Read Marisa Chenery Online

Authors: A Warrior to Love

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction

Marisa Chenery (5 page)

BOOK: Marisa Chenery
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“I’ll talk to you later. I hope you have a good time with Konner tomorrow.”


“I’m sure I will. Bye.”

Alexis ended the call and put the cordless back on its base. She went upstairs to her bedroom and put on her pajamas. She’d pop a big bowl of popcorn, watch one of her DVDs and drink one of the beers she had in her fridge. Usually she’d do some work, but not this time.

She’d only end up daydreaming about Konner and remembering what it was like to be in his arms.


Chapter Five

Alexis had been all set to take the entire weekend off from doing any work when she’d awoken the next morning. But fate, or should she say a client, figured differently. After turning on her computer, she’d found a frantic email from one of her best customers. Her client had thought to make some minor changes to her business’s website herself. When she couldn’t get them to work, she’d only ended up making an even bigger mess. Now she wanted Alexis to fix what she’d done, then do the changes she’d tried to do in the first place.

The fixing was the easy part. The changes ended up not being as minor as the client had first said. They were something that would take most of a day since they would end up changing the layout of the entire website and adding new content.

Alexis couldn’t tell her client to wait until Monday.

The woman would lose a lot of business, and she was one of Alexis’ best-paying customers. In the end she promised she’d have everything done by late afternoon.

Now she had no idea what to do about Konner. She didn’t want to cancel their date.

She’d just sat to get to work when the phone rang.

Alexis had a feeling it was Konner calling. And once she looked at the call display, she saw she was correct. She dreaded having to tell him she couldn’t go over to his place.

“Hey, Konner,” she said after she answered the call.

“How’s it going?”

Alexis let out a little sigh. “Not good, I’m afraid.”

“I hope you aren’t cancelling our date.”

“I don’t want to, but something came up with one of my clients and I have to finish the work by late this afternoon. I probably won’t even have time for lunch.”

“What if I come over to your place? I can bring you something to eat. I’ll even feed it to you so you can continue working.”

Having Konner feed her would give her naughty ideas. “Are you sure? I’m going to be busy for hours, and you’ll be stuck here doing nothing. You’ll probably get bored. I’d feel bad.”

“Alexis, I wouldn’t have asked to come over if I thought I couldn’t handle you working. I want to see you again. If it’ll make you happy, I’ll bring one of my systems with me and some games to keep me occupied.

Then when you’re done, we can spend what’s left of the day together.”

It seemed as if Konner was as anxious to see her as she was to see him. What he suggested just put him on a higher ranking than any other guy she’d dated. None of her other boyfriends would have even thought of coming over to sit and wait for her to be done working. They would have just cancelled their date.

“Okay, you can come over, and bring your system with you. I’ll try to be as quick as I can.”

“Take as much time as you need. I’ll be over in a half hour.”

“See you then.”

Alexis hung up and turned her attention to her desktop monitor. She soon got caught up in her work and jumped when the doorbell rang. She looked at the time on her computer and was surprised to see the half hour had already gone by.

She hurried out of the bedroom she’d set up as her office and rushed to the front door. Alexis opened it to find Konner on the other side. He held out a bag of something that smelled really good.

“Here, take this,” he said. “I have to go get my system out of the car.”

She took the bag, then waited for him to return. Once he did, Konner stepped inside. Alexis closed the door behind him. “You can set your system up in the living room. I don’t have as huge a television as you, but it’s LCD.”

“That’s fine.” She went to lead him to the living room when he stopped her. “Hold on a minute. I forgot to do something.”

Konner came closer and tucked the box he carried under one arm. With his other, he pulled her close and took her lips in a kiss that had Alexis curling her toes.

Her whole body seemed to go up in flames as he claimed her mouth. Konner was the first one to pull away.

“I needed that,” he said with a crooked grin.

“So did I. Now I’m going to be distracted by it while I’m trying to work.”

“Then I won’t do it again until you’re done.” She groaned. “Sure, torture me. Come on. You can put your system in the living room, then I’ll get back to work.”

“Do you need me to feed you?”

She shook her head. “No, I’d better do it. If I let you I know for sure I’ll get nothing done. What did you get? It smells good.”

“I picked up some English-style fish and chips. Is that all right?”

“I love fish and chips, and it will be easy to eat while I’m in front of the computer.”

After Konner had hooked up his system to the TV

and had made himself comfortable on the couch, Alexis took one of the Styrofoam containers of food to her office.

She ate the fish and chips while she worked one-handed on the keyboard of her computer.

Twenty minutes later, Konner came into the room and took the empty food container from her. He only gave her a kiss on the top of her head before he left her alone again.

As she continued to work, from time to time, Alexis could hear the game Konner played. Also him swearing at it when he ended up getting killed. She chuckled at that. She had to admit she’d done enough swearing of her own over a game.

The hours seemed to pass quickly as Alexis immersed herself in her work, getting lost in computer codes. She’d just finished coding one last section of the website and had tested it to make sure it worked when Konner called out to her from the living room.

“Are you almost done?” he asked.

“Yes,” she called back. “I have to email the client to tell her everything is up and running again, then I’m all yours.” Alexis typed up a short email and sent it off to the customer. “Done,” she said quietly.

“Good. Now I can really distract you.”

She spun around on her steno chair and found Konner standing just inside the room without a stitch of clothes on. He was also fully aroused, his cock sticking out straight from his body. Alexis ate him up with her gaze as her pussy went instantly wet.

Konner breathed in Alexis’ arousal as it reached his sensitive nose, which made his dick grow even harder.

While he’d waited for her to finish her work, he’d had a hard time giving the game he played his full attention.

He’d kept thinking of all the things he wanted to do to Alexis once she came out of her office, which caused an erection that refused to go away. He’d died in the game more than a few times from inattention.

By the time Alexis had said she was almost done when he’d asked, Konner decided he had to have her.

He’d waited long enough to make love to her again, and he desperately craved her touch now that he knew she was his mate. So he’d stripped out of his clothes to show her exactly what he intended to do to her once he reached her office.

Alexis continued to run her hot gaze over his body, seeming to take in every inch of him, lingering longer on his hard cock. It jerked in anticipation of her touch. He walked toward her, letting his hunger and need fill his eyes when she met his gaze.

She licked her lips as if they’d suddenly gone dry.

Konner remembered what they felt like wrapped around his cock. Alexis stood once he was in front of her. “You can most definitely distract me now,” she said in a voice gone husky with desire.

“I thought you wouldn’t have any complaints.”

“Nope, I have none. But I just have one small suggestion to make.”

“Which is?”

“There’s no bed in here. Let’s move to my bedroom.

It’s just at the end of the hall.”

“An excellent suggestion.”

Konner claimed her mouth before he picked Alexis up off her feet. He turned and walked with her out of the room, heading for her bedroom. His dick rubbed against her jean-clad pussy with every step he took since she’d put her legs around his waist. She really drove him wild when she ground against him. Small mewling sounds left her as she kissed him hungrily. She had him wound so tight he almost bumped her head on the doorframe as he entered her room.

He practically stumbled over to her bed. He climbed onto the mattress and shifted until he knelt in the center of it with Alexis still in his arms. He tried to release her, but she clung to him. He had to pry her legs from around his waist and position her so she was on her knees as he was. He needed to get her naked, have her luscious body against his with no barriers. He tugged at her clothes.

Once Alexis realized what he tried to do, she broke their kiss and helped him undress her. Now that she was as naked as he, Konner ran his gaze over her shapely curves, his hands following in the same path behind it.

Her breathing quickened as a slight blush appeared on her cheeks and upper chest. Her nipples were taut, just begging for his mouth.

Konner put his arm around Alexis’ waist and took her down to the bed. He settled at her side and shifted lower until he was even with one of her breasts. He used the tip of his finger to circle the nipple, causing it to tighten even more. He cupped the mound and lifted it to his mouth to brush his lips back and forth across it. She moaned and arched her back, demanding more.

He bit gently on the tight peak before he sucked it inside his mouth. Alexis shoved her hands into his hair to hold him to her. Her hips lifted and retreated as she squirmed on the bed. He took his time, keeping his focus on her breasts and nothing else. Konner released the nipple to suck on the other.

“Konner,” Alexis panted. “Touch more of me.” He gave one last suck before he let it go. “Oh, I will,” he said against her skin. “I’m in no hurry here.” She yanked on his hair. “You might not be, but I don’t want to wait.”

He chuckled as he shifted lower on her body, licking the underside of each breast. Konner kissed a path down the center of her stomach to her bellybutton. As he swirled his tongue inside it, he used his thigh to push her legs farther apart before he settled between them.

He spread her pussy lips and licked her from bottom to top. Konner then set to work feasting on her, licking and sucking. Alexis moaned as she rode his mouth. He switched his attention to her clit. He sucked on it as he pushed two fingers inside her and stroked them in and out. Her inner walls closed around them, squeezing. She panted his name, her hands once again fisting in his hair to hold him exactly where she wanted him.

Konner continued to work Alexis, pushing her closer and closer to her release. He added a third finger and plunged it, along with the others, harder and faster into her pussy as he stimulated her clit using his mouth. She arched her hips and let out a whimpered moan. Her inner walls grasped his fingers as she came.

After the last flutter, Konner rose from between her legs and sheathed his cock balls-deep inside her with one thrust. He felt an aftershock ripple through her pussy along his shaft. He pumped his hips, taking her in long, hard strokes. Waves of pleasure surged through him as he sank into her.

His balls drew up closer to his body. Afraid he wouldn’t be able to resist the urge to bite Alexis as the need to come built, Konner held her close and rolled, taking her with him. His cock stayed buried inside her pussy.

She sat up on him and placed her hands onto his chest. Alexis rose on her knees until he was almost free of her body before she sank on him. She continued to ride him with long, slow strokes. He was seated deeper than he’d been in the other position. He reached up and palmed her breasts, tugging on the nipples. Alexis sat up higher and placed her hands over top his. She moaned, riding him fast, her inner muscles gripping his cock.

As Konner’s release edged nearer, his eyeteeth shifted to fangs and the urge to bite Alexis rose inside him. This time it felt stronger than the last. He clenched his jaw against it and forced himself to stay on his back instead of lifting to a seated position so he could get at the spot where Alexis’ shoulder and neck met. He thrust up into her as she pushed down on him, matching each of his strokes.

Her motions became jerky, then Alexis let out a groan with her orgasm. It rippled along Konner’s cock, clutching him in a tight fist, which was all he needed to send him into his own climax. As soon as he came, his teeth returned to normal and the urge to sink them into Alexis passed. He groaned out a low growl as his cock pulsed inside her pussy, filling her with his cum.

Alexis bent at the waist and settled against Konner’s chest. Her hot breath caressed his skin. He put an arm around her back as he waited for his heart to beat at a slower rate and he was able to breathe without panting.

His cock softened and slipped free of her body.

“That was pretty intense,” Alexis said once she breathed normally.

“Yeah, it was,” he said with a smile before he kissed her forehead.

She rearranged her legs so they ended up tangled with his and looked at him. “I could get addicted to this.

To you.”

He brushed a lock of hair behind her ear. “The feeling is mutual. It has been a long time since I’ve wanted a relationship. I want more than a few dates with you, Alexis.”

She gave him a smile that lit up her face. “I’d hoped you’d want something a little more permanent. I want this to work.”

“That’s what I want as well. So let’s put it on record that from here on out we don’t date other people.”

BOOK: Marisa Chenery
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