Safe In His Arms (Motorcycle Club Romance, New Adult Romance): Devil's Riders (Hot Blooded Heroes) (2 page)

BOOK: Safe In His Arms (Motorcycle Club Romance, New Adult Romance): Devil's Riders (Hot Blooded Heroes)
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Of course, they always started out looking at her like that. Before the looks turned to disgust. Before they started using their fists.

She shook off the thought and reached for one of her old sparkly pink lip glosses without thinking. She immediately snatched her hand back as if the pink tube were a poisonous snake. No. She would wear her hair down and leave the cardigan at home but she would
wear makeup. She didn't want anyone to actually
at her. She reached for her good old cherry chapstick and slipped it into her jeans pocket. The designer jeans were from her old life. They were sexy and hugged her rear tightly but that couldn't be helped. She couldn't afford a whole new wardrobe on a waitresses salary.

At least these didn't have rhinestones on them like most of her other ones did.












              "She said she was coming?"

Donnie knew he sounded like a chick but he couldn't help it. Kaylie was being nice enough not to mention it, though he had seen her hiding a smile the fourth or fifth time he'd asked.

"Yes. Well, she said she'd probably stop by. I don't think she goes out much."

He frowned. Why was that? She certainly wouldn't have trouble finding a date. Even with her dowdy clothes and lack of makeup, she was a very,
pretty girl.

"What does she do when she's not working?"

Kaylie shrugged.

"I'm not sure really. She works a lot of shifts. I know she likes to reads a lot of books too."


"Yeah, they are these pieces of paper with words on them, all stuck together."

Jack and Janet laughed from their perch on the picnic bench nearby. Great, he was hoping no one had heard that. Those two always seemed to be in their own world these days.

"That's it?"

"Yeah. Sally doesn't really talk about herself too much. Oh I know! She said she wanted to get a dog."

Now Donnie rolled his eyes. She wasn't giving him much to go on. It didn't really matter anyway. He wanted her. In fact, he couldn't remember wanting a woman this badly ever before in his life.

So, it was more or less a foregone conclusion that little Miss Sally Adams was going to be in his bed. Soon. Not one woman on Gods green earth had ever been able to resist him yet. Usually, he didn't even have to do anything. Well, he did have this one move he used a lot. Not a move so much as a smile. He'd turn on the charm, flash the pearly whites and BAM, the panties came off.

He'd brushed his teeth twice this morning just to make sure they sparkled.

"She's here."

He straightened up and looked toward the clubhouse entrance. The entire parking lot had been turned into areas for cooking and eating. And of course, drinking. A lot of people were drunk already.

He felt like the air got sucked out of his lungs when he saw her. She looked… different out of her uniform. Beautiful really. And nervous. Very, very nervous. No wonder, with all the drunk people horsing around. He made a beeline right for her.

She was wearing an open button down shirt over a tank top and tight jeans. Her beautiful blond hair was down, tumbling like spun gold over her shoulders.

Spun gold? Who the hell was he?

Donnie told himself to get it together or he was going to make an ass of himself. No- even
of an ass of himself. He decided he'd be friendly but he wouldn't hang all over her. He'd let
come to

As he got closer he saw the lacy little camisole she was wearing. His mouth dried up as he stood over her and stared down her shirt. He didn't mean to, but he was tall and she was a tiny little thing. Well, not
of her was tiny.

Jesus, what a rack!

He couldn't look away for a minute. The tops of her luscious mounds were visible from up here in a way that made his body react instantaneously. A man could get lost in there. He had never seen anything so sensual in his life. Shy little Sally and her lacy underthings.


She stared up at him, startled. He realized he was standing there like a dolt. So he smiled. She looked even
alarmed if that was possible.



"Come on, Kaylie's over here."

She smiled at him nervously so he took her arm and started shouldering people out of the way. He glared at anyone who even glanced at Sally. And then he glared more when he saw that Kaylie, Janet
Jack were all laughing at him.

He was used to being funny. He was
used to being amusing.

At least Devlin was out on an errand. He was picking up the fancy mustard Kaylie liked. Devlin wouldn't make fun of him for this ridiculous crush.

That's all it was. A crush. Right?

The girls greeted Sally warmly and pulled her up onto the picnic table between them. He felt ridiculous, standing there and watching her, not sure what to say.

He never had a problem knowing what to say.

"So, do you want a beer?"

She nodded shyly and he smiled, feeling much more at ease. A beer. He could get her a beer.










              Sally sat on the wood picnic table sandwiched between Kaylie and her friend Janet. Donnie had been acting strange, overly solicitous. It was throwing her off guard.

He was acting like they were on a date.

"So did you figure out why we invited you yet?"

Kaylie was smiling at her as if she had a secret. Sally shook her head and tried not to stare as a biker threw a half naked woman over his shoulder and carried her into the clubhouse.

"Other than the pleasure of your company of course."

Janet winked at her. She felt her cheeks warming up suddenly. She knew what they were going to say. Of course. It all made sense now.


He was walking toward her with two beers and a determined look on his face. Her stomach seemed to drop out of her body and hit the ground. How could it be that her forbidden fantasy, the one thing she wanted but could never risk having, was now coming to life?


Why did it have to be him? Anyone else she could brush off. In fact, she did on a regular basis. Even without the makeup and fancy clothes she used to wear, she seemed to attract more than her fair share of male attention. She groaned inwardly. She should have gotten a fake wedding band when she first moved to town. Or made up a boyfriend. One that was big and mean and in the military.

"He likes you."

Kaylie leaned close and whispered the obvious. It sent a shiver of pure excitement down her spine. Immediately followed by dread.

Oh no. This was bad.

He handed her a beer and leaned against the edge of the picnic table, staring at her intently. He looked hungry. And he was looking at her like she was something good to eat.

This was very,

She had to get out of here. Now.

"Thank you."

He grinned again. He looked like she'd just thanked him for saving a kitten from a tree. Way too proud of himself.

And way too sure he was going to get what he was after.


Sally felt a flush of arousal as his eyes slid down her body. She was under no illusions that he just wanted to get her into bed. She was sure he had women throwing themselves at him all the time. Looking around this place, there were tons of hot girls and more than a few were looking his way.

But Donnie was in for a surprise.

Sally was not going to lay down for him. No matter how much she might like to. If she was honest with herself, she wanted to a lot.

She sipped the beer, wondering how long it would take before she could leave without attracting more attention. She wracked her brain for an excuse- something that wouldn't offend her friend. She really did like Kaylie. If things were different, she would tell her everything. But as it was, she couldn't be too open, not even with the few girlfriends she'd made in this town.

Who was she kidding? She had one friend. Janet was nice but they'd only hung out a few times. Mae was her boss, even though Sally liked her a lot, it wasn't that kind of relationship. Kaylie was it. And now Sally was going to ruin it by running out of here.

She'd be all alone again.

She felt tears welling up in her eyes suddenly.

Coming here had been a mistake. She started to stand and make her excuses when there was a big commotion toward the gate.

Devlin was here. He was grinning as he jumped up on a table in the middle of the courtyard.







Kaylie was watching Devlin with a bemused look on her face. What was he up to now? He waited for everyone to quiet down before speaking. It was so quiet that he didn't even have to raise his voice.

"As all of you know, I met a very special lady about a year ago. She's been my old lady ever since but now it's time to make it official."

Her stomach did a funny little flip. What was he doing? Was he proposing to her?

He smiled at her and then opened his mouth and said something that made her doubt her sanity.

"We're getting married!"

A thunderous cheer went up from the crowd. Except from her. Kaylie noticed that Janet, Jack, Donnie and Sally all looked as shocked as she was. She felt sick, like the world was tilting on it's axis.

"Oh my god."

White hot anger filled her body, replacing the shock. Then she felt like bursting into tears. She had to get out here, go somewhere private where she could cry. She glanced around for an escape route but people were already starting to crowd the picnic table to offer congratulations.

"I need to get out of here."

"I'll go with you."

She nodded, grateful for Sally's support. Kaylie looked around wildly. They'd have to go in through the clubhouse and out the back. Then they could sneak around around to the other side. Otherwise they'd be swarmed by well wishers.

Or worse yet, Devlin himself.

"Come on, this way."

Sally set her beer down and followed Kaylie as she murmured 'sorry, bathroom' over and over again. They were inside the cool building and out the back in less than five minutes.

BOOK: Safe In His Arms (Motorcycle Club Romance, New Adult Romance): Devil's Riders (Hot Blooded Heroes)
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