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Authors: S.L. Armstrong

Human Rights (4 page)

BOOK: Human Rights
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"Would you like to tell me what is the matter?" Sir Jiat asked, his voice so gentle as to bring new tears to my eyes.

"F-Forgive me," I all but sobbed.

Sir Jiat smiled. "Forgive you? What for?"

"I shamed myself with the other pets!" I couldn't lie to him. I wouldn't. If there was to be a punishment, I would meet it with the truth on my lips.

"Shamed yourself? How, Ewan? It looked to me as if you enjoyed an active afternoon and a long nap." Sir Jiat began to wash me himself. It was such an honor, and I could barely enjoy it.

I looked down into the soapy water. "My cock," I whispered. "It grew hard." I knew from experience that such a thing happening when I wasn't alone was a terrible sin. All my previous masters would beat me for the offense.

"That happens." Sir Jiat forced our eyes to meet. "It is the natural order of things. You were just waking, you had a beautiful female before you, a lovely male behind. They were not offended. I am not offended. Marc and Shale were just as erect as you. Why would you think it shameful?"

I shifted in the water. "My previous masters would beat me if I hardened where any could see."

"Well, that is their sin, not yours." Sir Jiat began washing my hair, and the chill of the rain and my fear began to fade. "I will never beat you for your body doing as nature intended it to. Have you ever fucked a female?" My eyes, large and shocked, must have been answer enough for him because Sir Jiat laughed. "I see. No, you haven't. I will find a suitable female for you to spend yourself with. No intact male pet should go his life without proper, frequent relief."

Sir Jiat washed me, warmed me, soothed me. There was no beating, no harsh words. It was as confusing to me as anything in my life now. Since Sir Jiat had chosen me, nothing had been as I'd expected, and I didn't quite know what to do with it. As he dried me off, humming softly, I relaxed, trusted him, and by the time he led me out of the bathroom and into the playroom where the other pets were enjoying hot soup, I'd calmed completely. I was welcomed back among the pets, offered a bowl of the thick soup, and then left by my master to socialize with my new friends.

It was yet another of the best days of my life, and I would forever remember it. My first real day in the world, with others like myself and a master who promised me no beatings for simply being a male with his genitals completely whole still. I grinned as I dug into the soup, listening to David talk about how excited he was that the next play day would be at his master's home.

To my surprise, Sir Jiat smiled at me from the doorway. The look in his beautiful eyes, the split of his muzzle, made my heart jump in my chest. That smile told me I would be going to that play day, too, and I found myself smiling back at him until he pushed off from the doorway and disappeared down the hall. David nudged me, and I laughed and pounced on him, wrestling with him across the floor as the others cheered us on.

It was the best day in my life, and the memory of Sir Jiat's smile promised me many more.

Chapter Three

I had been promised an opportunity to rut, but I hadn't thought beyond the initial offer. My focus was on each day, pleasing Sir Jiat and being as good a pet as I could be. I didn't want to be sent back to the pound, and the longer I remained with Sir Jiat, the less likely that seemed. Still, it was a thought that would wake me in a cold sweat in the depths of the night. I would jerk awake at the foot of Sir Jiat's bed, chilled by the memories of being nothing more than meat ready for the slaughter. My throat would be so dry, I would swear I wouldn't be able to swallow at all, but I was afraid to leave the bed. I shouldered my discomfort, shifted at my master's feet, and would chase sleep until the sun kissed the sky.

This morning, Sir Jiat had left me lazing in bed. I had protested as best I could without being insolent, but he would hear none of it.

"You look tired," Sir Jiat said. "You need your rest."

I sat up, my joints aching from exhaustion. "I can rest in the afternoon when you make your rounds at the Guardhouse."

Sir Jiat shook his head, using a brush to fluff up the fur of his tail. His ears were slightly back, and I knew that meant he was unhappy. I didn't want him unhappy, and so I slid from the bed and crawled to him. My knees screamed at me, but I remained elegant, gliding on my hands and knees. I took the brush from him and set to grooming his beautiful, white fur.

"I have begged off my turn today at the Guardhouse." Sir Jiat watched me in the mirror. "I arranged for a friend of mine to bring her pet. Syra is a lovely woman, older and sterile, but I think she will be an ideal match for your first."

My hands stopped moving mid-brushing, and fear coiled around my heart. My master had found a female for me, and I didn't know what I was supposed to do with her. I knew the basic idea. Cock into slit. Beyond that, though, I was lost. I shifted on my knees, trying to finish grooming Sir Jiat before he received company, but I was distracted. Adrift. Today, I would rut with a woman, and I was scared. He must have smelled the fear because he knelt in front of me, cupping my cheek with his large, paw-like hand.

"Do you not want Syra?" he asked.

I gripped the brush so hard, I felt the sharp bristles break the skin of my palm. Gasping, I dropped the brush, and then I immediately dove after it, ashamed for letting it fall. "Forgive me!"

Sir Jiat gripped my shoulders and forced me to meet his amber eyes. "Ewan, you've hurt yourself." He opened my palm, smeared with red and dozens of little pinpricks. It stung like fire. "You must take care." Sir Jiat then did something I had never, in my wildest dreams, expected: he bent his head and drew his rough, hot tongue over my broken flesh. Each swipe cleaned a little more blood from my palm. I couldn't help but whimper. "Why are you afraid?" he asked, his ears twitching on the top of his head, attentive.

It took me a few moments to force my throat to work, my tongue to form words. "I don't know what I should do," I admitted.

A smile graced Sir Jiat's face, sharp teeth showing as his whiskers twitched. "I see. It isn't difficult. You will grow erect, she will lay back, and you will slide into her body."

"And then?" I looked up, flushed with embarrassment. It was personal, intimate, but I had no secrets from my master.

"You thrust in and out until you come." Sir Jiat rose from the cushioned seat in front of the vanity. "Come with me. I will bathe you myself before Syra arrives. She is experienced. Put your trust in her to guide you through this. There is no need for shame."

I followed Sir Jiat obediently, watching his white tail twitch as he walked. Even if there was no need for shame, I felt it. I was a mutt. No one bred mutts, and if we had needs, they were trivial. To be given an opportunity to know such pleasures even once was something I'd never dared to hope for. But, Sir Jiat said it would become a weekly arrangement. Not always Syra, but someone. I would never be forced to go without so long as I was obedient, and as Sir Jiat rinsed my hair of soap, I swore to never disobey him. I didn't
to disobey him. So long as I obeyed, I would be kept, and maybe the nightmares would lessen.

In the warmth of the morning, with Sir Jiat's hands moving slickly over my body, those night frights seemed distant. The heat of the bath eased my sore joints, and Sir Jiat's gentle touch stirred my body and heart. As I grew hard in the bath, Sir Jiat chuckled and called me eager. He promised Syra would arrive soon. I smiled bashfully, unwilling to correct him. It wasn't Syra's hands on my body now. It wasn't Syra's kindness that kept my belly full, my body clean, and my mind challenged. It wasn't Syra's amber eyes I wanted to gaze up into and see bright with pleasure. I wondered if Sir Jiat would purr if touched just right, what his fur would feel like under a lustful touch.

But those desires were forbidden. To want and lay with one's master only led to the pound and that back room where the guilty found their end. We ignored my erection as Sir Jiat honored me by drying my body, and then he brushed my hair. If I could have purred, I would have. Pampered and adored, my heart slowed, my fears eased. It took all I had not to reach out for Sir Jiat, to touch him freely. I was well-trained, and I resisted. I merely stood in the bathing room, clean and groomed, all but preening under Sir Jiat's attention.

"Beautiful." Sir Jiat slid his hand from my neck down to my hip. "I wish I could have found you years ago before your previous masters had chipped away at you."

I tilted my head. "Chipped away at me? I don't understand."

Sir Jiat smiled as the door chimes sounded. "Don't worry about it. Come with me. We will greet Cana and her pet."

Cana, it turned out, wasn't a noble. She also wasn't one of the Felines. She was one of the Wolves. Syra, her pet, was older than me, but she was pretty with long, golden hair and pert breasts. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to bow at Cana, touch Syra, or wait for Sir Jiat to order me to fuck her. The calm I'd managed to gain in the bathing room was lost the moment we stepped into the foyer and faced Cana and Syra. I bowed my head to hide my flush, and I shifted from one foot to the other.

"Sir Jiat." Cana leaned forward and brushed her cheek against Sir Jiat's. "I'm honored you have invited us into your home."

"The honor is all mine, Cana." Sir Jiat ushered us out of the foyer and into the main living space. A cool breeze blew through the room from the open windows as Sir Jiat and Cana sat on the long sofa while Syra and I sat on the floor at our masters' feet. "Syra is agreeable?"

Cana reached out and stroked her fingers through Syra's hair. Syra closed her eyes and made a happy sound in the back of her throat. That was the sound Sir Jiat made me want to make! "She is. She's excited. Being older, not many masters or mistresses seek us out as an intimate companion possibility, even for one night."

Sir Jiat shift, bringing Syra's attention to him. "You understand that Ewan is new to this? That his previous masters were uncaring of such needs?"

Syra nodded. "Yes, Sir Jiat. I understand."

"And you will be careful with him?"

Now Syra smiled, a blush stealing over her golden cheeks. "Yes, Sir Jiat."

Sir Jiat pressed a kiss to my brow, and then called for Hosanna. "Please take them into the third bedroom, and then bring refreshments for Cana and me." He smiled at Cana. "We have a lot of catching up to do."

Cana laughed softly. "Yes, we do."

An odd feeling of jealousy moved through me as I saw them share an intimate look. I didn't understand it, and I had little time to think about it as Hosanna motioned for Syra and me to follow her. I was frowning when I stepped into the bedroom. It was a simple guest room decorated in white and seafoam, comfortable and bright. Hosanna closed the door. Suddenly, I was alone with Syra, a woman I had met but a handful of minutes ago. She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, hugged herself, and then smiled at me.

"You're nervous."

I couldn't help but smile in return. "Very."

"You don't need to be. I understand. Cana was the first master to allow me freedom with my body. She found me my first male to lay with, much like Sir Jiat found me for you." Syra stepped forward, drew her fingers across my shoulder and down my arm. "Am I pleasing to look at?"

I looked her up and down, from the swell of her breasts to the curve of her hips. She was lovely. Healthy. She wasn't too large or too thin. Her hair was beautiful, and I ran my fingers through the thick curtain of it. Like silk. I closed what space remained between us. "You are very pleasing," I murmured. "I just don't know what to do. Not really."

Syra's smile became something seductive, alluring, and she slipped her hand into mine. A moment's pause, and then she led me to the bed. She climbed atop the fine fabrics draping the soft mattress and tugged my hand. I joined her, kneeling in the center of the bed as her hands moved over my chest, down my stomach. I groaned. That touch was unlike any handling I'd had before, soft and tempting, setting my body on fire in its wake. I grew stiff between my legs, and when she bent to press her lips to the head of me, I thought I'd die from the pleasure of it.

She straightened, cupped my face, and brought our lips together. First, it was merely our lips against each other, and then her tongue touched my lips. I gasped, and her tongue went from touching my lips to tasting my mouth. It was wicked, wet and slick, and I hesitated only a moment before my hands stroked down her back, cupped her ass, and pulled her against me. Instinct woke in me, and as we kissed, I pressed her to the bed. Need burned in me, hot and heavy and overwhelming, as she parted her thighs and I rested against her.

Syra's hands grabbed my ass, pulled me closer, and my cock rubbed against the wet slit of her. The need compounded within me. I tried thrusting forward, but I wasn't lined up right. I tried a second time, a growl fed into our kiss. Still, I couldn't push inside! Syra broke the kiss, panting, and reached down between us. There was no annoyance in her eyes, no cruelty, only the same burning desire that raged inside me. She took me in hand and pressed the head of my cock to her opening, and the moment I felt that slight give, I surged forward. My shout of triumph was joined by her cry of pleasure, and the slick heat around my shaft almost drove me mad.

BOOK: Human Rights
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