Read Granting Wishes Online

Authors: Deanna Felthauser

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction, #Multicultural & Interracial

Granting Wishes (9 page)

BOOK: Granting Wishes
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Chapter 16

Alana was mad as hell about how she was treated her first day back in that country bumpkin of a diner her parents loved so much. She’d rather have gone to the country club, but even though she was a daddy’s girl she didn’t always get her way. Thank God they were having dinner at the country club tonight. Alana was a very social person and the last few days being stuck in the house with only her parents to talk to was enough to drive anyone crazy. Since her father had poker night and her mother would be playing bridge, she was free to do whatever she wished without them breathing down her neck. Of course, she was dressing to the nine’s and heading to the Rolling Stone as soon as dinner was over.

Normally she would go to a fancy club where the men wore Italian suites and drank expensive scotch
, but there wasn’t much variety when it came to Sugar Creek. There were bars around the college, but she wasn’t in the mood for hip hop or techno music with a bunch of boys with hairless chests and tribal tattoos. Those kind of guys thought they were somebody because they attended a community college and spent their weekends chugging from keg stands and laying with whatever girl spread their legs for them. No, she had much more class than that. Well on her way to being a lawyer like her father, Alana expected any man she was with to have a good family background, money in the bank, and social status. Someone that looked as good on the outside as on the inside, like Jake. His family history was rich with this town. It was filled with charity work, military vets, and he came with over a thousand acres of ranch and farmland. It was icing on the cake that he happened to be gorgeous too.

Within a year she would be taking the bar exam and moving back here to take over her
father’s firm. Things would look better for her if she smoothed things over with Jake and took on a motherly role instead of giving people something else to talk about when it came to her personal life and youthful indiscretions. One day she would be running for political office and her mentor pointed out how bad it would look for her to be a failure at motherhood that never even saw her daughter’s face. That wouldn’t do. She needed to win Jake back and have that appearance of having a charitable family background to make her look more appealing. And it’s not like it would be hard being married to Jake. Their sex life had been great. That’s how she’d come up pregnant after all. He’d loved her like crazy back then, had begged her not to leave. It should be easy to draw him back in if she played nice with the kid and made it look good like she really wanted to be a mom. It would probably look even better if she popped out another one of his kids. She could sacrifice nine months of her time if it meant getting him back. She sure wouldn’t mind the act of getting pregnant. In the last four years she hadn’t found another that was as good a lover as Jake was. They had been perfectly matched in that area.

Alana took her time getting ready. She wanted to look perfect. Jake use to frequent the Rolling Stone back in the day, another reason she chose that to be the place she went for drinks tonight. Hopefully they would run into each other. Otherwise, tomorrow she was going to drive out to Kringle Farms and talk to her ex. Maybe even see
the kid.

Leaving her long, auburn dyed hair hanging straight and smooth down her back, she fastened a diamond clip on one side. It accentuated the slender slope of her neck. She like
d the way her cleavage looked with her favorite diamond necklace hanging in a teardrop right above the swells of her breasts. Her dress was a spaghetti strapped black A-line that reached well above her knees. There was a silver chain that wrapped her waist, showing off her slender figure. Her black Swarovski crystal encrusted point-toe Manolo Blahnik’s were her favorite dressy pump because the five inch heel was so high it made her calves pop out. Her legs were one of her best features. One day soon, maybe even tonight, she planned to have them wrapped around Jake’s waist again. She smiled as she lined her exotic eyes with kohl black liner, blending it out so it made her eyes look even smokier. Finishing off her look with a bronzing blush and a matte red lipstick, Alana was ready to go. A quick spritzing of her floral perfume and she was grabbing her clutch purse and heading out the door to put the top up on her convertible. It was too damn hot outside in the miserable Georgia heat and the last thing she wanted was to sweat off her makeup, or arrive with her sleek hair in a tangled mess. Time to meet her parents for a quick dinner, then she’d be off on the hunt for her man.


It had been an extremely long week, so Lilah let Chelsea and Dom talk her into joining Angel, Dakota and Keegan at the Rolling Stone for dollar longnecks and shots. They were right, she needed a drink—or five, and to kick her Twinnie’s butt in darts. Somehow, Josie got invited but Lilah was sure after a few drinks she could tolerate her newest chatty employee. Josie meant well, bless her heart, she just didn’t know when to shut up at times.

Chelsea took her shopping for a new dress at lunch, trying to cheer her up and get her in the mood to have fun. It helped a little, getting out and having lunch with her best friend. Lilah found a white summer dress that had large bright pink and orange flowers on it. She found the perfect white, strappy, peep-toe pumps to go with it. Now that their work day was over, it was time to get
ready. Lilah looked over at the vase of flowers she had received while she’d been gone for lunch. Jake had sent them with a card that made her eyes water because it had touched her heart even though she was doing her best to close it off to him. She shook her head and flipped on the radio to a great R&B station to listen to while they got ready. Since they had to work late, the girls had already planned on getting ready at the office after hours and letting the guys pick them up. Apparently they had decided to rent a driver tonight, so it looked like a good night to let her hair down and let the worries roll off her shoulders.

By the time Lilah was dressed and ready to go with a touch of lip gloss and mascara, her mood was lighter and the atmosphere was full of laughter and teasing. Not one for much jewelry, Lilah slipped on her bangle bracelets that were sitting on her desk when she gazed at her flowers again. As a last moment decision, she snipped an orange daisy off its stem and tucked it above her ear. She reasoned with herself that it matched her dress and made her hair look prettier since she’d left it down in its long spiral curls. In no way would she admit it was because in her heart, she really wished Jake was with her tonight. “No, no more thoughts of Jake.”

“What was that, honey?” Josie replied.

“Oh, nothing,
” Lilah smiled and was ever so grateful when the guys came in looking as handsome as ever.

Keegan rolled up to her and patted his lap, grinning mischievously. “You’re chariot awaits,

Lilah leaned close and kissed his cheek, affectionately calling him by the nickname Angel had started for him when he was behaving so courtly
. “Thank you, King. I am so honored!” Sitting delicately on his lap, she slipped her arm around his neck and held on for the ride.

Little did she know, he had a reason for convincing everyone to go out tonight. He just hoped it didn’t backfire.


Jake was still irritated his brother had talked him into meeting him for drinks up at the Rolling Stone. His mood was sour. He missed the hell out of Lilah. No matter how many calls or texts he’d sent, she had ignored him. He hadn’t stopped though. Today he sent her a bouquet of big orange flowers, lilies
, and daisies with a card that said it simply, “I love you.” If anything, he was persistent and stubborn. He wasn’t ready to call it quits and let her go.

As he drove to town he realized Keegan was right, Jake did need a night out. Driving
past the Cane place was the hardest part. He wanted to pull in and demand that Lilah come out and talk to him. Only thing that stopped him was fear of rejection. A man could only take so much, and as much as he liked to think he was superman, he was only human.

When he pulled into the gravel parking lot, Jake grabbed his black Stetson hat and looked in his rear-view mirror while he did his best to tuck his too-long hair behind his ears. The ends had a curl to it now that it had gotten so long. Tired eyes stared back at him. These last few weeks had really worn him down. Time to forget about all his troubles
. Even if it was only for a few hours.

The parking lot was full, as per usual for a Friday night. He didn’t think to wonder how his brother got there. His mind was too clogged with other things to have caught on to the fact there was something up. But as soon as he stepped foot into the dimly lit, smoky bar he knew why. There sat his brother, grinning up at none other than Delilah Cane as she shook her hips to the beat of the music. When she drew back her arm and let the red winged dart fly, he couldn’t help but feel pride when the point hit home just above the
bull’s eye.
Could she get any more perfect?
He wished more than anything he could walk up behind her and wrap her up in his arms while he kissed the smooth slope of her throat. Jake swallowed hard before throwing caution to the wind and walking towards the woman that he couldn’t stop thinking about.

But just as he luck would fly, Alana McAllister stepped in front of him and threw herself against him with such force, he had no choice but to catch hold of her to steady them both or else they’d have ended up in a heap on the floor.

Chapter 17

The Rolling Stone played a variety
of music ranging from classic rock and country to top-forty pop music. It depended on who was stuffing their quarters in the jukebox on a Friday night since Saturdays were the only time there was a live band. At the moment, Creedence Clearwater Revival was playing
Midnight Special.
It was perfect to start a game of darts with her competitive brothers. Lilah shook her hips back and forth, singing along. First dart she threw came as close to the bull’s eye without hitting it as you could possibly get.

“Oh, Twinnie! You are in so much trouble tonight,” she laughed as Dom winced, shaking his head.

“Lucky throw. Let’s see how you do after a shot or two of tequila.”

Dom handed her a shot, tapping his glass to hers, “Bottoms up, Twinnie,” he teased.

Lilah had never been one to back down from a challenge, especially not when both of her brothers were smirking at her with shots in their hands. She grinned and tapped her glass to Dakota’s too. “I’m gonna beat you next, brother dear.”

He laughed again and pointed at Dom, “I thought I was playing the winner?” The brothers high-fived and chest bumped. All it did was elicit groans from the ladies amidst their eye-rolling as they talked smack back to the guys playfully.

Once Lilah tossed back her shot she threw her second and third darts. Both were bull’s eyes. The brothers looked at each other and shrugged, waving the waitress over and ordering another round of shots. It was apparent their plan was to get her drunk enough she couldn’t hit the dart board. Lilah laughed as she sat next to her sister-in-law, Angel. “I think they are planning on getting me wasted so they can win for once.”

d your answer to that would be?” Angel questioned her with a perfectly arched eyebrow.

“I’ve got two words for ya sis. Challenge accepted.”

The playful demeanor and dispensing of longneck bottles of beer and occasional round of shots continued throughout two games, of which Lilah won both. Keegan was next in line for her to beat. Too bad she was a bit past tipsy at this point. She was aiming her first shot when she noticed her family and friends weren’t partaking in their usual cheering and bantering. They were actually quiet and all looking towards the door. Turning a questioning glance towards them she was about to ask what was wrong when Josie spoke in her southern twang.

“Well shit-fire and save the turnips, if it isn
’t Ms. Hoochie Mama herself walkin’ in here lookin’ like she’s on the prowl. I betcha she’s lookin’ to sink her claws into some poor, unsuspectin’ fellow that can’t see past her mile long legs.”

Lilah turned to see for the first time the woman that invaded Jake’s dreams. She was disappointed to see how beautiful she was. It was no wonder most of the men and some of the women were looking at Alana McAllister like she was a cool glass of water on a hot day in hell. Instead of making a big deal out of it, Lilah turned and resumed her game of darts with Keegan. It didn’t take long before everyone was back to their usual selves, or at least attempting to be. For that, Lilah was grateful, because her insides were in turmoil and she really wanted to rip every perfect, auburn strand of hair out of Alana’s head.

The last thing she needed was another drink, so when one was shoved her way, she turned it down and ordered a club soda on ice. Her stomach was in knots and she no longer felt carefree like she did earlier but she didn’t want anyone else to notice. She maintained her usual hip swinging shimmy as she tossed a dart at the board, picturing Alana’s perfect face in the center. Boom! Nailed it. Best bull’s eye of the night for sure.

Why of all places did Alana have to show up here tonight?

“Oh, holy hotcakes with syrup! Don't look now, Lilah, but your boyfriend just walked in lookin’ like sex on cake. My, my, my, how could you ever stay mad at him?” Josie fanned herself with both hands, “I do declare I’d not be able to keep my hands off him if I were you.”

Josie now would be a good time for you to refrain from speaking, seriously,” Chelsea said under her breath.

Lilah spun around and felt warmth spread over her like sunshine when their eyes met. He was in his tight blue jeans and a starched black shirt with his cowboy hat. She wanted to crawl up him like a spider monkey and wrap her legs around his waist while she kissed him like crazy. It was either that or throw up since her stomach had quickly began to rebel.

Too bad that bitch had to ruin the moment by damn near tackling him in front of God and everybody. Lilah wanted to scratch her eyes out while she peeled the skank off her man.

Her man.

She was about to get territorial and start a bar fight when Chelsea grabbed her arm. “Lilah, come to the restroom with me.”

Lilah didn’t respond but she followed her best friend as she pulled her through the crowd. As soon as they were in the ladies room, Lilah ran to a stall and threw up everything that was in her stomach. Heaving and heaving until there was nothing left but heartache and emptiness.


Jake shoved Alana away with a look of distaste, “What the hell are you doing, Alana?”

“I’m so glad to see you, Jake. I was hoping you still liked to hang out here. You’re the only reason I came out tonight,” she purred to him.

Years ago he would have fell for it. She was even more beautiful than he remembered, but her insides were what made her ugly. “Well you’re not the reason I came out tonight. Now, if you’ll excuse me…” he started to walk away, heading towards the dart boards where Lilah and his brother were.

“Jake, wait,” Alana grabbed his arm and slid her body against his.

A sick feeling came over him when he spotted Lilah and Chelsea taking off in the direction of the restrooms. God this was the worst possible scenario. “Leave me alone, Alana. You have nothing to say that I want to hear.”

“But I do, Jake. You and I have a lot to talk about. I’ve changed my mind, and I want to be in Roxy’s life. I’m ready to be her mother.”

It felt like he’d been hit by a train. After all this time, now she decided to step up and be a parent. “It’s too late for that. You signed over your rights years ago. She’s not your daughter. She never was. She’s mine.”

“You forget, my daddy is a powerful lawyer, Jake. I want to do this amicably, but if you won’t even work with me on it, we can do it the hard way.” Her eyes glittered with anger.

He snorted and moved past her, calling out over his shoulder, “Fuck. You.”

Monday he would call his lawyer and let him know what was going on. Right now he needed to find Lilah. He couldn’t stand the thought of her thinking he had come here to meet Alana. That was the last thing he wanted. Then he was going to go punch his brother for trying to play cupid. Unless it worked. Then he might have to kiss his ass for taking the chance.


“Oh my God, Lilah are you okay?” Chelsea wrapped a wad of paper towels in her hand and wet them before she slipped into the stall with her friend. She helped her stand and gently dabbed her face.

“He came here to see her, Chels. The woman he’s loved his whole life is back and I’ve lost him forever.” Lilah cried.

“You don’t know that, Lilah. It may not be what it looked like. Jake looked surprised as hell when that hoochie jumped him. I bet he was as shocked as we all were.”

“Why do you always take up for him?” Lilah cried, burying her face in the damp paper towels.

“I’m on your side, honey. I promise I am. I’m only saying give him a chance to explain. Jake is a good man, you’ve even told me that a gazillion times. Give him the benefit of the doubt.”

She sniffled and nodded her head, “You’re right. H
e is. But what if,” Lilah trailed off.

“Talk to him first. Stop ignoring him and see if you two can work things out. You know you love him, Lilah.” Chelsea dried her
friend’s cheeks and kissed her forehead. “Let’s get you fixed up now.”

Lilah pushed the door open and walked to the sink, splashing her face with cold water and rinsing her mouth. When she looked into the mirror she wanted to cry even harder. She looked like a disaster with her mascara running under her eyes and her mouth tasted like soured alcohol. God, she wanted to puke again. What the hell was wrong with her? She hadn’t
drunk that much had she?

Chelsea was a lifesaver when she handed her a stick of mint gum and handed her purse to her. No way could she go back out there looking like this. Not when that skank looked like she’d stepped off a runway. Lilah wiped under her eyes and opened her compact to powder her face and try to bring it back to life.

“Here, use this,” Chelsea handed her a tube of mascara and a peachy lip gloss.

“Thank you,” Lilah hugged her friend and went to work repairing the damage puking her guts up had caused.

“Ugh, now my tummy doesn’t feel good either.”

“Probably because you were listening to me puking,” Lilah laughed a little. “You do look a little green, Chels.”

“No more drinking with your brothers. They can drink a lot more than we can yet we still try to keep up.” Chelsea rubbed her stomach and groaned.

“By ‘my brothers’ you really mean my br
other Dakota—and your
, Dom right?” Lilah exaggerated her twin’s name, snorted, and gave her friend a playful wink.

Chelsea’s skin flushed, “Tonight isn’t about me and Dom, it’s about you and Jake. You haven’t exactly been chatty about what happened between you and him by the way.”

“But I’m tired of waiting for you to spill the beans about Twinnie! Give me something. My relationship is a wreck right now. Let me live vicariously through your love-sick googly eyes you’ve been giving Dom all night.” Lilah hesitated then gasped, grabbing Chelsea’s arm while she remained silent and blushing. “You two had
didn’t you? That’s why your being so closed-mouth about it!”

“Good gravy, would you keep your voice down?” she said under her breath as two other girls weaved into the bathroom talking in slurs.

“Oh good grief, that is so gross. I can’t believe you got naked with my
, Chelsea.”

Chelsea squealed and put her hand over Lilah’s mouth, practically dragging her out the door.

When they walked out of the restroom, Lilah made a muffled gasping sound behind Chelsea’s hand. There stood Jake, leaning against the wall with his forearms crossed over his chest and his booted foot resting flat against the wall with his knee bent. His jaw clenched and he pushed off of the wall with his foot and blocked Lilah’s path. He towered over her so that she had to look up to see his face. He took her breath away. His eyes were as blue as the ocean and when she looked into them she felt like she was drowning. His scent wrapped around her and comforted her in a way she couldn’t even explain. The pull she felt with him was like nothing she’d ever known. All she wanted to do was step closer and lay her head on his chest and let him wrap his arms around her. She wanted that so bad it almost brought her to tears again.

“Lilah, we need to talk.”

Chelsea touched her arm and gave her an encouraging smile before she walked towards their table where everyone else was.

Can we go somewhere else, if you don’t mind? I don’t want to talk here, Jake.”

“Me either. My place or yours?”

“Definitely yours. It’s late, and I don’t want to have an in depth conversation at my parents’ house.”

“The cabin is close and private,” he curled his arm around her waist and guided her towards her group. “Lilah’s leaving with me. I’ll get her home safe and sound,” he directed to her brothers.

“I don’t know how I feel bout that, Jake. Every single time I hear she’s been round you, she’s ended up hurt and upset. You don’t have much of a track record, bruh,” Dom said as he stood by his twin.

Dom, not now. I’ll see y’all tomorrow.”

Dakota clapped Jake on the shoulder, gripping it tight
enough to send a message. “Take care of her, bruh.” It wasn’t said with any anger or gruffness but his tone was clear. Lilah was their sister, and he’d best take care of her.

This time on the way to the cabin, Jake stopped at the all
night grocery store and they wandered the isles picking up a few things. Lilah mentioned she was hungry, so Jake was determined to make her comfortable. Breakfast sounded good to her, but she couldn’t decide whether she wanted pancakes, or eggs and bacon, so he got some of everything along with ginger ale and soda crackers because she told him her stomach had been upset.

The drive to the cabin was quiet. Lilah sat by his side and he kept his arm tucked around her shoulders, gently squeezing her now and then. Halfway there she rested her head on his shoulder and dozed off. She woke up being carried inside. A familiar warmth spread through her as she nuzzled her face against his neck and draped her arms around his neck. He laid her in his big comfy chair and tucked a throw around her. “I’ll be right back. I’m going to get the groceries out of the truck and make us something to eat. You rest for
a while okay?” She nodded her head and snuggled into the blanket and yawned. It felt good letting him take care of her.

A bit later, he brought he
r a glass of ginger ale and a few soda crackers. After sipping the drink and nibbling on the crackers she felt more at ease. Her stomach was no longer flip-flopping all over the place. It wasn’t long and she was out like a light, waking a short while later when he touched her cheek.

BOOK: Granting Wishes
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