Milked by Royalty: The Full Collection (A Human Cow Erotic Romance) (4 page)

BOOK: Milked by Royalty: The Full Collection (A Human Cow Erotic Romance)
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“My training? My…What in the hell do you mean training? I’m not some animal. I’m a human being, you monster.”

“You’re a cow,” he said. “And for the duration of your contract, you are my property.”

Julia shook her head. “This is sick. I’m not your property. I’m not anybody’s property. I want out. I want to go home. Where’s Brandon?”

His lordship smirked. “You mean my acquisitioner? I’m afraid I sent him back to London to search for any further stock that might catch his eye.”

“Stock? You mean he…”

She squeezed her eyes shut. How could she be so stupid? Ever since she’d met Brandon, he’d been trying to get her to visit Lord Ashe’s estate, but she’d never had the time before, not until her exams had ended and she’d been so depressed about having to return home that she’d clung to the narrow hope of Brandon’s lordly friend helping her extend a visa that was set to expire in less than a month.

And that’s how he got you
, she thought.
You confided your secrets to him, and he used them to betray you. Just like Matthew did.

Just thinking about her former fiancé was enough to make her shiver, but she had to be strong. Lord Ashe wasn’t Matthew Pender. He wouldn’t hurt her like Matthew had. Julia wouldn’t let him.

“How many women have you kidnapped?”

Lord Ashe raised an eyebrow. “Kidnapped? My dear, I acquire my stock. I don’t force them into service.”

“Then you’ll let me go?” she asked.

“You signed a one-week contract. Once seven days have passed, you will be given the option of leaving with your remittance or extending your stay in my service.”

“My remittance?”

“Five thousand pounds,” he said. “I believe that’s roughly seven thousand of your American dollars.”

Julia blinked. “You mean…you mean you’re willing to give me seven thousand dollars just to stay here for one week.”

“You will be working,” he said. “Make no mistake, your training won’t be easy. It takes time for a new cow to settle into her roll, but given your performance yesterday, I believe you have the potential to get through the next six days just fine.”

“And then you’ll let me go? You swear it?”

“It’s all in writing,” he said. “You did take the time to read your contract, didn’t you?”

Julia bit her lip. Her parents had always taken care of her when she’d lived at home, and then Matthew had come along and…

No, no, you will not think about him.

“Is something amiss?” his lordship asked.

“No, no, I just…” She bit her lip. “So all I have to do is pretend to be a cow and let you milk me? That’s it?”

His lordship chuckled. “There is no pretending, my dear. You will be a cow, and you will be my cow. Your body is mine to use however I so please. Once you’ve met the agreements of our contract, you will have the option to reclaim your freedom should you choose to do so.”

A deep moo reverberated through the barn, followed by another and another. Julia felt her insides tremble. Moisture gathered between her legs, and she had to fight not to join her sisters in their mooing even though she didn’t know why.

They’re not your sisters, she screamed at the perverted half of herself. They’re brainwashed women this monster has turned into his milk sluts. You need to get away from them. You need to get away from all of them.

But if that was the case, why did every cell in her body want to get back to that milking machine? And why did she want Lord Ashe to be the one to strap her in?

“And what if I choose to leave now?” she asked.

“I’m afraid that’s not an option,” he said.

“So you’re saying I’m your prisoner?”

His lips tightened. “You are individual under a contractual obligation to serve my needs.”

“But I can’t leave?”

“To attempt escape or any other direct violation of my orders will result in severe disciplinary action.”

Julia almost asked what such an action would entail, but the fierceness in his lordship’s gaze kept her mute.

Just like Matthew
, she thought for a moment, but she shook her head quickly. No, this man wasn’t just like Matthew. Her fiancé had proven just how much of a monster he truly was, and even though his lordship was stern, domineering even, he wasn’t cruel.

Or so she hoped.

She must not have been as good at hiding her fears as she’d suspected. His lordship’s gaze softened, if only a fraction, and he even knelt down to stroke her hair.

“Many of our cows have difficulty accepting the role at first, but given time, I believe you’ll acclimate just as well as the rest of the herd.”

Julia turned her attention back to the women mooing throughout the barn.

“And you’re telling me they all want to be here?” she asked. “Or do you just have them under ‘contractual obligation,’ too?”

He sighed. “Each of them once held a contract such as yours, but once our initial agreement met its end, they were each given the choice of leaving or remaining in my service indefinitely.”

“And they chose to stay?”

“Every one of them.”

Julia tried to shake her head, but his lordship cupped her chin in his hand.

“You might not believe me now,” he said, “but for some women, subservience suits them more naturally than freedom. In the end, the decision remains yours, but while you’re here, I suggest you take this time to think about what you really want in life.”

Julia wanted to be mad at this man, but he spoke with such calm authority, she couldn’t bring herself to feel anything even close to anger. “What I really want?”

He nodded. “In the end, you can choose a life of freedom or a life of submission. Each has its merits. All I ask is that you explore them both before making your final decision.”

Freedom or submission? She knew she’d choose freedom in the end. Matthew had given her a similar choice once before, and freedom had been her decision in the end.

But it hadn’t been easy
, she reminded herself.
Not for anyone

Her bones still ached from all the pain he’d shown her, but this was different. The drugs, the milkings, the sex, it wasn’t so bad. No, it wasn’t bad at all. She could do this. She didn’t have a choice anyway, so she knew she had to do this, but compared to what she’d gone through during all the months she and Ryan had been together, she knew she could survive whatever her future may hold.

“Okay,” she said. “I’m up for it. It’s only a week, right? I can survive anything if it’s only going to last a week.”

He chuckled. “I’m sure you can. Now, come along. It’s time for your first milking of the day, and your trainer is more than a bit eager to meet you.”

“My trainer?”

Julia tried to get to her feet, but his lordship forced her back to the ground.

“All fours,” he said. “And no talking. I know you Americans are fond of watching your animals talk on the tellie, but in real life, animals don’t speak.”

Julia couldn’t really argue that point.

“So you’ve got a new bitch for me, have you?”

Julia looked up when another voice joined the conversation. Just outside the door of her stall, a young woman in riding gear stared down at her. The girl couldn’t have been more than five years Julia’s senior, but she stood with the same aristocratic bearing as the man to her left.

And more than that, Julia thought.

The dark eyes, the sharp nose, the high cheekbones. The pair had more similarities than not, and when his lordship introduced her as his sister, the news came as no surprise.

“Lady Sybil will be your primary trainer,” he told Julia while she sat mutely on the floor. “She has a firm but fair hand. I’ll check on your progress routinely, but should I find you deficient in any of your duties, you can trust I’ll step in to assist with your training.”

“As if you’ll have to, big brother,” Sybil said. “I’ve trained my share of heifers. This one shouldn’t be any different.”

She took the rope from her brother and looped it around Julia’s neck.

“We’re about to get very well acquainted you and I,” she said as she led Julia from her stall. “More than you likely have with any other woman, I’ll grant.”

A knot settled in Julia’s stomach, but she followed the petite woman through the barn just the same.

I can get through anything if it only lasts a week. All I have to do is survive.

She just hoped she wasn’t lying to herself.

Part Two: Tra
ining Day


Julia Dorne’s massive breasts bounced against one another as she crawled behind Lady Sybil. Her nipples scraped across the hay beneath her, and tingles danced down her spine.

Despite her shame, moisture coated her pussy.

You are not aroused by this. You are absolutely not aroused by this.

But to be truthful, she actually was. She tried to tell herself it was just the after effects of the Laculin his lordship had slipped into her drink the day before, but the wetter she got, the less certain she became.

They drugged you, that’s all. You wouldn’t have done this if you hadn’t been drugged.

Of course, Matthew hadn’t drugged her when he’d…

She squeezed her eyes shut. Her fiancé was gone now, nothing but a memory, and a bad one at that. She had to stop thinking about him. She had to focus on the here and now if she wanted to get through this ordeal, and she did want to get through it just as soon as she possibly could.

Didn’t she?

Lady Sybil led her to the milking room his lordship had fucked her in the day before. Ahead of her, other cows stood hooked up to the milking machines. Hydraulic pumps pounded a steady beat as the women gasped and mooed through their milking.

Julia’s pussy got even wetter.

Lady Sybil led Julia to an empty spot beside the cow Julia vaguely remembered as Charity. The raven-haired woman threw back her head as the cups squeezed and sucked at her giant breasts. Julia’s mouth watered just watching all that wonderful milk flow through the clear tubing to the collection vats hanging from the rafters.

“Here, cow,” Lady Sybil said, and Julia crawled forward obediently. After all, what other choice did she have?

Her ladyship cuffed Julia’s hands into the manacles on the floor. She strapped her ankles into place behind her. Julia expected her breast pumps to come next, but instead the woman screwed what looked like a narrow, one-legged bench into the floor beneath her. The seat was only a couple of inches wide and barely a foot long. She wondered what purpose it could possibly serve until her ladyship extended it up until it was flush with Julia’s midsection.

“That should do nicely,” her ladyship said. “Now, chin up.”

Julia wasn’t sure if the woman was taunting her or ordering her into some sick new position, but it didn’t matter. Her ladyship grabbed the rings hanging from either side of Julia’s collar and clipped them to twin poles standing on either side of Julia’s neck.

Hardened leather dug into the underside of Julia’s jaw as the collar held her head high and her back slightly arched. Her arms already ached from the strain of holding up her immense chest, but the narrow bar beneath her midsection bore at least some of the weight.

“You’ll maintain this position throughout your milking. Once you’re properly trained, we can do without all the extra equipment.”

Lady Sybil cupped Julia’s breasts in her hands, and white hot need shot through Julia’s pussy. Thick beads of moisture slid down her inner leg, and she groaned when Lady Sybil squeezed her tender nipples.

Oh, yes. Oh, oh...

Her ladyship smirked when Julia began pumping her hips against the air.

“Quite the needy slut my brother found for me,” she said. “We’ll have to do something about that.”

Julia couldn’t tell if she was more aroused or ashamed when Lady Sybil slid her hands down her naked body all the way to her firm ass.

I shouldn’t like this. I shouldn’t like this. I shouldn’t…

Lady Sybil’s finger slipped inside Julia’s aching pussy, and stars danced behind her eyes.  Just like before, she needed more. She needed…

Rough leather wrapped around her left knee. A moment later, her other leg was tugged aside as Lady Sybil strapped a second restraint around her right.

When Julia tried to pull her legs together, a narrow metal bar kept them separated.

“You’ll wear a spreader until you can be trusted,” Lady Sybil said. “You will derive your pleasure when I deem it fit, not before. If I see you attempting to pleasure yourself without my leave, you will be punished. Am I understood?”

Her ladyship slapped Julia’s ass for good measure, and Julia nodded quickly.

“Good. Just one more piece, and then we can get started. Open your mouth.”

Lady Sybil held up a piece of twisted steel, and Julia’s eyes went wide. Open her mouth? Why would her ladyship want to put that...thing into Julia’s mouth? It looked like a clamp, like a torture device, like…

Like the same tool a dentist might use to keep her mouth open during surgery.

Julia shook harder.

Panic took over. She might have signed a contract, but this was too much. She was a woman, damnit. She wasn’t a cow. These people had no right to treat her this way. No right at all.

Neither did Matthew, but that didn’t stop him.

“Wait,” Julia said. “Look, I’m not ready for this. Please, just let me go. You can milk me all you want just don’t—”

Her words broke into a scream. From out of nowhere, a shock sliced through Julia’s naked ass and her whole body spasmed in pain.

When she looked up, her ladyship was dangling what looked to be a cattle prod in front of Julia’s face.

“Don’t ever presume to give orders to your betters,” Lady Sybil said. “You are a cow. You will behave as a cow. If you stand, you’ll be punished. If you speak, you’ll be punished. Do you understand?”

Julia nodded. “Yes, I—”

Her ladyship pressed the cattle prod against Julia’s skin again and held it in place while Julia’s screams rang through the barn.

When she pulled it away, Julia was shivering even harder than before.

“I shall ask you only once more. Do you understand, cow?”

Julia’s brow wrinkled in pain and confusion. What did the woman want? She’d already answered her once. She—

And then Julia understood.

“Moo,” she said quietly at first, and then once more, louder. “Moooo!”

Lady Sybil smiled.

“You learn quickly, my cow. Speech is an honor saved for humans. You’re only an animal, so you must act like an animal. Do you understand me?”

Julia’s pulse quickened. She almost nodded before she caught herself in time and mooed once more.

“Good girl.” Lady Sybil patted Julia’s back. “Keep up that good behavior, and you might just enjoy what I have intended for you today. Now open your mouth before you make me truly cross.”

Tears slid from Julia’s eyes, but she opened her mouth obediently. Lady Sybil slipped the stainless steel behind her teeth and cinched the strap tight against the back of her head. Slowly she adjusted the hinges until Julia’s mouth was drawn open as wide as it could stand.

Why were these people doing this to her?

Her breaths came out fast while her heart hammered against her breastbone. The woman in front of her was a sadist, there was no other explanation, and now Julia was at her complete mercy. She should have put up a fight. She should have demanded to be let go. She should have…

I should have never drunk that damned milk to begin with.

But she had, and now she was paying for her stupidity.

She just hoped the price wasn’t more than she could bear to give.

“Dr. Polliver?” Lady Sybil called out. “I believe she’s ready for you.”

Julia jerked when footstep crunched through the hay behind her. An older man with gray hair and glasses approached from the far side of the room. In his hands was a heavy box of sorts, almost like a tackle box but far more clinical.


Julia’s heart beat faster as the man’s eyes roved over her naked body.

“She seems a fine specimen,” he said before lifting one of her breasts in his hand. “Quite the producer already, I see. When did she receive her first dose of Laculin?”

“Somewhere in the vicinity of 18 hours ago,” Lady Sybil said.

“Amazing,” the man said. “This large already, and they haven’t even stopped growing. I dare say she’ll have the biggest udders in the herd if she keeps this up.”

Julia’s mouth went dry and she trembled.

And they haven’t stopped growing? Just how big are they going to get?

Already her breasts tugged against her back almost painfully. They were so huge, so monstrous, so, so…

So wonderfully sensitive.

The man’s fingers rubbed circles around her nipple. He clasped her firm teat in one hand and tugged at it softly at first, then harder until liquid fire shot out of her breast straight into the doctor’s open mouth.

Julia threw back her head and moaned. Oh, damn, but that felt so, so good.

Her ladyship crossed her arms over her chest and frowned. “I wasn’t aware it was time for your lunch break, doctor. Now, if you’re quite finished, I believe you have an exam to conduct.”

Dr. Polliver cleared his throat. “Oh, yes, quite right. So sorry, my lady. I’ll get started right away.”

He opened his case. Julia stole a glance behind her and shivered at the shiny tools glinting back at her. She cut her eyes at the doctor and then back at his kit. Just what in the hell did he have planned for her?

Why can’t they just milk me? I need to be milked? Can’t they see that?

Her breasts swung beneath her like pendulums. Her skin still tingled from the doctor’s touch, but it wasn’t enough, not nearly enough. She hadn’t realized until the doctor pulled at her teats, but the pressure inside her breasts was nearly overwhelming. She needed a release. She needed—

“Doing well, are we?”

His lordship’s voice cut through her thoughts. His footsteps came closer with every second, and Julia’s heart fluttered. Even after all the man had done to her, she couldn’t deny the hold he had on her. He was calm, authoritative, and regal. He was a master worthy of his title, and no matter how much her common sense screamed that she should hate the man, Julia still found herself drawn to the earl of Farthington Hall.

Not that it would do her any good. Until her contract ran out, she was an animal in his eyes as well as everyone else’s. But afterwards…

Afterwards you’ll be a poor college student again, only $7,000 richer.

She felt almost like a whore taking his money in return for this…this…whatever in the hell this was, but $7,000 was $7,000, and she wasn’t about to turn down that kind of cash, especially when she really did need it.

“Come to see Dr. Polliver perform?” Lady Sybil asked. “I don’t recall ever seeing you take such an interest in one of our new cows, big brother.”

Lord Ashe chuckled. “I wouldn’t exactly say our Jewel is just any cow, would you, sis?”

Lady Sybil shrugged but even so, the woman’s eyes roved over Julia’s naked body almost as much as Lord Ashe’s. Julia swallowed hard. She wasn’t used to men staring at her like this, much less women. She always hid her body. She tried to make herself as inconspicuous as possible, but naked and restrained as she was, modesty was all but impossible.

“We’ll start with her temperature, I think,” the doctor said, and a second later, Julia felt something cool press against her tightened anus.

“Wh—” she began, but her ladyship’s cattle prod flashed before her eyes, and she turned the question into a quick moo instead.

Dr. Polliver slid his thermometer up her ass slowly. She hissed as it entered her.

“Easy,” the doctor said. “Almost there.”

The instrument was far bigger than any thermometer she’d ever known. She breathed in faster, deeper. It was filling her, stretching her, but it didn’t feel bad. No it didn’t feel bad at all.

She moaned when the doctor slid it all the way in. More of her juices slid down the inside of her legs.

Lord Ashe chuckled. “I think our little Jewel likes you, doctor.”

Julia’s cheeks burned with shame.

What is wrong with you? You can’t possibly be getting off on this…this…madness

But in all honesty, she was.

Whether it was the restraints, the humiliation, or the dehumanization, she didn’t know, but right now she was wetter than she’d ever been in her whole life and so, so needy.

The doctor’s hands moved down to her pussy. A gloved finger stroked her lightly, and she gasped around her open mouth gag.

“Very nice,” the doctor said. “Her lips are well engorged and lubrication doesn’t seem to be a problem. Now let’s just check inside.”

His breath hit her moist pussy as he examined her inner folds, and it was all Julia could do just to keep her arms and legs from buckling beneath her. His fingers probed her insides. He reached inside her slowly, his fingertips lightly brushing her skin, until finally he reached a spot that made her whole body shudder.


Warm milk squirted from her breasts. Her legs gave out. Her arms turned to rubber. Only the metal stand beneath her abdomen kept her bottom from hitting the floor while her thick collar held her head safely aloft.

What in the hell was that?

“Well, doctor,” Lord Ashe said. “I believe it’s safe to say you’ve found her G-spot.”

BOOK: Milked by Royalty: The Full Collection (A Human Cow Erotic Romance)
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