The Darkest Danger (Shattered Series Book 2) (8 page)

BOOK: The Darkest Danger (Shattered Series Book 2)
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     “No point in waiting any longer. I’ll be just the diversion that you need to get out of here. Wait ten minutes before you begin the move,” Jarrod muttered, tensing further, and extracted his weapon. Once more, with ease and precision, he made sure that the small pistol was fully loaded before returning it to his waistband. Ignoring her full-pointed look, he addressed Frank T. again. “The old shack on Miller’s Pond is the drop-off point. I’ll meet you there. If I’m not there in an hour, you know to move on.”

     “Surely, you don’t intend on confronting Matt and his father,” she asked, aghast, but the fear overshadowed her anger. “Are you that eager to sign your death warrant---”

     His eyes blazed with fire. “And are you doubting my abilities to handle this situation?” he snapped, releasing a hard breath. “Thanks for the vote of confidence---”

     “Don’t be ridiculous, and stop putting words in my mouth,” she argued, shooting him a fiery look. “You know that I trust your abilities in handling anything. But, what you’re about to do now is dangerous and reckless.”

     “By now, you should know that I don’t always live and play by the book, sweetheart,” he retorted sharply. “I’m not about to start now.”

      “Well, maybe it’s about time that you do!” she shouted, now on the verge of losing her temper. “All of this impulsiveness and recklessness, where has it gotten you?”

     “I think that I’ll just get out of the way…” Frank muttered, stepping back, but neither of them attended to him. “And let you two have some space.”

     “Some things never change with you. Is this the way that it’s always going to be between us? Control is what it’s about with you, isn’t it, Jarrod?” she fired back, stopping before him. “You make all the damn decisions in this relationship and I’m just supposed to follow them, right? Well, I say enough with that, Jarrod. We’re in this together. When it’s time to make hard and costly decisions, we do it together. So, now with this…if you stay, I stay. If I go, you go.” The sight of his stony features only spurred her on. “Is this your genius plan, getting yourself killed? Meghan has already lost her mother. While you couldn’t control what happened to her, you can control what happens to you!”

     “That’s where you’re wrong,” he bit back, and anger flared in his green orbs. Yet, so many other emotions played across his face. “If I’d been more in control back then, she’d be alive right now!” Then, as if disgusted with himself, he faced Frank again. “Get her out of here.”

     “Jarrod,” she murmured tearfully, reaching out to him, but he evaded her touch. “Please…wait…”

     Without a further word, he walked to the door.

     As his hand closed on the doorknob, it seemed that he paused.

     “Jarrod,” she whispered again, watching his rigid form from across the room. “Please, don’t do this---don’t go. It’s too dangerous.” Her words caught on a broken sob. “If you die and leave me, I’ll never forgive you.”

     Still, though, he didn’t turn around.

     Didn’t speak…

    The silence roared in her ears.

     A profound second marked away another moment in time. Then, his heartbreaking words were enough to shatter her. “If I have to die to protect you and Meghan, it’s a risk that I’m willing to take. I will not, and let me repeat, will not allow anyone to hurt either of you,” he spoke clearly, and so much emotion played in his voice. “I love you.”

     As the door closed behind him, she wept.




     A mixture of an upbeat, pop tune from the playing orchestra and scattered voices greeted him as the elevator doors opened on the 4
floor. Stepping off, Jarrod took in the milling crowd that spilled across the massive-sized ballroom.

     Several feet away, on the other side of the room, he spied Marc’s tall, lithe form among the mass. Being the consummate spy that he was, Marc passed a quick, surreptitious glance in his direction, and easily caught his subtle nod towards the balcony.

     Only an amorous couple relished the offerings of the summer night, Jarrod noted, seconds later, resting at the railing only a short distance away from them. Though they stood within the shadows, it did little to disguise their scandalous embrace. Finally, noticing him, they jumped apart, and then flustered, they scurried back inside.

     A moment later, Marc stood alongside him.

     “The others?” he asked tightly.

     “They’re everywhere along the perimeter, ready and waiting,” Marc added, and tension exuded from him as well. “Just waiting on our signal.”

     “Addison’s downfall---the beginning of an ultimate finale,” he suggested lowly, tracking the minimal stars that speckled the night sky, and wondered if a wish awaited him among their starry presence. “Time to make our move. Olivia is with Frank, so she’s in good hands.” He released a deep sigh. “One day, she’ll understand my reasoning behind this.”

     “I’m guessing that she’s not too keen on our confronting Addison.”

     “No, she’s not, and I hate that I’m disappointing her, yet again,” he admitted, then shook his head. “But, we can’t focus on that right now. Getting Olivia out of here safely is our only M.O. tonight. So, let’s do it.”

     As they entered the ballroom, they separated again.

     However, now, rather than hanging along the shadowy fringes of the ballroom, they boldly made their presence known. As he enmeshed within the crowd, he began noticing a few familiar faces, and they reddened upon seeing his. Apparently, there were some who were knowledgeable of the discord between him and Addison, he deduced, passing the crowd of businessmen a tight smile.

     But, as the master of the ceremonies made way to the stage, his attention turned from them. Evidently, he was about to make congratulatory remarks or some other announcement.

Perfect timing
, he mulled, facing the stage along with the other guests.

For he would be the hell that broke loose…

     “Ladies and gentleman, once again, thank you all for being here tonight---to celebrate the future union of Matthew Bran Addison and Olivia Frances Lange,” the grand master proclaimed into the mike. “And now, the man of the hour would like to share his own thanks and words of wisdom to you all. Here he is, ladies and gentleman, Matthew Addison.”

     The applause erupted in the room.

     As his nemesis strode across the stage, he felt the bile rise to his throat.

     Or rather, it was his naked hatred.

     Jarrod pushed his way through the crowd, making way closer to the stage. Still, he hung back when nearing the front, finally deciding to stand along the human-made third row. A quick, subtle glance around the crowd showed that support was close by.

     Tensing, he turned his attention back to the stage.

     “Friends and family,” Matt said into the mike, raising the champagne glass in a toast. “I’m more than honored that you are celebrating such a joyous occasion with me. Tonight marks a new chapter, a different beginning, and it’s one that I’ve been eager to embark on for a long time.”

New chapter, my ass
, Jarrod mulled sullenly, frowning against the applause in the grand ballroom.

     “Thank you,” Matt said with a phony smile, waiting for the applause to die out. When it did, he spoke again. “As with any great romance, it’s been a long road that brought us here. My relationship with Olivia is…. I’d guess that you could say that it’s rather unconventional. I suppose that events like those of tonight only highlight that statement. At the moment, my bride-to-be is temporarily on the outs. It saddens me to say that Olivia has taken ill this evening, so she’s in a room upstairs resting. Hopefully, once she’s restored, she’ll be able to return to the festivities. That’s Olivia for you---always messing things up at the wrong time.” He gave an uncomfortable laugh. “What’s that old adage about in sickness and health? I suppose that you could say that’s we’re putting that into play already, aren’t we folks?”

     As intended, the words evoked laughter from the crowd.

     “Like I said before, this is a new beginning for Olivia and me,” Matt droned on. “And never again will anything put our relationship asunder---”

     “Except me, you son-of-a-bitch,” Jarrod said coldly, pushing his way through the crowd, finally revealing his presence. Now, he stood before the stage, and behind him, he could hear the surprised gasps and murmurs from the crowd. “It’ll be a cold day in hell before I allow this marriage to happen.”

     The whispers and words among the crowd ran wild.

     “Sabatino?” Stunned, Matt stared down at him, and then anger played across his face. “What the fuck---”

fucked,” he warned coldly, pointing a finger at him. “For every bit of pain and suffering that you’ve caused Olivia, I’m going to return it ten-fold. And the threats that you’ve been making against my little girl---for that alone, I’ll destroy you, you sick bastard.” A dangerous smile curved his lips. “And if you want to get rid of me, you better come up with something better than a few dredged up kidnapping charges.”

     In a fit of rage, Matt hurled the champagne glass at him before hurrying towards the exit stairs. Now, he no longer resembled the clean-cut businessman, but the crazed monster that he was. At the bottom of the stairs, his own crew awaited him and they surrounded him instantly. With intent, they all marched towards him.

     Smiling coldly, he stood his ground.

     Marc and seven others emerged from the massive crowd, and moved to his side. Together, they stood silently, forming a solid united front.

     A dangerous excitement brewed.

     The crowd converged again, forming a huge mass, and surrounded the entire room.

     And that left them center stage, he mulled darkly, watching as they approached, and it was just what he wanted.

     “Well, well, well,” Matt muttered, stopping before him. A look of distaste passed over his face. “Look what the cat drug in from that little hell-hole cell in the Canyon Islands. I would say that I was happy to see you, but it’d be a lie.”

     “Noted,” he replied dryly, then gave a humorless laugh. “I have to hand it to you, Junior. You know how to throw one hell of an engagement party. The food and wine are great. Too bad you and the rest of your company here suck. I guess like life, nothing’s perfect. Still, it’s one helluva party.” He arched an arrogant brow. “I hope that my little impromptu announcement didn’t put a damper on things.”

     “Of course, that was your intent, you son-of-a-bitch,” Matt snapped, clenching his teeth. “Humiliation isn’t enough for you, is it, Sabatino? No, you have to bait and goad---”

     “Nothing will ever be enough,” he raged in return. “For all the damage that you’ve caused to my family, there is no justifiable retribution until you’re bleeding red.”

     His words elicited more gasps and murmurs from the burgeoning crowd.

     “Is that a threat?” Matt snarled, baring his teeth.

     “I don’t make threats. But, I do live by the promises that I make,” he said icily. “By the time all of this is over, you’ll have nothing.”

     “You’re crazy---you’re mad!” Matt shouted. “Take a look around, bitch. You’re outnumbered. Right now, I could kill you dead, and no one could stop me.”

     And those were the words he needed, he mulled, feeling the venom rise in him.

     “Like you murdered my wife and son in cold blood?” he bit back, finally to delivering his deathly verbal blow. “And let’s not dismiss the torture that you inflicted on them before their deaths---”

     Chaos ensued from the crowd.

     Both words of surprise and disbelief echoed.

     “All you have are words and no proof. Those facts practically denounce anything that you have to say. Everyone else get out!” Matt yelled, crazed, whirling in a full circle, and took in the gaping crowd. When they didn’t move, he released another round of violent expletives. “You heard what I said, get the fuck out!”

     The crowd went wild as they dispersed in all directions, some of them even falling as they made speedy departures. Just when the band members had left, it was anyone’s guess, especially since only the instruments obliterated the stage.

     Although the grand ballroom wasn’t vacant of all the guests, Matt’s goons drew their weapons, and so did his own backup. A scream rent out as the few remaining guests fled.

     But, he was ready as well, he mulled darkly, aiming the pistol straight at Matt’s chest.

Their violent confrontation was long overdue.

     “Alright, Sabatino, don’t do anything rash,” Marc warned, staring at the barrel of the gun. “You don’t want to do this.”

     “Shut the fuck up,” he snapped. “There’s only one thing that I want from you. Where’s the bogus evidence that you’ve been using to blackmail Olivia? I want it.”

     “You’ve got to be kidding me,” Marc scoffed, and his eyes widened in disbelief. “Do you actually believe that I’m just going to hand it over to you? Your ego is even more inflated than I originally believed.”

BOOK: The Darkest Danger (Shattered Series Book 2)
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