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Authors: Emma Paul

Kaden's Breeder (18 page)

BOOK: Kaden's Breeder
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He winked at her then left, the cockpit door sliding closed behind him. A wicked thought flittered across her mind. She moved from her lying position across Kaden's chest, the motion making him wake instantly. Immediately three of his locks wrapped around her back pulling her closer to him

She gently wiggled her way out of their grasp and shifted her body so that she sat straddling Kaden in his seat. Realizing what she was about, Kaden sat up quickly and pulled her more comfortable against his chest. He had brought her clothing so she was wearing the lion cloth skirt, which he removed suddenly, making her yelp with surprise

He bare pussy rubbed against his temporarily covered cock. She felt the hardening length pressed so intimately against her lower lips. Instinctively she spread her thighs wider, spreading her labial folds apart so that her pussy could mold to the contour of his thick cock. A small moan escaped her lips and she closed her eyes to the exquisite feel of Kaden's hardness rocking against her wet flesh.

His lips touched her neck raining soft kiss down the column of her throat all the way down between her breasts, which were covered with a shear blue scarf. He used his teeth to pull the fabric aside so he could tongue the erect nipple of her left breast

He licked and lightly bit at the hardened nub until she began to squirm, pressing her pussy even harder against him. He moved to the other breast and did the same thing. Kaden licked and teased her gorgeous tits until she started to pant for him to remove his loincloth and impale her deeply

Kaden chuckled, as he kissed his way back to her mouth. He reached down and pulled the string of his cloth, loosening the frontal flap so he could pull it down and release his burgeoning cock. The tip was already dripping with his pre-cum

When he pressed his lips firmly over Carina's mouth, he simultaneously lifted her hips positioning her cunt on the tip of his penis.

The moment his tongue entered her mouth he slammed her down on his erection, making her cry out at the exquisite invasion of his big cock. She didn't waste time kissing him back and delved her tongue almost desperately into his mouth tasting him as thoroughly as he tasted her.

Almost as one, they began to rock against each other, pumping up and down in a sinuous rhythm, until they couldn't help themselves from humping against one another in euphoric pleasure. Unable to restrain himself, Kaden leaned forward tipping Carina back so that she rested on his left arm

Then bracing himself with his right one against the shuttles console, he took control of the fucking and rammed his cock deeply into her, over and over, faster and faster until she was screaming her release and begging him to come.

And he did, bellowing his pleasure while his balls pumped his seed up his cock, releasing jets of hot semen deep inside Carina's throbbing cunt. Bliss consumed them both as they drifted down from the intense pleasure shared in each other's arms

Carina stared deeply into his eyes, “I love you so much Kaden."

He smiled, “I love you more,” he nipped the tip of her nose teasingly.

[Back to Table of Contents]


They had been back on Yor a little over a week and the Communal Council had decided what would happen to Kiana and her lover, Vance. Everyone was summoned to the Pavilion grounds for the sentencing. Kiana looked completely contrite as she knelt in front of Corbin and Kaden

Vance knelt beside her but refused to bow his head in defiance. The Young warrior was considered as guilty as Kiana for his participation in Carina's abduction by the Mantra

Carina stood off to the side with Alura, Zya and Zeth. Kaden gave her a quick look and reassuring tight-lipped smile. He nodded his head once then turned his gaze down on Kiana and Vance.

"Let the sentencing commence. Kiana and Vance, the two of you are accused of committing heinous acts against the people of all the Communes represented here

He glared down at Kiana's somber face, “You Kiana have shamed your Mate and have threatened the safety of my Breeder and Mate, also your High Matriarch. How do you plead?"

She tilted her head up and looked at him a moment before shamefully turning her head to the side. “I plead my guilt ... but..."

Kiana motioned towards Carina and snarled, “You bitch! Too bad I didn't feed you to the Grub sooner."

Her words poured from her mouth like acid and she spit towards Carina's feet. Carina stepped forward. She knelt down so that she was eye to eye with Kiana

"I know it was you who made my first few weeks on Yor miserable. Honestly, Kiana, I believe in a strange kind of way everything you put me through, including trying to feed me to the Grub actually only strengthened my resolve to stay here. I really feel sorry for you, when I should actually hate you for what you did and I wish I could say that would put some leniency on your sentence. But, like a very wise woman once told me..."

She turned her head to the side and paused a few moments to see Alura's proud face staring back at her. “...Whatever decision I make, whatever the cost to my own conscience, I will stand strongly by it and never look back. That is why I am High Matriarch, Kiana and you are not."

She stood and nodded her agreement with the punishment that would be dealt Kiana and Vance, to Kaden and Corbin. Kaden stepped forward after Carina resumed her position next to Alura. “Kiana stand for your sentencing."

Kiana slowly stood up; Carina's words had obviously made an impact on her. She kept her eyes focused on the ground

"The decision of the Communal Council, Dar Corbin, the High Matriarch and I, is to sentence you to the mining colonies of Janis five for no longer then your natural life."

Kaden then turned to Vance. “And you...” he walked over to the young warrior and without warning grabbed hold of his Dread locks, ejected one of his blades from the gauntlet on his forearm and sliced the appendages off so that only stubs remained. Vance fell forward. His newly formed stubs were bleeding out onto the ground of the pavilion

It was the most humiliating thing for a Dreg to have his locks cut. Not only were the locks used for battle and pleasure, it was also a source of virility for a Dreg male and once cut would render him impotent for as long as it took the dreadlocks to grow back, which could take years.

"Let this be a lesson to anyone who would try to harm another within our community. We are few in numbers and our laws must be upheld if our species is to survive. Corbin you are redeemed, at the next Mating Hunt you may choose to participate for another Breeding Mate."

Corbin nodded once to Kaden then abruptly turned and left

Kaden watched as he walked away

Everyone gathered dispersed and went back to their huts and hovels. Kiana and Vance were taken to the holding cells until the shuttle came to take them away. Carina went to stand next to Kaden

She motioned to Corbin's retreating back, “Do you think he will be alright? He really did love her.” She laid her head on his bicep

He placed a kiss atop her head and redirected her towards their own communal hut. “I don't know love. How long does it take to heal a broken heart?"

Kaden smirked with a mischievous gleam in his eye, “I believe my mother is waiting patiently for you in our hut. She said something about several plans that need to be made for the arrival of our son."

Carina blanched. Since she returned, Alura has been stuck to her side like Velcro. The woman wouldn't let her do anything that might harm her grandchild which included just about everything but breathing and even that was questionable

Carina groaned, “Oh god can't we room with Zya and Zeth tonight. Your mom wouldn't dare go in there with Zeth's mother around, the two of them are in some sort of baby mama competition."

Kaden laughed and shook his head. “You know she wants to name the child after her father."

Carina stopped dead in her tracks. “And what would that be?"

She asked placed her hands on her hips and glared up at Kaden. He looked down sheepishly, “Dog.” he narrowed a sideways glance at Carina's horrified expression and tried not to burst out laughing

"Dog! Do you know what that means on earth?"

He looked innocently at her, “Yes I believe you told me it was a small four legged furred animal earthlings call Scooby doo."

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BOOK: Kaden's Breeder
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