Read Granting Wishes Online

Authors: Deanna Felthauser

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction, #Multicultural & Interracial

Granting Wishes (7 page)

BOOK: Granting Wishes
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Chapter 12

The rain was coming down so hard it was a slow drive to the college where Dom was working on his bachelor’s degree. The past week had been particularly demanding because his mind had been focused on something other than his chosen career. He’d only been able to get together with Chelsea once for lunch, and not seeing her was driving him crazy. Today he was going to see her if he had to drag her out of work in order to spend time with her.

He was parking his car when his text message alert went off. Instantly smiling, Dom shut his car off and slid the bar over on his iPhone so he could read the message.

- Hey you.

- Mornin’ Princess. How’s my girl? I was just thinking about you.

- Thinkin’ bout me huh? :-) I’m better now. Miss you.

- Always. Miss you more.

how cheesy was that? Did he have no game to speak of?

- Nah, I totally miss you the most. Want to have lunch today?

- Most def. I’ll bring it. No class this afternoon.

- Can’t wait! Gotta go, phone is already ringing off the hook.

- See you soon.

- Have a good day.

- You too beautiful. Xoxo

- xoxoxo

Dom was grinning like the Joker when he got out of his car and slung his heavy backpack over his shoulder. He was drenched by the time he reached the building
, but he didn’t have a care in the world. He was going to see his girl today.
His girl.
Damn that sounded good.


Chelsea picked up the office phone to answer the call, smiling so big her cheeks hurt. He’d sent her x’s and o’s. So stinkin’ cute! The hours couldn’t possibly pass by fast enough. She could barely contain her excitement.

At least that’s what she’d thought before a few hours had passed by and a call came through that made her angry. She heard Jake’s voice on the line. Oh hell no!

“Chelsea, is Lilah in?”

“No.” Her voice was clipped and none too polite but when it came to him, she no longer cared about being kind.

“I tried calling her cell a few times and she didn’t answer. Can you tell me when she’ll be there?”

“No.” Nope, she wasn’t giving an inch. Not a single iota of politeness was being shown to him. No siree!

“Okay. Can you at least tell her I called?” He was starting to sound annoyed, not that she seemed to care.

“Nuh uh, I can’t do that,” she replied in
an increasingly sarcastic voice.

, why the hell not?”

“Because you’re an asshole, Jake Kringle. Now kindly leave her the hell alone.” She slammed the phone down so hard she hoped it hurt his eardrum.

Now, where was she? Oh yeah, thinking about her lunch date with Dom. Yes, that was a much better thing to be thinking about. So that’s what she did until Lilah breezed into the office wearing a drenched white shirt and blue jeans, carrying her sodden shoes in her hand.

“Is it too soon to use the
cliché ‘look what the cat dragged in’ or ‘you look like a drowned rat’,” Chelsea teased.

“Ugh, don’t even get me started, girl.” Lilah grabbed a wad of paper towels and attempted to dry her dripping spiral curls.

“Well, look at it this way; you look perfect for a wet t-shirt contest. The red bra is a nice touch. You’d totally win.”

Lilah looked down at her shirt and squealed in embarrassment, frantically trying to dry her shirt with another handful of paper towels.

“Yeah, that’s not helping. You might want to grab one of the fundraiser shirts in the cabinet over there and hang yours up to dry.” Chelsea was giggling now as she twisted and turned in her office chair, enjoying picking on her friend.

“Good idea. Let me tell you how my day has gone so far. First my car wouldn’t start, so I had to ask my dad to give me a ride to town to pick up the banners we had printed and of course the rain has been such a nightmare that it washed the bridge out. By the time we got turned around, it took forever to find a way around on the back roads to get here.” Lilah huffed, shoving her hair out of her face as she walked towards the cabinet that held the extra shirts. Once she grabbed one and turned around to Chelsea, she sighed, “I mean, can anything else go wrong today? I haven’t even had coffee yet. Please tell me you have coffee made.”

At that moment, Chelsea’s face fell and lost its teasing smile. With her ink pen, she pointed in the direction of the entrance door to the office behind Lilah. She spun around, still holding the dry t-shirt wadded in her hand. “Oh hell no,” of course it could get worse. Because there stood Mr. Tall Dark and Brooding himself, holding a huge dripping wet vase of flowers. He was looking at her chest meagerly covered with its white, clingy, see through shirt that left nothing to the imagination. The red bra had been a quick, but bad, choice this morning when she rushed around getting ready. Although the hot look in his eyes right now gave her a little thrill that she would never admit to out loud.

“These are for you,
Lilah,” Jake said in a low, rough voice. Only problem was, he was talking to her chest.

Lilah snapped her fingers and pointed to her face, “Eyes up here, cowboy. Talk to my face, not my boobs.” She heard Chelsea snort with laughter in the background.

At least he had the courtesy to blush as he attempted to hand her the beautiful bouquet of white daisies, yellow carnations and lavender lilies. Instead of taking it from him she held the dry shirt to her chest and walked away from him, heading to the bathroom to change. She was fighting her emotions when she shut the door behind her, trying to compose herself. Lilah didn’t know whether to be happy to see him, mad, or indifferent. Inner turmoil had wreaked havoc on her this past week that she hadn’t heard from him. She didn’t waste any more time dwelling on it. It only took a moment to change her shirt, but when she saw her hair in the mirror she cringed. What a fright! Lilah tried to tame her wild curls but the weather had already done too much damage. Giving up, she decided to stop stalling. When she entered the office, Jake was leaning against her desk next to the flower arrangement. He was as soaked as she was, but somehow it made him look even sexier. His Wrangler jeans were even tighter and his red t-shirt clung to his muscled chest like a second skin and it made her mouth water. It was hard for her to not lick her lips and whimper.

Whatever he was saying was making Chelsea laugh like a school girl. Traitor! Five minutes alone and her best friend was under his spell and looking as if she might swoon. She’d already forgotten how badly Lilah had been hurting all week. Just as she was about to say something about that, her twin walked in carrying
Chinese takeout and a single red rose. He gave it to Chelsea and Lilah was sure they were both blushing like they’d just been caught doing something wrong. Lilah was still standing there dumbfounded when Dom leaned over and gave Chelsea a tender kiss.
On the mouth. What the hell?
He gave her the rose and then came to Lilah and hugged her. Finally, she found her voice again.

“Twinnie, what’s going on?”

“I have a half day today so I brought my favorite girls some lunch.” He looked over at Jake and crossed his arms over his chest. “What I want to know, is what in the hell is he doing here?”

Jake tensed up and glared at Dom. “I’m here to talk to your sister. You got a problem with that?”

Dom stalked towards him, his fists now clenched at his sides. “Yeah, as a matter of fact I do have a problem with that. I have a real big problem with you, bruh.”

Lilah was so shocked it was as if her feet were glued to the floor and it appeared Chelsea was in the same state with her mouth hanging open.

“That’s too damn bad. Lilah’s a grown woman and doesn’t need your permission to talk to me.”

“Oh she’s grown alright, but when she comes home a wreck and I can tell she’s been crying after you’re the last person I saw her with, I got a say-so on you being around. I’d advise you to get yourself the hell up outta here before I…”

“Dom, no! Stop it you two.” Lilah got her feet to cooperate and she put herself between them, pushing at her brother’s chest, not that it did any good. He was in full on protection mode and his eyes were dead set on Jake’s face like he was ready to mash it like a banana.

“Twinnie, please, go eat lunch with Chels. I got this. Please don’t make things worse and fight over me.”

Chelsea found her voice finally and she hopped up and came to Dom, taking him by the hand. “Come on, Dom. Let’s go to the conference room to eat. It’s quiet in there. Leave them alone to work things out.”

Chapter 13

The conference room was cool and quiet like Chelsea said, it would be. They were completely alone for the first time since Dom had spent the night with her. He wanted to kiss her again but when he had walked in the office, the cowboy had been there making her smile that sweet smile that should have been for him—not cowboy. He may be selfish and not thinking rationally but that was because his temper was flared and he was aching for a fight.

“Thank you for bringing me a rose and
lunch. That was really sweet of you.”

“Are you sure I wasn’t interrupting your fun with cowboy in there? You looked like you were enjoying yourself when I walked in.”

Chelsea flinched as if he’d struck her. “He’s here for your sister, not me,” she defended.

“But didn’t you want him to be here for you? You’ve always been crazy about him just like Lilah. I’ve never been able to figure out what you two saw in him.”

“He’s only a
, Dom. Lilah’s the one falling for him, not me. I only care about you.” Her eyes were glistening with tears and it made him feel like a complete jerk.

“Look, Chels…”

“No, you listen to me, Dominic Cane,” she stood straighter and pushed her shoulders back. With her fire-engine red fingernail, she poked his chest with each word she spoke. “Just because you’re in a mood over your sister’s boyfriend or whatever he is, and just because you walked in while I was laughing with him—about his little girls latest antics by the way, doesn’t give you the right to talk down to me. I don’t care who you are or how strongly I feel about you, no man is gonna talk to me like that!”

The anger that had been boiling inside of him left in little pieces with each poke she jammed into his chest. By the last one he was grinning at her.

“What the heck are you smiling for? Damn it, I’m serious, Dom. I love you, but you’re not gonna be mad at me for no good reason.”

His eyes widened and his brow arched up as he looked at her, grabbing her soft hand in his, he leaned towards her and kissed her knuckles.

“Oh crap. I mean…I shouldn’t have said that.”

She was blushing now and he wanted to kiss her even more. “Shouldn’t have said what?” he kissed the top of her hand, then turned it over and kissed her palm, slowly moving up to her wrist where he kissed her again.

“Stop it, Dom. I’m mad at you.”

Chelsea might be mad and have every right to be
, but he wasn’t going to stop kissing her—yet. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her against him. When she gasped, he smiled even bigger. “You know you’re exactly the kind of woman I need, Chels. You’ve never been afraid to put me in my place when I’m wrong.” This time when he kissed her it was on the bend of her arm and he rubbed his cheek against her skin until he reached her neck. Burying his face there he breathed in her soft strawberry scent.

am?” she sounded shocked and for that he felt ashamed. He’d done a lousy job of showing her how much he valued her and the friendship they’d had since they were kids.

“Yes, you are. I plan on refraining from being such a fool and starting to show you how much I value you.”

She was trembling in his arms so he pulled her tighter until they were flush against each other.

“Oh, well.
I don’t know what to say,” she replied as she wound her arms around his neck.

“You’re not the one that needs to say anything. You’ve always been open and showed me how much you care about me. I didn’t return
that. Honestly, I was too scared to. I was young, dumb, and selfish. I want to be the kind of man you deserve, Chels. That is, if you’ll let me.”

“Dom, I…”

“No, please wait, let me finish.”

She nodded and rested her head on his chest. He kissed the top of her head, stroking his hands down her back to grip her waist and lift her onto the table. “I want you to see the sincerity in my eyes,” he stood between her thighs and ran his fingers through her hair. His heart was thudding in his chest when her big green eyes focused on his. She was silent as she stroked the stubble on his cheek.

“You know, I think it was when I was fifteen that I knew. My life had been in such turmoil and it was starting to look up. The Canes became our foster parents after years of us bouncing from one awful foster home to another. Dakota was a larger presence in our lives again. And you, Chels, you were a rock for both Lilah and I. No matter what happened or how much trouble we got in, you were always our friend and showed us love when we felt like we had no one but each other. But that day when we had the cookout and were meeting our new family, there you were again, still giving us that constant support. You never failed us. You never let us down. Now I can see how I have let you down though. I see that, and I am so sorry, Chels. I’m going to make it up to you and spend the rest of my life loving you the way you deserve. I’m going to be your rock, the one you always know you can depend on.”

Tears wet both of their cheeks but he didn’t stop. Now that he was opening his heart to her he couldn’t stop. He took a moment to
wipe the tears from her cheeks before he continued.

“I think back to that day when Jade ridiculed you and made you cry because she saw how happy I was around you. Even she saw back then how I loved you. And when I’ve watched you around Jake lately, seeing you smiling and laughing with him or when you and Lilah have talked about how
attracted to him you both were,” Dom took a deep breath and let it out, shaking his head side to side. “Jealousy hit me so hard. I couldn’t stand him catching your eye. I think I always thought no matter what, you would hang around waiting for me to sow my wild oats and be ready to settle down.”

He saw her pull back from him as shock registered on her face. “I know, I know, Chels. That was so wrong of me. God, I was so stupid. Once I saw how I could lose you, I bout lost my damn mind.” Dom paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts as he took her hands in his and cleared his throat. “I guess what I’m trying to say is, I want you to be my girl, Chels. I don’t want to date other people. I’ve only got eyes for you. I love you. I have since I was fifteen years old. It took me almost seven years to have the nerve to say it, but I mean it with all my heart.”

BOOK: Granting Wishes
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