Read Lovestruck Online

Authors: Kt Grant

Lovestruck (10 page)

BOOK: Lovestruck
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Wonderful, amazing déjà vu." She moved her leg back a bit and pushed her hand into Jennifer's panties to finger her. Even though Jennifer felt damp, she flinched as if Barbara hurt her. Barbara looked up at Jennifer in concern.

"Are you okay?" she asked in a shaky, lust-filled voice.

Jennifer blushed. "Yeah. No. It's just . . . I'm a bit sore. It's been a long time since I had any action down there."

Barbara moved her hand away and placed it against Jennifer's cheek.

Jennifer kissed Barbara's palm. "It's okay. I'm thinking perhaps a hot shower would help to ease my muscles. I know you're probably expecting me to—"

"I'm not expecting you to do anything, Jennifer. We have hours together. We'll take things slow. I have an idea. Why don't we take a bath? I have a Jacuzzi upstairs in the master bathroom. We can relax in there, have some wine, talk and fool around.

What do you say?"

"Yes." Jennifer nodded.


Barbara laughed at her enthusiasm. "You make me very happy." She kissed Jennifer on the check and held her close for a moment, simply enjoying the feel of having the other woman in her arms.

Chapter Eight

Barbara kept her arm around Jennifer as they walked upstairs to her bedroom.

Jennifer's mouth kept falling open as she looked at everything around her. Barbara found great joy in watching Jennifer's reaction to her home. She couldn't wait to see what she thought of her custom-designed bathroom.

Once they reached her bedroom, Barbara undressed and dropped her clothes into a heap on the rug. Jennifer stood there with her blouse wide opened, but made no move to undress further.

"What are you waiting for, kiddo?" Barbara asked as she placed her hands on her naked waist, thrusting out her chest. Her nipples were hard again and she couldn't wait to feel Jennifer's mouth on them.

"I'm not comfortable walking around naked." Jennifer shifted from one foot to the other, looking very shy, even though Barbara had seen and touched her all over. "I want to do so many things with you, but . . . ."

Barbara wanted to go over to Jennifer and coddle her, but stopped herself. She wanted Jennifer to be proud of her body, both in and out of her clothes. If they were going to know every intimate detail about each other, this would be a good way to start.

"If you don't strip this very minute, there will be no bath or any more playing between us. What I have planned for us is something you'll not want to miss."

Barbara stood there waiting for Jennifer to undress. Jennifer looked up at the ceiling and took off her clothes. Barbara turned away, giving the girl some privacy, and headed into the bathroom. She adjusted the water temperature on the Jacuzzi and poured in a hand full of freesia-scented bath salts then added some bubble bath for good measure.


She grabbed a few towels and placed them on the vanity and turned on her stereo near the tub. Light classical music poured forth from the speakers mounted high on the walls. When Barbara glanced behind her, she saw Jennifer standing in the doorway, naked as the day she was born.

For once, Jennifer didn't cover herself. Her arms hung at her sides and she had one leg bent. Barbara ignored her throbbing pussy as she caught sight of Jennifer's puffy nether lips peeking out from her close-cropped pussy hair. Barbara wanted to go down on her knees and lick at those lips, but didn't give into temptation. Instead, she pulled her hair into a bun, clipping it high on top of her head. She held out her hand and Jennifer smiled and walked over to her.

Jennifer looked at Barbara with total trust in her eyes. Barbara's heart jumped and she gave Jennifer a deep kiss.

"In the water you go," Barbara said, finally releasing her.

Jennifer climbed into the Jacuzzi, let out a sigh and sat back. Her eyes were lowered to half-mast as she laid her head back against one of the head cushions.

Barbara lighted a few scented candles and climbed into the tub. She sat next to Jennifer, tangling their legs together.

"Hey there now. This is supposed to be fun and relaxing." She pushed away some wisps of hair falling over Jennifer's eyes, taking in the worried look on her face.

Jennifer smiled. "Sorry, I'm thinking I must be dreaming. This can't be happening to me."

"Well, it is. Get used to it." Barbara squeezed Jennifer's shoulder and sat back, enjoying the water. Her eyes drifted closed, but then a thought occurred to her and she sat up. "Damn, I didn't bring the wine."

Jennifer gave Barbara's hand a squeeze. "Don't worry yourself. We can save it for later."

Barbara settled back and she and Jennifer continued to hold hands as they relaxed in the bubbling water in silence.


Jennifer placed her legs on top of Barbara's lap. Barbara massaged Jennifer's knees and thighs. Jennifer leaned her head back and watched Barbara through the rising steam.

"I want to know more about you. I told you all about me, but know nothing personal about you unless you count the few details I read in those articles. Tell me something about yourself no one else knows," Jennifer said.

Barbara continued to massage Jennifer's legs as she spoke. "I'm a Starbucks addict."

Jennifer splashed Barbara. "Come on now."

Barbara wiped her face and flicked some bubbles at Jennifer. "I'm afraid of closed spaces. I guess you could say I'm claustrophobic."

"I'm afraid of bees. I was stung by one near my eye when I was ten. If it had hit me a centimeter over, I would've been blinded." Jennifer admitted.

Barbara nodded in sympathy. "I'm not a big fan of them either. My father believed you should take on your biggest fears and get past them. He would never let me keep a nightlight on or leave the door open while I slept. He said I had to get over my fear."

Jennifer frowned. "What a horrible thing for a parent to do to their child. How old were you?"

"I think I was around four. I remember crying each night, frightened a monster was going to come out from under the bed and eat me. But then Christian gave me a flashlight without our father knowing, and I kept it on until I started to drift to sleep. I can't believe I'm admitting this, but sometimes I still like to keep a small nightlight on when I sleep."

Jennifer rubbed her foot against Barbara's. "Christian . . . er. . . Professor Jennings seems like a great brother. And I'm not saying that so you can speak to him and get me a better grade in his class."

"You don't seem like the type to do something so devious. That's why I like you."

Jennifer stared down at the bubbles. "I like you too," she whispered.


Barbara smiled and closed her eyes as she leaned back. Jennifer relaxed beside her. The bath had been a perfect idea for soothing their sore muscles from all the activity they engaged in earlier.

"What did your father say when your brother decided to teach and not take over the empire?"

Barbara opened one eye and gazed at Jennifer for a moment, pondering how to answer.

"Sorry if I'm asking too many questions," Jennifer mumbled.

"Don't be. I don't mind. Father was upset at first but got over it when Chris said he wanted to get his masters in finance and business. I always had an eye for the family business and was being groomed for the role at a very early age. He also wanted Stella to work for him, but she's too much of a free spirit. The last few years before he died they had a falling out and never came to terms before he passed."

"Oh, that's horrible." Jennifer looked at Barbara with sympathy. "I couldn't imagine not being close with my parents. I tell them everything. Well, almost everything."

Jennifer started blushing again and Barbara tried not to roll her eyes. In some ways, Jennifer was too innocent. Barbara wondered if she'd once been the same.

"Does Stella or your brother mind you're a lesbian?"

Barbara sat up again, Jennifer's question destroying the relaxing mood. The conversation headed in a way that had become a bit too personal. She could speak for herself, but as for her brother and sister, well, she had no right to speak about their likes or preferences. She could only imagine how Jennifer would react if she told her all the Jennings siblings were gay.

"I don't think they mind at all, but we're not here to talk about them. We're here for us and to do other things with our mouths instead of talking. Wouldn't you agree?"

Barbara grabbed Jennifer by her waist and pulled her up onto her lap. Jennifer giggled and ground her pussy against Barbara's.


"Are you still sore, Jennifer?" Barbara asked, running her fingers down Jennifer's back and into the crease in between her ass cheeks.

Jennifer jumped and raised her bottom, allowing Barbara easier access. "Not too bad. What are you doing?"

Barbara placed both hands on Jennifer's ass as an idea came to her. She placed a kiss on Jennifer's shoulder. "I've wanted to play with your ass the moment I saw it in the bathroom at the hotel. I want to do something to make you scream in pleasure. Will you let me?'

Jennifer bit her lip. "Um, okay, but what if I want you to stop?"

"Then I will." Barbara lifted her up a bit so she rested on her knees. She cupped Jennifer's breast, bringing it to her mouth. She laved her nipple and looked up at Jennifer, holding her gaze.

"This is nice. I love the way your mouth feels against my skin." Jennifer admitted and played with Barbara's nipples.

Barbara sucked hard on Jennifer's breast. Jennifer rolled her head to the side and let out a shaky breath.

"Hmm . . . ." She kissed the side of Barbara's neck. "I want to mark you like you've done to me." She latched on and sucked the soft skin and Barbara tugged on her nipple.

Jennifer massaged Barbara's breasts, while Barbara feasted on hers with her mouth in return.

Barbara released Jennifer's nipple and leaned up to kiss her. Jennifer panted harshly as Barbara fingered her cunt in gentle strokes. Jennifer opened her legs, grinded against Barbara's hand and played with Barbara's cunt. Barbara squirmed until Jennifer touched her clit, pressing it lightly with her fingertips.

"Harder, Jen, harder." Barbara begged as she bit Jennifer's lower lip.

Jennifer increased the pressure and Barbara gasped, trying to hold off her orgasm. Jennifer was too busy trying to make her come, giving Barbara the perfect opportunity to move her hand toward the center of Jennifer's ass.


Barbara's finger moved up and down Jennifer's ass crease, making her wiggle.

Barbara continued to finger Jennifer and found her sweet spot again. Jennifer started to come and dropped her head back, moaning softly. Barbara pushed her middle finger between Jennifer's ass cheeks and fingered her hole.

"Oh," Jennifer exclaimed, rocking back and forth.

"Ready to explode again, baby?" Barbara pushed her finger deeply into the ring of Jennifer's asshole.

Jennifer tightened around the finger and straightened. She looked Barbara straight in the eyes and breathed hard.

"What are you—?" She didn't finish as Barbara pumped both fingers in each one of her holes in a simultaneous motion. Jennifer howled and Barbara swallowed the sound with a kiss.

Barbara released a sigh and came at the same time, pressing her clit hard against Jennifer's fingers.

Both women went limp. Jennifer lay heavily against Barbara, her eyes closed.

"Did you enjoy the way I touched you, baby?" Barbara asked as she removed her finger from Jennifer's ass.

Jennifer flinched but quickly settled back down, breathing a sigh. "I loved it.

Next time I wanna try it on you," she mumbled.

"That's a promise." Barbara kissed the top of Jennifer's head and pulled her close.

In the small amount of time she knew Jennifer, she had become so very precious to her.


I could sit here all day, Jenny thought as she half-dozed in Barbara's arms. She snuggled in closer, enjoying Barbara's soft body pressed against hers. For the moment, everything seemed right in her world and she didn't want what she had with Barbara to end.

Her stomach let out a loud growl and she sat up. "Excuse me." She apologized.

"I think we should get out of this tub and order some dinner. I'm about to become a prune." Barbara wiggled her fingers.


Jenny laughed, gave her a hug and stood. Her shaky legs trembled and she almost fell back into the water, but Barbara grabbed her by the arm.

"Take it easy. I wouldn't want you to hit your head." Barbara stood and helped Jenny get out of the tub.

Jenny shivered as she dried off with a towel from the warming rack. A
, for god's sake. In the past few days, she'd experienced things she'd only read about. Barbara turned off the Jacuzzi and climbed out. She blew out the candles, shut off the stereo and grabbed her own towel. She dried herself off and walked over to the closet where she took out two fluffy robes. She handed one to Jenny and pulled on her own.

"This is a nice robe." Jenny rubbed her arm.

Barbara wrapped her hair in a towel and took the one Jenny used and wrapped Jenny's hair in it. "I bought these two in Cairo last year."

"Egypt?" Jenny tightened the towel around her head.

"I go there every few years to check out the competition. I'm thinking of building a hotel out there."

"You're thinking of building another hotel?" Jenny tilted her head.

"Yeah, but let's not talk about that now. Why don't we move into the bedroom?

I'll get us the bottle of wine I have chilling in my fridge and some menus so we can decide what type of take-out we want."

Jenny's stomach let out another growl and she giggled. "Let's eat sooner, rather than later."

Barbara laughed and placed a kiss on Jenny's cheek. "Yes, ma'am." She gave Jenny another kiss on the cheek and took her hand as they walked out of the bathroom and into her bedroom.



Jenny leaned back against the headboard of Barbara's bed while she ate chicken and broccoli out of the container from the Chinese restaurant they had ordered from an hour ago. Barbara sat beside her eating wontons and brown rice. They also shared a bottle of red wine between them. Jenny never heard of the vintage but assumed it wasn't some eight-dollar bottle you bought at the corner store. The label looked French and she was too self-conscious to ask Barbara if she bought the wine in France.

BOOK: Lovestruck
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