Safe In His Arms (Motorcycle Club Romance, New Adult Romance): Devil's Riders (Hot Blooded Heroes) (7 page)

BOOK: Safe In His Arms (Motorcycle Club Romance, New Adult Romance): Devil's Riders (Hot Blooded Heroes)
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Sally opened her door to see Kaylie and Janet standing outside. Janet held a fancy makeup kit and Kaylie had a hanging wardrobe bag over her arm.

"Hi guys. What's all this?"


"We are going out tonight and we are taking no prisoners!"

She stepped aside to let the other girls in. They glanced around at her sparse decor. She knew they saw the bat and the locks but thankfully they didn't say anything.

"I have a shift tonight."

"No you don't. Mae's covering for you with her niece, Becca."

"Oh… why?"

Kaylie and Janet exchanged a glance and smiled conspiratorially.

"Because tonight, we are getting our men back!"

Oh dear.

"You mean get dressed up and-"

"Make their tongues hang out of their heads!"

They laughed but Sally felt sick with nerves at the thought.

"I don't think I can do that Kaylie…"

Janet grabbed her arm and led her into the kitchen.

"Of course you can. I brought everything you need. You're stunning already, we just need to add a little bit of sparkle."

"Oh, I've got plenty of sparkle. I'm just not sure I want to use it."

Janet and Kaylie stared at her expectantly. Sally sighed.

"Come on, I'll show you."

She pulled down the folding staircase to the attic and led them up the narrow flight of stairs. Sally pulled the light cord, bathing the room in stark light. There, in the center of the room, was a huge sparkly pink wardrobe trunk. It stood upright and was covered in the stickers from different venues she'd played over the years. Some pretty big venues too, like BB Kings. She walked over and flipped open the brass locks.

The girls crowded in behind her and she swung the wardrobe open. A rainbow of outfits came spilling out. Most of them were embellished with fringe or rhinestones. Or

"Oh my God Sally! You weren't kidding!"

Janet pulled out a slinky red dress.

"I bet Donnie would keel over if he saw you in this!"

Sally grabbed the dress and put it back in the trunk.

"Maybe. But he won't ever get the chance to. I'm never wearing any of this stuff again."

She closed the trunk. Janet opened it again.

"Maybe it
a little too much for the clubhouse. But I will find you a cute top to wear in here. Trust me."

Kaylie reached into the other side of the trunk and pulled out Sally's favorite performance guitar. It'd been custom designed, with rhinestones covering it from tip to tail. Then she pulled out a CD with Sally's face on it.

"Um, Sally? Is there something you want to tell us?"

She sighed and nodded. She felt something come loose inside her. It felt like such a relief to let go of the burden she'd been carrying for so long.

"Sally isn't my real name…"










              Three hours later the girls were sitting in the kitchen listening to Sally play her practice guitar. The one without the spangles. Their eyes were wide and weepy as she played them the song she'd written a few weeks ago. The first night that Donnie kissed her.

She finished and rested the guitar on her knee. It felt good to let it sit there. It felt good to play for people again. Even if it was just two instead of two thousand. They were applauding and asking her to play again.

"Just one more Sally!"

"Please? It's so beautiful. I could cry!"

Sally just smiled.

"We better get ready if we are going to this shin dig tonight."

Kaylie and Janet lit up like Christmas trees.

"So you'll go? I wasn't sure after what you told us."

Janet shook her head.

"I'm not surprised you wanted to keep Donnie at arm's length. But he is a good guy. I bet he will surprise you if you let him."

"I know he's a good guy. Why else would he have stuck around with me acting so crazy?"

"You aren't crazy at all and even if you were, you are gorgeous! Lots of guys wouldn't even notice what was going on with you."

Kaylie giggled.

"They'd be too busy staring!"

"Donnie did."

She stood up and put her guitar into it's case. She was going to do it. She was going to go and get him. If he'd have her. She knew it was a risk but she had to try.

"Alright, let's do this. I'm tired of hiding."

The girls whooped and hollered. They each took turns in the shower and dressed, trying on multiple outfits. Except Sally. She only tried on one before the girls stopped her. A pair of tight jeans with a jade green top she used to wear for business meetings. It matched her eyes perfectly. And it didn't have fringe or sparkles on it. It was a bit low cut compared to the stuff she wore now though… They'd giggled at her as she tried to pull it up over her big boobs. Finally she gave up. She never used to feel shy about her body. But knowing she was going to see Donnie tonight was making everything feel ten times more self conscious than going on stage ever had.

She refused to wear a lot of eye makeup though and let Janet focus on dolling Kaylie up. Sally kept her look simple. Her hair was down, parted low on the side and curled just the tiniest bit. Her lips were tinted pink and her applied a thin line of soft brown liner to her upper lids. A dab of cream blush on the apples of her cheeks and she was done.

She stared into the mirror with the girls. They all looked amazing. Heads were going to be turning tonight when they walked in. A blond, a brunette, and a redhead.

They looked like

Sally smiled at her reflection.

She sure hoped so.



Donnie pulled on his beer and thought about doing a shot. He wasn't nearly drunk enough yet. Not drunk enough to end this obsession once and for all. Step one was to obliterate himself. Step two was to take the blond girl hanging all over her in the back and take her up on the offer she'd been whispering in his ear all night.

Hell, she'd been making that offer
all week.

He didn't really care one way or the other. She was alright looking. The only thing  he really liked about was that she was a busty blond. Like Sally. But her hair was fake, and her boobs likely were too. Sally had shiny soft hair that always smelled good. And her body… well, suffice it to say that
had a body like she did. She was a bombshell, plain and simple.

Damn! He couldn't even look at another woman without comparing them to her! They always came up short too. Especially this clingy sweet butt who was starting to annoy him. What was her name again?

Oh right. Melissa. Maybe if he had another shot he'd be inspired to do something with Melissa.

Dev was sitting at the bar again. He'd been there every night this week. They both had. And the girls had been all over both of them, hearing the rumors that they were both single again. This time he had a cheap looking red head trying to get his attention. He ignored her like he always did. He ignored all of them. It didn't stop them from coming though.

All the sudden Dev's head snapped up. The barroom came to a dead standstill. You could literally have heard a pin drop. Donnie straightened up and the blond slid off his arm.

Holy shit.

was here.

Sally. And Kaylie. And Janet.

But they didn't look like themselves. They looked like themselves, on

His jaw was hanging open as they walked across the bar. He pushed the blond away toward the end of the bar.

"Go on. You can't be back here."

She pouted but he barely noticed. He was too busy staring at

Sally was wearing tight jeans and a low cut blouse that matched her gorgeous eyes. Her hair was down and styled differently- there was something subtly glamorous about it.

She looked like a God Damn Movie Star.

He felt his stomach turn over. She was the most incredible looking woman he'd ever laid eyes on. And she was staring right at him with a soft smile on her lips. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Devlin sporting a glassy eyed stare at Kaylie who also looked like she'd done something to herself. She looked a lot older than 19, that's for sure.

Jack on the other hand, was growling.

Janet had on a slinky red top that showed off her figure. A little too much for Jack's liking apparently. She waved to him flirtatiously as the girls took up residence at the other end of the bar.

Donnie walked over to them and shoved Whisky Beard out of the way. He barely glanced at Kaylie and Janet. His eyes were on Sally. They were
all over
Sally. And by God, there was a lot to see.

She smiled at him.

He frowned.

"Hi Donnie."

He nodded in greeting, not sure what to say. Was she here to see him? Or drive him insane? What the hell was she up to?

"I'll have a whisky sour please."

"Two mai tais please!"

Janet giggled.

"Kaylie needs her liquid courage tonight!"

He made their drinks quickly. It took an effort to keep his eyes on what he was doing. He had to fight the urge to feast his eyes on her. Devlin waved him over as soon as he delivered their drinks.

"What the hell are they doing down there looking like that?"

Donnie shrugged, his eyes on Sally as she giggled and sipped her drink. She was ignoring him completely. They were all ignoring them. Well, except Janet who kept making eyes at Jack. The two of them were disgusting.

Jack wasn't flirting with his old lady though. He was scowling.

"The whole club is going to be all over them in about thirty seconds."

"Nobody's going to mess with Kaylie."

"Maybe not, but they are going to be all over your girl there Donnie. And ours are going to be right in the middle of it."

"She's not my girl."

"If you ever want her to be, I wouldn't be sitting here talking to us."

Sure enough there were a couple of guys making a beeline for the girls. More than a couple. In less than a minute, there were no less than eight bikers over there, leering at his woman.

woman dammit.

He straightened up and finished his beer. Then he popped the top off another one and sauntered over there. Sally was laughing at something Dave 'Lugnut' Harris said. Dave was good looking and always had his pick of the sweet butts. Apparently he was looking to branch out. Into

Donnie gave the guy the stink eye until the moron seemed to notice.

"Donnie man, make sure this lovely ladies' drinks are on my tab."

"They're already on the house."

"Oh right, Dev always treats his old lady and her friends. Kaylie you are looking lovely as always. How about another round?"

"Thank you Dave."

Donnie made another round and handed them to the girls. Then he slammed Dave's drink down so that it spilled everywhere.

"What the hell man?"

drinks are on the house because I say they are on the house.
is five bucks. Why don't you go drink that somewhere else Lugnut?"

Dave had the good sense to pay attention. Donnie was always joking around but everyone knew he was dangerous with his fists. He was faster and wilier than anyone in a fight and Dave knew it. Plus he'd been in a vicious mood all week.

"Sorry man. I didn't know she was off limits. Come on guys."

The guys all drifted away under the intense glare that Donnie was giving them.

Kaylie broke the tension with a giggle.

"That was impressive Donnie. Remind me to have you give that look to my economy professor. He's always trying to look down my shirt."

"Who is looking down your shirt?"

Kaylie swiveled on her stool and gave Devlin an arch look. He was looming over her and glaring but she didn't look the least bit concerned.

"Lots of people do. I guess that's because I'm single."

"You're what?"

Devlin looked like steam was about to explode out of his ears. Kaylie titled her head to the side and leaned toward him.

"In the legal sense of the word silly. Everyone around here knows you're my old man."

"Oh I am, am I?"

She nodded and smiled sweetly at him.

"Of course you are."

All the tension leaked out of Devlin's body. He grinned at her stupidly. Then he scooped her up and carried her out of the barroom.

Janet giggled.

"Well, I guess that's that."

Donnie didn't say anything. He was just staring at Sally. He could really see her face with that hair style. She was fucking beautiful. For some reason though, it was making him mad. He poured himself a shot of tequila and threw it back. He caught her looking at him. Something was definitely different tonight. There was a look of warm invitation in her eyes.

Another group of guys were eyeing Sally hungrily. Donnie cursed and jumped over the bar. He grabbed her arm and dragged her behind him to the back and out into the night air.

"Jesus Donnie!"             

He let her go and she rubbed her arm. He hadn't meant to be so rough. But she was driving him insane. How much of this was he supposed to take?

To hell with it.

He stepped closer to her and she took a step back. She looked nervous.


"Do you have any idea what you are doing in there?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You are stirring up all those crazy bastards. You are going to start a God Damn riot in that outfit!"

He took three steps toward her while he ranted. She took three steps back.

"Don't be silly Donnie. It's just a shirt and jeans."

He had backed her up almost to the brick wall. She bumped into it and her eyes widened.

"It's not the shirt. And it's not the jeans."

He braced his hands on either side of her head.

"It's the way you fill them out."

Her eyes were wide as he lowered his head to hers. He didn't kiss her this time, he
her. He took everything he'd been wanting all this time. Ever since he first saw her almost a year ago. He took what she'd been holding back. He took it all.

And she let him. In fact, she seemed as wild for him as he was for her. He moaned and deepened the kiss, pulling her soft curves against his raging hard on.

God Almighty but she felt good!

He let his hands do what they wanted to. They seemed to take on a mind of their own, sliding down her back to her high round bottom, grabbing her hips, pulling her tighter against him. He started grinding his hips into hers and she let out a soft whimper. Then her leg was wrapped around his waist and
was grinding into

Fuck. He couldn't take her home. That would require some explanation in advance. Besides it would take too long.

He was going to go insane if he didn't get inside her. Now. Immediately. Fucking

He couldn't wait. He'd already started unbuttoning her blouse without thinking, his fingers diving into the top of her lacy bra. He had to get her top off. And her pants. Her shoes, she could keep.

He pulled back and stared down at her. They were both breathing hard. One hand was on her chest, and the other one pressed against the wall.

"Take me back to your place."


"Damnit woman what are you trying to do to me?"

She just stared at him. He cursed and grabbed her hand, yanking her into the clubhouse and dragging her into the bed room he'd been using all week. It was a mess but he didn't care if it offended her womanly sensibilities. His dick felt like it was going to jump out of his pants and start a God Damn marching parade.

He flung the door shut and locked it. Then he turned to her and smiled. It wasn't a nice smile though. It was the smile of a man who was about to get something he'd wanted for a long time. He took his jacket off and pulled off his shirt. Then he reached for his belt buckle.

BOOK: Safe In His Arms (Motorcycle Club Romance, New Adult Romance): Devil's Riders (Hot Blooded Heroes)
10.81Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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