Read Marisa Chenery Online

Authors: A Warrior to Love

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction

Marisa Chenery (4 page)

BOOK: Marisa Chenery
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Everywhere Konner’s fingers brushed against her skin caused her to shiver with delight. Her nipples were taut beneath her bra. They ached to be sucked on as much as her pussy ached to have his cock inside it.

Konner kissed her, nibbling on her lips before he pushed his tongue inside to duel with hers. While he did that, he unhooked her bra at her back. He pushed the straps down her arms, then gathered the material in his hand and threw it away. He left her mouth and sucked on her neck. His hands covered her breasts and he brushed his thumbs across her nipples.

He dropped his hands and pushed her panties down her hips until they fell around her ankles. Alexis stepped out of them and kicked them aside. Now as naked as Konner, she pressed against him, glorying in the feel of being skin to skin with nothing between them. His cock nestled against her belly.

Konner wrapped an arm around her waist, then bent her slightly over it. His lips left her neck and made a trail to the tip of one of her breasts. He flicked her taut nipple with his tongue before he sucked it into his mouth. With each hard pull, Alexis felt a corresponding one deep inside her pussy.

After paying the same attention to her other breast, he lifted his head to look her in the eyes as his free hand slid down her body to her slick opening. He moaned.

“You’re so wet.” Konner pushed a finger inside her, then another, plunging them in and out. “And you’re more than ready for me, but I have to taste you first.” He picked her up, then deposited her on the couch.

Konner knelt before he pulled her closer so her butt was off the cushion. He held her in place as he bent his head between her spread thighs and licked her pussy. A low animal-like growl rumbled out of him, the sound vibrating against her sensitive skin. Alexis whimpered, wanting a deeper touch.

Konner licked and sucked, paying attention to her clit as he did so. Alexis’ body coiled tighter, readying itself to orgasm. She arched her back, lifting her hips. He stiffened his tongue and speared it in and out of her. She panted, almost begged him to make her come.

Instead of pushing her over the edge into release, Konner lifted his head before he took her down to the carpeted floor. He settled between her legs, the head of his cock pressed to the opening of her body. With a couple of thrusts, he seated himself to the hilt. Alexis felt completely filled. She held on to his biceps as he lifted his upper body off her and plunged in and out of her pussy.

The only sounds in the room were their harsh breathing and their bodies coming together. Alexis lifted her hips to meet each of Konner’s strokes. His cock grew harder as he strained against her.

She felt her body coil tighter again. With him filling her, stretching her, it wasn’t going to take much to make her come. He felt way too good. A half a dozen more thrusts and she was there. Alexis stiffened under Konner as her pussy rhythmically clutched his plunging cock.

She moaned, intense pleasure flooding her entire body.

Konner rode her faster, harder. Alexis looked up at his face. He had his eyes closed as he strove for his own release. The large vein in his neck stood out, throbbing with his quickened heartbeat. He gritted his teeth, his upper lip curling only a tiny amount. She thought she saw what looked like a fang, but forgot about it as Konner thrust one final time into her. He groaned as his cock pulsed deep inside her, giving her everything he had.

Once it was over, Konner collapsed on top of her, but he kept most of his weight on his bent arms. He nuzzled the side of her neck. They were both gasping for air.

Alexis held him close. Sex with Konner had lived up to her expectations and then some.


Chapter Four

Konner fought to catch his breath as his mind whirled. Sex with Alexis was spectacular, but something had been a little off. With him. Just before he’d reached his release, he’d had an almost overwhelming urge to bite Alexis where her shoulder and neck met. His gums had burned and his eyeteeth had become longer and sharper, like fangs, as they did when he was shifted in his half-human and half-jackal form. Granted, it had been a few years since the last time he’d been with a woman, but that had never happened before. He would have remembered it.

Figuring he must be getting heavy for Alexis, he rolled onto his back, taking her with him so she ended up sprawled on top of him. He pushed some of her hair behind her ear before he brought her lips down to his and kissed her tenderly. He wanted to make love to her again, but he was leery. After what had happened in the restaurant, and now this urge to bite, Konner needed whatever was going on figured out. Which meant he’d have to have a talk with Anubis.

Alexis lifted her head and smiled down at him. “I enjoyed that. I think I have to beat your ass at video games more often, especially if this is what I get for winning every time.”

He chuckled. “Losing to you was no hardship. I think I got the reward as much as you did.”

“Then maybe we should do it again.”

“I’d like that, but I have to go hunting soon.” Alexis’ brows drew together. “Hunting? What do you mean by that?”

Konner mentally kicked himself at his slip. He was so used to not having to guard what he thought and said, basically because he usually kept himself secluded. “I didn’t mean hunting, hunting. It’s sort of what I think my job is all about. I hunt down individuals who need to face up to their crimes.”

“You’re a police officer?”

“No. I work for myself.”

“So you’re a bounty hunter?”

“I guess that would be the closest thing to describe what I do.”

“It’s a Saturday. Can’t you take the night off?” Alexis drew circles around Anubis’ mark on his chest with the tip of her finger. “I want to spend the night with you.” Konner bit back a groan. He wanted nothing more than to carry Alexis upstairs to his bedroom and make love to her for the rest of the night. But he didn’t think that would be wise, not until he’d talked to Anubis.

“Sorry, I can’t get out of it. I want to see you tomorrow, though. You can spend the night then. I won’t be working.” Konner was sure once he had his chat with the god of the underworld he’d be all fixed up. Anubis would have to know what was up with Konner, and how to fix it.

Alexis sighed dramatically. “If I have to wait until then to have you again, I think I can manage it. What time do you have to start work?”

“In a few hours.”

She rolled off him before she stood to gather her clothes. “In that case, there’s enough time for us to have another match or two on that video game we played. Just let me freshen up in the washroom, then I’ll come back and see if I can beat you again.”

Konner sat up and chuckled. “All right. And the washroom is over there.” He pointed to one of the closed doors.

“I won’t be too long,” Alexis said as she turned away and headed in the direction he’d indicated.

He watched her go, his gaze lingering on her backside. Once she disappeared into the washroom, he smiled as he stood to get dressed. At least dating Alexis, he wouldn’t have to worry about her complaining about him playing video games too much. He then realized he was thinking of her in the long-term. It wasn’t all that surprising. They did get along and seemed to have a lot of the same interests. Plus, he wanted her in his life. The sense of not being happy, feeling alone mostly, that had plagued him more times than he liked to think about had seemed to have disappeared while he was around Alexis.

Once she returned they spent a little over an hour playing a video game. Having only ever played single player, it was nice to go against someone else. And Alexis turned out to be just as competitive as he. When he got ahead of her at one point in the game by using a sneaky tactic, she actually smacked him in the arm a few times for it.

Konner drove Alexis home shortly before it was dark. He parked in her driveway and kissed her as if it would have to last him hours, which it did. It had to tie him over until the next day. He waited until she’d unlocked her front door and turned back to wave at him before he backed out of the drive and onto the street.

Alexis waved again as he drove away.

Back at his house, Konner headed straight for Anubis’ temple. He’d get whatever was wrong with him sorted, then he’d go out hunting evildoers for the rest of the night. He opened the door to the room and walked over to the altar.


Yes, Konner.

The god’s voice filled his head. “I’m about to go out hunting, but I need you to fix me first.”
Fix you? How?


“Well, it’s two things, actually. The first one is a little more personal than the other.” He paused as he tried to think of the best way to tell Anubis. “I found a woman I’m going to date. Don’t worry, I won’t tell her what I am.

Now here is the problem. While I was intimate with her, just before I reached completion, I had this need to bite her where her shoulder and neck meet. I didn’t give in to it, but if it happens again it’ll be problematic. I don’t want Alexis to think I make a habit of sinking my teeth into women while I have them in bed.”

Anubis chuckled.
No, you wouldn’t want that. You have
nothing to worry about. The urge to bite her is the sign that
she’s your mate. Once you do, she’ll be as immortal as you. A
bond will form between you. She’ll be tied to your life force.

“My mate?” Konner felt his lips spread into a large smile. “So I’ll no longer have to be alone. Alexis will be mine forever?”

Yes. You aren’t the first of my warriors to find his mate.

“I just have to give in to the urge and bite her and she’ll be my mate?”

Correct, but before you do, you should give her the chance
to accept you as hers. You’ll have to tell her what you are, what
it means to be one of my warriors.

“That could prove to be a tad difficult. I’ve never told a mortal what I am. I know I don’t want to scare Alexis off.”

She might have a hard time accepting it at first, but she
should come around. She has to have feelings for you as you do
for her or she wouldn’t be the one meant for you. Now what is
the second thing you need me to fix?

“Something strange happened to me while I was out with Alexis. I was just sitting there eating my meal when I got a sudden headache. It was unlike any I’ve ever had.

It didn’t last very long, but while I had it my eyes shifted to that of a jackal’s. I also had claws and fur surface, then disappear. Luckily, I managed to get to the men’s room before that happened.”

Now that concerns me
, Anubis said
Something like that
happened to another of my warriors. It eventually had him
completely shifting without an evildoer nearby, and he didn’t
return to his human form until the next morning.

“You mean I could shift at any time, any place?”
Afraid so. And it’s caused by a spell one of the demons who
has escaped the underworld used. I think one of them has found
you. The only way for me to be sure is to search for it inside you
or for signs of it having been active.

Konner remembered Anubis telling him about the demons a little while ago. He’d hoped he wouldn’t become a target for one of them, but obviously that wasn’t the case, it would seem.

“Go ahead and do it,” he said.

He felt Anubis’ presence moving inside him. It wasn’t uncomfortable. It just felt a little strange. A few seconds later, the sensation stopped and Anubis spoke again.

I found a small trace of that spell. It was definitely used by a
demon. It was created with dark magic. Right now you’re fine,
but the demon can use it at any time and you won’t know about
it until it’s too late. This is just the first step of the demon acting
against you. He didn’t have to be in your presence to cast it.

Konner let out a frustrated sigh. Great. He now had a demon to deal with and a mate to win over so he could have his happily ever after. “How do I take care of the demon?”

You must send him to me in the underworld to be judged.

Then he won’t be able to return to the mortal realm.


“Will my gold dagger work on him?”

No, but you’ll be able to will the weapon to you that can
when the time comes.

“Maybe I shouldn’t see Alexis again until I’ve sent the demon to the underworld.”

The creature could use her to get to you if he finds out about
her, but there’s only a slim chance that he will. He’ll be more
focused on you now that he’s found you. You can stay with
your mate.

“Then I’d better find the demon.”

He’ll only reveal himself to you once he feels he has the
upper hand. He might play with you a bit before he goes on the

“Terrific. It sounds as if I’m going to be in store for a lot of fun when it comes to this demon.”
I have full confidence you’ll defeat the creature and keep
your mate safe. You are one of my warriors. You have all you
need to send a demon back to the underworld.

With that, Konner felt Anubis’ presence fade away.

Konner left the temple and headed out for a night of hunting evildoers. He had a lot to think about when it came to Alexis now that he knew what she was to him.

He couldn’t just spring what he was on her, especially not this early in their relationship. He needed her to get to know him as a man first before he told her he was an immortal warrior to an ancient Egyptian god. He’d have to act the part of a normal boyfriend, take her out on dates, and when he thought she was ready for it, he’d take her out for a romantic meal, bring her back to his place and tell her everything.

* * * * *

Considering it wasn’t as late as she’d thought it’d be when she came home, Alexis decided she’d better call Sabrina and tell her friend she was fine. And that Konner hadn’t turned out to be an axe murderer and killed her in a gutter somewhere.

Sabrina didn’t even say hi after she picked up. She just started talking. “Thank god you’re okay. I was worried.”

“I told you Konner was a great guy. He even brought me home early. Well, he had to go to work or I would have stayed at his place longer, if not the whole night.”


“You slept with him, didn’t you?”

A smile played across Alexis’ lips. “Yes, I sure did.”

“And from the way you sound so satisfied, I take it he rocked your world.”

Alexis laughed. “You could say that. Not only is Konner handsome, a gentleman and a god in bed, he’s also well-to-do. You should see his place. It’s huge. He also has a media room down in his basement set up for gaming.”

Sabrina groaned. “God, he must be perfect for you if he’s a gamer too. And I’m sure the two of you played some games while on your date.”

“Yes we did, after we got back from seeing a concert at Millennium Park. And the prize I got for beating him the first time we played was the best one I’ve ever received. That’s when Konner rocked my world.”

“So when do I get to meet this sex god?”

“Soon, I guess. I’m seeing him again tomorrow. He also doesn’t have to work that night so we should be able to spend more time together.”

“What does he do?”


“He’s some kind of bounty hunter.”

“He must be pretty tough to do a job like that. It can’t be an easy one.”

“Konner is definitely built for it. And he comes across as being able to handle himself in any situation, but he isn’t overbearing or anything. He’s perfect to be with. So far I haven’t found anything wrong with him.” Sabrina sighed. “You sound as if you’ve already started to fall for him.”

Alexis had to think about that. Was she starting to have strong feelings for Konner? After their date, she had high hopes she’d be able to have an ongoing relationship with him that maybe would turn into something serious and permanent. He not only rocked her world, she felt as if she was meant to be with him. She already missed him, which was a new one for her when it came to the early days of a relationship. Konner was the first man she’d ever dated from whom she didn’t have to hide her computer geekiness. Even though she’d told him she wasn’t a computer geek, Alexis knew she was. She spent way too much time on one not to be.

“Maybe I am,” she said.


“Just don’t fall too fast or too hard. You still have to get to know him better.”

“You know me. I’m not the type to fall in love at first sight. I might take more chances with guys than you do, but that doesn’t mean I give my heart to just anyone.”

“I know. Sometimes I wish I wasn’t so unsure of myself when it comes to men.”

“You’ll find the right guy one day who’ll be able to look past that and get you to come out of your shell.

Maybe I should ask Konner if he can set you up on a blind date with one of his bounty hunter friends.”

“Don’t you dare,” Sabrina said in an anxious voice.

“Why not? You were the one who set me up on that disastrous date with your cousin. You owe me one.”

“You’re never going to let me live that one down, are you?”

Alexis chuckled. “Maybe and maybe not. Anyway, I’m going to go here. I just thought I’d call so you’d stop worrying.”

BOOK: Marisa Chenery
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