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Authors: Emma Paul

Kaden's Breeder (10 page)

BOOK: Kaden's Breeder
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Carina decided at that moment that she liked feeling sexy. It was empowering.

She was amazed at the number of people in attendance. It appeared that all the neighboring communes had gathered in celebration. Several hundred people including all the unmated warriors sat or stood in and around the large pavilion that surrounded the stage on all sides. No doubt, show of some sort was about to begin.

Music seemingly coming from nowhere thrummed softly. Carina shifted her body a little to get a good look at where the music was coming from

She gasped when she saw a band of what appeared to be children no older then twelve or thirteen, marching towards them in perfect procession.

Several of the women began to preen with pride and point out their children as the band of about twenty Dreg boys advanced and settled into a small semicircular area sectioned off on each side of the platform stage. It suddenly occurred to Carina that this was the first time she had seen any Dreg children since her arrival on Yor.

Alura had explained that the children were kept in a central nursery, which was located under ground beneath each communal village. It was a strange system but given the Dreg's history, it made sense that they would keep their children in the safest environment possible. It was a sort of daycare and school where children would be free to learn and play

Still Carina felt a bit uncomfortable with the idea of leaving her child in the care of what Alura referred to as day mothers. However, all Breeders had the responsibility of caring for the children, and the day mothers were selected on a rotation basis. Meaning, once Carina had her own child she would be included in the rotation.

The old saying it takes a village to raise a child kept replaying in her head.

Once the band was settled, they began playing softly on the flute-like instruments and oval shaped drums.

Kaden smiled at her and held her hand. “These are our children. They have been practicing all year for the festival."

His voice was full of pride. He could barely contain the obvious joy where the Dreg children were concerned. “The youngest ones will perform for us on the stage."

Carina could not help but smile at his boyish enthusiasm. It was endearing. Her eyes lit up when a small troop of four and five years olds clumsily line up on the stage in front of them. All of them were little boys, all Dreg. Their tiny dreads barely reached their shoulders

Each boy sported a different kind of plant that seemed to have some kind of significance. They faced the audience and held the plant high above their heads

They were the most adorable things she had ever seen. Once they had lined up in front of the audience, a pretty Zen Breeder came onstage and called each boy by name introducing him to the spectators. She turned her attention back to the little ones and nodded, smiling brightly at them

In Unison, all the children began reciting a poem of the first Dregs that ever inhabit Yor. The plants were all at different stages of growth and represented the strength and lineage of the Dreg settlers

It was simply adorable. Some of the children really didn't know their lines and like any normal four year old began to fidget and quickly loose interest in the performance.

The audience erupted in a huge round of applause and encouraging shouts of approval when the children finished their poem

The sweet little tots beamed with pride as they smiled widely at the complimentary crowd

Kaden looked at her, his eyes sparkling with unabashed happiness at having shared this with her

Several more performances came after that. There were all kinds of acts, everything from singing to dancing to juggling and even a recreation of the first battle ever won by the Dregs during the civil wars between the old clans.

Carina couldn't help but be enamored with the Dreg children. They were precious. She understood why their safety was so important to the commune

It all finally made sense to her. All the training the Dreg warriors did. Nothing was more important to these people then the welfare and safety of their families

She knew Kaden would die trying to protect them all. Even with the hundreds of Breeders and Dregs in attendance, the number of children was less than half

After the children had entertained the adults, everyone moved to the tables where the feast was beginning. Mothers and fathers claimed their children and took their seats amongst all the other families.

How bizarre, Carina was surprised that all the couples with children sat together in a designated area while all the newly mated ones sat off to the left of them, in a group.

All the unmated warriors took up the space just outside of the pavilion. A large circle of tables surrounded the open structure. Everyone helped to pass around large platters of food and jugs of water and juice made from some of the sweet scented flowers Carina had seen growing near many of the dwellings. The food not only looked mouthwatering but also tasted as good as it looked

The atmosphere was exuberant. Everyone laughed and talked as though they were one great big family. Carina felt humbled by it all. As much as she wished she could be a part of this community, especially as she saw it now, it was impossible

Even though many of the women had acknowledged her and even stopped to chat a little with her and Kaden, she still felt the undeniable sting of being different

She was different. Hell, she wasn't even from this galaxy. Yet resolve to find a way home weakened with each passing day. Guilty feelings plagued her now. She should want to go back, shouldn't she?

Her heart ached with the realization that she would be leaving Kaden behind. It was all so overwhelming. She needed time to sort through things, to think.

Carina walked off by herself the moment Kaden finally left her side to visit with his father and Alura in the family group.

The air around her weighed on her shoulders and it became difficult to breath. It was too much to deal with; her growing attachment to Kaden and the hopeless feelings of never seeing earth again were waging a war inside her. The thing that bothered her most however was the realization that she actually felt very comfortable with Kaden and his family

His father had been nothing but kind to her and Alura was like the mother she had always wanted. As for Zya, she was her constant companion especially through all the trials she endured the last days. It was true that some Breeders had started to come around. However, many still kept their distance.

She could not help but wonder why she seemed to be the only new Breeder being tested. It wasn't like her to walk away from her problems. She always faced them.

It was what had made it so difficult for her to keep a decent relationship. Most men found her too independent, too sure of herself. God if they only knew

Kaden knew however, he seemed to read her like a book. Her heart warmed at the mere thought of him

He was the kindest and gentlest person she had ever met. Yet he was stern and commanding with everyone else. With her, he shared everything about himself. If only she could do the same with him.

She wanted to. However, if she did, it would mean giving up what little hope she had of ever seeing her home again. Did she want to go back?

Despite the rude treatment when she first arrived, she had actually enjoyed working and hanging out with Zya and Alura

Maybe it was because Zya and Alura were just easy to get along with, or maybe it was because they honestly enjoyed her company as much as she enjoyed theirs.

Whatever the reason, Carina had never been this close to anyone outside of her grandmother and sister who had raised her. She missed them, but would she miss Kaden more?

Her head ached with all these thoughts and questions. She wished she knew what to do, what she wanted. Life had suddenly become so complicated.

Kaden looked around the grounds. Where in Zor's ancients did his Breeder go. He was somewhat perturbed that Carina had left his side. Thoughts of chaining her to his back so he could carry her wherever he went didn't seem too extreme at the moment.

He approached a grassy area, just outside the Pavilion grounds. Someone was standing near a tall bush. Their back was to him. She was slightly bent forward and appeared to be spying on someone or something. He knew exactly who it was

"What are you doing Kiana?"

"Oh Kaden I was just keeping an eye on Carina. I saw her leave and I wanted to make sure she wasn't in any danger.” She smiled sweetly.

He eyed her suspiciously. Kaden walked around her to look over the shrub where he had seen Kiana hiding. “Why didn't you go to her and ask if she was well?” he turned sharply, his face stoic, intimidating.

Kiana shrank back. “I-I didn't want to disturb her she looked ... unhappy ... deep in thought, I think she wanted to be alone. I was just going to find you and let you know.” Kiana looked innocently.

Kaden narrowed his eyes but allowed her explanation to go un-challenged. “You are needed to help the other Breeders see to the children, it's time for them to go to bed."

She turned and walked back towards the pavilion

Kiana was beautiful; she was an Aquarian, like his mother, however unlike his mother she was deceitful and shameless. He knew about her dalliances with unmated warriors. His mother had informed him of what she witnessed during the preparations for the harvest feast

If Corbin had not been one of his closest friends, he would have already arrested and condemned her. Unfortunately, she was Corbin's Breeder, and the big man was hopelessly in love with her.

[Back to Table of Contents]


"Are you so bored of the celebration already?"

Carina startled and turned to find a somber faced Kaden walking towards her. “I'm sorry, I just needed some air. Everything was wonderful and all. The children are precious, I just felt a little overwhelmed."

Kaden studied her. “I understand that this is not your home. You were taken unwillingly."

He watched the emotions he had long sensed play across her features. How he wished he could tell her that he would let her go if that was what she wanted. However, he could not allow that. She was his now and always.

Moreover, as much as he wanted her to be happy, he could never let her leave him. His heart ached with the realization that she may not share the same desire for him that he had for her. It was so soon in their relationship. They had several years ahead of them to grow and learn from each other

However, her allure captured him from the first moment he saw her. His feelings for her had only increased in their intensity. His father had warned him that the initial infatuation would only last a few weeks and that the feelings of the heart would build and grow slowly. His father was wrong. His feelings for Carina were much more than simple infatuation.

"Come the Harvest Celebration is about to begin..."

Carina felt shivers race down her spine at the sensuous tone in Kaden's voice. The fervent look in his eyes made her shake with quickening desire.

All the children were gone when Carina and Kaden rejoined the group. The training warriors were removing the tables and chairs from in and around the pavilion. Several couples were settling in around the large fire, which had served to cook much of their meal

Furred pallets spread all over the ground in circular formations, surrounded the fire pit and the Pavilion grounds. There were probably hundreds of smaller fires lit with the same pattern forming around them. The pavilion grounds were enormous and Carina finally understood why.

Kaden took Carina's hand and led her to the largest of fires in the center of the grounds. Hundreds of couples that had now settled down and began reclining on the soft fur pallets surrounded them

Carina looked around and found that there was no pallet on the ground for her and Kaden

She looked quizzically at him.

"The fertility ceremony will commence with the mating of the high Chieftain and his chosen mate.” He paused a moment as if gauging her reaction, “My father will transfer his title to me this night which is most sacred to my people."

As he explained, two non-mated warriors were arranging a raised pallet draped with several layers of white and brown furred throws. Once the warriors were done, they looked at Kaden and bowed once, turned and left to join the other non-mated males in the barracks. Carina stared at the pallet for a moment and suddenly realizing what Kaden was telling her, looked at him. Her heart beat faster with shock and sudden fear

She backed away from him almost staggering in her retreat. “Kaden I can't do this ... I'm not ready for this, please!"

He reached out and steadied her. “Carina I know that this must be difficult for you, however, it will defy the ancients if we do not mate in their presence this night. The purpose of the ceremony is not only traditional but also symbolic of the procreation of our species

He wrapped his arms around her pulling her close, “We believe that the spirits of our ancestors watch over us. And in doing so, we must show them that our lineage, the one they started millions of years ago is still alive and fertile. This night was chosen, because it is the most fertile time of our fourteen-month year. Please understand what it means to my people."

His eyes bore into hers. There was greater meaning behind his words then a simple lesson in Yor religious practices. Alura had informed her of many of the traditions and celebrations the Dregs perform throughout the seasons. Kaden was not about to let her leave him. She felt it in her soul

His emotions were always kept in check, but she saw the raw determination and anger at her perceived rejection of him, simmering just beneath his steely resolve

Part of her wanted to rejoice and throw caution to the wind. Another part however, wanted to run and hide from her fucked up emotions. It was so much easier being alone with no responsibility to anyone but herself. Her old life had been so dull, meaningless, but it was hers

On Yor, she was expected to be more then what she knew she was. She was responsible for things now, important things that could destroy or improve the lives of people she had started to care for

BOOK: Kaden's Breeder
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