Read Tangles and Temptation Online

Authors: India-Jean Louwe

Tags: #Erotic Fiction, #Historical, #Lesbian, #Ménage à Trois, #Paranormal, #Romance

Tangles and Temptation (5 page)

BOOK: Tangles and Temptation
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A niggling thought refused to rid itself of his mind. He could now imagine his brother being in love with her. He could imagine it now because only now he could imagine himself being in the same muddled situation. He was drawn to her. And that made her dangerous. For all the good, sensible traits she possessed, there was no hiding her lustful nature. He had no intention of becoming bound to a woman who would ultimately invite the attentions of every passing lance to her bed. Furthermore, he had no intention of fighting his brother for her.

However, he was wise enough not to fool himself. He knew he would have to taste her. He would slake this unexplainable hunger within him, plunder and thrust into her wet softness until he unearthed all her secrets, then like the snake within him, he would simply shed and discard the old skin. Once he tired of her, he would thrust her aside and seek out the attentions of a more suitable life companion.

Eris made his way back to the palace with no great enthusiasm. His body still raged for release, and he saw no way of finding immediate satisfaction. All the slave girls would be busy at their duties at this time. Grabbing one while busy at work could be gratifying, but he doubted it would be satisfying, for any lengthy duration at least. He opted to launch himself instead into vigor of another kind. He trained.

It was still early for the scheduled training session, so Eris found the place blissfully deserted. The other gladiators would still be abed or already doing their inspection of their respective territories. The king for sure was still abed with his lusty handful of a wife. Not only did he wish to avoid unwanted questions stemming from the previous night’s awkward dinner conversation, but he also did not wish to battle a living opponent—
. There was a tremendous deal of pent-up energy within him, and he needed to vent it without bringing unintentional harm to anyone.

He grasped his scythe with both hands and raised it. The sun glittered wickedly upon the shiny blade, making it flash and blaze in glory. Swinging the tool, gracefully at first, he quickly picked up the momentum. Before he could stop himself, his mind was fully engaged as he put himself through the grueling paces. He leapt and ducked as the blade sliced through the air. All other thoughts fled his mind. He poured his energy into his fighting, straining and pushing his body to its limits. Breathing hard from his exertions and drenched in perspiration from the sun stinging down upon him, he refused to stop. He forced his complete attention on fighting until he could no longer stand, no longer

A soft laugh penetrated the hardened exterior of his preoccupied mind. He twisted half around to find the source. His assumption had been on the mark. Above him, on the balcony, stood the object of his frustration—
It was obvious she and her companion were not aware of his presence. They spoke gaily and laughed lightly. Eris watched her, admiring the play of the sunlight on her bright hair. From her fresh, vital appearance it was apparent she had not shared his problems with regards to sleep. Eris could not fault her for this, however, especially when she appeared as radiant as the sun itself. He smiled. Kyra—radiant and glorious, so very much like the sun.

Eris narrowed his eyes as the couple stepped out of the sheltered shadows and closer to the wooden balustrade. Recognizing her companion, he suddenly tensed. Dark hair, broad shoulders, and tanned skin sent a streak of blazing anger through him. He knew immediately who her companion was. He saw the very same features, identical likeness, in the mirror each morning.
He had no recognition or understanding of what manner of madness suddenly overcame his body, much less how to control it. All he knew was that he felt unexplainable rage and a broiling fury. He did not waste time heading for the far stairway. He simply ran straight at the wall before him. His foot hit the wall hard, propelling him up. The air rushed past his face as he soared upward. His foot kicked out again, vaulting him even higher, faster. Within that split second he grabbed the railing and levered himself over. Jaws gaping, two pairs of startled eyes gaped at him.

Eris took a single step forward, towering over Kyra, and stared Sappho straight in the eye. Powerful emotions swirled and raced through his heated system, but only a single coherent word surfaced through the haze of red blinding him. The snake head upon his chest was upright and poised, ready for attack. He felt the need for the spilling of blood spread from the beast and infuse into his bloodstream. It beat at him in waves, it pulsed, and it drummed. Yet he uttered a single word, “

He strode away before either of the stunned early morning risers could respond. Tonight he would possess her body and see this strange compulsion within him satisfied and ultimately smothered.


* * * *


Kyra could not shake the feeling of terrifying doom infused with heady anticipation within her. Many times she had heard the term of allowing slumbering beasts to lie. Yet she seemed to evoke its wrath. There was nothing she could do. She was physically attracted to both the brothers, which could not be a big surprise. They were identical. Every rippling muscle and clenched tendon was duplicated. How could she pass the opportunity of having both in her bed? She turned suddenly to a voice behind her.

“He will not marry one such as you. You do not even know where your heritage lies.”

Kyra watched as Vasiliki Akantha strolled toward her. The queen’s expression did not falter, however, with Kyra’s response. “Were it a noose around my neck I sought, I would have been gravely disappointed. But as matters stand at present, my love for my independence and appreciation for my freedoms, your words inspire nothing beyond relief in me.”

The older woman stepped beside her and shared the view Kyra had been admiring. She pointed to the figure engraved upon the wall. The lone figure stood solitary, chained to a rock while a feud ensued around her. The battle was between a man and a large, monstrous creature amidst a raging, violent sea. “That is the legend around which all this is built.” She gestured with her hand casually. “Andromeda turned her nose at the wrath of the Gods, and she inspired a nation that continues to follow in her footsteps centuries after her passing.”

Kyra stared at the figure. Throughout the palace she had noticed various artworks, paintings and sculptures, all dedicated to the legend of the fair and brave Andromeda. Each and every piece intrigued her and inspired her. She nodded in agreement. “You are indeed correct. I feel inspiration flood my body with each new artwork I see depicting her, each new tale I hear of her brave feats and daring courage. Were it that more females could be like her, there would be a score more women leaders in our world.”

The queen looked at her slyly. “The power is already within each and every woman. She has but to wield it.” She laughed lightly. “I see you are confused. Let me be more specific. Women hold all the power they will ever need. It lies not in their hands but between their thighs.” The older woman strode idly to nearby stone seat situated before a fountain, yet another marble sculpture of the heroine, and sat. She patted the vacant space beside her.

As Kyra accepted the seat, the queen continued, “There is not a man alive who can resist the allure of a woman, excepting the handful who appreciates those of their own gender. The weapon that a woman possesses ultimately determines the nature of the man beside her. Should she wish him to do well, he shall. Should she wish him to do wrong, he shall commit heinous crimes for her. She has only to allow him the sampling of her wares. If her wares are half as good as she professes it to be, she shall ensnare—and
—any man she wants.”

Kyra smiled. “I am afraid we shall have to agree to disagree, my queen. I believe the carnal acts between a man and a woman have little to nothing to do with control. They should bestow upon each other the right to equal power, while at the same time accepting and cradling each other’s vulnerabilities. A man who possesses virility and a well-sized and masterfully plied cock can just as easily sway the mind of a woman.”

Vasiliki Akantha laughed in genuine amusement. “Those are words that can only be uttered by the young and innocent, the
. My dear, one cock is very much the same as another. What differs is the manner in which the woman receives it. Should she fool herself into believing she loves the man, she shall enjoy whatever manner of expertise he plies it. Do not mistake the act of lovemaking with love. They are worlds apart.”

Kyra considered the woman’s words carefully before responding, “Mayhap time shall change the manner of my thinking, if indeed it is in error. However, for now I shall enjoy my youth and naivety and enjoy what pleasures are available to me. I have no further aspirations beyond the thorough filling of my womb, no further expectations beyond the releasing of my own floods.”

The queen nodded. “Then we shall agree to disagree. Enjoy while enjoyment is yet simple.”

Kyra shifted uncomfortably as the queen studied her closely. Her words made her even more wary. “Your skin is young and unblemished by neither time nor worries. Your eyes are clear, free of the ravaging weight borne by the shoulders of a maturing woman. They shine still with wonder and anticipation.” Vasiliki Akantha raised her hand and gently ran her thumb experimentally over Kyra’s plump bottom lip. “How soft and delicate your lips appear.”

Kyra swallowed. “Soft, just as you imagine it would be.” She sat still under the caress. She had been expecting these advances from the moment she had felt the queen’s eyes upon her. The heat of her gaze was unmistakable. “I will warn you before you allow your lips to caress mine, my preference is for males—

The queen tittered beneath her breath. “That is a pity. You know not the world of pleasure I could teach you.”

Kyra stared back defiantly. “And I am not a male who possesses a cock to be led around by. Wield your power and mastery over those susceptible to them.”

Vasiliki Akantha did not appear to take offense, neither did she remove her caressing thumb. She whispered, “With you, my sweet, I would take nothing, but give. I offer but one taste.”

Kyra closed her eyes, lost in this world of seductive words and sensual promises. “One taste.”

The queen’s kiss was surprisingly light, unhurried. Kyra felt a tender tickle as soft lips feathered caressingly, imploringly over hers. She sighed, allowing her lips to part. The tongue of the queen tasted sweet yet spicy. Her tongue sank in deep for a thorough sampling, exploring the deep crevices within Kyra’s mouth. Kyra’s moaned as their tongues petted each other. She groaned as they began to fence and duel.

Finally the queen lightened her touch and broke slowly away. “We could have made sweet music together. Be sure the lance you choose is to your satisfaction before submitting. Both the fang of the snake and the sting of the scorpion possess the prick that would delight. Your wares are too sweet to be wasted on the wrong man.”


* * * *


Eris strode into the chamber, full of confidence and anticipation. His blood was heated past boiling point, and his loins burned with fever. His sac was heavy, filled with the seeds of his anticipation. The stars had finally sought their place in the sky. The night was upon them. He sauntered forward, fully intent of getting the illicit affair underway. But he drew to a quick halt.

Sappho turned from his spot at the center of the chamber. “She is not present.”

Eris gave the chamber a quick perusal and found Sappho’s statement to be true. He stared at his brother angrily. “If you have found a way to detain her in some fashion, I shall seek suitable compensation from you on the battlefield.”

Sappho grunted, obviously likewise impatient. “Detaining her would insinuate a fear for you, something I do not possess, brother. Her absence is no fault of mine.”

Eris glanced around the room once more before growling in irritation, “Then I shall find her and have her honor her word. This deed shall be fulfilled this night.”

As the words poured vehemently from his lips, the door opened silently. Both men spun toward it with aggressive expressions. The slave girl standing on the threshold shrunk back uncertainly. Eris did not have the patience for the simmering, frightened lass. “Speak, girl.”

The slave girl stared at one man to the next. Her voice left her in a terrified whisper. “The lady, Kyra, requests your presence in the bathing chamber.”

At her words, both men moved as one toward the open doorway, a doorway she presently obstructed, and she scrambled hurriedly to get out the way.

Eris was the first out the door but stopped at a further obstruction. “Vasiliki Akantha. We have a pressing matter to see to, my Queen, and wish no further delays, with all respect to you, of course.”

The queen watched the slave girl disappear down the far end of the passage but refused to budge from the way. She eyed the men coyly. “Pressing matter or no, I will have an audience with you.” As both men bore the same frustrated expressions and made to retreat back within the chamber, she added, “With

Sappho did not waste a moment. He spared only enough time to send Eris a satisfied smirk before rushing out the door. Eris scowled in annoyance. Sappho would now hold the advantage of time. “My Queen, you have my undying devotion and dedication, but at present I am not pleased with this delay you cause me.”

The queen ignored his disgruntled expression and strode into the chamber, sealing the door fully behind her.

She walked around the chamber, touching lightly upon objects as she went. “There is something you may wish to hear before embarking on this deed.”

Eris looked at the closed door impatiently. “Speak so that I may be enlightened and allow me my dismissal.”

BOOK: Tangles and Temptation
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