Read Human Rights Online

Authors: S.L. Armstrong

Human Rights (5 page)

BOOK: Human Rights
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I didn't know anything more than what Sir Jiat had told me: thrust until the pleasure was too much, and then spend myself within Syra. The thought of Sir Jiat, of his beautiful eyes and soft, white fur made my heart race with those forbidden thoughts once again. It wasn't fair to Syra, either. I should be thinking of her as I rocked in and out, but the more I tried to focus on the grip of her hands, the clinging wetness around my cock, and the teeth at my throat, the more my thoughts turned to Sir Jiat. How did males fuck? How would it feel to thrust into him... or him into me? Would his teeth be as sharp as they looked, or would he be gentle with me? Would his tail thump against the bed or wrap around my body?

"Ewan!" Syra gasped against my ear, the quick, moist sound of our bodies rushing back to me. "So thick... by the gods, yes, like that!"

At least I was doing well. I was doing it right. There was no mistake; it felt good, but it wasn't all I'd thought it would be. I thrust hard, fast, urged by Syra's hands and her cries. The pleasure built to a fevered pitch, and then my body jerked, trembled as a choked cry fell from my lips. It was all the wonderful things in my life: the heat of the sun, the warmth of grass, the sweet tang of a summer berry. I would never forget that feeling, the rush it brought as my balls emptied their seed into Syra's quivering body. Her nails raked down my back, and I hissed as I rode out her bucking and squirming.

We panted, glued together in those moments by musk and fluids and sweat. Syra wore a dazed, pleased expression, and as my cock ceased its spasms, a heaviness fell upon me. I wanted to roll over and sleep the afternoon away, and since Sir Jiat hadn't told me I couldn't, I did just that. I withdrew myself and flopped beside her on the soft bed, and her arms embraced me as she curled against my body. It was pleasant enough, enjoyable. Still, as my heart slowly calmed in my chest, it felt off. Something was missing. Something hadn't been quite right. I knew what it was as I nuzzled Syra's head. Syra wasn't Sir Jiat. Sir Jiat was the one my thoughts turned to in that moment of pleasure, but that desire was forbidden. I would never know how Sir Jiat's tongue would feel against my skin, or if Sir Jiat purred in the aftermath of release.

It was with Sir Jiat's eyes in my mind that I fell into dreams. Dreams littered with white fur, a soft, wet nose, and a rumbling purr that put my fears to rest. When I woke, I was alone in the bed, my body aching with need once more. I remained there until the worst of the hardness abated, and then I rose from the bed and padded out into the hallway. The shadows were long, the house quiet. My feet carried me silently from the guest bedroom to the master bedroom, and I paused outside the half-closed door. Was I supposed to come looking for Sir Jiat? Or was I to remain in the other bedroom? I shifted from foot to foot, uncertain.

"Come in, Ewan."

Sir Jiat's voice, that deep almost-growl, wrapped around me, and I pushed into the room. He was alone on his bed, tail curled around him as he paged through a book. I couldn't read, but some nights, Sir Jiat read to me. I paused at the foot of his bed. "I didn't know if I should stay in the other bedroom, Master."

His muzzle cracked into a smile. "Only if you don't want to sleep with me after your first tumble."

I shook my head. "No. I don't want to sleep alone." I climbed onto the bed, settled under the blankets at the footboard. "If I may ask, where is Syra?"

The fluffy white tip of Sir Jiat's tail twitched against the counterpane. "You were sleeping soundly, and Cana had to return home to her husband. You will see Syra again. Cana will bring her back in six days."

Another afternoon with Syra. I shifted on the bed, fidgeting with a loose thread on the counterpane. As much as I appreciated Sir Jiat's offer, I didn't want another afternoon with a female I didn't know. I wanted
. I looked up at Sir Jiat. "I... forgive me, and I don't mean offense, but..."

Sir Jiat reached out and let his hand run down my back. "Tell me, Ewan. No need to fear."

"I don't want to fuck Syra again." A flush moved warmly over my face. "I mean no disrespect—"

"Did you not like her?"

I looked up at my master, confused. "It was... pleasurable. Enjoyable. But... it wasn't..." How did I explain that it wasn't soft, smooth skin and gentle curves that now haunted my mind? The heat and need I'd felt was similar to the heat and need I'd felt in the bath before Syra's arrival. That heat had been wonderful, intoxicating with Sir Jiat, but with Syra, it hadn't been
. "It wasn't what I'd thought it would be. I would rather not do it again and disappoint Syra."

Sir Jiat stroked down my back again, tender and sweet. The touch thrilled me. "All right." He smiled at me. "Should you find yourself in need, tell me, understood?"

I curled up at his feet, and he continued to pet me. "I understand."

"Would you like me to read to you?"

Warmth filled me. "Yes, please, Master." I closed my eyes, and his voice rumbled around me, deep and true. As I drifted in and out, barely hearing the story he read to me, I knew I was truly safe. My desire was mine, kept buried inside me, my own special love for my master, and I was content with that. That night, my dreams were quiet, still, and I slept as I hadn't in a long, long time.

Chapter Four

By the time fall had come to the city, I'd settled into a routine in which I thrived. Once a week, Sir Jiat took me to a different home where he would meet with other Felines and Canines while I played in the dying heat of summer. I always spent time with the same pets: Victoria, Mar, David, Jill, Shale, Nadia, and Cal. Today, though, we didn't go out. Hosanna busied herself around Sir Jiat's home, cleaning every surface until it sparkled, and then cooked up a banquet of delicious smelling foods. Sir Jiat saw to me himself. That happened more and more. My weekly baths had once been handled by Hosanna, but now Sir Jiat bathed me.

"Are we not going to Lady Hyra's home?" I asked as he rinsed my hair. The questions came easier with each passing day, and I reveled in the freedom.

Sir Jiat shook his head. "No. We will go to Lady Hyra's home in two weeks' time. Today, everyone is coming here. It's why Hosanna has been so busy with preparations."

Excitement bubbled in me. We were going to have guests! A handful of months ago, that would have terrified me, but now I was all but bouncing in the bath. "Where will all the pets go?"

"It's much too cold for you all to play outside, and I know my courtyard is not nearly as nice as those who have more gold than I, so everyone will remain inside. Hosanna has cleaned out that third bedroom, leaving it clear for you all to play with the toys in there." Sir Jiat drained the tub and reached for a towel. "Come now." He smiled at me, his amber eyes glittering pleasantly. "Time for grooming."

Grooming was my favorite activity with Sir Jiat. Well, aside for the nights when he'd let me lay my head in his lap so he could pet me as he read aloud. Those were the best times. The grooming was a close second. I stood on a mat that absorbed all the extra water that dripped from me as Sir Jiat's hands moved over me with the towel. From head to toe, he dried me with gentle touches, and I lamented yet again that I couldn't purr like the Felines. Still, I smiled, remaining still for him. When every drop of water had been soaked up, Sir Jiat picked up the jar of sweet smelling oils I loved so much. The scent of olive and orange, bright and sharp, filled the steamy air as he began to rub it into my skin. Feet to ankles. Ankle to calves. Calves to knees and thighs. This was the hardest part for me. His large hands, the pads of his fingers and palms so soft, moving over my oil-slicked skin was so erotic that it took all I had to keep from growing hard.

I used to think that once he passed my balls, cock, and ass that the arousal would die. That it would be easier. But even his hands on my back or stomach would make lust rise up inside me, twist my insides up. Sir Jiat had to know. There was no way that my scent remained the same, that he didn't feel the tension singing in my muscles under his hands. Still, he never brought attention to my struggles, never made me flush with shame by pointing out my weakness.

Sir Jiat spread some of the oil into my hair, and then dragged a comb through it. Oh, if only I could purr, but instead, I moaned. It was as close to purring as I could manage, and the comb pulling gently through my oiled hair was just heavenly. All I wanted to do by the time Sir Jiat set the comb aside was collapse in a puddle of wobbly pleasure. Sir Jiat wiped his hands, chuckling as he watched me sway on my feet. I felt my cheeks heat lightly. "It's pleasant," I said, grinning as I defended myself.

"Yes, it is. You look ready for a nap, not an afternoon of play." Sir Jiat shook his head, smiling as he padded out of the bathroom. "Come along, Ewan. Our guests will arrive, and it is up to you to take the pets back to the room where you can all play. Remember to keep your voices down as we are indoors."

I chased after my master, the heaviness leaving my limbs as responsibility was foisted upon them. "I promise to keep everyone quiet."

"Not quiet, just no screaming or loud bursts of laughter. I'd rather we not draw attention to us."

Before I could hold my tongue, I blurted out, "Because you are all part of the Human Rights Movement."

Sir Jiat stopped in his tracks and turned to face me. His face was so fierce, I found myself cowering. "Do not speak so easily those words in this city," he warned. "There are eyes and ears everywhere, my sweet Ewan, and they would have your life and my hide should they know a Guard supports the Movement."

"Yes, Master," I whispered, tears stinging my eyes. I was so stupid, taking liberties I shouldn't. It was so easy to venture down that path, though. First the ability to give truthful answers, and then the right to ask questions. But I had never been given the privilege of speaking out of turn. "I'm sorry."

"Ewan." Sir Jiat sighed, his tailing twitching in a way that spoke of his uncertainty. "I just want you to be aware of the consequences. Within these walls, some questions can be asked without fear, but others... even those must be carefully worded."

I looked up at him. "I don't understand." That was a common state for me, quite honestly. I might pay attention to my surroundings, catch on to what those around me were talking about, but the ramifications... those were beyond me most times. "Why can't we talk about it freely?"

"Because speech comes at a price." Sir Jiat cupped my cheek. "I don't want you to become a casualty to my crusade."

That didn't help me understand, but it did make heat move through me. I was important to him. I wasn't
a pet. I meant enough for him to want nothing bad to happen to me because of his own actions. A smile curved my lips. "I trust you."

Sir Jiat's ears twitched, his tail stilling. "I hope I don't make you regret trusting me," he murmured, and I was about to ask how he could possibly make me regret that when the door chime rang. "Our friends arrive. Let us greet them, Ewan."

"Yes, Master." I followed closely, the earlier excitement returning as the door opened to reveal Lord Shal and Marc. While Sir Jiat and Lord Shal greeted each other, spoke in soft voices, I took Marc by the hand and led him deeper into the house, toward the cleared room. "Welcome to Sir Jiat's home," I said, grinning from ear to ear.

Marc looked around the large, mostly empty room. "Very nice. Shal's home is in the wealthy district, but it's small."

I flushed brightly. "You use your master's name so casually."

"He told me to." Marc laughed, flopping back onto the soft rug in the center of the room. "Hasn't Sir Jiat given you the same permission?"

"No." I sat down on the floor, legs folded under me. "But he allows me freedom to speak, to ask questions."

Marc smiled at me. "And how many questions have you asked?"

I stared at my feet. "Not many. I still don't feel it's my place to question my master."

"If he told you it was all right, you should take him at his word." Marc nudged me with a toe. "Don't you trust your master?"

"I do—" The door chime rang again. "Oh! I'll be right back. Sir Jiat said I was to greet all the pets." I stood and rushed from the room. Back and forth I went as the room slowly filled with the other pets. There were more than any time before. Usually, there were only ever eight or nine of us, but soon, there were eighteen pets packed into the room. I didn't know half of the pets, and I fidgeted a lot, keeping close to Marc and Nadia.

Nadia nuzzled my shoulder. "It's all right," she whispered. "We're all here because our masters see us as more than pets."

"I don't understand," I whispered back. "Why all these meetings?"

"It's so we all grow to know one another, trust each other," Marc said. "When the meeting is over, and we've all gone home, ask Sir Jiat to explain. He may just be waiting for you to ask the questions. For now..." He ran over to a rack of brightly colored balls. "Let's play Colors!"

A cry of excitement rose in the room, and though I tried to quiet them, it was useless. After a few moments, I didn't care. I was laughing with the rest of them as we played with the balls, an intricate game involving colors, goals, and tagging. The room was just large enough for us all to enjoy the game, then a meal, and then a nap. The nap was the best, all of us laying about, cuddled close, and as I drifted off, I was so happy, I didn't want the day to end.

BOOK: Human Rights
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