The Darkest Danger (Shattered Series Book 2) (4 page)

BOOK: The Darkest Danger (Shattered Series Book 2)
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     Stricken by what was transpiring, she barely registered Mrs. Thompson’s words as she spoke.

     “Olivia, I hope that you’re not falling ill. You look as if you’ve seen a ghost---”

     “Excuse me,” she said breathlessly, pushing past the stunned women in a fast hurry, and almost tripped in the expensive evening gown. “I have to go.”

     To her relief, Mrs. Thompson didn’t follow.

     Almost frantic now, she pushed her way through the burgeoning crowd. Certainly, they probably thought her behavior boorish, especially since she ignored their endless congratulatory remarks.

     A few moments later, she’d broken free of the throng entirely.

     She rushed ahead.

     The dark corner was empty.

     Devoid of anyone…

     “No,” she whispered, distraught, and looked around the space wildly. “You were here. I know you were.”

, she had conjured him up in her mind. A precious figment of her tortured imagination…And if she wanted him to stay alive, they had to be apart.

     At the thought, her tears broke free.

     She fled to the ladies room.

     Although the huge restroom area held more than one stall, she bolted the lock anyway because she needed to escape if just for a moment. Only her broken breaths filled the area as she looked around.

     Like the other areas of the hotel, the restroom was elegantly furnished and designed. Even a small part of the floor was carpeted. A settee rested in the corner…a large floor-length mirror to the far right…globed lights overhead…a doubled paneled door that led to a walk-in linen closet…

     Distraught, weeping openly, she pushed away from the door before rushing to the sink. Once reaching it, she turned the cold water on full blast. “What’s wrong with me? I must be going out of my mind thinking that you were here,” she hiccupped, sobbing under her breath. “And being with me will only mean that your life is over.”

     For a few seconds, she watched the water spiral down the drain before pooling it into her shaky hands. Uncaring of her makeup, she splashed the water against her face, mixing it with the fresh tears streaming along it.

     Sniffling, she raised her head and looked in the mirror. Her attention went to the stall as a slight noise sounded within it. She watched in the mirror as the brass knob turned slowly on the stall door, and the door began to swing open.

     Her heartbeat quickened.

     In her haste, had she locked someone else inside?

     When the door opened wide, she nearly fainted to the floor. There he was----in all his magnificent glory…every raw, sexy male inch of him…

     Jarrod’s tortured gaze met hers in the mirror.

     With a single word, he ignited her world with living fire. “Olivia.”

     “No, you can’t be here,” she sobbed raggedly, transfixed by his deep stare, and the raw emotions within his eyes crippled her. “They’ll hurt you…and I can’t bear that. It’s best for everyone if you just walk away from me---”

     Even as she murmured the words, he moved closer and closer. Breathing fast, she whirled around, afraid that he simply was an apparition. Weakened, she leaned against the sink as he approached.

     “If I walk away from you, my life is as good as over,” he rasped, advancing towards her, and the pain seized his handsome features. “Don’t ask me to let go of the very thing that I’m living for.”

     Stunned, she stayed silent and didn’t breathe again until he stopped before her. Releasing a low whimper, she placed her badly trembling hands against his broad chest, feeling the very life beating within him. Her tears spilled over again. “Jarrod…..”

     “Baby,” he whispered again, grasping the back of her nape, and hauled her forward. “I swear to you---we’ll never be apart again.”

     She bit her trembling lips, tried to control the broken sobs, but failed. The scent of musk cologne assailed her senses as she collided into his chest. And being in his arms again, she mulled dazedly, it was all that she wanted. She leaned into him, absorbing the strength from his hard body.

     “I was so afraid that I’d never see---” she cried, burying her face in his chest, unable to finish her words.

     Grasping her chin, he forced her gaze to his. “Hey, look at me…we’re together now,” he murmured, wiping her tears away. “That’s the only thing that matters.”

     “I’ve been so alone,” she whispered tearfully. “I—I”

     “You’re not anymore, I promise you that. What has he done---tried to erase everything that’s you? All the son-of-a-bitch wants is a trophy wife on his arm, all beautifully made up with little to no voice. But, I’ll be damned if I let that happen,” he vowed angrily, running his hands against her nape. He loosened the pins in her hair, causing her thick dark tresses to spill to her shoulders. His expression turned serious. “Are you okay?” he asked, framing her face in his hands, drawing her closer to him. As he brushed a kiss along her forehead, she trembled from the innocent touch. “Has that bastard hurt you or forced you into something you didn’t want?”

     “Physically…no…These last weeks, he’s done everything to break me emotionally.” She closed her hands over his. “But, he was too late because I was broken the moment I was forced apart from you and Meghan. And Jarrod, he’s been telling so many lies against you,” she admitted quietly, and her eyes roamed over his face. “He has accused you of horrible things. The biggest lie of all is that you’ve been using me from the very beginning.” A broken sob left her. “He even dredged up these bogus kidnapping charges against you. You’d never use me that way or betray my trust. I know that it’s not true and that they’re all lies---”

     The raw pain flashed in his eyes. “Olivia---”

     “You love me. I know that you’d never hurt me,” she whispered, biting her trembling lips, and then the coolness met her as he pulled away. With a stricken expression, she watched him. “Jarrod, what is it?”

     “We have to talk, but not here, and I promise that I’ll explain everything later,” he said hoarsely, avoiding her gaze altogether. But, then he moved close again as he grabbed her hand. “Right now, I’m going to work on getting you the hell of out of here.”

     “What is it? Look at me,” she demanded, stiffening, and sobered at once. Grasping his hand, she forced his attention to her. “Something’s wrong. What are you not saying?”

     Suddenly, a knock sounded at the door.

     “Olivia, dear, are you alright?” Mrs. Thompson called out, rattling the knob. Then, she pounded the door harder. “Why is the door locked? Olivia---can you hear me?”

     “You have to get out of here!” she whispered, frantic, and looked around the restroom wildly. The fear ran through her. “If Matt finds out that you’re here, he’ll hurt you.”

     “To hell with Addison,” he cursed, keeping his voice low, and the anger seized his handsome features. “I’m not afraid of him. As a matter of fact, I’m salivating at the thought of putting a bullet right between his eyes. But, I’ll be damned if you’re going to get caught in the crossfire.”

     “Don’t be ridiculous! Everyone here---they’re his friends and associates. You can’t go against Matt alone. A one-man army only works in the movies!” she hissed, slapping his chest. “Your words are crazy.”

     “Trust me, sweetheart, I’m always one step ahead,” he winked devilishly. “I’m not alone---I do have backup. They’re damned good at what they do.”

     The surprise registered across her face. “Who?”

     “Olivia---what’s going on in there?” Mrs. Thompson demanded again. “Open this door at once!”     

     “Hide!” she said quickly, shoving against his chest hard, but it was like barreling into a brick wall. She grasped his waist between her small hands. “Please…hide…If you love me, you’d do it.” The tears glistened in her eyes. “I can’t stand the thought of anyone hurting you. Please.”

    “No one is going to hurt me. And I do love you,” he replied, and the truth shone in his green eyes. “Whatever it takes to make you happy---”

    “Well, I’m asking you to do that now,” she said with a hint of desperation. “Keeping you safe is the only thing that’ll make me happy.”         

     Mrs. Thompson pounded against the door again and concern played in her voice. “Olivia, let me help you. Open the door or I’m going to get Matt to break it down.”

     When she shoved him towards the closet this time, he didn’t resist. Within seconds, she’d forced the door closed on his lean frame.

     Rushing to the sink, she slapped more water across her face, making herself even that more haggard looking. To add an extra effect, she mussed her hair even more.

     “This is the show of your life,” she whispered to her reflection in the mirror, and then stepped away. Moaning deeply, holding onto her abdomen, she stumbled towards the door.

     “Olivia!” Mrs. Thompson shouted, giving another fierce pound against the door. “That’s it; I’m going to get Matt---”

     She wrenched the door open.

     “No,” she moaned, leaning against the door, and opened it wide. “Please, don’t get Matt. I fear that I’ve taken ill.”

     “Oh dear, you look horrible!” Mrs. Thompson exclaimed, moving into the restroom, and cradled her arm along her shoulder loosely. “While you do look a fright, there’s certainly no reason to lock yourself in.”

     “It’s our engagement party,” she hiccupped purposely, and then groaned again as if in pain. “I don’t want Matt or anyone else to see me like this.” Leaning against the woman, she gagged as if she were going to vomit. “I feel like I’m going to wretch all over the place. I think that I’ve caught a virus or something.”

     As if burned, Mrs. Thompson pulled free with an embarrassed flush. “Well, we, uh, certainly don’t want everyone here to become sick, especially if it’s catchy.”

     She looked at the woman, and she had to suppress a giggle at her expression. Groaning again, she doubled over, and her long dark dresses hid her amusement. But, still, a pang of guilt racked through her for the Mrs. Thompson had been nothing but kind.

     A knock pounded on the restroom door.

     “What in the hell is going on in there?” Matt demanded. “Olivia, you’ve been in there far too long, damn it. I’m looking like a fool out here with no bride- to-be.”

     At the sound of Matt’s voice, her humor fled, sending her thoughts to the closet where Jarrod was hidden.

     “Please, Mrs. Thompson, help me. I don’t want him to see me this way,” she pleaded, grasping the woman’s warm hand in hers. “Please.”

     Mrs. Thompson patted her hand. “Don’t worry, dear. I’ll take care of everything.” Wrapping an arm around her waist, she held her up. “I’m certain that I can fix this so the party can go on. Let me handle this.”

     “Olivia---you stupid cunt---” Matt began, wrenching the door open, and then flushed red upon seeing Mrs. Thompson. “I’m sorry, Lillian. I didn’t know that you were there.”

     “No wonder the poor girl is sick---dealing with your crude behavior and insufferable manners,” Mrs. Thompson scolded with a frown, holding her limp form up, and her face turned redder. “And certainly the language that you’re using is totally unacceptable, you stupid chap! You may have my husband fooled, but I’m not!”

     “Good thing that you know your place with him, then, isn’t it, Lillian. When money is exchanged from hand to hand, you’re not even an issue,” Matt sneered, giving the woman a dismissive look. Then, he looked at her. “As for you, my
fiancée---damn woman, what happened to you? You look like hell.”

     As she looked at him, it took everything to fight back her open hatred. But, she couldn’t fail Jarrod…

“I think that I’m coming down with something. The caviar, shrimp cocktail, and all this liquor---it’s not setting well with my stomach,” she groaned, pretending to heave again, and looked at him innocently. “I need to lie down---I don’t think that I can hold up.”

     “For pity’s sake, Olivia, we can’t leave,” Matt muttered, aghast, turning in a full circle, and then moved to stand before the first stall, only a few feet away from the closet. “The engagement party will go on into the late hours. There are a lot of associates here tonight that are interested in dealing business. Father will be arriving soon, and he won’t be pleased with these developments.” He cursed again. “But, I can’t have you walking and prancing around down there looking haggard as all shit and puking all over the place. We do have a reputation to uphold.” Frowning, he sauntered towards a stall. “Hope you had the good sense to clean up after yourself.”

     As Matt moved inside the stall, her eyes darted towards the closet.

…she fretted inwardly.

     “I have just the solution,” Mrs. Thompson interrupted, pursing her lips together, pulling her along with her as she faced Marc. “John and I rented a suite for our son and his wife. Unfortunately, we received news shortly ago, that they couldn’t make the trip to Atlanta. There’s no reason for the room to go to waste. Olivia can rest up, and you can handle business matters along with your father. Problem solved.” Still holding her up, the woman fished around in the small frilly purse hanging on her shoulder. She waved the key card in the air. “I already have the key to Suite 1134, so I’ll see that she makes it safely to the room.”

BOOK: The Darkest Danger (Shattered Series Book 2)
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