Read Revengeful Deceptions Online

Authors: Ursula Dukes

Revengeful Deceptions (8 page)

BOOK: Revengeful Deceptions
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Dominique rung her hands together
as Adam opened the door.  Not since Stephen had anyone showed her so much
attention, even though she liked the way it made her feel, she knew that if she
didn’t store it deep inside, she would succumb to it and let herself feel

“You don’t have to walk me to the
door Adam, I’ll be fine really.” Dominique's protests fell upon deaf ears as
Adam protectively placed his hand along her back.

“Now Dominique what kind of man
would I be if I didn’t walk you to your door?” he said with a grin.

Dominique felt like a school girl
getting dropped off after a first date by a guy she really liked. The only
difference was there was no father to turn the porch light on signaling that
the date was over.

“Well thank you again Adam, I had a
… Adam could watch her lips no more as he wrapped his arms around her and
pulled her closer to him. Dominique could not resist, she wanted to feel his
lips on hers,
had been so long.  Adam could
feel the hunger and sense of urgency in Dominique's kiss and he wanted to be
the one to feed that hunger. Dominique wanted to pull away, but she couldn’t,
it had been so long since she felt another's hands on her, she wanted him and
she wanted him now. Dominique handed Adam the house key and once he unlocked
the door and they were safely inside of the brownstone, Adam gathered Dominique
in his arms and kissed her hard. She fed his hungry mouth with hers and as
their tongues twisted and tangled, Adam expertly untied her dress. Once he had
gotten her out of it, he picked her up and as Dominique wrapped her legs around
him he carried her into the bedroom. Adam marveled at the way her body seemed
to fit his and as he made his way inside of her, he grew hungrier and hungrier
with each thrust.

Dominique moaned with each thrust,
she loved the way he took her, the raw hunger of it all, skipping foreplay and
getting right to it. She had wanted that, she needed to feel him inside her. He
moaned her name and Dominique could feel that he was on the edge. In a move
that surprised even her, she pushed Adam onto his back and
and deliberately climbed on top of him. He let out a low growl as she lowered
herself onto him, the slow steady moves soon turned fast and heated. As she
climaxed, Dominique called out his name.

Adam felt the heat of her climax
all around him. Dominique was still hungry for more, Adam had set her free and
she relished in the feeling. “I want to feel you deep inside of me.” Adam was
more than willing to oblige and as she laid on her back once more, Adam
thrusted into her. Dominique still quivering from her own climax opened herself
even more to accommodate him fully. Adam knew he was about to explode and with
every urgent thrust, he kept his eyes on her, Dominique returned his gaze and
she knew when he was about to go over the edge. Her muscles clenched tightly
around him and he kissed her deeply and passionately as she brought him over,
causing him to shudder and collapse as he laid his head upon her chest.

Both lay still as they caught their
breath.  She wasn’t expecting what came next.

“Being with you just now was
amazing Dominique, to be honest, I was hoping this night would end this way. I
know I don’t what this to end.”

Dominique couldn’t believe what she
was hearing, she immediately sat up. She did not want this, she wanted simple
sexual gratification and that’s just what she got and now here was this
incredibly attractive man telling me that he wants more. Could she do it? He
did make her feel alive again and that was something she hadn’t counted on. But
she also couldn't stop thinking about his brother Brandon and what he did to
her family.

“Adam, I thought my feelings for you would be
purely sexual and that once we had sex, I’d be able to detach myself from you
but it only intensified my feelings for you Adam and that thought terrifies

“Why Dominique, why does it scare

Because you’re the brother of a
cold blooded killer who left my husband and son to die.
“Because Adam, we
just met. I'm sorry Adam but I need for you to leave,” she said, her voice

Adam also sat up and looked at
Dominique as she sat cradling herself.

She's shielding herself away
from the world
; Adam thought to himself,
she's shielding herself from

“Dominique I’m gonna go out on a
limb here and tell you that even though we just met, things
Dominique and this is one of those things. We are both attracted to each other
and we're both adults, so let’s just take it from there, I want to know
everything about you Dominique Foster, absolutely everything. I will never hurt
you and I promise, if you'll give me a chance, I’d  make you the happiest
woman in the world, I don’t waste time when going after what I want Dominique
and I make no qualms about it. I also don't think that you want me to leave,”
Adam said, as his hand brushed against her cheek.

Dominique hated the fact that he
was right, no she didn't want him to leave but she knew that there was no way
she could fall for him.
Not under these circumstances,
she thought to

Burying her head in her hands she
whispered, “Adam, I’m so sorry but I can't do this and please don’t ask me why,
I just can't. Adam please, if you have any feelings for me at all, you'll
leave,” she said, her eyes wet with tears.

“As you wish Dominique but know this, I’m not
giving up, I want you Dominique and I know you want me, I’m not giving up.”

Adam took her face in his hands and
kissed her long and deep. Then he reluctantly got out of bed, got dressed and
walked out the door.

Dominique had spent nearly an hour
talking on the phone to her friend Pam. After the night she had just shared
with Adam, she needed someone to tell her what to do.

“I can’t tell you what to do Dom,
but what I can tell you is that it sounds to me that by your ready to move on
but you’re feeling a bit guilty, so listen to me, and listen good. It's been
two years since you lost not only your son but your husband, who was also your
best friend and lover. Nothing can change that Dominique and spending the rest
of your life alone is not going to make you feel better and it’s not going to
bring them back.  You know, sometimes we think that if we hold on to those
who have left, it will make us stronger, but I know that in your case, letting
go will make you stronger and Stephen would not want you to avoid moving on
Dom, he just wouldn’t and you know that.

If there is nothing that you have
learned from this tragic act, it’s that life is short and you deserve to be
happy Dominique so please, please try and open yourself up to Adam and remember,
just because you move on does not mean that you forget. Teddy and Stephen will
always be with you Dominique, and as long as you remember that you can and will
move on. Now get going
you've got an office romance
to continue today. One that will hopefully end up with you falling madly in
love and you don’t want to be late

Dominique knew her friend was
But you don't know that Adam is Brandon's brother
she thought to
I wonder if you'd change your mind if I told you.
But Dominique
had a feeling that her best friend would still stand by her feelings, she would
tell her that as long as Adam wasn't involved,
there would be no reason why she shouldn’t get involved with him. “Alright,
alright, she said. “As usual Pam, your right and I’ve kept you long enough.
Thanks again for the advice.”

“Your very welcome, but Dominique?”


“It’s all well and good that you’re
thanking me for my advice my friend, but do me a favor and follow it will ya?”
Pam said with sincerity in her voice.

Dominique couldn’t help but smile
hearing her friends reassuring voice, the voice of reason.

“Will do Pam, will do.”

Dominique felt a lot better once
she had gotten off the phone with Pam. While getting ready for work, she went
over all the previous days’ happenings.
My first day on the job and I made a
friend, tackled the work load, and met a guy who I had great sex with.
Something’s gotta go wrong,
she thought to herself as she headed out the

Adam arrived at work early; he had
to be in court in a few hours and needed to get a jump on some of his cases.
Plus he was anxious to see Dominique, he felt awful leaving her last night
especially with her being so upset but what could he do? She had asked him to
leave and even though it was hard for him to do it, he respected her wishes and
walked out the door.
What are you so afraid of Dominique?
He wondered to
himself. He was trying very hard to play it cool, this being a new job for her
and all but she was making it very difficult for him. He just couldn’t seem to
get enough of her, especially after last night, and what were the chances that
she would land a job at his father’s law firm. If he had never believed in fate
before, he certainly did now.

Adam’s father knocked on the door
to his office.

“You’re here early,” he said giving
his son a weary smile.

“Yeah, I’ve got to be in court
today so I thought I’d get a head start.”

“Son, I need to speak to you about
the conversation we had yesterday,” he said, closing the door to his son’s

“I don’t think there is anything
else to talk about dad, do you?”

“Son, I just wanted to say that I
was wrong and you were right.”

Adam could not believe that his
father was giving up so easily. This was a first.

“Wow dad, I have to say, this is
the first time you have ever admitted defeat so quickly, what gives?”

“Nothing gives son; I just thought
about it and decided that you were right.”

“Wait, did mom put you up to this?”
Adam knew that anytime he and his father had disagreed, his mother was always
the one who tried to make them reason with each other.

“What? No, your mother doesn’t even
know about our conversation son now listen, Dominique seems like a lovely woman
and she certainly is very beautiful, but I want you to understand that the moment
her work or yours for that matter starts slacking, I will have to put a stop to
whatever it is that you and she have, is that understood son?”

“Yes dad, but you don’t have to
worry about that.”

“What do you mean son?” Jonathan

“Dominique has made it clear that she wants
nothing to do with me, but I know there is something there and I’m not giving
up, I know what I want and I want Dominique.  And for the record dad, I
worked my ass off to get where I am today and I think we both know that it
wasn’t my idea to work in your firm, there were a lot of other offers from all
over so maybe you should think about that before you assume that I am going to
slack in my career. As a matter of fact, you’re having this conversation with
the wrong son; Brandon is the one who you should be telling not to slack. Tell
me dad, did he even get any work done yesterday?  Did you even know that
he was trying to hit on Dominique yesterday and I had to tell him to back off?”

Adam had not wanted to mention that
to his father but since his father had put him in a foul mood, he didn’t care.

Jonathan turned and looked at his

“What did Brandon do? He asked
astounded that his first day on the job and he is flirting with the widow of
the man he murdered. Of course Brandon had no way of knowing who Dominique was
but still, he should know better.

“He didn’t
anything but try to flirt with her dad. But my point is, is that
you need to be having this conversation with him and not me.”

Jonathan began to think that maybe
getting Dominique hired at his firm was not the smartest thing he could have

“Goddammit, her first day here and
already she’s got you two acting like a couple of bumbling idiots!” He said
slamming his fist down on the desk.

“Okay first of all, it’s not her
fault, she did absolutely nothing wrong and second of all no one is acting like
a bumbling idiot, least of all me so if you wouldn’t mind recanting your whole
statement dad, that would be great. Because as far as I’m concerned, you’re
blowing this whole thing out of proportion, I mean what is it? You know you’ve
been acting strange ever since Brandon came back from Italy, what in the hell
is going on dad? You got something against her because she’s not white? Or are
you just jealous because your flirting days are over? Which is it dad?”

Jonathan stood silent for a moment
before moving closer to his son.

“Adam, your mother and I love both
you and your brother, and we raised you to respect all people, no matter what
their color, religion or culture is. So if you ever say anything like that to
me again, I will personally walk you to the door myself and you can get an
early start accepting all those other offers you so adamantly turned down, are
we clear son?”

Adam swallowed hard before
answering. “Yes.”

“Good, now it’s getting late. I’ll
see you in the morning meeting.”

Dominique and Molly drove into the
parking garage at the same time. Dominique was glad to see a familiar face.
Even thought it was morning, there didn’t seem to be anyone around and after
the incident with that creep last night that frightened her.
Maybe I should
start carrying my gun,
she thought to herself as she got out of her car.
While walking to work Dominique thought about telling Molly about her date with
Adam last night but thought better of it as she wasn’t sure if she could trust
Molly yet.
I think I should get to know her a little better,

BOOK: Revengeful Deceptions
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