Gay for Pay: An All Cocks Story (All Cocks Stories) (Volume 1) (19 page)

BOOK: Gay for Pay: An All Cocks Story (All Cocks Stories) (Volume 1)
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Mattie held his arms out to him and Linc leaned into the hug. “That’s all there is, and there is no more, okay?” Mattie whispered into his hair, Linc nodded. “I don’t want what happened to cause you two to put your plans on hold either. Trust me, Victor and Andrew are more than capable of taking care of me. Keep looking for your apartment, you two need your own space, away from prying eyes to start your life together.”


Chris almost felt like a third wheel, he stood and was about to leave when Mattie looked up and smiled at him. He patted the chair next to him so Chris sat. “You wanted to know why Andrew got so upset when they told him I’d been drugged. It wasn’t that I’d been drugged per say, well it was, but it was what I was drugged with that sent Andy over the edge.” Mattie wiggled around on the couch, squirming, Chris could sense whatever Mattie was about to tell him was an uncomfortable subject. He reached for Mattie’s hand and held it tight.


“I came out when I was sixteen, as if anyone needed me to say the words out loud; I’ve never tried to hide it. My parents were in denial, but I was amazed at how accepting most of the other kids at school were about it. Or so I thought. One Friday after school Josh, one of the football players, came up and asked me if I’d like to go to a movie with him. I’d always had a crush on him and he was always nice to me, so I didn’t even think twice about it, I said yes. The truth was he was playing me for a fool. He slipped Rohypnol into my drink then drove me out to the lake where six other football players were waiting. They all took… took turns.” Mattie choked out the words.


“That’s enough. I don’t need to hear anymore right now Mattie. Jesus Christ, you were so young.” Chris didn’t even understand why he was getting so pissed off about something that happened almost ten years ago. “Those fucking bastards, and you were powerless to stop them. That’s why you got so freaked out at the club, you recognized the effects of what was happening, didn’t you?” Chris asked. Mattie wiped his eyes and nodded. “Goddamit!” Chris yelled and jumped to his feet. “Now I want to go break Lance’s fucking neck!”


Linc stood and took Chris’s hands in his, and just with the touch of his hands, Linc successfully calmed Chris down. “Thank you for telling me Mattie.”


“Everything okay in here?” Andrew stood in the doorway. They all nodded and then Chris and Linc left the two of them alone, they went off in search of food. When Victor came downstairs a little while later and found them making out in the kitchen, he ordered them to sleep in their own separate rooms that night. Since they demanded the shoot go on the next day, he was demanding they not do anything to jeopardize the shoot. They begrudgingly agreed, but still managed to get in a little heavy petting when Victor wasn’t looking.


Linc took a sleeping pill that night. He knew he’d never get to sleep otherwise. He offered to give Chris one as well, but Chris declined. He tried a ton of different drugs the first year after the accident and he didn’t like how they made him feel. So while Linc slept with Prince Valium, Chris tossed and turned. He couldn’t get the image of innocent, trusting, beautiful Mattie being violated out of his mind. Not for the first time Chris questioned why the world was so fucked up.


~ Chapter 18 | If the Boat is a rockin ~


Even though Chris had only been asleep for about six hours, he was bright eyed and bushy tailed when he woke the next morning. He stood in the shower with the water streaming down his back, just thinking about how much his life had changed since the New Year. Labor Day was right around the corner. In just nine months Chris had gone from an unemployed loner to a leading model at All Cocks, he had a ton of friends, a family and most important, he had Linc in his life.


Thinking about Linc and what was happening later in the day made Chris’s cock stand at attention. He tried to ignore the swollen appendage, to think of something, anything else that wouldn’t leave him sporting a boner when he went downstairs for breakfast. There was a time when thinking about Amanda and the accident would have deflated his sails in an instant. But lately it was becoming harder for him to focus on the details of the worst night of his life.


Looking into the mirror he kept in the shower for shaving, he saw a stupid, cocky grin staring back at him. That image made Chris chuckle, he was finally in a place in his life where the past no longer held a hold over him. It had taken close to six years, but Chris finally realized that he was in control of his destiny. Only he could make the conscious decisions he’d made these past months to turn his life around. It was the happiest he could ever remember being.


He quickly showered, dressed and headed downstairs for coffee. Linc was already waiting for him at the table with two cups and a carafe full of dark, steaming greatness. They ate breakfast and searched the newspaper for apartments they could go and look at the next week.


They didn’t even look up, just waved and said hey when Andrew came in with two arms full of groceries. He sat the bags on the kitchen island before pulling something out of one of bags, tossing it toward Chris’s head. He caught it midair, turning the book over to see it was an apartment guide. “Thanks Andy.”


“Don’t even think about it!” Andrew said sternly. “Only four people call me Andy and live to tell about it; my grandmother, my mother, Victor and Mattie.” Chris and Linc laughed at him and went back to their coffee, thumbing through the guide. Eventually Victor, Mattie and Jordan joined them and they all finished breakfast before getting everything collected for the shoot and heading down to the boat.


Apparently Andrew, Victor and Jordan had already moved all the camera equipment they’d need for the shoot down to the boat earlier that morning, and stocked the fridge full of beer, sodas and water. Andrew had run to the store for food for the trip and sunscreen, which they were out of. So all they had to carry down were a couple of Andrew’s cameras for the actual shoot and themselves. Mattie carried a large duffle with towels, extra trunks and shirts, sunscreen, hats and sunglasses so they’d have options once they got out on the water.


This would be the first time Chris was actually going out on the water on the boat and he was so excited he was bouncing. When thinking back on the day, Linc would recall what brought him the most happiness was watching Chris leaning over the railing, smiling like a kid at Christmas as they shot across Long Island Sound. Well, that, and the fuck of his life once they found a secluded spot several hours later to shoot the more intimate scenes for the video.


Andrew and Jordan were both filming at different times, at different angles, while Victor navigated the boat. Kris and Linc stayed close, holding hands, kissing, feeding each other grapes while they sun bathed on the deck at one point. They anchored close to a park before breaking for lunch and everyone jumped into the water to cool off. Jordan got some great footage of Kris and Linc kissing and groping each other in the water.


While Kris thoroughly enjoyed being paid to spend the day making out with his boyfriend, there were a few times when the camera in their faces was annoying. They couldn’t go more than fifteen minutes without someone having a camera on them, sometimes more than one person. The hardest part for Kris was shooting the stills for the site. Andrew had Kris and Linc go to the top deck and play with different positions before he decided on a shot where Linc was leaning back over the railing, with Kris holding him, both staring into each other’s eyes, bodies close, almost kissing but not quite. It was difficult because Kris had to hold the weight of Linc’s body for upwards of twenty minutes at a time because of the angle they were leaning at. Then they had to do it all again naked, preferably hard, which wasn’t as easy as it may seem when you’re being posed like a doll and being told to look sexy at the same time.


“Okay now lean to the left. Good, no wait; arch your back more Linc. And hold. Now drop your right shoulder just a little Kris, too much. Back up a little, there, stop!” Yeah, you try being sexy and comfortable with Andrew barking a series of orders at you was all Kris could think as he watched Linc trying hard not to laugh.


And then, finally, “Thank Christ! “ Kris mumbled, making Linc laugh hysterically, it was time to get to the good stuff.




Just like with every video Chris had shot, he and Linc were ushered up into Andrew’s office once he cut it and, hopefully, had the final copy for release ready to go. Chris didn’t know if all porn sites owners worked the way their resident throuple did, he doubted it, but he loved that Andrew and Victor would always include the models in the final decision on what would post on the site.


The five of them sat in front of the flat screen TV that Andrew had hooked his laptop up to, eating pizza and drinking beer, when Andrew started the video he had created from all the footage they shot three days ago. Chris and Linc sat side by side on the small love seat, Andrew and Victor sat in the large overstuffed chairs, and Mattie sat on the floor in front of Victor.


The screen came to life and Chris was brought face to face with Kris on the large screen TV. He talked about what brought him to All Cocks, and how he and Linc had become friends and eventually, lovers. “I don’t know how to explain it, I just woke up one day, and there he was. And he became my everything.” The video showed Linc leaning against the railing on the side of the boat with Kris standing behind him. Kris had his arms on either side of Linc’s body, hands on the railing, leaning into Linc’s body with his head resting on Linc’s shoulder. It was a scene they shot just before they got to the good stuff, the sun was high in the early evening sky and it cast a gorgeous golden hue over their tanned bodies.


Then Linc was on camera speaking about the same things. They each talked about what they wanted in a partner, and what they had found in each other that ultimately brought them together. “It’s strange to meet the person you are meant to be with, within the industry we work in,” Linc said.


While they were talking, the footage of Kris and Linc walking along the beach hand in hand played, then the footage of them making out in the water. The screen finally settled on the top deck of the boat, with Kris holding Linc against the railing, kissing him like there was no tomorrow. Kris held Linc’s body with one hand, supporting both their weights with the other which was hidden behind Linc’s back so the camera wouldn’t reflect that image.


At one point, Linc pushed Kris’s body up and off him, until they were both standing. He reached up and traced the outline of Kris’s eyes with the tips of his fingers, trailing his fingers down Kris’s cheekbones then running them around the back of Kris’s head. Linc held Kris’s head in his hands as he stood on his toes, leaning up and kissing his man softly but eagerly.


The camera followed them as they made their way down to the lower deck of the boat. There were seats lined up along the railing of the boat, Kris pushed Linc down onto one of the seats as and ran his eyes over every inch of flesh he could see, the eagerness to possess showing in his gaze. Ever so slowly, Kris then mapped out Linc’s body with his tongue, licking his way from Linc’s Adam’s apple to his navel without taking a breath. Linc moaned and writhed underneath him.


Kris ran his tongue in circles over Linc’s belly button at the same time he ran the tips of his fingers underneath the waistband of Linc’s swim trunks. Then the trunks were being lowered as Kris trailed his tongue further south, running his nose along the length of Linc’s rock hard cock. At this point Linc was still sitting up, the railing digging into his back. So he maneuvered himself until he was lying down on the bench seat, with Kris’s head in between his legs, sucking his cock like it was the last supper.


“Jesus!” Linc couldn’t contain it. He ran his fingers through Kris’s hair, tugging gently until Kris looked up. Their eyes met and the look was so intense, it caused Linc to gasp. Kris’s usually beautiful brown eyes were dark orbs of black. Glassy and mirroring the lust Linc could feel coursing through his own veins. Kris pushed Linc’s legs up, bending the man in half, maintaining that intense eye contact as he ran the tip of his tongue down the underside of Linc’s cock, over his taint, then circling his hole.


“Goddamn!” Linc cried out as his body lifted up off the bench when Kris swallowed his dick with one suck, the head of his dick tickling the opening of Kris’s esophagus. He licked and sucked for a few minutes before his tongue found its way back down to Linc’s balls, which were equally licked and sucked on.


“Fuck! Don’t stop babe, feels so good!” Linc whimpered. Kris could tell that Linc was close already by the way his man wiggled and moaned underneath him. So as much as Kris wanted to tongue fuck his lover, he held back, simply circling Linc’s puckered hole again with his tongue, refusing to dive all the way in and bring Linc to climax far too soon.


Something between a moan and whine fell off Linc’s lips when Kris pulled his mouth off Linc’s body and stood. Kris chuckled at him, reaching down and smacking Linc’s ass hard. Linc yelped and jerked at the hard hit on his sensitive skin. Kris full on laughed then, “Roll over,” he said, his voice was ragged and deep.


Linc stood instead, grabbing Kris and pushing him back against the railing, dropping to his knees and rubbing his face around Kris’s crotch. Linc looked up into Kris’s eyes as he bit down gently on Kris’s shaft through the thin material of his swim trucks. Speaking of swimming, that’s what Kris’s head was doing. He watched, dazed, as Linc ran his fingers just under the drawstring waistband of his trunks, with each pass of Linc’s fingers across his waist, a little more skin was revealed and the trunks travelled further toward the deck of the boat.

BOOK: Gay for Pay: An All Cocks Story (All Cocks Stories) (Volume 1)
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