Read Suspicion At Sea Online

Authors: Amie Nichols

Suspicion At Sea (4 page)

BOOK: Suspicion At Sea
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I balance the bags and walk with my head held high down the block. I feel him behind me, just steps back. The bag hooked in the crook of my elbow is the one with the books, sun block and lotions. It is already starting to make my arm tingle. I will let my arm fall off before I let it appear that I am struggling.

“I have two free hands back here.” Justin's voice is just behind me, his tone mocking.

“Don't you have some coed's to teach?” I mock right back, my pace quickening. I need to get there faster before my arm really does fall off.

“No, I don't.” He runs in front of me, taking three bags off my arm before I can object. “I'm the welcoming committee, so let me do my job,” he says with a wicked, sexy grin.

“Well in that case, here.” I hand him the rest of my bags. His grin gets bigger as I decide that giving in to him is easier than fighting him. The look on his face tells me he thinks he has won. “If you could deliver those to Esther's B&B that would be great.” I spin around and duck into a small boutique we just passed.

I giggle to myself when I peek out the small window, and see him standing there with a what-the-fuck expression on his face. I'm sorry frogman, but I'm not going to be one of your tourist attractions.

I spend about fifteen minutes in the shop just browsing.

When I feel like the coast is probably clear, I head back to the B&B.

“Darling, Justin Bennett stopped by and told me to give this to you.” Esther stops me when I walk in the foyer. I open the folded note and can't help but laugh out loud.

Written in block hand writing is a ransom note.


If you ever want to see your trashy romance novels, clothes, lotions, and some sort of weird salt stuff again, come to pier four and be prepared to tell me your name.


“I have known Justin Bennett since he was a baby, and I have never seen that boy so smitten.” Esther gives me a doe-eyed gaze.

I stare at the note and read it a couple more times, trying to decide if the stuff I bought is worth getting even more sucked up into his game for. He knows I'm a tourist and that whatever he is trying to do with me would be short lived. Maybe this is his game, bag the tourist.

I argue back and forth in my head for a few minutes before going to my room. Pacing around the small bed, I say screw it and walk out on the deck. Seeing pier four from my deck, it is right next to the dock of yachts. Justin is sitting on the railing, looking out at the water.

I take my time, walking slowly, and once I reach the pier he notices me. My bags are at his feet at the edge of the pier. He doesn't move from his position, but waits for me to come to him.

“Very cute.” I smile, holding up the note.

“Thank you.” His shit-eating grin tells me he is very proud of himself.

I go to reach for my bags causing him to hop down. “Not so fast, little missy, please tell me your name.”

“Why do you want to know so bad?” I cross my arms in front of my chest.

“Because in my head you are the B&B girl, and I would like to know the beautiful name that goes with the beautiful girl,” he says, his eyes not leaving mine.

“Ellie, my name is Ellie. Now can I have my stuff?” I motion to my bags.

“Yes, Ellie, I will even carry them for you.” He scoops them all up with ease and starts to walk down the pier. I'm standing in a little bit of shock, he is not going to give up at all. “You coming?” He looks back at me giving me one hell of a sexy wink.

“Thank you,” I tell him when he has put the bags just inside the French doors of my upper level deck.

“What are your plans for the evening?”

“Not sure, maybe try The Gull again. See if the hospitality is better on a Friday night,” I dig, and he winces.

“I can personally guarantee it, Ellie.”

“We'll see about that then.” I walk into my room signaling it is time for him to go. He takes the hint, and with another sexy, panty-dropping wink he flies down the stairs.


Chapter 9





I put on a button-up blue and white plaid shirt and roll the sleeves so they are tight around my biceps to show off my tattoo tonight. I would give anything to see that look on Ellie's face again. The one she had when she noticed my tattoo this morning. It is fucking hotter than shit that she knows what it means. Not sure if I could be more attracted to her, but damn, that sure did it. She thinks I'm playing a game, which maybe I am. I can't get her out of my head and I don't want to.

When I walk into The Gull, there are a lot of people there. I scan the bar first and, sure enough, there she sits. The bar is so busy that she doesn't see me. She's wearing some sort of sundress thing that is tight at the top. The thin straps show that she is not wearing a bra. Her tits are perfect and the dress lets me see just how perfect they are. Her hair is swept to one side showing off her long, slim neck and my mouth actually waters as I imagine what she tastes like.

The dress is short enough that with her legs crossed I can see to about mid-thigh. Her legs are toned and long, ending in the most perfect ass I've ever seen. I feel my dick twitch as I admire the view and start to feel like that creepy stalker again. I go to the side bar and motion to Jim for a beer. He holds up his hand telling me just a second.

I think once I get my beer I will make my move to her, but Kaitlin Evans stops me just before I can. She's my sister’s friend, or at least they were best friends in school. Ever since I've been back, she's flirted with me every time she's seen me. She's a smoke bomb as Jim would say, but I can't seem to get over the image of the thirteen-year-old girl who was best friends with my sister. It just seems wrong, and I've been trying to be nice, but she's very persistent.

“Justin,” she says, coming up to the bar, sliding her way in between me and the guy on the stool next to me. Her hand goes to my chest and she stands on her tip toes to give me a kiss on the cheek.

“Hi, Katie.” I grab her hand that is resting on my chest to try and remove it subtly. But she's not budging, and as I try to remove her hand I look across the bar to see that Ellie has now noticed me. Here I am for the second time with a woman. Fuck, she's going to think I'm nothing but a playboy. I mean, I am a little, but I don't want her to know that.

I'm thinking how to get out of this without hurting Katie's feelings when Jake Coons approaches Ellie. Jake Coons is Tammy Coons’ brother, and Tammy is the whore who has been sleeping with my brother-in-law. I've never gotten along with Jake because he's a hothead and is always trying to start a fight. He also thinks he's God's gift to women and doesn't like to take no for an answer. I feel my body tense as he goes up to her and touches her shoulder. Right now all I can think about is slamming his head into the bar and breaking the hand that is touching her.













Chapter 10




“I think I need to buy you a drink.” I'm startled by a touch on my shoulder, and turn to see a tall man with a baseball cap.

“No, thank you, I'm set.” I hold up my still full glass of wine. I noticed Justin just a minute ago with a girl hanging on him. I'm irritated about it; I mean really irritated. So much for that great hospitality, now I feel stupid thinking he was kind of asking me on a date when he wanted to know what I was doing tonight.

“Aw, come on. At least let me buy your next one.” He is standing right next to me and his chest brushes my shoulder. Now I'm even more aggravated. When I said no to the drink it was code for move on. I don't say anything and take a drink of my wine, feeling very uncomfortable. The frogman looks all types of gorgeous in his white and blue shirt, his muscles bulging and veins popping out. Not that it matters because he has some girl groping him.

“So, what would it take for you to dance with me,” arrogant asshole whispers loudly, extremely close to my ear. Okay, time to go.

I take another large sip of my wine and turn on the stool away from him. I don't look Justin's way because I think I might blow if I see him making out with the girl hanging on him.

“Don't be like that.” The cocky son of a bitch seems to take great offense to me leaving, grabbing my wrist as I start to walk away.

What I do next might be a little bit of an ‘overreaction’. Maybe I'm a tad touchy, maybe it's because guys like him make my skin crawl. Either way, it hits me wrong and I react. I swing around, twisting my wrist from his grasp, and in a second I have his wrist behind his back, pushing him against the bar. The slightest pressure on my part will break his wrist.

“Fuck,” he yells out in pain.

“When a lady says no, that doesn't give you permission to grab her,” I inform him through gritted teeth.

“Fuck, I'm sorry,” he whimpers, his breath taken out of him from the force I use to push him against the bar. I feel all eyes on me and I let him go. Seeing that I've attracted the attention of the whole bar, I turn to leave. “Stupid bitch,” I hear the guy say just before I'm out of earshot. I walk out the door hearing the ring of the bell, and don't look back.

I walk at a brisk pace down the sidewalk in the direction of the B&B. Feeling foolish at the spectacle I just made, and seeing Justin being groped, I feel like I could vomit.

“Hey,” I hear the male voice behind me. I continue walking, not looking back, not in the mood for another confrontation.

“Hey, wait a minute.” I hear his feet hitting the pavement at a quick pace as he draws closer. I turn on my heels, swinging around to see who my pursuer is. I have my guard up, waiting for an attack.

“Whoa.” It's Justin. In my state of mind I didn't recognize his voice. He takes a step back, putting his hands in the air like he is surrendering. I must have a look in my eyes that says ‘come a step closer and I'm going to start swinging’.

“You left this in the bar.” He holds out my cell phone.

“Um...thank you...” I reach for my phone and just when my hand about touches it he pulls it back.

“I'm sorry about that guy, he's a huge jerk,” he says holding my phone hostage.

“Whatever, this town seems to be full of them,” I say, still holding my hand out for my phone.

“Ouch. That girl—” he starts to say, still holding my phone out of my reach.

“I don't care, just give me my phone back,” I interrupt whatever sort of explanation he is going to give me. I reach for my phone, but he's a good foot taller than me and, even though I hate to say it, faster than me too. With what looks like lightning speed, he holds the phone over his head making me lose my balance, causing me to use his chest as a stop. My hand flat on his rock hard pecs, I feel the butterflies in my stomach take flight. I move away and stand there with my hand on my hip.

“That was my sister’s best friend, it was nothing.” He motions his head toward the bar still holding my phone out of my reach.

“Can I please have my phone back?” I've had it with this guy. He's made me feel like an idiot one too many times. He must sense that I've had enough because he hands me my phone.

“Thank you.” I yank it out of his hand rather hastily. Even though I know what he is all about I am still very attracted to him and it annoys me.

“Can we start over? Hi, my name is Justin Bennett.” He reaches out his hand for me to shake, but I don't take it. Instead, I stand with my arms crossed, studying him, leaving him hanging with his hand outstretched.

“Are you playing some kind of game with me?” I just don't get it, it's not like I'm good at this sort of thing anyway.

“No, God no.” He shakes his head, looking amused. “I'm very drawn to you...” He stops like he is at a loss for words. “Fuck, I don't know.” This makes me laugh. I'm pretty sure this man doesn't have this problem often. His hand goes up to his hair and he gives me a cheeky smile. “You have a great laugh,” he says, making my cheeks burn. Not just my cheeks, either, because right now I want to jump in his arms and have him fuck me up against the wall. My thoughts make my panties wet, and I know it is time for me to go. If I stand here much longer I'm pretty sure I would do just that.

“Thanks for bringing me my phone.” I turn and start to walk away.

“Ellie, don't go. I'm sorry; it wasn't what it looked like,” he yells after me, pleading.

“You don't owe me an explanation, you don't owe me anything. You've done your job very well. I feel very welcomed,” I turn, shouting at him as I walk backwards. I swing back around to get the heck out of there.

The problem is, I still hope he is following me. But as I turn the corner, I peek over my shoulder and see him still standing where I left him. I feel sad, but it's my own fault. What the hell do I know about men anyway? Not much.



Chapter 11




My fucking dick is screaming at me to follow her as I stand there and watch her walk away. I'm not saying this is love at first sight, but it sure is lust at first sight. Right as I was about to go over and knock Jake Coons out, she handed him his ass. I don't think I've ever wanted to kiss a woman so bad.

BOOK: Suspicion At Sea
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