Read Her Ancient Hybrid Online

Authors: Marisa Chenery

Her Ancient Hybrid (3 page)

BOOK: Her Ancient Hybrid
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Waverly jumped out of bed and went to pick up her discarded clothes. The t-shirt was wet, same with the jeans. In fact, the pants were no longer wearable since they’d been torn open. Obviously, Brolach had done that. No one else would have ripped them to take them off her.

The same whacking noise reached her ears. Waverly quickly took out a clean pair of jeans and t-shirt and hurriedly pulled them on. She left the bedroom and followed the sound to the bathroom. What met her sight had her coming to a shocked standstill just inside the doorway. It looked as if a mud bomb had gone off.

“What do you think you’re doing?” she asked in dismay.

Brolach knelt at the side of the bathtub with his buckskin shirt in his hand. He’d just given it another whack on the side of the tub and it dripped muddy water onto the floor.

He looked at her and smiled, showing a bit of fang. “You’re awake. I thought to clean my clothes while you slept. I started at the small basin, but it wasn’t big enough so I switched to the tub.”

Waverly looked at the sink to find it smeared with mud as well as the countertop before she turned her gaze back on Brolach. “I can see that.”

“I thought I’d better get them cleaned since I have nothing else to wear.”

She glanced down his body to see he had a towel wrapped around his waist. She had to admit he looked good in it, but he was far too distracting like that. He definitely needed something else to wear or she’d never be able to think straight enough to ask the questions she had milling around inside her mind.

“Stop doing whatever you’re doing,” she said. “I think I have something that might fit you. My brother lived here for a few months when he was in between places and he left a couple t-shirts and a pair of sweatpants behind. They might be a little small for you, but it’s better than nothing.”

Waverly hurried to the spare bedroom and opened one of the drawers in the dresser. She took out a black t-shirt and gray sweatpants her brother, Devin, had left behind when he’d moved out six months before. She’d told him about them repeatedly, but he didn’t seem to care.

She returned to the bathroom to find Brolach had turned off the water in the bathtub and now stood beside it. Since he didn’t hold on to his dirty clothing, she guessed he’d left them in the tub, which was better than on the floor.

“Here put these on,” she said as she held out the sweatpants and t-shirt. “The pants have a drawstring that goes in the front.”

Brolach dropped the towel from around his waist, then reached for the pants. Waverly got a good eyeful before he stepped into them and yanked them up past his hips. As predicted, they were a little on the short side and fit a bit snug. The shirt wasn’t the right size either, but was passable.

Waverly nodded. “Let’s get you something to eat.” She had this almost overwhelming urge to make sure Brolach had food in his stomach. She’d felt the same way about getting him cleaned up.

She turned on her heel and walked out of the bathroom before she headed for the kitchen. Brolach followed her. Waverly quickly set about seasoning the chicken breasts she’d thawed earlier and then put them into the oven to bake. He’d gone to sit at the small table while she worked.

As she set about peeling some potatoes to boil, Waverly set the conversation up to ask her first question as she worked. “I need you to give me some answers.”

“All right.”

“You’re not exactly human, are you?”

“Correct. I’m a hybrid—half vampire and half werewolf. As far as I know, I’m the only one of my kind.”

“Okay. Right about now I should be running from you in terror, but I’m not even close to feeling that. In fact, I have no fear of you whatsoever. You did something to me to cause that, didn’t you?”

Brolach gave her an apologetic look. “Yes. I’m sorry, but there wasn’t anything else I could think of doing. I compelled you not to run from me and to take me to your home. You have my word that I won’t use it on you again unless it’s absolutely necessary.”

“Gee, thanks.” She just loved the idea that he could take away her free will whenever he wanted. Not. What he deemed necessary may not match what she thought would be. “Well, just make sure it’s a life and death situation before you do it again.”

“I’ll do my best.”

“Next question. You said you’d been living in the ground for the last two thousand years. How is that possible? Shouldn’t you be dead?”

“I’m immortal. A true immortal, which means I’ll never die. There’s nothing in this world that will end my life. Not fire, not literally losing my head. Nothing. I could have lasted another two thousand years or more buried there before I decided to awake.”

Again, Waverly remained calm as if it were an everyday occurrence for her to meet a vampire/werewolf immortal hybrid. She found it a little unsettling that she wasn’t freaking out.

She finished with the potatoes and put the pot onto the stove to boil, then turned back to Brolach. “Why did you wake up then?”

He met her gaze. There was no mistaking the longing that lingered in his eyes. “You caused my slumber to end.”


“Yes. Even though I slept, I could sense and hear the world above me. Your presence brought me awake.” He stood and came to stand in front of her. “I’ve waited three thousand years to find you.”

Waverly swallowed, then asked with a squeak, “Three thousand years?” She cleared her throat. “What do you mean you’ve been waiting for me?”

Brolach reached up and ran the backs of his fingers across her cheek in a caress. “My mate. You call to both my vampire and werewolf sides. Only the woman meant to be mine would do that.”

She had a sudden case of butterflies in her stomach and found she needed to sit down before her legs gave out on her. Waverly walked around Brolach and took a seat at the table. He sat in the chair closest to her.

Waverly decided to move past the whole mate idea for now. There was something else on her mind that was more serious. “In the shower, you bit me and drank my blood.”

He nodded. “I didn’t plan it that way. I needed it, and I didn’t have the strength to resist taking some of yours. Feeding and sex go hand in hand.”

She felt her face heat with a blush. She knew that from firsthand experience. He’d made her come as he sucked at her neck. And she couldn’t deny that it’d been a damn good orgasm. Her pussy clenched just at the thought of it.

“Okay, good to know,” she said, her voice huskier than she would have liked. “Next time, and I don’t know if there will be, give a little warning before you sink your teeth into me.”

Brolach gave her a sexy grin. “It
happen again. Once a vampire is mated, he or she can only feed from their mate.”

Waverly hid the shiver of delight that went through her by standing and going over to the stove to check on the potatoes. The water had just come to a boil. She turned down the burner and adjusted the lid on the pot. She wasn’t quite ready to face Brolach again.

Strong arms wrapped around her waist from behind and pulled her against a hard body. He nudged her hair away from the side of her neck with his nose, then kissed her there. A surge of awareness shot through her, and she sighed.

“I may have compelled you to get over your fear of me, but how you react to my touch is all you,” Brolach said against her skin.

Waverly couldn’t deny that. She’d be lying to the both of them if she did. The attraction she had for him wasn’t to be ignored, especially when he held her close like now. His heat surrounded her, and his hard body molded to hers. His cock, which was also hard, nestled against the small of her back. She barely resisted the urge to turn in his arms and rub herself against him like a cat that wanted to be petted and stroked.

She sucked in a sharp breath as Brolach dragged the tips of his fangs down the side of her neck. He nipped her gently and skimmed his hands lower to her stomach. He tugged her tighter against him and rocked into her. That caused a throbbing ache to build inside her pussy, matching her rapid heartbeat. She took her bottom lip between her teeth to stop herself from moaning. It didn’t work. A long, drawn-out one escaped her lips as he lifted one hand and covered her breast. He pinched her taut nipple through her shirt and bra.

Waverly could no longer hold still. She moved in time with his thrusts, pushing back to meet each one. Arousal beat through her, heating her blood. Wetness pooled between her thighs. She spread her legs a little wider as he dropped his hand that had rested against her stomach to her pussy. He stroked her, and the need to have him fill her increased.

Brolach kissed up her neck to her ear. He gave the lobe a gentle tug with his teeth. “The scent of your arousal makes me hungry to take you, but I need food first.”

His words had her snapping out of the daze of sexual need that had descended over her. Waverly took a deep shuddering breath and tamped down her desire. She and Brolach were moving a little too fast. At the rate she was going, she’d be falling for him before she could get her mind wrapped around what he was.

“Yeah, I don’t want to burn the chicken,” she said in a husky voice.

Brolach released her and took a step back. She felt the loss of his closeness, but covered it up by opening the oven door to check on the chicken. She then busied herself with testing to see if the potatoes were done. They were.

Waverly turned to find Brolach still close to her, watching. “The food is almost ready,” she said.

She turned away and went about taking out plates and cutlery to set the table. Once she finished, Waverly took the chicken out of the oven, then drained the potatoes before she dished them up. She took a seat at the table as did Brolach.

They ate in silence, him trying to mimic the way she used her knife and fork. Waverly got up and gave Brolach a second helping once he ate everything on his plate. He finished that one with the same gusto as he had the first.

After they were done eating, and she’d put the plates into the sink to be washed with the pots and pans later, she led him out to the living room and sat on the couch. He followed suit.

“Teach me more of your world,” he said.

Waverly reached for the television’s remote. “This might not be the best way to do it, but I think it’ll be easier to show you.”

She turned on the TV and watched his reaction to it. Brolach’s eyes widened, then he leaned slightly forward as the images played on the screen. He focused solely on it.

“What is this? How did these small people get inside the box?” he asked with awe.

Waverly bit back a smile. “It’s called a television or TV. And those people aren’t actually inside it.”

She went on to explain how a TV worked. She also told him the differences between reality shows and make-believe ones along with movies and the news channels. Like a typical male, it didn’t take him long to ask for the remote and to be shown how to use it. After a while, Brolach became so engrossed in watching it, she might as well have not been there. She wondered if she’d made a mistake by getting the three-thousand-year-old hybrid addicted to television.

As Brolach flipped through the channels, only staying for a few minutes on one before switching to the next, Waverly decided to do the dishes. It wasn’t as if he’d notice she was gone. She hoped the novelty wore off soon. She hated to think what he’d be like once she introduced him to computers and the Internet.

Chapter Three


Brolach found it hard to tear his gaze away from the TV. It was unlike anything he’d seen before. And it showed how much the world had changed while he’d slept. If not for Waverly, he doubted he’d last very long out in it by himself. He no longer had the capabilities to function in it anymore. He was like a child who had to learn everything about the environment he lived in.

In some ways the world wasn’t as wild as it used to be. In others, it was harsher. Battles were no longer fought hand-to-hand. Warriors were armed with weapons that could be used from a great distance and caused more damage along with loss of life. It was disturbing to him.

He had no idea how long he sat there watching until he noticed Waverly was no longer beside him. Brolach stood and went in search of her. She wasn’t in the kitchen, but he saw the washing up had been done so she had been in there. He headed toward the room where her bed was to be found.

She was there. Waverly sat on the mattress, holding a black rectangle-shaped object. She touched her finger to its surface or ran it along it. He walked into the room and climbed up next to her on the other side.

She looked at him. “Did you watch enough TV?”

“For now. I came looking for you when I noticed you weren’t there.”

“You were kind of distracted, so I did the dishes, then came in here to check my emails and read on my tablet for a bit.”

Brolach had no idea what any of those things meant, but he’d ask her about them at another time. He’d gotten so caught up in the TV he’d neglected his mate. He was supposed to be winning her over, getting her used to the idea of him being a part of her life. So far, he hadn’t done much of that.

“Well, I am no longer,” he said as he inched closer.

“I can see that.” Waverly placed what she held on the table next to her side of the bed, then turned back to him.

He shifted in her direction and put his arms around her. Brolach lowered his head and claimed her lips in a kiss. At first, Waverly just accepted his kisses, but it wasn’t too long before she returned them and put her arms around his neck. He growled in approval. This was what he should have been doing instead of watching TV.

Brolach swept the seam of her lips with his tongue, then pushed inside. The taste of her ramped up his desire. He took hold of her waist, lifted her and positioned her so she straddled his lap, facing him. She let out a quiet moan as her pant-clad pussy came down on top his hard cock.

He rocked up into her, his werewolf mating urge demanding he take her. His vampire side wanted to sink his fangs into her as he sheathed his shaft deep inside her. He wanted her, and he’d have her. She seemed more than willing. She ground herself against his erection, mewling her pleasure into his mouth.

BOOK: Her Ancient Hybrid
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