face didn’t really even move. Mattie had become a wax figure, but worse was the fact that he couldn’t seem to catch his breath. Victor shouted for someone to call an ambulance and moved around behind Mattie just as his body fell limp in Victor’s arms. Andrew was shouting and Victor was screaming in Romanian which no one but the damn bouncers could understand.


Linc thought the ambulance must have been parked in front of the club; he didn’t think five minutes had passed between Victor yelling at the bouncer to call and the paramedics pushing their way through the crowd. There were three of them, two men and one woman. While the men worked on Mattie the woman spoke with the bouncers who then started clearing out the club. Everything happened so fast, Linc’s head was spinning. If it weren’t for Chris holding him down, he might have spun right out of control.


They loaded Mattie onto a stretcher and headed for the ambulance with Andrew glued to his lover’s side. That alone gave Linc a little peace of mind. Mattie’s eyes were still open and he held tight to Andrew’s hand, but he was still having trouble breathing, even with the oxygen mask the paramedics strapped over his face. Victor stayed behind, still barking orders at the bouncers in Romanian. And then there were two police officers there, asking questions and taking statements. Was Matthew a heavy drinker? Did he use drugs? Victor was fuming so Linc and Chris intervened before he tore off one of the police officer’s heads. Then one of the cops asked Victor what his relationship to the victim was. Linc cringed at the word… victim. It sounded so filthy the way the officer said it. Victor told them he was his partner, husband basically. One of the cops curled their lip at that statement and Linc thought Victor was fixing to go to jail for murder.


Chris decided it was time to defuse the situation. “Calm down Victor. They are just trying to find out what happened okay?” Victor turned and glared at Chris before he threw his hands up in the air and stepped aside, letting Chris speak directly to the officer that was obviously letting his narrow minded views on homosexuality cloud his judgement while on the job.


“I think you need to call your sergeant or your boss or whoever and ask for a couple officers to be brought here that are not homophobic, because everyone else in this room is gay, so your narrow minded personal views aren’t welcome here.” The cop in question huffed before spinning on his heels and stomping away. The other officer stayed behind.


“I’m sorry. He’s old and stuck in his ways. I’ll take your statements for now and be sure that the detectives put in charge of Matthew’s case are more accepting of your situation.” The officer (Jonathon was the name on his badge) smiled down at Victor. Chris could tell by the set of Victor’s jaw and the way he was squinting up at the officer that Victor was still dangerously close to having a meltdown.


Officer Jonathon seemed to sense it too, so he sort of placated the bigger man. “Okay, let’s do this one at a time. We’ll start with you,” he said pointing at Victor. “Tell me what happened.” It took them a while but one by one they each gave a statement to the officer. “Alright so Matthew was fine when you re-joined the group Lincoln, is that correct?” The nice cop asked.


Linc nodded, “Yeah.”


“I’m sorry Lincoln, I’m not trying to be difficult, but just once more can you start at the beginning, when you re-joined the group? That seems to be the catalyst” The office asked nicely, smiling at Linc which set him at ease.


“My ex showed up and we kind of had a confrontation, but he was never in here in the VIP section. After I left him at the outside bar, I grabbed a couple beers for me and Chris and came back in here. I guess it was about thirty minutes before Mattie started acting strange. He dropped his water and he couldn’t catch his breath.” Linc looked up at Chris for confirmation he wasn’t forgetting anything.


Chris nodded, “Yeah, Linc came back and Mattie slammed the shot then…” The officer waved his hand silencing Chris mid-sentence.


“What shot? no one has said anything about a shot,” he asked, his eyes swept the table and landed on the empty shot glass. “Was this the glass?” Jonathon, the officer asked. Chris and Linc nodded. “What was in it?”


Chris looked over at Linc, he was shaking his head now. “Nothing just a Midori Kamikaze I’m pretty sure.”


“What is it? You are thinking this make Mattie ill?” Victor asked.


Jonathon waved his hand and everyone shut up. “I don’t know if this is what made Matthew sick or not, but I’m going to have the residue in the glass tested to see if the lab finds anything suspicious. And you say you bought the shot for Matthew, is that right Lincoln?”


“No.” Linc shook his head and then it hit him, “Oh my god. My ex gave me that shot, he was pretty insistent that I drink it, he like shoved it at me a couple times. Oh shit, you don’t think Lance would have put something in that drink to get back at me, do you?!” Linc was visibly shaking now. Chris grabbed him and pulled Linc into his body, wrapping him in his arms.


Jonathon clapped Linc on his shoulder, “Hey, don’t go blaming yourself for something you didn’t do, something you aren’t even sure happened, okay?” He waited for Linc to look at him and nod before he spoke again. “I’m going to go file my reports and your statements. Then I’ll head over to the hospital and have the lab there check this out.” He held up a large Ziploc bag that now held the glass. Linc didn’t even see the cop pull out the bag, much less stuff the glass into it.


The officer turned and was leaving just as Kory ran their way. Linc noticed Jonathon stop and look over his shoulder, watching Kory walk their way. When he looked over at Kory, he saw that Kory was eyeing Jonathon as well. Before Linc could even decipher all that, Victor was on his feet heading toward the exit, barking a litany of Romanian at them. He didn’t seem to care that they couldn’t understand one goddamn word he was saying.




To say the next few days were crazy would be the understatement of the century. They all spent most of that night and the early morning at the hospital, waiting for news on what happened to Mattie. When the officer and the doctor finally shared with them that Mattie had been drugged, Andrew went postal. And that scared them all, almost as much as what happened to Mattie because Andrew was mister cool, calm and collected. When he lost it everyone in the room took a few steps back.


Officer Jon came out to the house the day after Mattie came home, two days after the incident at the club, to fill them in on where he was with the case. The residue in the shot glass had been tested at the hospital and came back positive for Rohypnol, the date rape drug. Officer Jon then had it tested at the police lab for fingerprints that came back matching Lance, Linc, Mattie and the bartender. When the officer visited Lance he tried to deny everything at first, then lawyered up when he realized he was up shit creek.


“I need to know if you want to press charges Matthew.” The officer had asked him, to which a resounding yes echoed throughout the den. Jonathon, who had insisted they call him by his name, laughed at that. “Okay, just checking, because had you declined to press charges, the DA was going to pick them up anyway.” Jonathon stood to leave, pulling a card out of his pocket and handing it to Victor. “Call me if you have any questions or need anything.” Victor nodded.


Jonathon was walking out when he stopped and turned back to Kory, pulling out a card and handing it to him. “And you call me if you need anything okay, anything at all Kory.” And with a wink, the officer showed himself out.


“Why’d he give me this?” Kory stared down at the card, confused.


Everyone in the room cracked up. “You are a fucking idiot,” Jordan said dryly. “The guy was eye raping you at the hospital and again here today. Please tell me you aren’t that clueless.” Jordan looked around the room and they all nodded their heads in agreement. “I mean, he only called two people by their first name today, Mattie and you. He obviously likes you, though I don’t see why.” Jordan plopped down onto the couch, grabbing the remote and turning the TV on.


“Fuck you Jordan.” Kory threw over his shoulder as he stomped out of the room. Linc watched him go and noticed that as Kory passed the trash can he tucked the card into his pocket, not throwing it away. That was something at least.


Linc focused back on the conversation in the room when he heard Victor say something about rescheduling the boat shoot. He and Chris groaned in unison, to which Mattie and Jordan laughed and shook their heads. “Come on boss, we don’t need a wardrobe for a boat shoot, just trunks and sunscreen.” Linc whined. He and Chris hadn’t been intimate for several days now, the shoot was supposed to be the next day and he had dreamed about it last night.


Linc was starting to think that waterboarding supposed terrorists, was a waste of time. What the FBI or CIA or whatever letter agency did the torturing should do was make the accused sleep in the same bed with their lover every night, shower with them in the morning, and tell them they could look, but not touch. Linc thought that right about now he would tell them who killed Elvis if he could just ride Chris for five fucking minutes!


Linc wanted to kiss Mattie when he agreed with him and Chris that they should go ahead with the shoot the next day. “Guys, can you give me, Chris and Linc a few minutes please.” Mattie was basically asking everyone else to vacate the room, which they did.


“I’m only going to say this once Lincoln, and then we aren’t going to discuss it further, understand?” Mattie eyed Linc, waiting for him to agree.


“I understand.”


“Good! This is not your fault. You didn’t put the pills in the glass, Lance did. You didn’t bring him to the club that night, he came on his own. And god only knows what he would have done to you if you had drunk the shot as he intended.” Mattie’s body shuddered at the thought. “Jon seems to think that Lance will take a plea if it’s offered, so that is something at least. Hopefully he will just plead it
out and none of us will have to testify or ever see his sorry ass again as long as we live.”

BOOK: Gay for Pay: An All Cocks Story (All Cocks Stories) (Volume 1)
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