Milked by Royalty: The Full Collection (A Human Cow Erotic Romance) (9 page)

BOOK: Milked by Royalty: The Full Collection (A Human Cow Erotic Romance)
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His lordship…

Julia’s eyes flashed open, and all at once shame consumed her. This was wrong. This was so very wrong. She didn’t belong to these men. She belonged to Lord Ashe. She belonged…

A tiny voice whispered that she only belonged to herself, but she told it to shut up. She couldn’t trust herself to fight for self-preservation or dignity. Matthew had shown her that long ago. But if she had to fight for someone else…

She shoved at the men atop her, but she might as well have been pushing against Mt. Rainier.

Damn, why did she have to be so weak?

Her lungs struggled for air, but Achilles thrust his cock even farther down her throat. Samson tore at her breasts even more wildly and Goliath…

Goliath wasn’t even close to being done.

Just when she thought all hope was lost, Samson toppled off her chest. Next went Achilles. The smaller bull’s seed shot across her face as his cock leapt from her mouth. For a moment, she thought his lordship was rescuing her. She opened her eyes, fully expecting to see Lord Ashe about to whisk her away to safety, but instead, Goliath’s wild green eyes stared down at her.

He grabbed the rope still hanging from her collar and pulled her up to his chest.

Julia’s soiled tits slapped against his pectorals. Milk and semen spread between them as he clutched her narrow waist into his and thrust into her hard and fast.

She wrapped her arms around the monster’s neck, and her eyes rolled back once more.

The pain and the pleasure played a dirty symphony through her insides, but even if she wanted it to stop, she was helpless. Her feet slapped against Samson’s thighs as he used her like the filthy slut she was.

And she was a slut, wasn’t she? She’d been a virgin when Matthew had found her, but he’d seen through to her true nature. He knew the darkness that lay inside her. He’d proven just what kind of an animal she could be long before his lordship turned her into the beast she was now.

But Matthew was a monster. He was insane. Everything he did to you was evil, and you knew it. That’s why you left him.

Yes, she had left him. She’d run as far away as she could, all the way to another country, but that still didn’t stop her from letting another madman take control of her.

It’s different with his lordship. He’s kind. He’ll protect you. He doesn’t want to keep you in that box like Matthew did. He doesn’t want—

More hands dug into her hips. Julia gasped when hardened flesh pressed against her rectum, and a second later another cock entered her from behind. 

Oh, God, she was about to be torn apart.

The two bulls drove their cocks into her deeper, faster, harder with each passing thrust. Her insides rubbed together. Their grunts and moans echoed through the giant freezer. Hot, lustful breaths broke across her bare neck, and Julia struggled to get enough air.

We’re going to suffocate in here. When his lordship finally opens that door, he’ll find us all splayed across the floor like some morbid peep show.

Goliath sunk his teeth into her shoulder, and she screamed as the pain pushed her into her next orgasm.

Oh, shit, she really was sick.

Her arms slid down Goliath’s massive biceps. His sweat mixed with her own, and more of her milk dribbled across their chests, all the way down to her hidden hole where his massive cock was slamming into her over and over again.

Before long, she was sure he’d end up punching through to her insides, but that didn’t really matter. Nothing mattered by the moment. Soon she’d be dead, but right now she was alive.

She was so alive.

Her head lolled back against the chest of the bull behind her. She blinked up at the monster who was grinding into her rectum. Samson. It was Samson. He thrust into her so hard her breath caught in her throat, and when he jerked back her hair to nibble at her bare throat, she knew she was lost for sure.

As if you ever even had a chance

More banging rumbled up from beyond the door, but she couldn’t focus on it. She couldn’t focus on anything but the twin cocks grinding through her insides. Oh, God, it felt so good. The pain added to the pleasure so deliciously. She hadn’t had anal in so long, and the last time…the last time…

A roar erupted from behind her. Strong hands grabbed her by the arm. She jerked to the left. When she opened her eyes, Achilles was prying her from between the other bulls.

, she wanted to say.
No, I need this so bad. It’s what I deserve

But all that came out was a strangled gasp.

She didn’t have to worry about fighting to keep her spot, though. Goliath tightened his grip around her waist. Samson dug his fingers into her hair. The two of them growled back at Achilles, but the smaller bull wouldn’t give up his piece of the spoils. He pulled at her arm until she screamed. She could already feel the bruises forming beneath his fingers, and her shoulder… Just one more tug, and she was sure it’d be ripped from its socket.


Memories of Matthew and the basement and the box popped into her mind, and she panicked. Oh, God, this wasn’t what she wanted. This wasn’t what she wanted at all.

She squealed and kicked and fought but the men taking her were made of stone. They didn’t even acknowledge her pathetic resistance. Just when she thought her arm was sure to be torn loose, Goliath released his grip on her just long enough to send a bone-shattering right cross straight into the smaller bull’s jaw.

A pop echoed through the room followed by a crash as Achilles collapsed into the shelves of milk behind him. Glass shattered. Milk splattered across the ground. When she looked down, the smaller bull was out cold, the right side of his jaw caved in while milk and blood mixed together across the frosty floor below.

But Goliath wasn’t done yet.

He threw a second punch at the bull still fucking Julia from behind. She gasped when Samson’s hand tugged at her hair, desperate to hold on to anything as he fell backwards, his manhood sliding from her rectum and a half-pained growl billowing up from his throat.

They’re about to fight. They’re about to fight, and you’re caught right in the middle of it.

She tried to get away, but even just one of Goliath’s arms was more than strong enough to pinion her to his chest. She shivered as his cock pulsed inside her and his heart beat just beneath her left ear.

They were going to tear her apart. There was no way around it.

All she could do was dig her fingers into Goliath’s meaty traps and hold on as he pummeled Samson into submission. Blood flew. It smeared across her cheek and shoulder but none of it was hers.

She cringed when she heard the crunch of a broken nose. Samson landed a single blow that opened a fountain of blood above Goliath’s left eyebrow, but the wound did nothing to slow the giant bull. Instead, he let loose a roar loud enough to shake Julia to the core. His hand was so big it nearly wrapped around her waist as he ripped her off his still-hardened cock and tossed her across the room.

She whimpered when she hit the floor, but any sound she made was lost beneath the fury of Goliath’s blood lust.

Look away
, she told herself.
You need to look away

But she couldn’t.

It was like watching a nature documentary. Goliath, the alpha, the clear superior of the two, leapt atop his rival and pounded into him with everything he had. Samson didn’t stand a chance, and from the look on his face, Julia was sure he knew it.

Screams echoed through the freezer until slowly they dwindled to nothing more than wet crunches and grunts. Julia pressed her body against the side wall and shivered. Most of Samson’s body lay hidden behind the overturned table, but a single, bloody arm stretched out towards her. It bounced with each of Goliath’s punches until finally the giant let out one last, feral roar, and everything went still.

When he stood, blood stained his torso and hands. He turned towards her, and the savagery in her eyes was fiercer than ever before.

Moisture coated her pussy despite her growing fear.

“Please,” she managed to whisper, but he didn’t wait for her to say more.

He grabbed her by the hair. He shoved her face into the floor before digging his fingers into her hips and mounting her from behind.

She squealed when he entered her again, but within seconds her baser instincts took over. She thrust her hips into his. She moaned and panted and drove her breasts into the frigid floor until milk shot from her teats and coated steel panels beneath her.

Oh, God, she really was an animal, and so was he.

His seed shot into her once more, and the surge of warmth was enough to drive her over the edge.

Dear God, it was so good, so very, very good.

She expected him to go soft, but he didn’t. She didn’t even know if he could. He just rode her over and over again, forcing her into one orgasm after the next until she was nothing but a pathetic, mewling beast.

And that’s all he needed her to be.

She didn’t try to fight any longer. The pleasure came so easily now. All she had to do was give in and let it pull her under. All she had to do was just submit, and she would be the perfect little whore Matthew had always wanted.

Her head listed to the floor.

She didn’t have enough strength left to hold herself up. Every one of Goliath’s thrusts sent her face scraping across the icy ground, but she didn’t care. She deserved it. She deserved whatever this beast did to her because she was a beast, too, and beasts deserved to be punished.

After what felt like hours, Goliath pulled himself out of her.

His manhood, still hard but not nearly as rigid as it had been when he first took her, dug into her spine as he pulled her into his lap. He held her like a doll. He fondled her breasts. He ran his giant hands across her semen- and milk-encrusted skin. He looked down at her body like a child unsure of what to do next, and all she could do was blink up at him with exhausted eyes.

“Please,” she whispered. “I need…”

But she didn’t know what she needed.

More sex? Her body couldn’t handle any more. Already hot moisture pooled between her legs, and she couldn’t say if it was from leftover arousal or internal damage. Either one seemed deadly enough in its own right, though if she had to guess, she figured she would lose her soul long before she lost her body.

Or maybe she needed to leave, but if so, where could she go? Back to her stall? She was an animal, after all. Maybe that’s where she belonged. Or perhaps she’d rather leave the dairy entirely. She could put his lordship and all the rest of his sick little perversions behind her. She could go back to pretending she was a normal girl with normal needs and a normal past. She could live the lie she always wanted.

But a lie was a hollow death in itself.

For the first time, tears slid down her cheeks. She didn’t know exactly why she was crying, but now that she’d started she couldn’t stop. Sobs billowed up from her throat. Her whole body shook and trembled in the giant’s arms.

She heard the beast growl before she caught the anger that passed over Goliath’s face. She had no idea why but for some reason her tears provoked the giant’s wrath even more than Samson’s punches. He grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her hard. When she still didn’t stop, he slammed her back into the wall behind her and growled.

“Stop!” he screamed into her face. “Stop!”

It was the first word he’d said to her, but his order was impossible to follow. The more he threatened her, scared her, aroused her, the harder she sobbed and the angrier he became.

“Tears bad,” he told her. “Stop.”

She shook her head. She tried to tell him she was trying, but her sobs choked away all words. Over and over again he slammed her into the frigid wall until her head ache and her back felt permanently bruised.

When she still didn’t obey, he placed one giant hand over her face and pressed down hard.

Julia’s eyes popped open.

She struggled to breathe, but the giant’s palm blocked off her air supply. She tore at his arm, but he didn’t let go. He just growled as tears ran down her face and slowly, painfully slowly, her world grew dark at the edges.

This is it. You really fucked up this time. You lost control, and now just look at you. Killed by a brute in a freezer. Wouldn’t Momma be proud?

Just when she felt death’s fingers prying at last shreds of her soul, a crash echoed through the room. Goliath’s hands left her a second later, and she sucked in one deep, chilling lungful after the next.

Alive. You’re alive.

But for how long?

She looked up, and there above her stood Lord Ashe. Her heart tightened when she saw him staring down the giant bull.

She squeezed her eyes shut. All for nothing. Everything she had done was for nothing.

She’d wanted to save his lordship from these monsters, but instead she’d lured him into an even worse arena than the one in the barn. The room was cramped, narrow. There was no space to move, and as soon as they went to the floor, she had no doubt his lordship would end up just like Samson.

BOOK: Milked by Royalty: The Full Collection (A Human Cow Erotic Romance)
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