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Authors: Louisa Neil

The Stagers (3 page)

BOOK: The Stagers
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Van refused to answer. Instead, he pulled his pants up to his hips and moved to Lyle’s desk, pulling several tissues from the box. After tossing away the used condom and wiping the remnants of his orgasm, he righted himself inside his pants.

“When I fuck Farrin, I’ll be thinking about her.” Heading toward the door, he reached a hand to help Lyle from the bolts of cloth they’d used as a make shift prop. “And you should know better than to ask me a question like that.”

“I know, and I’m not jealous,” he said a bit too quickly. Lyle rummaged around his office, first cleaning his belly of their loads and then pulling on his pants and shoes.

“Are we done here, now?” Van asked, his hand on the doorknob. He paused and walked back beside Lyle and kissed his forehead then tussled his hair. “See you tomorrow evening when the house is finished.”

“It’s the best offer I’m going to get, so I’ll take it.”

“Later, Lyle.”

“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, Van.” The men held each other’s glances for just a second before they both started laughing.

“Now that leaves me a wide field to play!” Van winked at Lyle and unlocked the office door. “Later,” he said and left.

Farrin couldn’t get Van’s words out of her mind.
When I fuck Farrin, I’ll be thinking about her.
Now she was totally confused. Watching the two men together had been the hottest act she’d ever witnessed. She also assumed that meant Van and Lyle were both into men. Now she understood they enjoyed both sexes. The concept that Van thought about doing her left her hotter than when she started watching them. Her pussy went moist again, and she shifted in her jeans to get the seam positioned between her lips, tugging against her with each move and step.

She’d been attracted to Lyle when they first met but understood he was her boss, and this was a business arrangement. Van fell in the same category. Now she knew they were both thinking about doing her, and she wanted to do them, too.

For a long time, she’d been shut down, emotionally and physically. Well, today these men opened the door to her long-dead sexual side. Could she have them as lovers and still keep her job? Did she want the job or the men more? She managed to get through the rest of the day in a semi-fog of lust and need.

Chapter Four

The setup of the empty house went according to her plan. Farrin was polite yet firm with the crew who moved in the furniture and helped set up the empty home. Long after the crew left, she was still there, arranging a vase, shifting a carpet runner in the hallway. Mainly, she was just making sure it was perfect. This was the first time she staged for Van and knew it had to be perfect if she wanted to continue working with Lyle and, in turn, for Van. She had just turned on the outside deck lights when she heard a vehicle drive up.

Farrin thought back to the fantasy she’d dreamed up last night. Since seeing Van with Lyle, she couldn’t get the image out of her mind. And she couldn’t forget how long and thick Van’s cock looked. She’d spent all last night lying on her bed with a dildo in hand and pussy, wondering what he’d feel like inside her.

She pictured herself wearing a gauzy white blouse with a lacy black bra under it. Black linen slacks that hugged her hips and thighs, with four-inch sling back pumps completed her look. Her hair was twisted haphazardly at the nap of her neck instead of manicured to perfection. This had to be a fantasy. She never wore heels to work. Tonight, she didn’t let that mar the dream.

Van was leaning against the kitchen counter watching her arrive, watching every step she took, every breath. He nodded hello and moved into the great room, leaning on the back of the silver leather sofa. His arms were crossed in front of his belly as he appraised her. She tried to be coy but knew the hot embarrassment of letting him focus on her showed on her neck and cheeks. Glancing directly at
him, she noted he gave his cock a quick tug, as if to resettle it in his pants.

It got harder against his thigh. She stood transfixed as he grasped it a second time and pumped it. Farrin wet her lips with her tongue and wondered what he’d taste like, how he’d smell. Would he’d warn her before coming down her throat?

She spun on her heel and leaned across the kitchen sink, pretending to open the window. The position left her resting over the counter, her butt high in the air. She wanted him to move behind her and fondle her a bit before tearing down her pants and pushing his cock inside her. That was when she started sucking on the dildo, letting her own finger penetrate her wet pussy. After a while, he’d drop behind her and lick her from pussy to anus, just before he sunk his cock deep in her ass.

She welcomed the sting she knew would turn to need and pushed the dildo in her pussy. Farrin used one hand to push and pull the toy within her walls while sucking on her index finger. Rolling on her side, she slipped her finger in her own anus.

She came immediately, her eyes closed, the image of Van straddling her, making her come. That was how she’d fallen asleep last night and woke this morning, the murky image still on her mind.

In the shower, she’d used a soft wash cloth to relieve her sexual tension, figuring her mind would clear. It didn’t help. Suddenly, she was hot for Van Hildrith. He was a total stranger who she’d watch fuck her boss, Lyle. That was another image she couldn’t get out of her mind.

She pictured herself as the teacher with Van and Lyle as her naughty boys, needing her hand to their asses to teach them a lesson. As their nurse, she would tend to the two men as only a concerned nurse could. That was when the third image crossed her mind. They’d start out with each man adoring her body, fucking her until she’d come. Then she’d let Lyle fuck her, and Van would fuck Lyle at the same time. With each push into Lyle’s butt, he’d push deeper inside her. In a strange way, she’d still be getting fucked by Van. Never in her life had she thought this way. Moving to Florida had triggered something long buried inside her.

It was a muddle inside her, but she had to pull it together for work’s sake.

She was anxious. Not about the design, but about being close to Van Hildrith. She knew he could make or break her career. If she didn’t impress him, she might as well move to another city or state. After yesterday’s performance, her mind was working overtime in a different direction. Sex. After watching the two men fuck, she couldn’t get Van’s cock out of her mind. He was long and thick. Each time he withdrew from Lyle, she’d licked her lips. This was not the time for fantasy. It was time to impress the man who would make or break her new career.

He entered quietly, surveying the newly furnished home around him. He nodded a hello, and she gave him a smile, letting him wander to see her work. Usually, she would walk the staged rooms with the owner or builder and explain her ideas. Tonight, she let him wander. Just when her nerves started to frazzle, he returned to the kitchen where she waited, leaning against a counter.

“Well, did I pass your inspection?” She was usually blunt, usually when she shouldn’t be. Her ex always told her she had no finesse. She preferred to bypass the bullshit and get the work done.

“Actually, yes. I am impressed. Your vision with the living room was dead on, and the crystal does shimmer in that dead corner.” He gave her an appraising look, top to bottom. She wanted to fidget to tuck in her shirt and smooth back her hair but held still.

“Anything you’d like changed?” Her voice cracked when she spoke, and she felt a heat chase up her neck and cheeks.

“Only the light bulbs in the second bath upstairs. Two blew out when I hit the switch.”

“No problem, I have spares in my truck.” She hesitated but asked, “Do you think it’s an electrical short or just bad bulbs? They were all replaced this morning.”

“Let’s hope it’s a bad batch of bulbs, but I’ll send the electrician back first thing tomorrow morning to test the circuit. If it needs to be fixed, he can get it done before the open house.”

“All right, that sounds like a plan.” Silence, dead silence ran between them. She openly stared at him. He was a handsome man. In his mid forties, in good shape, with just a hint of grey at his temples. His green eyes watched her just as closely. ‘Trouble’ was the one word that kept running through her mind.’ ‘Cock’ was the second.

“Well, if we’re done here, I’m heading home.” She went to the front entrance where she’d dropped her purse and computer. “Are you staying?” she asked, her hand reaching for the light switches.

“No, go ahead and shut down the house.” She waited until he passed her and shut off the remaining indoor lights. Van waiting outside the front door made her anxious, and she had trouble getting the key in the lock. It didn’t help that she could see Van holding back a smirk on his lips at her embarrassment.

“See ya,” she managed and all but bolted to her truck. She noted Van waited until she started her engine and was ready to leave before he drove away.

Strange, very strange, she thought to herself. Now there’s a man who could make me melt inside. Hell, she was hot and bothered now, just spending a few minutes with him. At home, she showered and tried to watch television, but nothing held her interest. With a sigh of disgust, she reached into her nightstand drawer and pulled out her dependable vibrator. It seemed she was doomed to a second night of self satisfaction.

Farrin turned the television to a music station, one with a sultry, Latin beat, and began sucking the plastic phallus. Her left hand dropped to her pussy and rubbed it in small circles. With her eyes closed, she imagined it was Van Hildrith’s cock she sucked. She imagined he’d be long and thick, pulsing between her lips. When the toy was slick, she slipped it between her pussy lips, pushing in and pulling out in rhythm to the music. She had a small orgasm but wasn’t satisfied. With a groan, she pulled the toy from inside her and tossed it beside her on the bed. “Damn,” she said aloud, “there’s no replacing the real thing.” With a sigh, she punched at her pillows and snuggled down, letting her mind wander to what he might actually be like as a lover.

Farrin knew it could be detrimental to her career if she made a play for Van, and right now, she needed to become established.

Chapter Five

The open house for the realtors had been a success. Arriving late in the afternoon, Van and Lyle sipped cold beers at the kitchen counter.

“Hi, how did it go?” she asked in general, helping herself to a bottle of water from the fridge.

“Great from my perspective,” Van told her.

“You are the queen of design,” Lyle teased her.

“Thank you, kind sir. Now really, what was the general consensus?”

“The staging did its job. I don’t think it will take long to sell. Although most of the realtors felt setting up the downstairs as a pool room would show better.” Van leaned back against the sink counter and watched her and Lyle openly. After several tense seconds, Lyle started to laugh.

“You were right, Farrin. We should have put in a pool table instead of the ping pong table.”

“But it was so much easier to move.” She didn’t hold back the laugh filtering through her lips.

“My error. I’ll have the crew bring one tomorrow morning. Can you be here to oversee the installation?”

“Of course, but not until after eight.”

“Not a problem. By the time they load the truck and get it here, eight will be fine.” Lyle gave the kitchen one last glance and stood tall. “I’m out of here. Nina is waiting for me.”

“And we wouldn’t want to keep Nina waiting,” Van teased Lyle.

“Hey, think what you want. At least I’ll get laid tonight.” He gave them both a self-satisfied smile and headed toward the front door. “See ya,” he hollered back, almost as an afterthought.

“I’m done here, too. Come on, I’ll walk you out. I’ll lock up the back doors. Will you check the sliders out to the patio?”

“Sure,” she managed, suddenly nervous about being alone with Van. She headed down to the lower level, shut down lights, and checked the sliding doors.

He could be trouble, she told herself again. But it had been a long time since she’d gotten into trouble. Upstairs, Van waited for her to return, locking up the house when they were both outside. He walked beside her to her vehicle.

“You did a good job, Farrin. I’m impressed.”

“Thank you, Van. I appreciate the compliment.”

“Then here’s another.” She waited while he scanned her from head to toe and added, “I don’t do commitments, but if you’re interested, I wouldn’t mind spending…quality time with you if you’re in the mood.”

Farrin was dumbfounded and speechless at first. “Well, why not just put it out there and see my reaction.”

“I’m too old to play games. I’m interested. If you are, we can explore the attraction. As long as you accept you’ll never be permanent.”

“And what affect would being in a sexual relationship with you have on my work future?” She let her leather purse slide to the ground beside her, dropping to sit on the back bumper of her truck. “I admit you’re a handsome guy, a bit too self assured and arrogant, but I suppose you’ve earned that. And I’ll admit you make me think about things I haven’t in a long time, but career wise…?”

“Work and play are two different areas. I don’t mix them. We can enjoy a physical relationship for as long as it lasts, as long as you know it won’t be permanent. As for work, I can keep them separate in my mind.”

“As long as I remember you hold all the cards, so to speak.” He nodded in agreement. “Does that mean in bed and out or just with work?” She didn’t hold back her smile.

“I’ve always been the alpha male, and I like the position. I won’t relinquish it. Can you accept that?”

“I suppose I’ll have to think about that.”

“You do that, and let me know.” Van stared at her a moment longer and leaned down, brushing his lips lightly across hers. Farrin stood and leaned up on her toes to reach him, her arm snaking around his neck. She kissed him full out, taking his mouth on a sensory ride of licks and tastes. She felt Van’s arm skim around her waist, tugging her closer to his body, holding her against his erection.

BOOK: The Stagers
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