RANSOM GIFT: The Complete Collection Boxed Set (Commanding Proposal, Hidden Proposal, Ransom Proposal) (7 page)

BOOK: RANSOM GIFT: The Complete Collection Boxed Set (Commanding Proposal, Hidden Proposal, Ransom Proposal)
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              “Dad, something happened. Clemente came over, I have no idea where he got our address, he did bad things to me, and Gary has caught him and beat him… hard.” I bombarded my dad with information.

My dad was speechless for few seconds. “Let me come over.” He said.

              “Thanks, dad…” I said, and then I hung up the call.




Chapter 4



We heard a knock from the door, and it was my dad. We let him enter the house, hugged him and he comforted me and Gary.  I knew that he was going to do everything he can for us, but I was worried that even my dad’s efforts may not be that enough. It was a physical assault. But I had to have faith for Gary.

              “Did you get him hard?” My dad asked Gary.

Gary was definitely caught off guard by my dad’s question, but nonetheless, he answered dad with the truth. “Yes, dad… I’m so sorry. I lose control. I got blacked out when I saw him doing—”             

              “Good. He deserved it.” My dad answered. “Are you okay, hija?”

I felt my father’s support. Well, Gary and I were on the side of truth. Besides, none of these would ever happen if Clemente didn’t try to do me wrong. It was his fault.

              “I talked to Atty. Ramirez, and he said it would work, but only if Kristina would admit that she was attempted to be raped by Clemente.” Dad has obviously rejected the words that came out from his mouth.

OMG! So to be able to save Gary, I should humiliate myself?
I glanced at Gary, and he’s absolutely off with the idea. I knew him, and if I had the right knowledge about my man, he’s not going to do it.

              “And it will be a series of role plays with the crime scene, and the likes.” My dad warned. “But don’t worry. I will make sure to do whatever it takes so you could come clean. Trust me.” Dad promised.

Gary gave him a weak smile. “Thanks, dad, and I’m really sorry.”

              “No, hijo… you did the right thing. Thank you for protecting my daughter. I will make sure we’ll turn this situation around.” My dad said.

I felt a bit relaxed now. I knew then that my dad will take care of all these, so I don’t have to worry too much.

After an hour of countless comforting and hatred for Clemente, my dad has left our apartment to tend to one of his schedules for the day. We already took up so much of his time, so we didn’t keep him for long.

Once dad was out, I looked at Gary, and he still seemed so stressed about the Clemente issue. I walked up to him, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. “Shhh… Baby, you did the right thing. Thank you so much.”

He held my arms and he caressed them with the back of his hands. “I almost killed him if you didn’t come up to me.” He confessed.

It startled me—the fact that he could do that for me gave me chills, the kind I wasn’t sure was good.  “Hush… let’s just forget about it for a while, until we need to address the issue, okay? By the way, what were you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be at your workshop?” I asked.

Oh, thank goodness he was here to defend me. It could have been very worst between us.
I shook the thought out of my system, and I had to cheer myself up so I could do the same for him. It’s really nice to feel that I can always count on him for things like this, but the last thing that I wanted to happen was for him to go to jail just for me. It’s not how I wanted him to show his love for me. That’s just wrong.

All of a sudden, I knew what I had to do. But I had to wait for things to cool down or at least for Gary to be out of sight before I could even do it.

              “I was just planning to buy something for you, and drop it here.” He said.

He wanted to buy something for me? Awww… He’s just so sweet.

“But I thought we’re in a tight budget now?” I asked him, looking and actually feeling so confused.

              “We are. But I was saving for this for quite couple of months now.” He said.

I was absolutely thrilled to know what it was. Well, regardless of the commotion going on, his efforts were more than enough to make things alright for me.

              “What is it?” I asked with a stupid grin on my face.

He was amused with my ability to shift mood after what just happened to me. “Are you sure you weren’t traumatized or whatever?” He asked.

I shook my head. “I’m alright. As long as I have you, I’ll always be alright.” I said to him.

He was obviously moved by my words. It was also because he knew that I meant every word of it. Why else would I be alright after being attempted of rape if it wasn’t for him? I wasn’t that crazy.

              “Maybe next time… I want everything to be ideal for you.” He said.

Did he say ideal for me? What’s that even mean?
I tried to make a fake sad face, and I pouted to make my point. But he just laughed at it. I felt a bit childish with what I was doing, but I wasn’t scared to show him the lighter side of me… not at all.

              “Puh-lease….” I begged him.

He shook his head while laughing softly. I secretly wished that we’ll always be like this. Well, we were going to be like this, if only Clemente didn’t do stupid stuff at me.

              “Are you going back to the workshop?” I asked him.

He considered the thought. “No, of course not… I’m not going to leave you here on your own.”


I didn’t want to argue. He has a point. Besides, I was also scared as hell. I didn’t want to go through that miserable and helpless situation again.
Oh, hell no!

              “Okay, well, go rest in the bedroom. You must be exhausted. Oh, I forgot, let’s see your hands.” I said, trying to reach for his hands, and he gave them to me. Fortunately, he’s got no bruises. I was just so glad that he’s not as hurt as I thought he was.

              “Do they hurt?”

He shook his head. “No…” He flashed me a weak smile.

              “Oh, thank God. Go rest for a while, baby.”

He smiled at me once again, and he stood up at his feet to walk towards our bed. I felt the urge to do what I had to do, but I didn’t want to let Gary to find out because it might tear him apart—well, him and his ego.

              “Baby, I’m just going to get some eggs.” I asked for her permission.

He abruptly stood up to come with me, but I gestured to stop him. “I’m alright. I’ll call you if there’s anything, and it will only take like five minutes… just downstairs.” I stopped him.

              “Are you going to be fine alone?”

I nodded, trying to put on a fake smile.

              “Okay, but please don’t take too long.” He said.

I blew him a kiss as I didn’t want to interrupt his rest anymore. I walked out of the apartment feeling guilty for what I was about to do.

I reached for my phone, and I dialed Clemente’s number.

              “Kristina.” He answered after three rings.

I suddenly felt that grieve hatred for him. “What were you thinking?”
It was a good start.

              “I know. I’m so sorry.” He said.

It wasn’t quite the reaction I was expecting from him.

              “Since it’s your fault, can you just forget what happened, and we’ll do the same?”

It took him few seconds to react back, and my heart was beating really loudly on my chest.

              “No, I’m sorry but I’m going to sue him.” He said.

What the fuck? The nerve of this guy! Who is he???

              “Please, Clemente.” I begged him.

              “One condition…”

For some reasons, I had this strong feeling that I wasn’t going to like that ‘one condition’.

              “What condition?” I asked him nervously.

              “Leave him.” He said.

What? What the hell?
“Clemente… I—I can’t…” I wasn’t able to finish my sentence.

              “It’s your choice. Prepare yourself to see Gary inside the prison for the rest of his cheap fucking life.” He said with obvious tone of raging anger. And then he hung up.

Oh God. What was I supposed to do?
My only choice was to go to the police station and report an almost rape. So, I didn’t bother to go to Gary or to dad, I just went on the nearest police station, and I reported everything that has happened. I introduced myself as my dad’s daughter, and everyone was sympathetic and very helpful to me.

I had no idea how Gary would react to what I did, but I was just pretty sure that Clemente went straight ahead to a hospital before he would report this, and knowing him, he’d collect lawyers and shits before he’s make his ‘wise’ action. Not me, I never had the chance to think. I made my ‘wisest’ plan, but it didn’t work, so I didn’t really care what’s going to happen to him. It’s so sad to see our situation right now. I used to love Clemente with all my heart, for crying out loud. The thing was he left me. He agreed to be some Japanese girl’s fiancé, and I was left on the cold. Gary found me he rescued me and now, I just couldn’t live without him. The Clemente decided to want me.
That’s just so stupid.
I went home after an hour, and I glanced at my phone to see if Gary was looking for me. And, yes, I had forty missed calls and twenty five messages asking where I was—ten of those missed calls came from my father.

I dialed Gary’s number, and he answered it right away. I head the overflowing fear and concern from his voice, and he told me that he rushed to dad’s to ask for help since I was nowhere to be found. Good thing that I called before they even make necessary actions. I felt so guilty.

“I’m on my way home, I’m so sorry.” I apologized with all my heart, not only for being out of sight for more than an hour, but for the reason I was out of sight for more than an hour.

              “I died a thousand deaths, where were you?” He asked with a bit of annoyance now.

              “Gary, are you with dad?” I asked him.
Nope, I had to let them know.
“Yes.” He answered. “Could you pass him the phone, please?” I said.
He did. And after three seconds, dad was on the line. “Kristina, where have you been?” He asked.

I gathered up all my courage and I confessed to my father. “Dad, I tried to talk to Clemente not to sue Gary, but he was determined. And he said he would only forget about it if I leave Gary, but I don’t want to leave Gary, so I was at the police station, and I sued him.” I informed my dad.              “You did what?” He yelled. “I’m so sorry, dad. I can’t let Gary go to jail.”

He didn’t speak for a couple of seconds, and I was literally panicking on my way home.

              “You did what you thought was right. I’m so proud of you, Kristina. Don’t worry, I’ll tell Gary.” He said, and then he was out of the line.

              I tried to rush on my way home because this craziness was killing me, and I hated the feeling of being left out. I needed to know that Gary wasn’t mad at me for what I did.

After few minutes of rushing and panting, thank God I was in front of our apartment door.

              “You want to leave my daughter just for that hidden proposal?” My dad’s tone was equal parts mad and concerned.

What? He’s going to leave me?
I felt like fainting. Our door was spinning, and before I knew it…


Chapter 5



I woke up on our bed, with my head throbbing like I drank a whole barrel of beer, and my hips felt like they’ve gone through some sort of fraternity hazing. I felt so violated in every single way.

              “Hey, how are you feeling?” A familiar voice was coming over toward me from my right sad.

I can barely move my body. I felt so weak. But as stubborn as I always was, I tried.

              “No, no… don’t move.” He said.

What’s going on?
I felt so down.

              “What’s going on?” I asked him. “What’s happened?”

He caressed my hair as if he knew it was necessary for my head was killing me. Suddenly, everything came crashing on my memories as if I was watching it on a pirated video or something… it was too blurry.

Tears started to fall down from my eyes, and I heard him panicking on my side. “Baby, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?”

              “You wanted to leave me.” I accused him.

He has let go of an obvious sigh of deliberation. “No, dad has gotten my point all wrong. I didn’t want to leave you. I asked him if he thinks it’s better to just go away, and I was glad he said no because that would crush me knowing he thinks I’m bad for you. We had no idea that you were outside listening.” He explained.

I tried to sit down, but Gary won’t let me. “Baby, take it slow.” He said while trying to help me sit down. “You have to be extra careful now.” He said with a sweet smile on his face.

What? Why? Was I that sick?
“What? Why?” I asked him.

He smiled widely at me. “I love you so much, Kristina.” He said.

I tried to level with the intensity of his smile, but I felt so weak. “I love you.” I answered.

              “You don’t know how happy you made me.” He said.

Ah… for fainting?
Well, it was indeed awkward for I had no idea what I did to make him happy like he’s accusing me, or how to response to this topic that I had no idea about what.

              “I don’t understand.” I told him with a weak smile and shutting eyes.

He held both my hands, and it has caused me to open my eyes widely, and pay him the attention he’s asking for.

              “The doctor said…” He started to reveal the mystery.

He paused for a while with that grin that was so close to be appearing stupid to me.
OMG! It must be the medication.

              “What is it, Gary? Please tell me.” I begged. “I’m starting to be worried.”

              “Baby, we’re three weeks pregnant.” He whispered to my ears.

I was madly shocked by what he just whispered to my ears.
We’re what???

              “Did you just say pregnant?” The news has suddenly given me enough energy to move quickly.

He nodded with that grin again.


I’m pregnant!

With Gary’s child!

I was suddenly overwhelmed by the blessing, and I started shedding tears. I felt stupid, but I couldn’t help it.

Gary hugged me tightly, but with enough care that you know pregnant women usually get. I hugged him back.

              “We’re going to be parents.” He said.

The thought made me feel scared and excited at the same time.
We’re going to be parents… the two of us.

I started sobbing, and Gary started to caress my back, allowing me to feel overwhelmed by the amazing blessing we’ve just learned.

“Dad knows about this?” I asked him.

He smiled at me. “Yes, we both talked to Dr. Alonzo and dad is on his way to pick up vitamins and fruits for you.” He said.

Dad must be so excited about his first grandchild.

              “He’s so excited.” Gary informed me with a soft laugh. “And so am I.”





              “Dad, it’s too early for that.” I stopped my father from listing down baby names for his first grandchild. Both he and Gary were throwing ideas on what to name our baby. Gary’s idea was definitely American while dad’s was undoubtedly Spanish. It made laugh so hard.

They’re first topic was for girls.

              “How about Abby…?” Gary suggested to dad.

Dad’s face frowned. “Gary, I love you, but that’s not it.” Dad said, and I laughed.  “Reina is better.” Dad always has a disclaimer.

              “Dad, I think Parrish is perfect.” Gary threw in his idea.

              “You’re a nice boy, but she’ll be like a church.” Dad said.

I just couldn’t stop laughing because of my dad’s disclaimers.

              “Vikki would be awesome, dad!” Gary exclaimed as if he found a cure for AIDS.

              “Son, you’re such a talented artist, but you’re bad at names. Zandra is the winner.”

Gary faked a frown face, and it made dad and I laughed. “Okay, boy names.” I started another round with no winner.

              “Sabino is amazing, don’t you think, hija?” Dad asked.

I gave him my very noncommittal smile.

              “How about Orlando…?” Gary asked.

              “Orlando!” Dad exclaimed.

Look at that they’ve both agreed on the same name.

              “Let’s name him after your great grandfather.” Dad said.

Gary smiled at the both of us. We already have a name for a baby boy. I personally think that if it’s a she, I would love to name her Aurora, so that she would be sharing the same name with dad, or Gareth, which is after his dad.

              “I think I like Gareth Aurora for a baby girl.” I boldly told them. “They’re from Gary and Aurelio.”

The two of them were both obviously touched by my decision. They looked at each other and smiled. It was unlikely what men do, but mine were just so in touched with their feminine side.

              “So, Orlando Mora Miller for a boy, and Gareth Aurora Mora Miller for a girl…” I informed them.

              “I love it.” Gary confirmed my ideas.

              “I’m starving. Let’s go eat the Paella that Alma cooked for you.” Dad suggested.

I nodded, and Gary automatically came near me to help me get up. My belly wasn’t even big yet, but he was totally hands-on to taking care of me.

              “Well then, I guess Paris is off for now.” Dad said while putting our meal out from a thermal bag.

              “Dad, I hope you’re not mad at us.” Gary did much of the talking lately. I think he’s already warmed up with him.

              “Of course, hijo… I appreciate that you’re choosing to stay with Kristina in her happiest condition.” Dad always knows the right words to say.

              “There’s no place I’d rather be.” I think they’re competing for the title of who knows what to say best.

I am such a very lucky girl for having these wonderful men in my life.

              “Let’s talk about business once the baby’s out. For the meantime, let’s keep both of them healthy.” Dad said.

I smiled sweetly to the both of them. They’re both my hero. Before, it was Clemente, and he managed to seclude my whole world, so I won’t see anybody else but him. It’s different with Gary.

He’s making me a different version of myself… the best I’ve ever been—I’ve learned to appreciate my dad because of him, I’ve seen the beauty of life because of him, I value other people because of him, I’ve learned the importance of giving when it comes to having a relationship because of him, and I’ve felt different because of him.

I had this urge to love and give, and it’s all because of him and him alone.

There’s no doubt—he’s the one for me.





BOOK: RANSOM GIFT: The Complete Collection Boxed Set (Commanding Proposal, Hidden Proposal, Ransom Proposal)
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