Read Lovestruck Online

Authors: Kt Grant

Lovestruck (8 page)

BOOK: Lovestruck
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Barbara didn't like to hear it, but Jeffery did have a point. She rose from her chair. Jeffery did the same. "I do believe we're finished here. I'm going back to the office.

See you tomorrow morning."

"Right-o, Cuz."

Barbara waved and left, internally wincing over Jeffery's annoying use of slang.

She drove back to her office, thankful the rain stopped and the sun had come out, but unfortunately her mood had taken a nose dive. Everything pointed to the fact that a relationship between her and Jennifer would be virtually impossible. The only way they could be together would be if they kept their affair quiet. Barbara felt like a character in one of those maudlin romance novels she'd loved to read as a teenager. She'd become a cliché as the business tycoon who'd seduced the virginal and innocent secretary into being her mistress. But then again, didn't they say life reflects art, and sometimes truth is stranger than fiction?

Chapter Six

For the second night in a row, Jenny couldn't sleep. She had an extreme case of insomnia she couldn't cure. She drank hot milk, read her boring school books and even took a warm bath. Nothing seemed to work. She tossed and turned, unable to find a comfortable spot in her bed. Every once in awhile, she'd drift off, only to dream of Barbara and their make out session in the car, then she'd wake up all flustered and frustrated. Masturbating didn't help. She wanted Barbara's mouth and fingers to bring her to satisfaction.

Jenny awoke up to a blue-skied, sunny, near perfect morning, but she was in a piss poor mood as she left her apartment. She wished her hickey would fade. The damn thing glowed as bright as a beacon. She had a feeling today would be a pretty rotten one.

When she arrived at work she threw herself right into her duties. With Jeffery busy in meetings, Jenny had to cover the concierge desk all day. Things picked up around the time Jeffery came in at nine thirty for his first meeting. Jenny was surprised Barbara hadn't come in yet and kept sneaking glances at the front entrance, watching for her to arrive. A little before ten, while Jenny talked with a guest, Barbara pushed through the front doors. She headed straight into Jeffery's office, and returned a few minutes later carrying an armful of files. Her attention half on the chatty guest, Jenny watched Barbara head down the hall toward the conference rooms were today's meetings would be held.


The rest of the morning flew by. Jenny's nerves were raw, so she decided to forego lunch. No way could she put anything in her stomach. Although she came and went, back and forth between Jeffery's office and the conference room, Barbara hadn't said a word to her yet, and for some reason she couldn't explain, that fact served to heighten Jenny's fear. Her usual staid emotions were all over the place.

By two, Jenny felt strung tight as a bow. Her concentration was shot to hell and she couldn't keep a thought in her head. The phone kept ringing, and the lobby seemed busier than usual. Jenny wanted to scream.

She'd just hung up the phone from giving directions to a guest who'd gotten lost on his way from the airport to the hotel when Susan, one of the members of the housekeeping staff, sidled up to the concierge desk.

The shy eighteen-year old, who had trouble speaking to anyone at work unless that person happened to be Jenny, looked very nervous Jenny smiled, hoping to put the young girl at ease. "What's wrong, Susan?"

"The corner suite on the tenth floor has a major problem. I went to go vacuum a-and saw a s-spot near the bathroom l-looked wet. I think there may be a l-leak."

"Great, just what we need when the big boss is here." Jenny cursed under her breath and looked down at her watch. She had less than an hour before her meeting with Barbara. "Jeffery is busy at the moment. I'll go and see the damage. Thanks for letting me know."

Susan nodded but she didn't walk away. The crestfallen look on her face tugged at Jenny's heart.

"Susan, stop worrying. You did nothing wrong."

"It's just . . . because Ms. Jennings is here. I don't want her to think we don't care about the hotel. We all do. I do!"

Jenny couldn't help but laugh over Susan's enthusiasm. "She knows. Now finish up your duties. Your shift is almost over."

"Yes ma'am." Susan rushed away.


Jenny checked her watch again. Thirty minutes until her meeting. She would check out the water leak first and then see Barbara. She hoped the problem on the tenth floor wouldn't eat up too much of her time. She wanted to do some breathing exercises before three o'clock arrived. She grabbed the universal hotel pass key out of the drawer behind the concierge desk and placed a call to the crew at the front desk, telling them she needed to check out something on another floor. When another employee came along to relieve her, she went to go see about the damage.



Barbara ended her latest meeting in twenty minutes, leaving ten minutes to spare. She couldn't wait to see Jennifer. Oh, sure, they would discuss Jennifer's job performance first, but Barbara had a plan. She intended to invite Jennifer over to her place afterward for an evening of food, wine, kissing and a whole lotta lovin' if Barbara had anything to say about it. Of course, she first needed Jennifer to agree to come over.

The young woman seemed nervous as a cat, and Barbara figured she had the same worries about mixing work with pleasure. But as long as they kept everything under the radar there shouldn't be any problems.

Barbara stood and stretched. She walked down the hall and out into the lobby.

Guests mulled around and many of the hotel staff looked busy, coming and going.

Jeffery's office door was closed; he apparently hadn't finished his last meeting as quickly as Barbara had finished hers. She felt a surge of compassion for whoever he had holed up with him in that mess of an office. As the "big boss," she should be the one to have everyone quaking in their shoes at the thought of a job review, but based on what she'd overheard from some of the staff, Jeffery's 'interviews were more like grillings.

Her stomach let out a loud growl. She needed sustenance and made her way over to a group of vending machines placed in a little alcove. As she pondered her selection, she couldn't help but overhear two people talking near the elevator.


"Jenny's so great," a girl said. "I explained to her about the water leak in the tenth floor suite instead of bothering 'you know who', and she decided to take care of it herself."

"Yeah," her male companion answered. "I wish Jenny could be our manager, not Bane. Too bad he has connections. But
The Barracuda
is pretty cool."

"She doesn't seem too scary. I'll meet with her tomorrow. Oh, it's almost three. I better clock out."

Their words faded as the two people walked away. Barbara's hunger pains no longer mattered. She peeked out of the alcove and looked up and down the hall.

Finding the coast clear, she smiled, a plan formulating in her mind. She walked over to the elevator bank and pressed the up button. She would see about this leak and how much water had been spilled. But she'd also spend a little time with Jennifer. Maybe they could create a few 'wet spots' of their own.

Chapter Seven

Jenny stood in the bathroom with her hands on her hips as she surveyed the damage. One of the water pipes burst under the sink and caused the leak. She hoped the room below didn't getting any water. She shut off the valve and made a mental note to call maintenance. At least the damage wasn't as bad as she first thought it would be.

"Damn. I should have brought a walkie-talkie with me. Guess I'll have to use the phone." Jenny mumbled under her breath. She walked out of the bathroom, and stopped in her tracks. Barbara sat on the edge of the king-sized bed.

"How did you know I was up here?" Jenny said, impressing herself by keeping her voice strong and calm, despite the fact her legs were like Jell-O.

Barbara leaned back on the bed, swinging one leg over the other. Her skirt rode up and Jenny's eyes went wide as she caught an unhampered view of smooth-shaven pussy.

She's not wearing underwear . . . .


"I overheard a few of your co-workers, and they mentioned where you ran off to.

We are due for our meeting." Barbara looked down at her watch. "Now, actually. I came up to see how much damage has been done to my property, and I figured we could just talk here."

Jenny crossed her arms in a defensive stance. "As you can see, I have things under control. I didn't 'run off'. There's a small leak under the sink. I turned off the valve and was about to call maintenance to take care of the problem. I was running a few minutes late."

"There's no need to be defensive. We
supposed to be reviewing your job performance, and this shows me how well you can handle a crisis, should one arise."

Barbara stood and walked over to the door that led into the hallway. She closed it, and the click of the lock engaging echoed in the room.

Jenny swallowed as she watched Barbara turn and approach her. For every step Barbara took forward, Jenny took one back, until she pressed up against the wall near the bathroom. Barbara placed both hands on the wall beside Jenny's face and caged her in place. Jenny swallowed again. Her pussy fluttered. She fisted her hands and kept them down by her sides to stop from reaching out and pulling the woman in for a kiss.

"Does this mean we're not going to have our meeting? 'Cause then I can get ready to—"

"Shh." Barbara placed a finger against Jenny's lips. "We're going to, but this will be more of a meeting of the bodies rather than the minds."

Jenny ducked under Barbara's arms and took a step toward the door, but Barbara grabbed her hand and refused to let go.

"Please move away from me. This is sexual harassment."

Barbara laughed and stepped in closer until their chests touched. "You think this is sexual harassment? Then why do I feel your nipples through your jacket?"

Jenny held her breath and watched as Barbara unbuttoned her jacket and then reached inside to cup one of Jenny's breasts. A soft moan slipped past her lips.


"Is this sexual harassment, Jennifer?" Barbara whispered against Jenny's ear. She released Jenny's hand and caressed her other breast, rubbing the pads of her thumbs against Jenny's cotton-covered nipples.

"We'll get caught." Jenny tried to reason.

"No, we won't. You're my last interview. No one knows where we are."

Barbara flicked her tongue against Jenny's earlobe, and Jenny rolled her head to the side, allowing her freer access. Barbara's moist tongue trailed a path along Jenny's jaw line, until it reached her lips. Jenny gasped and fell into the kiss, losing herself in Barbara's sweet taste. God, how she needed this!

Jenny's knees buckled and Barbara wrapped an arm around her waist.

"Come on, let's get comfortable." Barbara led her toward the bed.

Jenny went willingly, her need and desire overriding her fear. The only thing that mattered in that moment was Barbara. Her kisses, the touch of her soft hands on Jenny's skin.

They kissed their way across the floor, and when Jenny's legs hit the bed, Barbara gently pushed her down. Jenny lay there as Barbara kissed her neck and nibbled on the hickey she'd given Jenny a few nights ago.

"I loved how I marked you," she said on a growl. She placed her hand on the bruise. "This shows the world you belong to me." Without warning, Barbara tore open Jenny's shirt.

Jenny's gasp of outrage quickly turned to a moan of pleasure when Barbara released the clasp on Jenny's bra and kissed her breasts.

"Thank god for bras with a front clasp." Barbara mumbled against Jenny's skin.

Jenny twisted her fingers into the comforter and wrapped her legs around Barbara's waist.

Barbara chuckled and grinded against Jenny's crotch. Their quiet moans filled the room. As Barbara dipped her head to suckle one of Jenny's nipples, Jenny tried to reach in between them to caress Barbara's breasts.


"Nuh uh, kiddo." Barbara released Jenny's nipple with a loud pop and grabbed Jenny's hands and held them above her head by her wrists.

Jenny squirmed, trying to break free. "But I wanna touch you too."

Barbara gave Jenny a sweet kiss. "Not this time. I promise you can do whatever you want to me later. Right now, I have to taste you. Promise me you'll keep your hands to yourself."

Jenny nodded. She'd agree to almost anything if it meant feeling Barbara's mouth on her again.

Barbara nibbled her way down Jenny's stomach until she reached the waistband of her skirt. Jenny tilted her head, bit her lip and watched, whimpering when Barbara unzipped her skirt and pulled it down and off. Jenny's eyes flickered closed as Barbara pushed her nose into Jenny's covered crotch.

"You smell so good. I need to eat you out. May I?" Barbara asked for permission even as she removed Jenny's panties.

Jenny opened her eyes again and watched Barbara comb her fingers through her trimmed pussy hair.

"Yes." She whispered. "Please."

"Good." Barbara placed a kiss on the inside of Jenny's thigh and pulled Jenny's leg onto her shoulder.

Jenny could feel the cool air on her cunt. She let out a shaky breath.

"Just wait, beautiful," Barbara said.

Jenny watched, lashes lowered, as Barbara kissed her way up along Jenny's inner thigh until she reached Jenny's sopping wet pussy. As Barbara's mouth and tongue closed over her most sensitive spot, Jenny started to shake.

Barbara lifted her head and fingered Jenny's pussy. She flicked her tongue across Jenny's navel and placed wet kisses along the damp flesh there. Jenny's head rolled to the side and her body started to twitch. Barbara kissed her way down until her lips once again closed over Jenny's clit.


She used her mouth in ways Jenny never imagined, bringing her to the edge over and over again. Jenny ground her crotch against Barbara's mouth, and despite her promise to keep her hands to herself, she threaded her fingers through Barbara's hair.

Barbara moaned, the sound sending vibrations through Jenny's clit. Wet, slurping sounds filled the room. With her lips wrapped around Jenny's clit, Barbara continued thrusting a finger inside Jenny's pussy. Jenny let out a yell as the erotic tension crested and she came.

BOOK: Lovestruck
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