Read Suspicion At Sea Online

Authors: Amie Nichols

Suspicion At Sea (3 page)

BOOK: Suspicion At Sea
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“Can I know your name?” he asks with desperation, turning on his stool toward me. I don't answer and push the twenty toward Jim.

“Let me,” Justin says, pushing my twenty dollar bill back toward me.

“I wouldn't dream of it,” I purse my lips together to force a smile. I try my hardest to be cool, although I'm sure I look like an idiot as I stumble to get out between the stools with touching him. I try with as much grace as I can muster, and make it through without disturbing his precious space. Walking away I feel their eyes on me, and I can't get to the door fast enough.

The loud ding of the captain's bell rings as I walk through the doors. Stupid fucking bell.

Chapter 5





“Smooth, asshole,” Jim blurts as we both watch the fine ass walk out the door. I didn't mean to offend her, but I was just about to admit something to a total stranger that I shouldn't admit to my best friend. That I couldn’t care less what happened to the McGill boys. And, in fact, I was hoping they were all dead. It scared me that I was about to say that in front of a tourist, and I guess the look on my face wasn't a good one.

“Shit.” I put my head in my hands, thinking about the impression I just made on the prettiest girl I've ever seen. Not only that, but she obviously was liking me too. Well, she was, not so much anymore.

“Yeah, she was into you, man. You probably could have scored with that one,” Jim says, swinging his hips back and forth, acting like he is fucking someone. Luckily the bar is near empty and no one else sees Jim, because it's not pretty.

“Must be off my game tonight.” I could have definitely gone for her in my bed. I can't help but laugh at my skinny friend who looks ridiculous making an orgasm face.

“If I looked like you I'd be fucking every hot smoke bomb that looked my way,” Jim says. He's my age and I guess he's good looking in his own way. He's tall and skinny, and I'm not quite sure he has a single muscle on him.

“Yeah, yeah,” I wave him off. “I'm out of here. This place is dead.”

“Well, it was busier until my asshole friend scared off my hot-ass customer. If you didn't want her, at least you could have left her for me.” He holds up his middle finger to me.

“Over my dead body,” I say without thinking, the thought of anyone with her making my gut twist. Why would I say that? I don't even know her fucking name. Jim gives me a strange look at my comment. Never been the possessive type and he knows it. I ignore him and shake my head of my thoughts as I walk out the door. The captain's bell rings marking my departure. God, I hate that stupid fucking bell.










Chapter 6





The next morning, I wake up and decide to go for a walk on the beach. I'm in wonderment of the breathtaking view of the sunrise and don't even realize how far I've gone until I look back and realize that I've been slowly following a bend in the island. I can't see my beach anymore, now walking on a rocky shoreline. In no hurry, I turn around, leisurely walking back.

Once I reach the sand I remove my sandals, and when hooked onto my fingers, I swing them at my side. I'm wearing white capris and an off-the-shoulder light sweater. I didn't even put a bra on because I thought I would be back before anyone would be out. Luckily I'm still perky so it's not obvious I'm not wearing one.

Once I'm back on the beach, I see a group of girls who look to be in their early twenties, all in bikinis, giggling. It's not until I get a little closer that I see what they are giggling at. Justin is there with a wakeboard in hand and the four girls are oohing and ahhing over him. I hope to God that is not what I sounded like when I laughed at him last night. He does a double take when he sees me and I try my best to disregard him as he watches me walk by.

“Ladies, I've got to go,” I hear him say after I've passed the group, and also hear groans of disappointment from the gaggle. I roll my eyes as I hear one of them shout, “But I wanted a lesson,” in the most aggravating whinny voice that makes me want to retch. “Maybe next time,” I hear him reply.

“Hey,” Justin says, jogging up next to me. When I don't stop he turns so he is jogging backward in front of me. That's when I see it, the tattoo on his shoulder and upper arm. I gasp so loud Justin stops in his tracks.

A memory flashes before my eyes that I have never thought of until now. I must have been six or seven, sitting at my grandparents' kitchen table. I was coloring in my princess book and was busy trying to find the perfect shade of pink when my grandfather came in. Kissing the top of my head, he whispered, “Hey, they put you in the book.” He chuckled, pointing to the princess on the page. I remember giggling and feeling so happy.

My grandfather sauntered around the counter to where my grandmother was cooking. Taking a hold of her wrist, he twirled her around placing his hand on her waist. They slow danced cheek to cheek to no music. With another twirl, he let her go after a kiss. I remember laughing at their silliness. After my grandfather danced out of the room, I recall Grandma fanning herself.

“Sweet girl, I have one wish for you and that is for you to marry a man just like your grandfather,” she said, staring at me with flushed cheeks. “And if he's a frogman, all the better.”

“Hey, are you okay?” I'm brought out of my memory staring at Justin who is now walking slowly backward, facing me. My eyes fixed on the exact same tattoo my grandfather had. A frog skeleton holding a trident.

“Umm, yeah.” I stop to collect my thoughts. He notices me staring at his arm, and he looks down for a moment.

“Most women think it's gross, a frog skeleton, but it does have a meaning—” he starts to explain, but I interrupt him.

“A frogman.” I must sound whimsical by the way I say it, still remembering my grandmother’s words.

“Yeah,” he says, watching me, my fingers itching to reach up and touch his arm. “Have you known a SEAL?” His eyes are full of amusement, as I am in a trance.

“Yes,” I whisper, and finally am able to rip my gaze away from him.

I can feel my cheeks flush as he turns to walk beside me, barely moving, we continue on at a very slow saunter.


“My grandfather was a frogman. I grew up idolizing that same tattoo,” I answer, knowing that this guy is even more bad news now.

“Oh yeah, not many people know what it means,” he says, stunned.

“I don't want to keep you from your...whatever you were doing.” I motion to the wakeboard tucked under his arm. Every second I spend in his presence is too long. He just keeps getting more attractive, and the way he is watching me is making my knees weak.

“You're not, I saw you and I wanted to apologize for last night. I think I gave you the wrong impression,” he says as I slow in front of the B&B.

“What impression were you trying to give me?” We come to a stop and I don't know if it is really hot all of the sudden or if it is just being so close to him, but my skin feels on fire as he takes a step closer to me.

“Not the one I gave you,” he says awkwardly. Watching his lips move, I wonder what it would be like to kiss those soft lips. My fingers still longing to touch him, I take a step back before I do. He notices and doesn't appear to like it. The muscles in his jaw twitch and his hand goes through his hair.

“Okay, well thanks for clearing that up.” I do a half roll of my eyes at his explanation. I don't know why I'm being so icy cold right now. Maybe the urges I am having for him scare me. Maybe I'm afraid to show interest only to get another response like I did last night. I don't wait for an answer and take the steps up the deck two at a time as I hurry away. Sorry, frogman, but I'm not a toy for you to play with.














Chapter 7




Fuck, why do I get so tongue-tied around her?
I watch her climb the deck stairs and go into her room on the second floor. I've never had this problem. Women are attracted to me like flies to honey. I certainly haven't had trouble like this. She's just so beautiful, and she stared at my tattoo like it was a beacon in a storm, there to save her life.

I turn around after standing in front of the B&B for almost a stalkerish amount of time. I guess I was hoping she would come running out and jump into my arms.
Jesus, Justin, get a grip.

I head back to my boat hoping to get my mind off this woman that hasn't left my thoughts since she walked out of the bar last night. It was no accident that I was on the beach this morning outside where she is staying. It was, however, not my plan to be surrounded by girls when she saw me. That did not do anything to help me out, and like an idiot, I played into their hands. Who doesn't love attention from cute girls after all?



I call my sister, Suzy, when I get back on my boat.

“Hey,” she answers, her voice soft and sad like it's been for weeks.

“Sis, how are you doing?” I don't know why I ask such a stupid question, of course she is not doing well. It breaks my heart and I wish I knew what I could do for her.

“Fine,” she says and I can tell she is not wanting to talk.

“Did Dad get ahold of you?”

“Yeah, I'll be back in the morning. I was planning on coming back anyway.” My sister is beautiful, smart, kind, and to hear her down makes me so mad at that son of bitch, Jade McGill. That's why I can't bring myself to feel bad about his disappearance and hopefully his death. I will probably burn in hell for my thoughts, but I don't give a rat's ass. He stole, belittled, and cheated on his wife. He deserved whatever happened to him. After a few more minutes of conversation she tells me she has to go.

I slam my fist into the sofa. At this moment I wish the bastard was in front of me so I could beat the shit out of him.

As I sit there stewing it doesn't take long for my mind to wander back to B&B girl. I wish I knew her fucking name. I wish I knew anything about her.

I've already decided that I will be at The Gull tonight and hope to hell she is there too. One way or another I'm going to find out more about her, even if I have to camp out on the beach in front of the B&B.


Chapter 8




I wander about the small room feeling bored out of my mind. I've finished the one book I brought with me. Haven't read a whole book in years, never thought it would only me take me two days to finish one.

I head downstairs looking for Esther, but don't see her. She has a small rack of things to do on Bailey Island. There are boat rentals, fishing trips, and wakeboard lessons on the neighboring Orr's Island. I open that pamphlet and there's a picture of Justin with a wakeboard in one hand and his arm around a young, skinny blonde. I'm disgusted at the cheesy look on his face, but also in awe at just how handsome he is.

“Oh, hello darling.” Esther walks into the sitting room. “Looking for something to do?” she asks, watching me put the pamphlet back on the pile.

“Yeah, just checking things out. I do need to buy a few things, is there a department store close by?” I think I could get a few more books, maybe a crossword puzzle, or something to keep my mind busy.

“Sure, just two blocks over on the main drag. Smitty's has a little of everything,” she explains and I thank her, running back to my room to get my purse. I decide to walk to kill more time.

The sun is warm so I put on a lighter tee and some jean shorts then slip on some flip flops since I'm only walking a couple of blocks.

Smitty's does have just about everything, and I spend an hour shopping the small store. I don't even realize how much I have in my cart until I start to check out. Four romance novels, a handful of magazines, and some sun block; I also found some cute shorts and a few tops. I bought a six pack of bottled water, too, not really liking the local tap water. They also had a little shelf of local sea salt scrubs and lotions. I end up having six bags stuffed full to carry back to my room.

I pay and start to situate the bags, hooking them on my arm and realize that they are rather heavy. I can do this. I've carried more and farther, thinking of my dad when we would go to the grocery store. It became a contest of who could carry the most in one trip.

I know I have an idiotic grin on my face when I hear him. “Can I help you with those?” the sexy voice says behind me.

“Nope, I got it.” I don't even turn around, knowing it's Justin. Don't need to see those smoldering good looks right now making me klutzy and weak in the knees.

“God, you are stubborn,” I hear him mutter behind me. I'm not sure if he is following me out of the store, but his voice sounds closer.

BOOK: Suspicion At Sea
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