RANSOM GIFT: The Complete Collection Boxed Set (Commanding Proposal, Hidden Proposal, Ransom Proposal) (3 page)

BOOK: RANSOM GIFT: The Complete Collection Boxed Set (Commanding Proposal, Hidden Proposal, Ransom Proposal)
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Chapter 4



              I was on my way to the grocery store few block away from my apartment when my phone rang. I don’t know who it was, but I chose to answer it anyway. It might be
. “Hello?”

              “Kristina, this is Gary…” The familiar voice said.

              “Gary?” I asked pretending I didn’t know who he was.

Of course, I knew who he was. How can I forget that Sean-O’Pry stare?

              “Central Park, remember?” He asked.

“Right, no, I remember!” I exclaimed.

I heard a sigh from the other line. “How are you? Have you made up your mind?” He asked again.

              “I’m alright, I guess… Yeah, I’m okay with it.” I answered very timidly.             

              “That’s good to hear…” He exclaimed. “Can I see you?” He asked.

It took me few seconds to learn how to speak again. OMG! It’s meant to be a challenge for me after all. “I’m about to grab some grocery items, we can meet up at the café near the store. I’ll text you where…” I suggested.

              “Great! I’ll see you then.” He said, and then I hung up the call.

What was that all about? Why did I suddenly feel so nervous talking to him? Relax, Kristina
. Right… It was purely about his desperation to find a plus-size woman who’s willing to admit to herself that she was in fact not thin.

Few minutes later, I was already standing in front of the bread section. I wanted to pick up that Black Forest flavored cake, and maybe take as many as I can, but then I remembered being a plus-size. So I took three loaves of whole grain bread instead.

I picked up few many grocery items, and then I headed out of the door to go to that café nearby. I reached for my phone, and I texted him where the café was.

So safe to say, I expected to be there earlier. However, to my surprise, he’s already there.
What the fuck?
That was too creepy for me.

I walked towards him as he waved his hands to me. “How did you get here so fast?” I asked.

              “I was here ten minutes ago.”

“How did you know this is the café I was talking about?” I asked, feeling so crept out.

              “I took a wild guess that you might be living in the best apartment in all of New York.” He teased. “Or maybe I just saw you came out of that apartment this morning while I was vising my brother across the street.” He said.

Oh, of course! Oh, thank you Heavens! That would have been so creepy.

              “Oh, okay… I thought maybe you’re just that desperate to stalk me everywhere.” I teased him back.

              “Not today.” He answered with a smile.

He led the way inside the café, and I couldn’t help but remember Clemente. It’s still so surreal how he can just leave me behind like that. We searched for the best spot to sit on, and we were lucky enough to see one behind the windows. We walked to that direction, and he pulled my chair for me. I smiled at him as I took a seat.

I was fighting the urge to cry…

A waitress came our way, and she politely asked us what we’d like to have. I ordered a regular coffee since I don’t know the place yet, and he also asked for the same thing.

              “So, have you decided on anything yet?” He asked.

Oh, what the hell? I’m only going to be here for a single year, I might as well just enjoy everything, plus I’m not going to work. I’ll die with either boredom or heartache. What’s the point of leaving Spain?

              “Yeah, let’s do it.” I answered him.

His eyes lighten with so much gladness. “That’s really amazing!” He said. “By the way, do I need to pay you? He asked. “You know, for your rent?”

I laughed at him. “That’s so nice of you, but I can manage.” I said.

              “Oh, so you’re working here?” He asked.

              “No, I’m not.”

              “What do you do?” He asked, looking so curious of my life purpose.

I wish I knew what to answer to you…

“I… am doing nothing…” I said.

His brows rose. I can tell by the look in his eyes that he was totally shocked.

              “How can you afford the—” He attempted to ask, but then it seemed he figured out the answer all by himself. “You’re parents are rich, of course.” He said.


              “It must be really easy for you… you know, to get everything you want.”

You have no idea how hard everything is for me. You don’t know me.

              “No, it’s not like that.” I wasn’t in the mood to share more info.

              “So what brings you here?”

I wanted to lie. I wanted to tell a lie so much because I never intended to talk about Clemente here. However, I figured it’ll be so wrong.

              “I got dumped, and so I’m here to look for something I want to do with my life. You’ll never understand. You probably think I’m wasting everything because I’m a brat.” I said.

              “Oh, I’m so sorry…” He apologized. “And you wanted to try painting?”

              “No, I’ve always loved to paint. I wanted to be an artist someday.”

He nodded with a smile. I think he got it. “Well then, let’s make your dreams come true.” He said.

I smiled at him. I couldn’t help but do so. “There’s one thing, though.” I said.


              “I’m kind of easy to fall in love with so hold your guards up high.” I teased him.

He blurted out in laughter, and for some reason, I felt equal parts insulted and happy.

              “Don’t worry, I won’t.” He said. “By the way, where will you be comfortable doing the session?”

              “My apartment will do.” I said.

He nodded. “We cans tart this afternoon.”

              “Okay! Afternoon it is.”

We talked for an hour before he walked me home. He’s actually very gentleman, and he knew how to listen. He was overall amazing. However, he somewhat always sounded so sad and very insecure.
Oh, well… Everybody has their own story.

As we’ve reached the front door of my apartment, I invited him inside so he can have a seat while I prepare myself for our session.

              “By the way, do you want to grab lunch first?” I asked him.

              “Okay.” He answered with a smile.

Yeah, we both felt as if we’ve known each other for quite so long now. It was relaxing for a change.

I can tell by the way he looked around my apartment that he was quite overwhelmed by how extravagant it was. I, however, was used to stuff like this. I even find this one a bit tamed compared to my father’s preferences.
Poor Gary…

I felt the need to comfort him. I can only imagine how tough his life could’ve been growing as an orphan like what he has told me. It wasn’t new to me that some people weren’t as lucky growing up with a rich dad like I did. But things were double hard for him since he didn’t have parents either. I wanted to change that for him.

Maybe it was just a simple sympathy, like, a simple pity for instance.

After a few minutes, I was set to leave, so the both of us went out of my apartment. “Can I treat you for lunch?” I asked him.

He looked perplexed. “Why? No, I can treat you for lunch.” He said.

And I felt this sting of pain in my heart. I can’t bear to waste his money, no. “I know you can, but since you’re officially my teacher, I should treat you. It’s a tradition.” I lied.

His brows rose. “What tradition?”

              “Well, it’s a tradition in our family. At least, to give us good luck in learning. It’s a way of giving back. Like one time, my father gifted my English teacher a car for doing a good job.” I lied again. Piles after piles of lies

              “Oh.” He looked really shocked. “Well, as long as it’s not a car.” He joked.

Alright!!! I planned on treating him in a special restaurant that my father has recommended that I should try after he has checked on me this morning.

              “I have a car.” I said, when he walked away thinking we’d walk.

              “Oh.” He said while walking back at me. “Okay.”

I gave a valet parking service my tab, and he gave me my car. It has shocked the shit out of him, I could tell. It’s a hot pink Rolls-Royce Ghost, and it looked so chic.

I know.
It also shocked the shit out of me this morning when it came.

              “This is my car.” I said, resenting the fact that it might scare him away. I didn’t know why, but I just had this feeling that I wanted him around.
So weird, I know.

              “Wow! Oh, okay. Well, maybe I should just meet you there.” He said.

What? NO!

“No, please. You can drive if you want.” I stupidly said.

              “No, I’m fine.”

OMG! I just knew right then and there that everything was going to be hard.

              “Please…” I begged.

He was left no choice, but to hop inside the car.” I don’t know how to drive, I’m sorry.”

Like, for real? How come this face has never driven a decent car before?
Oh, he really belonged to this kind of cars. I mean, look at him!


Chapter 5



It’s been two hours since we’ve done his painting session of my plus-size body wearing a pair of nighties that has made me so uncomfortable. But, as an artist myself, I knew that it was actually for the sake of art. Besides, there hasn’t been one moment that he stopped reminding me how “majestic” was my body. Yeah, “majestic” was his word. It felt like I was a unicorn with braided tails, and a power to totally change lives.

But I wasn’t. Instead, I was a girl with a broken heart and overflowing money, but no proper destination in life. There’s nothing really majestic with that.

We grabbed our lunch at this fancy restaurant where the two of us were totally underdressed, but the food was delicious. He wasn’t even comfortable eating that fancy food, and it felt so wrong for me. Apparently, he’s not the type of guy who would indulge in a one-time opportunity to feel fancy, not even for the long term. And I swear it was so hot for me.

I actually asked him if it was going to be just a single session for my modeling, but he said that he’ll be needing me to do it for him for quite some time, which is fitting because it will be strange for me if he didn’t need my service anymore, but then he won’t accept my money for his painting lessons.

              “When do you want to start painting?” He asked.

I was caught off guard by his question as I was in the middle of recounting the best scenes of my modeling couple of hours ago.

              “When will it be okay?” I asked him.

              “Is tomorrow fine?” He asked.

Are you kidding me? Of course, it is!

              “Totally…” I tried to sound not too excited, but I wasn’t successful doing things lately.

I gestured to leave and I think he already got it, so he stood up waiting to lead me out of his simple apartment. And so I tried to pick up my scarf I hung behind his door, but it was stuck. He then came towards me to help me get it. He placed his hand on mine, and it sent shivers down my spine.

              “Oh, sorry…” He said upon realizing what was going on.

OMG! Don’t be…

“Let me get it for you.” He said after seeing that I still haven’t taken my hand away from my scarf.

              “Oh.” I took it out.

He was successful just with a single try, and he handed it over to me, which gave us the perfect excuse for our skin to touch. I felt seriously bothered by this moment, but in the best way.

We remained like that for few seconds, and I can swear from my mother’s grave that has she been countless teaching me about how to act like a lady while she was still living, I would’ve jumped right on to him, and just to the freaking first move. But no, I was still a lady with a few manners left so… “Oh, uhhh… my hand.” I said.

He was shocked after the realization has hit him that we were actually having our little moment right there. “Of course, here’s your hand…” He said while handing me over my hand, still not letting go of it as if it wasn’t attached to the rest of my body.

I tried so hard not to squeal or laugh or make a weird teeny sound, but I wasn’t able to avoid biting my lip. “Thanks for my hand.” I said, and I laughed.
Nope, once again, I wasn’t successful

              “Right…” He said, laughing.

Not that I was planning to make him a rebound, no. I wasn’t even sure if he also likes me, but I was just closer to accepting the idea of moving on. Besides, I don’t think my pain was due to losing the love of my life, it was more like losing the one thing I relied onto for many years… like he was a just a best friend to me, and having him married to someone else might mean that I have to do things on my own now. Well, look at that… maybe I won’t be alone in a different way.
Thank you Heavens for making sure that I’ll have this for the next however many months… I needed this, thank you…


It’s been five months since Gary was teaching me how to improve my techniques on painting, and it was my third time sending my
papá my work of art.
For the first two times, he called me after receiving them, and he sent me photos of where it was hanging… of course, in one place he’s always been hanging out—his
I knew
papá would be happiest for this one because it’s him and my mamá.

              “Cariño!” He answered my call.

papá!” I greeted him over the phone.

I missed his voice so much! For the past three months, he understood why I only called for maximum of five times after requesting from him not to call me more often if it wasn’t necessary. I wanted to give him much time to do his work, and to stop worrying about me. But I also knew it very well that it was in fact impossible. And whenever I call him, he never failed to answer my call after just two consecutive rings, plus his voice was also sounding so excited.

              “Hola, baby… Is there anything you’re about to send me?” He asked, sounding so excited and expectant.

              “I just did, a
nd I bet you’ll love this the most.” I informed him.

              “Thank you so much, hija.” He said. “Thank you for always thinking about your old man.” He went on with his words of gratitude.

              “Of course, papá! I love you so much. I’ll give you a call once I’m in LA.” I informed him.

              “Why do you always need to hang up so soon?” He asked, and it broke my heart.

              “Oh, I’m so sorry, papá. Don’t worry as I’ll make sure to call you more often now, okay?” I offered him.

He let go of a sigh, and it made me smile weakly. I felt bad for my old man. I bet he missed me a lot since I’m the only closest family he has, and there I was thinking my life was over since Clemente left when in fact, there’s my old man with me in every step of the way. I was so selfish, and Gary’s been so helpful in making me realize my dad’s worth. Luckily, I knew how to make it up for him.

              “Do you want to come here and visit me,
papá?” I asked.

I heard his joyous shock, and for a moment, I thought he was having a heart attack and it scared me big time. “Dad?! Are—are you alright?”

              “I’ll be there this afternoon.” He said, and I started breathing right again.

              “You scared me.” I said. “Great! I also need you to meet someone.”

              “Interesting.” He said. “I will see you this afternoon, te amo, hija.”

I smiled. “I love you, too,

I started my home way, and I’ve decided to call Gary while on the road.

              “Kristina.” He greeted me with enlightening voice.

              “Gary, my dad’s going to be here this afternoon. Can I introduce you to him?” I nervously asked him.

              “Of course, that will be my pleasure. So we should cancel the session for this afternoon.” He said.

              “Will it be okay?” I asked.

              “Of course, silly! What time will he be arriving?”

              “I don’t know yet, but I’m planning to cook for him.” I answered.

              “Let me cook for him.” He offered.

OMG! Will you??? Oh,
is going to love it!

“He will adore that!” I exclaimed.

              “Great! I’ll come over now. I’ll see you in twenty.” He said.

It is true, then… that when one door closes, another one opens.

Boy was I so glad I let another one opened.


I was just so sure that my dad’s going to love him, and besides, his financial or social status wasn’t really that important to him since my mom’s didn’t really come from a reputable family. She was actually his nanny’s daughter.

I got home after ten minutes, and I was glad to clean my apartment for the first time.

Few more minutes and Gary will be here. We’ll probably go to the grocery store together. I was so excited!

After eight minutes, my doorbell rang, and I was so sure that it’s Gary so I opened up the door to let him in.

He walked inside the apartment with a brown bag in his one arm—he’s already gone shopping for the ingredients.

I pouted, and he touched my face.

It’s been two weeks since we started to label our relationship, and there hasn’t been one moment that he failed to make me feel how much I meant to him.

He leaned over to give me a kiss, and I kissed him back. Yes, we’ve kissed, but no, we haven’t slept together yet. I wondered why, but he won’t do it. And every time I felt like starting it, my
mamá would cross my mind, and pretty sure she’s smiling down on me from Heaven.

              “How can I help?” I asked.

He shook his head while fixing the lost strands of my hair and placing them behind my ear. “I can handle this.” He teased, and I smiled at him.

I watched him graceful move in my fancy kitchen. He was having a hard time at first, but once he got a hold of my whole kitchen, I was swept off my feet by his grace.
OMG! It’s so unfair…





BOOK: RANSOM GIFT: The Complete Collection Boxed Set (Commanding Proposal, Hidden Proposal, Ransom Proposal)
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