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Authors: Marisa Chenery

Her Ancient Hybrid (2 page)

BOOK: Her Ancient Hybrid
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This time she didn’t wait to see if he’d comply. Waverly took hold of his arm, positioned him and pushed on his shoulder until he lowered himself enough to climb onto the seat. Once he did, she ducked in and secured him to it with a wide black strap that came to rest across his hips and up his chest to his shoulder.

Brolach wasn’t at all sure he liked being restrained like that. He decided to let it go for now as Waverly closed him in, then walked around the car and got inside next to him. When she also strapped herself to her seat, he realized she hadn’t tried to keep him trapped. He guessed it was part of what someone did while in a car.

He turned his gaze directly in front of him, then just about jumped out of his skin when a loud rumble seemed to come from all around him. His fangs lengthened and he growled as he frantically looked around for the threat.

“Relax,” Waverly said. “I just started the engine. And you can put those fangs and glowing eyes of yours away. You’re acting as if you’ve never been in a car before.”

“Because I haven’t.”

“Okay. Where have you been? Living in a hole somewhere?”

“No, in the ground for the last couple thousand years.”

Waverly appeared not to know what to say to that. She shook her head. “You can explain that after we get you cleaned up and fed.”

She pulled on a stick that was between them before she held on to the wheel in front of her and then the car moved. Brolach watched the scenery go by at a very fast rate and was very much grateful he was immortal.




Waverly kept glancing at Brolach out of the corner of her eye as she drove toward town. She had no fricking clue what he was, and for some reason, all it’d taken was for him to look her in the eyes and tell her not to be afraid of him and she wasn’t. She’d been on the verge of completely losing it, and now she felt comfortable around him enough to take him home so she could feed him and get him cleaned up. It made no sense.

She glanced at him again. Waverly had to admit that under all that dirt there was the makings of a very handsome face. One she found herself attracted to. Even his deep voice did delicious things to her body. As for his jade-green eyes that glowed at times and fangs that grew in size, she was okay with them. Again, it had to be a byproduct of him telling her not to be scared. His clothes weren’t exactly what the normal guy would wear either. The shirt and pants looked to be made out of buckskin, and on his feet he wore moccasins. He was dressed in native garb, but she didn’t think he was one. It was hard to tell under all the mud. His hair, which was long and covered the tops of his shoulders, was also covered in it.

Once they arrived at her small two-bedroom bungalow, Waverly parked the car in the carport. Since Brolach hadn’t known how to get into it, she unbuckled his seatbelt, got out of her side, then went around to help him open his door. As he stood in front of her, she couldn’t help feeling short compared to his almost six and half feet.

She motioned for him to follow her as she walked out of the carport and to the front door. After she unlocked it, she stepped inside. Once Brolach came in behind her, she shut it. He stood in the middle of her entranceway, looking around.

“I guess we should get you cleaned up first before you eat,” she said.

“I’d prefer that.”

Waverly headed down the hallway that led to the bathroom. On the way, she stopped at the linen closet and took out a towel. Once inside, she pushed open the glass shower door. Considering how muddy Brolach was, it didn’t take a genius to figure out she’d be washing the bathtub once he was done showering. She placed the towel on the counter.

“You should have everything you need,” she said. “There’s shampoo, conditioner and a bar soap already inside the tub. I’m going to have to see what I can come up with for you to wear since you can’t put your clothes back on until they’re cleaned.”

She went to leave, but he stopped her by standing in front of the doorway. “Wait. I need you to stay.”

Waverly shook her head. “I’d rather not.”

“I need your help.”

She swallowed as she pictured the number of ways he’d need “help” in the shower. All of them had to do with him naked. She gave herself a mental kick to get her mind out of the gutter.

“I don’t know if that’d be a good idea,” she said.

Brolach took a stepped closer so he was toe-to-toe with her. “I don’t understand your world. You have to teach me how to live in it.”

She looked him in the eyes. “You’ve never had a shower before, have you?”


He watched her intently as she thought over what he’d said. If she told him no again, she had a feeling she’d suddenly have a change of heart without knowing it. Somehow he’d turn things his way as he had at the grasslands. She didn’t want that to happen again. Plus, there was a tiny voice inside her mind that reminded her that she more than wanted the chance to see him without any clothes on.

Waverly slowly nodded. “All right, I’ll stay, but I’m not getting into the shower with you.”

She turned back to the bathtub and turned on the hot water faucet. Once it ran hot, she cranked on the cold until she had the temperature just right. After she had the water spraying through the showerhead, she turned to find Brolach directly behind her.

“You can get undressed now,” she said.

As he reached for the bottom of his shirt, Waverly faced the shower once more and busied herself by closing the door near the faucet and then sliding open the one on the opposite end of the tub.

“You get in here,” she said without turning to look at Brolach.

She sucked in a sharp breath as he came around her and did as she’d said. Waverly couldn’t stop herself from looking. The man had a gorgeous body. There wasn’t an inch of fat on him. He was all muscle right down to his taut backside.

“Try to rinse out as much of the mud as you can before you wash your hair.”

Brolach did as instructed. He turned and put his head under the spray of water. Waverly just about swallowed her tongue. His front was better than the back. His hairless chest was well-defined and well-padded with muscle. His six-pack abs contracted as he lifted his arms and pushed his hair away from his face as he wet it.

She dropped her gaze even lower and licked her lips. Brolach’s cock was semi-hard. Even in that state it was thick and long. It twitched, bringing her back to the task at hand. Waverly jerked her eyes up and found him watching her with a slumberous look.

Nice. She’d just gotten caught staring at his dick. She focused on his hair to see how much mud remained. Even though it was wet, it was way lighter now that it was mostly free of dirt. He was blond, which meant he definitely wasn’t a native. He had a tanned skin tone, but not the color she associated with the local Lakota.

Waverly studied his face. She’d been right. The mud had hidden a face that any woman would swoon over. The longer she stared at Brolach the more attracted she was to him. A throbbing ache built deep inside her pussy as her body stood up and took notice of the naked heart-stopping hunk in front of her.

Their gazes met and held. In an instant, the sexual tension between them flared to life. Waverly ached to have him fill her, pumping in and out until they both reached ecstasy. Her breathing sped up and became shallow. Her nipples grew taut under her t-shirt. She wanted him. There was no question about that.

The longer she stared the more turned-on Waverly became. Lost in the moment, she did nothing to stop Brolach when he leaned out of the tub, hooked his arm around her waist and brought her into the shower with him. Her hands came up to rest flat against his chest, and for the life of her, she couldn’t get her brain to function beyond noticing that he still held her close.

“What next? I’ve rinsed my hair.” Brolach spoke in a deep, husky voice.

It took Waverly a few seconds to understand what he’d asked. She cleared her throat before she replied. “You have to use the shampoo to wash it.”

She reached for the bottle that sat in the corner of the tub, squeezed some onto her palm, then motioned for him to bend his head toward her. Once he did, she worked the shampoo through the strands. He closed his eyes and made a low growling sound of pleasure, which had her pussy clenching with need.

Waverly silently washed Brolach’s hair twice before putting conditioner in it. All that remained to be cleaned was his body. Her mouth practically watered at the prospect of running her hands all over him.

She grabbed the bar of soap, stuck it under the spray of water, then ran it between her hands to build up lather. Waverly started at Brolach’s shoulders before she worked her way down to his chest. She continued her downward journey, but he caught her wrist and stopped her before she reached his cock.

Waverly forgot to breathe as Brolach slowly lowered his head toward her. His mouth settled on hers, and she let out a quiet sigh. He used his lips to gently explore hers, then took them in a heated kiss.

He pushed his tongue inside and twined it with hers, tasting her. She dropped the bar of soap to the bottom of the bathtub and lifted her arms to put around his neck. She clung to him as arousal pulsed through her. She couldn’t hold back her moans.

Brolach pulled away from her mouth and licked and kissed his way along her jaw line to the side of her neck. She felt the drag of his fangs there. A shudder of pleasure whipped through her. Waverly turned her head to the side to give him better access. The sharp points of his teeth touched her skin once more.

She gasped as he bit her. There was a short, sharp pain, which was followed by intense desire. As he sucked, with each pull of his mouth, she felt a corresponding sensation deep inside her pussy. A climax quickly built, then tore through her. Waves of pleasure rolled over her, one after another, until her legs gave out on her. Only his strong arms holding her kept her upright. As he continued to feed, her eyes grew heavy and she lost the fight to keep them open.

Chapter Two


Brolach retracted his fangs and licked his bite mark to seal and heal it as Waverly went limp in his arms. He probably should have waited until they were out of the shower before he fed from her, but he hadn’t been able to resist. The sound of her heart beating loudly in his ears, and his need for blood, had made him weak.

Now that he’d found Waverly, his mate, he’d only be able to feed from her once he claimed her. Vampires mated for life just as werewolves did. Being only able to tolerate their mate’s blood ensured that bond stayed strong. As a hybrid, each part of him would claim her, tying him doubly to her.

He kept Waverly securely against him as he reached back and turned the water off. He’d watched her start it and remembered how she’d worked the metal attachments set into the wall. Brolach pushed open the door and carried her out of the tub. He reached for the towel and used it to dry as much of her as he could before using it on himself while he continued to hold his mate.

Brolach looked down at Waverly. He’d probably taken a little more blood than he should have, which explained why she slept. Even now he felt it coursing through him, making him stronger. He could revive her by giving her some of his, but that would put them on the road to being mated. For a vampire, it took two exchanges to have the bond forming. And her being human, it’d also turn her. He wasn’t ready for that yet. Unlike him, she’d have all the weakness associated with a vampire.

He carried her out of the bathing room and headed down a long stretch of hall in search of a bed. He wanted her to be comfortable while her body worked to replace what he’d taken. Once she awakened, they’d both need to eat some food.

It didn’t take him long to find the room with a bed big enough for the two of them to sleep comfortably. At first, Brolach thought to put Waverly in it still wearing her wet clothing. He quickly changed his mind as he pulled back the covers. The bedding was unlike anything he’d seen before. The thin sheet on the inside was so finely woven he couldn’t see the waft or weft lines that made up the material.

Brolach laid Waverly on the floor that was covered in plush fibers. He took off her shirt with no problem since it easily slipped over her head. Her pants’ fasteners were beyond him, and he ended up using some of his werewolf strength to rip them open so he could pull them down her legs.

What she wore underneath those clothes that covered her breasts and sex, he left on her. They were only a little bit damp, and he had to admit he liked how she looked in them. They drew a man’s eyes while making him wonder what exactly they hid.

He picked her up and put her into the bed. She didn’t awaken. Next time he fed from her, he wouldn’t take so much blood. His hunger was under control for now. Once he ate, the food would help temper it as well.

Brolach looked down at Waverly as she slept. Kissing her had ramped up his werewolf side’s need to claim her as his. All it took was sex, quite a bit of it, to have the mate bond created. It’d snap into place once the female accepted the male as the one for her. He was more than happy to get started on that, but he needed to acquaint himself better with this new world he woke up to first.


* * * *


Waverly came awake and stretched. She wanted nothing more than to roll over and go back to sleep, but something kept her from doing so.
Whack, whack.
She sat up and scowled at the open bedroom door. What the hell was that sound? She heard it again. And if she weren’t mistaken, the water in the bathtub was running as well.

As she grabbed the sheets to flip them off her, Waverly noticed for the first time she was missing some clothes. A quick look showed she was just in her bra and underwear. She had no recollection of taking her jeans and t-shirt off, or of coming to be in her bedroom. It didn’t take her long to find her clothing in a pile on the floor close to the bed.

It all came back to her in a rush. She’d been in the shower with Brolach, helping him wash. They’d kissed, then he’d bit her and that was all she remembered. He’d
her. He’d actually sunk his fangs into her neck and drank her blood.

BOOK: Her Ancient Hybrid
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